Pusher of sausages Down Hallways

King_County_Downy wrote:

Almost everyone I know has guns and lots of them. Here's some of our guns:

My roomate just got an AR. I'm soooo jelous!!
Dude. Why the 'nade?

If some guy tries to steal your children or something... STOP HIM WITH GRENADES! ^-^
+2|6801|East Lansing Mi
Dude. Why the 'nade?

If some guy tries to steal your children or something... STOP HIM WITH GRENADES! ^-^
Least with only 1 grenade, he cant wall hack like in warlord as supply and grenade spam!
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7061|Houston, TX
Just another "chime in" from Texas.  Gun owner, Bow hunter, and I even have good teeth.

Not all of us have guns here. (This, in retrospect, is probably a good thing) 

For those of you from Houston or Dallas, you'd think it was mandatory to own one before driving on the loops. (or at least Houston Nascar, AKA Sam Houston Tollway)


Manowar wrote:

If you look at the 5-7 ammo, its wierd, the cassing and shell remind me of an old Coke bottle, yes when they were glass, you have tons of powder pushing something that is about .223 caliber.

Just as a note, the 5-7 uses the same ammo as the p90, also that caliber is the same as the m4/m16.
sorry man, but that is incorrect.  The P90 and FiveSeven both do use the same ammo, the 5.7x28mm.  The M4/M16 use 5.56x45mm ammo.  the difference being the amount of Powder behind the bullet, and the weight of the bullet. The 5.7 is a lighter slug, with less powder.  5.7 also allows for a smaller firearm, with greater control. 



*edit* to get images to show, and try to resize(failed)

Last edited by Jaguar (2006-07-28 09:32:15)

I have a SG 552 Commando and M9 Beretta... they are airsoft

elite wrote:

why do you guys think we have dam bad teeth.....your schools must really suck or your tv shows tell alot of bullshit
y do u think americans all have guns? ur schools must really suck or ur tv shows tell alot of bullshit
All you gun owners are sheer bloody nuts.

And posts mentioning guns for kids, or I owned a gun when I was eight.... please be joking. Guns primary purpose is to shoot something and kill it. What the hell reason should a kid have a gun for? What's next ciggies, pot, maybe a bit of crack or a bear trap? Here timmy go play with this hand grenade!

The unfortunate thing is that some idiot can only hurt himself with crack, with a gun you can hurt anyone you like.

Another quote often used, I want it for home defence.... I mean honestly someone with a baseball bat scares the hell outta me, wtf would you need a fully automatic rifle to defend your home??!? Who's going to rob you? All of Canada??

Basically get rid of all guns before the gun culture, violence, street killings go so far out of control to not even warrant news items. You live in a city... YOU DO NOT NEED A GUN. There are no scary wilod animals to kill, only other people.

Guns aren't hard, they're the boost for the little ego. Knob jobs for the tiny. I don't expect gun nuts to realise bearing weapons as a right allows any bloody idiot to waltz around with a weapon that can kill in the blink of an eye. Personally living in the UK I'm happy guns are still relatively well controlled. I say relatively quite loosely but it mustn't get out of control.

Let the neg karma begin.

Da Blooze

vorner23 wrote:

Another quote often used, I want it for home defence.... I mean honestly someone with a baseball bat scares the hell outta me, wtf would you need a fully automatic rifle to defend your home??!? Who's going to rob you? All of Canada??
Well, regardless of legality issues, criminals often find ways to procure firearms.  And if someone broke into my house, I would want to send a message a little stronger than a bat, just in case...I don't want to raise my Louisville Slugger just to hear a chuckle and a hammer cock.  I know in countries where firearms are VERY restricted, as in much of Europe, the chance of your intruder having a weapon is next to 0, but here in the U.S, even if our laws were changed to resemble those of, say, Britain, you would have tons (literally) of unaccounted for weapons that would still probably wind up in the hands of people up to no good.

