Fantasma Parastasie
as people keep on saying 'lol noob can't sprone spam anymore lol get skills noob lol lol' and such, I was starting to wonder just how many of you actually understand what else the removal of quick movement does.
In 1.3, You go prone, and you can instantly shoot someone. Sure, there's a slight accuracy delay, but in cqc that doesn't matter. If you kill them, good. Job done. If you miss, you go crouch, then you jump, and you get the f*&@ out of there. If another enemy shows up just after you killed the first quickly jump for cover and recover your aim. Now, however, without the ability to stand up quickly, you will not be able to escape quickly. Was it completely unfair before 1.4? No, because if they were quick, they could kill you before you could escape. But you had a chance. You could move about quickly and easily. Now, however, said enemy stands a much, much larger chance of killing you before you can escape. Simply because you're stuck on the ground unable to fight back properly.

CQC combat has been ruined even more by:

-Your inability to quickly pop up and get down behind cover. (nades were the way to go for this, but still people tried to shoot you and died, which made them complain.)
-Your inability to quickly go back round a corner if your attack goes wrong. (the equivalent of strafing around a corner in CS)
-Your ability to quickly reposition yourself.

In other words, it is now slow, lame, and extremely hard to beat more than one person at a time. In CS, your first two shots are pretty much fully accurate from a standing position. That way, a game without any odd movement is kept fast, fun, and with a high learning curve. Now, however, we still have to go prone, but cannot move around quickly enough. Thus, it's become static and boring.

It's not about my ability to be a flying pancake. I barely ever do that. It's simply free movement that has been nerfed resulting in an even more slow and boring infantry combat system.


A stabbing fatality
I totally agree. I'm not playing this game anymore. I've not done since the 25th, I was gonna play a bit yesterday and I didnt know the patch was out. I downloaded it, played 5 minutes and then quit in utter discust at whats happened to the game. That was after I spent 20 minutes getting the bloody thing to work.
Im still to play the games after downloading the patch but it's from the sounds of it alot of people are going to have to adapt how they play, myself included.
I didn't leap about or anything but if it takes longer to stand from prone then it will have a small effect.

Sarge I think you'll be able to play around it, but I'll get a idea how it is later when I play it.
Da Blooze
If they didn't fuck BF2 up royally why would anyone feel compelled to buy 2142?
i don't mind that it takes you long to get up... i actually love it that you can't just jump up and run..

ever tried wearing a frag vest, ammo belts and your gun and helmet? lie down and see how fast you jump up...

on the other hand, if they could make it so that all those jumping and firing couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, the game would be more realistic and fun...

otoh they should allow you to roll around when on the ground....
I knife Generals
+278|6845|Search Whore killing fields
Yeah so sarge hacks?
Perfect. Haven't played it yet Sarge, but I'm going to take your word for it.

I also think I'm going to go back to 1.12, back to the patch that the game was best in.
Well guess what you shouldnt have been one of the bunnyhopping/dolfing diving freaks in the earlier patches then you wouldnt have this problem you just suck cause you relied on those lame tactics to survive and now you pay the price and i have seen no difference in the movement actually i have seen improvements.
2nd post with you whineing about new patch i mean ffs man come on its not that bad adapt or go play CS.S like you said you where going to .Its a game ffs get over it play it or leave it nothing else to worry about .You know if this is the most important thing in your life to worry about i find you sick with all the shit going on in the world.

If you have problem with the patch whine @ EA forums not here with near enough the same crap you put in your 1st post about leaveing anyway.

