Hebrew National hot dogs.
Sure, Oscar Meyer makes a passable dog. All Beef Ballpark Franks are stout.
Still, all in all, there is something more than human, beyond comprehension, about a Heb. Visit a Major Leagu ballpark near you, wait for 20 minutes in the one Heb line there is, and feel the love of which I speak.
These dogs are apparently kosher, well up to the Big Man's standards of hygiene, and clearly there is some kind of spice or mojo or juju that is embedded in the Heb, that is beyond the Ecclesiastical understanding.
I have never tasted any Arab food, but am confident enough to say that here I sit, at 1:21 a.m. GMT -5, drunk as a skunk, waiting for my girlfriend to finsih her bath so I can saddle up, and I have just eaten a Heb and proclaim say without question that if this chow is indicative of the culture, they must bomb the shit out of Beirut and continue their clearly righteous culinary ways.
Jews 1
Arabs 0
Sure, Oscar Meyer makes a passable dog. All Beef Ballpark Franks are stout.
Still, all in all, there is something more than human, beyond comprehension, about a Heb. Visit a Major Leagu ballpark near you, wait for 20 minutes in the one Heb line there is, and feel the love of which I speak.
These dogs are apparently kosher, well up to the Big Man's standards of hygiene, and clearly there is some kind of spice or mojo or juju that is embedded in the Heb, that is beyond the Ecclesiastical understanding.
I have never tasted any Arab food, but am confident enough to say that here I sit, at 1:21 a.m. GMT -5, drunk as a skunk, waiting for my girlfriend to finsih her bath so I can saddle up, and I have just eaten a Heb and proclaim say without question that if this chow is indicative of the culture, they must bomb the shit out of Beirut and continue their clearly righteous culinary ways.
Jews 1
Arabs 0