Our forefathers wanted us to have guns, not just specifically for your own personal home defence, but for Home Defense on a grander scale: protection of the country, and protection of our ideals and way of life should the horrible circumstance arise in which our country's leadership tries to rob us of our entitled rights.  (I don't live in some militia bunker out in the woods, don't think I'm going all anti-establishment here...)

While the world has changed a little since the 18th century, guns symbolize protection and freedom to many, and owning a gun is just a reassurance that our freedoms have the chance to be immediately defended without having to wait for the authorities to show up.  It's ingrained into our culture throughout much of the country.

I came from a family with about 6 hunting rifles/shotguns and a pistol, and several of my friends have large handguns and assault-class rifles.  I'm not even particularly into hunting, nor do I carry a weapon, but knowing where they are and that they can be accessed if I ever were to actually need them is reassuring for some reason.

Plus they're fun as hell to shoot...just as practicing anything to get better gives a sense of accomplishment, improving your aim through target shooting feels rewarding and is a lot of fun.  The most fun I've had in a long time was spitting off Val Kilmer one-liners from "Tombstone" while shooting up some targets with a replica single-action .45 Peacemaker.

In a city, I would guess the rate of true gun ownership (not illegally procured firearms, mind you) is pretty low, but in the South, Midwest and mountainous regions of the West, I would not want to take up a hobby of breaking and entering.  Trust me, Farmer Bob probably will NOT hesitate to bust a cap in your ass, even if you're trying to jump out the door and run for it.
'twice cooked beef!'

vorner23 wrote:

All you gun owners are sheer bloody nuts.

And posts mentioning guns for kids, or I owned a gun when I was eight.... please be joking. Guns primary purpose is to shoot something and kill it. What the hell reason should a kid have a gun for? What's next ciggies, pot, maybe a bit of crack or a bear trap? Here timmy go play with this hand grenade!

The unfortunate thing is that some idiot can only hurt himself with crack, with a gun you can hurt anyone you like.

Another quote often used, I want it for home defence.... I mean honestly someone with a baseball bat scares the hell outta me, wtf would you need a fully automatic rifle to defend your home??!? Who's going to rob you? All of Canada??

Basically get rid of all guns before the gun culture, violence, street killings go so far out of control to not even warrant news items. You live in a city... YOU DO NOT NEED A GUN. There are no scary wilod animals to kill, only other people.

Guns aren't hard, they're the boost for the little ego. Knob jobs for the tiny. I don't expect gun nuts to realise bearing weapons as a right allows any bloody idiot to waltz around with a weapon that can kill in the blink of an eye. Personally living in the UK I'm happy guns are still relatively well controlled. I say relatively quite loosely but it mustn't get out of control.

Let the neg karma begin.

i like guns simply because i appreciate their mechanical precision. the last thing i want to do is get into a gun fight. if there was an armed robber in my house, i would still avoid using guns at all unless as a last resort [the robber tries to kill me]. no one wins in a gunfight, most likely you shoot each other.
And posts mentioning guns for kids, or I owned a gun when I was eight.... please be joking. Guns primary purpose is to shoot something and kill it. What the hell reason should a kid have a gun for? What's next ciggies, pot, maybe a bit of crack or a bear trap? Here timmy go play with this hand grenade!
What a rather closed minded view on the subject...

I own a 60 year old Swiss K31 Rifle. I use it for target shooting at the range. I have no intention of killing anything with it. I enjoy the challenge of hitting targets at long range with iron sights. Likewise, many other people do the same at ranges all over the United States, and many other countries. Having and understanding and respect of the firearm is the most important part of using one.

Someday I would have no problem teaching children of my own about firearms and firearm safety, and allowing them to join me at the range. Children who are taught proper firearm usage at a young age will respect them  aren't going to go on murderous rampages like the liberal nut bags want to you think.

And remember, almost all guns used in crimes are illegally owned.
+2,187|6884|Mountains of NC

vorner23 wrote:

All you gun owners are sheer bloody nuts.