/must slit wrist's cause players cant or wont adapt.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

as people keep on saying 'lol noob can't sprone spam anymore lol get skills noob lol lol' and such, I was starting to wonder just how many of you actually understand what else the removal of quick movement does.
In 1.3, You go prone, and you can instantly shoot someone. Sure, there's a slight accuracy delay, but in cqc that doesn't matter. If you kill them, good. Job done. If you miss, you go crouch, then you jump, and you get the f*&@ out of there. If another enemy shows up just after you killed the first quickly jump for cover and recover your aim. Now, however, without the ability to stand up quickly, you will not be able to escape quickly. Was it completely unfair before 1.4? No, because if they were quick, they could kill you before you could escape. But you had a chance. You could move about quickly and easily. Now, however, said enemy stands a much, much larger chance of killing you before you can escape. Simply because you're stuck on the ground unable to fight back properly.

CQC combat has been ruined even more by:

-Your inability to quickly pop up and get down behind cover. (nades were the way to go for this, but still people tried to shoot you and died, which made them complain.)
-Your inability to quickly go back round a corner if your attack goes wrong. (the equivalent of strafing around a corner in CS)
-Your ability to quickly reposition yourself.

In other words, it is now slow, lame, and extremely hard to beat more than one person at a time. In CS, your first two shots are pretty much fully accurate from a standing position. That way, a game without any odd movement is kept fast, fun, and with a high learning curve. Now, however, we still have to go prone, but cannot move around quickly enough. Thus, it's become static and boring.

It's not about my ability to be a flying pancake. I barely ever do that. It's simply free movement that has been nerfed resulting in an even more slow and boring infantry combat system.


that is exactly what i used the prone to crouch for. not for dolphin diving but for what you just explained right there. people think that others who say this delay sucks thinks that they just use it for dolphin diving. but i bet if you look at their stats more than half their time is in vehicles so they dont know what goes on in infantry battles. most people hear infantry battles and think of karkand and all the dolphin diving and bunny hopping but try play SF maps and youll see what infantry battles are as their is not as much spammers and such in SF. but ah the hell with BF2 its all about POE now

Last edited by Souljah (2006-09-06 03:54:05)


The#1Spot wrote:

Well guess what you shouldnt have been one of the bunnyhopping/dolfing diving freaks in the earlier patches then you wouldnt have this problem you just suck cause you relied on those lame tactics to survive and now you pay the price and i have seen no difference in the movement actually i have seen improvements.
as i dont prone spam, i will back u up. gw. give it to the dolphins!

SargeV1.4 wrote:

In other words, it is now slow, lame, and extremely hard to beat more than one person at a time. In CS, your first two shots are pretty much fully accurate from a standing position. That way, a game without any odd movement is kept fast, fun, and with a high learning curve. Now, however, we still have to go prone, but cannot move around quickly enough. Thus, it's become static and boring.
go play cs already... u said it in ur last post lol.
IMHO this patch is not so bad... at least SOMETHING has been fixed (thing never happened before).
...from the internet
acutally that was a very well posted opinion and i agree with you on it completely. however this is only one aspect of the game that has been ruined therefore i shall carry on playing the game. if it means i have to take my targets out at 200m rather than 2m then i will.

it is the death of cqc but not the death of the game.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6899|Reisterstown, MD

A stabbing fatality

DavidianCox wrote:

acutally that was a very well posted opinion and i agree with you on it completely. however this is only one aspect of the game that has been ruined therefore i shall carry on playing the game. if it means i have to take my targets out at 200m rather than 2m then i will.

it is the death of cqc but not the death of the game.
But CQC is what makes this game!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Very odd how I have not encountered any of these "problems". I can still go prone / unprone fast enough to flee from a frag and take cover. I think its just that you guys like complaining and exaggerating. The gameplay has been changed negligibly with 1.4 so StFU.

Ben>You wrote:

Perfect. Haven't played it yet Sarge, but I'm going to take your word for it.

