If I insert 'Chuck Norris' into any thread, it will automatically be funny. Especially if I just copied and pasted it from another forum or from one of those super awesome Chuck Norris fact websites/e-mails.
Every thread you go to on here, someones like 'OMG CHUCK NORRIS!1!!1!!'
Chuck Norris jokes are lamer than 'kthxbye.' They were kind of funny at first, but it's really getting played out. If you need a poster boy for bad ass' Kung Fu cowboy's, your man is Billy Jack. He'd totally slay Chuck.

Ok. Thanks. Goodbye!
Every thread you go to on here, someones like 'OMG CHUCK NORRIS!1!!1!!'
Chuck Norris jokes are lamer than 'kthxbye.' They were kind of funny at first, but it's really getting played out. If you need a poster boy for bad ass' Kung Fu cowboy's, your man is Billy Jack. He'd totally slay Chuck.

Ok. Thanks. Goodbye!