vorner23 wrote:
All you gun owners are sheer bloody nuts.
And posts mentioning guns for kids, or I owned a gun when I was eight.... please be joking. Guns primary purpose is to shoot something and kill it. What the hell reason should a kid have a gun for? What's next ciggies, pot, maybe a bit of crack or a bear trap? Here timmy go play with this hand grenade!
The unfortunate thing is that some idiot can only hurt himself with crack, with a gun you can hurt anyone you like.
Another quote often used, I want it for home defence.... I mean honestly someone with a baseball bat scares the hell outta me, wtf would you need a fully automatic rifle to defend your home??!? Who's going to rob you? All of Canada??
Basically get rid of all guns before the gun culture, violence, street killings go so far out of control to not even warrant news items. You live in a city... YOU DO NOT NEED A GUN. There are no scary wilod animals to kill, only other people.
Guns aren't hard, they're the boost for the little ego. Knob jobs for the tiny. I don't expect gun nuts to realise bearing weapons as a right allows any bloody idiot to waltz around with a weapon that can kill in the blink of an eye. Personally living in the UK I'm happy guns are still relatively well controlled. I say relatively quite loosely but it mustn't get out of control.
Let the neg karma begin.
Allowing children to handle firearms at a young age (starting around 8 or so) is a good idea if you look at it the right way. 'owning' a gun at age 8 is misleading. Typically it is a firearm purchased by a parent for the purpose of the child's use (since 8yr old can't handle a big-bore rifle, they buy something small for the child). This firearm is used to teach the child how to use one, and more importantly, the rules of firearm safety. If a person is never introduced to firearms properly, they will not know what to do and what not to do. Accidents are less likely to happen when people are properly educated. This also takes the childlike curiousity away from firearms, and drills into their heads that they are NOT toys, therefore fewer accidents are likely to occur.
So far as living in a city, and therefore being safe from wild animals. I live in the largest city in Indiana, and i still see deer, bobcats, and coyotes(a wild dog, similar to a wolf, fyi) around my area. Not that i think i am in danger from them, but i have never seen more than one at a time. Alone, these animals are harmless to a full grown man, and typically scared by him. In a pack, however, coyotes will attack and kill a man for food, and you can not out run them, period. Another example is a friend of mine who grew up in Alaska, where the cities(all two of them) are frequented by Moose, Elk, and Grizzly Bears(a 10-15ft tall version of normal bears, and the toughest-to-kill land animal outside of Africa). Definitely need a gun in those cities.
Also, guns are difficult in their own right. Not as difficult as my 8yrs of martial arts training, but difficult nonetheless. And i chose to own/carry(legally) despite the fact I could stop/beat/kill/whatever most aggressors with my hands as quickly as i could draw and fire.
Guns are not responsible for street crime. Take away guns by law, and the law abiding will get rid of them, the criminals will keep them, or use something else (knife, bat, stick, rock, etc.) to do the crime, and they will be less fearful of their intended target, because they can be confident that the victim will be unable to defend themselves, since the victim obviously won't have a gun.
If a person with a baseball bat scares the hell outta you, take some defense classes(this is a suggestion, and in no way intended as an insult). No more than 12 months into my martial arts training and i could take a bat/knife/gun/whatever away from someone without personal injury, and then use it on them if necessary.
Last edited by Jaguar (2006-07-28 11:22:03)