I also think I'm going to go back to 1.12, back to the patch that the game was best in.
Thats where I'm at, and its great.
mooi gezegd man,
in english, nicely said,
-completely agree with sarge

-if you dont like karkand youre probably just a 10,000 hour jet pilot who thinks hes the stuff

im pretty new to bf2 so ill just get used to it instead of being a little bitch, because im coming over from cod2 and its... bad.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

as people keep on saying 'lol noob can't sprone spam anymore lol get skills noob lol lol' and such, I was starting to wonder just how many of you actually understand what else the removal of quick movement does.
In 1.3, You go prone, and you can instantly shoot someone. Sure, there's a slight accuracy delay, but in cqc that doesn't matter. If you kill them, good. Job done. If you miss, you go crouch, then you jump, and you get the f*&@ out of there. If another enemy shows up just after you killed the first quickly jump for cover and recover your aim. Now, however, without the ability to stand up quickly, you will not be able to escape quickly. Was it completely unfair before 1.4? No, because if they were quick, they could kill you before you could escape. But you had a chance. You could move about quickly and easily. Now, however, said enemy stands a much, much larger chance of killing you before you can escape. Simply because you're stuck on the ground unable to fight back properly.

CQC combat has been ruined even more by:

-Your inability to quickly pop up and get down behind cover. (nades were the way to go for this, but still people tried to shoot you and died, which made them complain.)
-Your inability to quickly go back round a corner if your attack goes wrong. (the equivalent of strafing around a corner in CS)
-Your ability to quickly reposition yourself.

In other words, it is now slow, lame, and extremely hard to beat more than one person at a time. In CS, your first two shots are pretty much fully accurate from a standing position. That way, a game without any odd movement is kept fast, fun, and with a high learning curve. Now, however, we still have to go prone, but cannot move around quickly enough. Thus, it's become static and boring.

It's not about my ability to be a flying pancake. I barely ever do that. It's simply free movement that has been nerfed resulting in an even more slow and boring infantry combat system.


Exactly, in a few weeks all the noobs will be crying because tanks and such will be even more powerful and control the battlefield even more. Have you ever played on Karkand and been hiding behind a wall because a tank was on the other side? Before this retarded patch it was np, just pull out good old AT and pop up and put one in him and reload and repeat. Now good luck, you can barely move, let alone be able to combat a piece of armor with AT on the ground. Same goes with heli's hide behind something for cover but wait now when u stand up to shoot the heli u have to wait 1 sec, 9 times out of 10 you will be dead before getting the missile off.  The problem is half the noobs in bf2 just like to complain that they cant do anything and keep getting owned, so rather then using a solid strategy or changing their current tactics they bitch on the EA forms and we get this garbage.  I will never understand why people have liked ANY of the patch's that have been released for this game, since day 1 they have added more bug and restricted the FUN and flow of the game. So plz guys who love this patch tell me why you love having to wait to shoot when you stand up? How does that make the game more fun or realistic? Ah well time to spend more time tank whoring and such, why spend time on the ground as inf when nothing in a tank has been changed since the begging.

V1.0 BF2 was by far the best, before the noobs could cry and have the game changed and before EA/Dice's ideas were poisoned by profits/morons.

Last edited by Canterwood (2006-09-06 06:52:40)

PR Only
+70|6952|United States - Illinois

Ben>You wrote:

Perfect. Haven't played it yet Sarge, but I'm going to take your word for it.

I also think I'm going to go back to 1.12, back to the patch that the game was best in.
[sound]baaaaa, baaaa[/sound]


Your like a walking talking DARE ad.  I do things cuz my friend tells me too.
I disagree. 1.4 is fine with me. This is the only problem I found though. It may have just been a 1 off.

Lukily i got the guy who placed the C4 so it meant i could get this shoot
+8|6793|Liverpool U.K
Sarge is making sense guys, stop talking shit about dolphin diving because you must have never really played it right in the first place !

1.5 bunny hoppers will be gone, 1.6  nobody will be able to move quick enough to avoid being killed, 1.7 64 man karkand server, 32 players waitng for the same tank tk,ing each other like fuck, 1.8 total bf2 servers 3, total players 3 !

Shove ya shitty patch up your arse you bunch of wankers !
BF2 still has many problems. Very few if any problems got fixed.

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