id take a dog so i could fuck it in the arse
Lots of gorgeous woman waiting for some banging
BigmacK wrote:
My bass.
I love you too![1FR]S3v3N wrote:
my Search and Rescue pack. Its got the following items:
First Aid Kit.
Rappelling Harness.
100 FT climbing rope with essiantal equipment.
K-BaR USMC issue Fighting knife
Ontario Knife Company ASEK Survival Knife with ParaCord Cutter
Springfield Armory XD .40SW with 4 Mags.
Fire starting equipment
Water Purification tablets
GoreTex Pants/Jacket
3 Nudie Magazines
spool of 10lb test fishing line
Poncho Liner
I would bring my friends wait on second thoughts thats not the great evil plan i thought it was. Some of them are right bitch's.
Ahhh...I got it I would bring the hot looking girlfriends and leave the mingers at home, that way one set of friends know that I think their girlfriend is hot and the I banged her while the other set will know that there girlfriend is not hot and i was more then happy to leave her with him
i love it when a plan comes together
Ahhh...I got it I would bring the hot looking girlfriends and leave the mingers at home, that way one set of friends know that I think their girlfriend is hot and the I banged her while the other set will know that there girlfriend is not hot and i was more then happy to leave her with him
i love it when a plan comes together
But MacGyver will need this.slash_clown wrote:
MacGyver FTW!!11Flaming_Maniac wrote:
By some of your "friends", they left you with plenty of food (not so great) and water and promise to pick you up in a month, but also give you the choice to have one thing on the island. What do you bring with you?
Personally I would probably bring "The Complete Farside", it's every Far Side comic ever published and more.
He would take that shity food, use it and a box of matches and a paper clip to build a boat. Then we sail back and kick my friends ass.

It don't include the alarm clock and USB memory stick though.
a boat with an engine and GPS navigation..... or a lamp with a genie in it..
So, at what moment in that did you wake up....Ubersturmbannfuhrer wrote:
A beautiful horny woman carrying one case of whiskey in one hand and and a case of "Karhu" Finnish beer in the other. Her pockets would be filled with cigarettes and ganja and she would tell me that her friends is coming to bring us home after a week with a huge Caribbean cruiser, where there is going to be a two week long BF2 LAN Cruise event where I will get back my one week lost points!!!!
SEMPER wrote:
id take a dog so i could fuck it in the arse
A condom LoL ... NAH ... A Medic Bag
Chuck Norris
hot chicks
AS 535 Cougar helicopter. Screw my friends, I'll just fly.