And posts mentioning guns for kids, or I owned a gun when I was eight.... please be joking. Guns primary purpose is to shoot something and kill it. What the hell reason should a kid have a gun for? What's next ciggies, pot, maybe a bit of crack or a bear trap? Here timmy go play with this hand grenade!

The unfortunate thing is that some idiot can only hurt himself with crack, with a gun you can hurt anyone you like.

Another quote often used, I want it for home defence.... I mean honestly someone with a baseball bat scares the hell outta me, wtf would you need a fully automatic rifle to defend your home??!? Who's going to rob you? All of Canada??

Basically get rid of all guns before the gun culture, violence, street killings go so far out of control to not even warrant news items. You live in a city... YOU DO NOT NEED A GUN. There are no scary wilod animals to kill, only other people.

Guns aren't hard, they're the boost for the little ego. Knob jobs for the tiny. I don't expect gun nuts to realise bearing weapons as a right allows any bloody idiot to waltz around with a weapon that can kill in the blink of an eye. Personally living in the UK I'm happy guns are still relatively well controlled. I say relatively quite loosely but it mustn't get out of control.

Let the neg karma begin.

well to argue with this idiot would lower me to his level but after reading this I guess he would also want to ban cars since drunk drivers kill innoncent lives or let me guess its not the drunk driver its the car that shouldn't have plowed into the minvan

oh and if you havn't noticed the neg karma is turned off - I guess it shows how much you pay attention to the forums and gun related issues

Last edited by SEREMAKER (2006-07-28 11:00:43)
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6999|The Lou

Mongoose wrote:

ye australia and new zealand are the best countries in the world
lol, says an aussie, i think anyone can say there country is the best, but it may not be true because it depends on how you look at it.

i know people that have guns but they use it for hunting, i have a paintball gun, its sweet! i got that rocking trigger so its like leet and pwns n00bs. … -ELECTRA05

^^ pretty sweet? i think soo lol.

anyway, not everyone has guns, just depends on where you live.

vorner23 wrote:

All you gun owners are sheer bloody nuts.

And posts mentioning guns for kids, or I owned a gun when I was eight.... please be joking. Guns primary purpose is to shoot something and kill it. What the hell reason should a kid have a gun for? What's next ciggies, pot, maybe a bit of crack or a bear trap? Here timmy go play with this hand grenade!

The unfortunate thing is that some idiot can only hurt himself with crack, with a gun you can hurt anyone you like.

Another quote often used, I want it for home defence.... I mean honestly someone with a baseball bat scares the hell outta me, wtf would you need a fully automatic rifle to defend your home??!? Who's going to rob you? All of Canada??

Basically get rid of all guns before the gun culture, violence, street killings go so far out of control to not even warrant news items. You live in a city... YOU DO NOT NEED A GUN. There are no scary wilod animals to kill, only other people.

Guns aren't hard, they're the boost for the little ego. Knob jobs for the tiny. I don't expect gun nuts to realise bearing weapons as a right allows any bloody idiot to waltz around with a weapon that can kill in the blink of an eye. Personally living in the UK I'm happy guns are still relatively well controlled. I say relatively quite loosely but it mustn't get out of control.

Let the neg karma begin.

Allowing children to handle firearms at a young age (starting around 8 or so) is a good idea if you look at it the right way.  'owning' a gun at age 8 is misleading.  Typically it is a firearm purchased by a parent for the purpose of the child's use (since 8yr old can't handle a big-bore rifle, they buy something small for the child).  This firearm is used to teach the child how to use one, and more importantly, the rules of firearm safety.  If a person is never introduced to firearms properly, they will not know what to do and what not to do.  Accidents are less likely to happen when people are properly educated.  This also takes the childlike curiousity away from firearms, and drills into their heads that they are NOT toys, therefore fewer accidents are likely to occur.

So far as living in a city, and therefore being safe from wild animals.  I live in the largest city in Indiana, and i still see deer, bobcats, and coyotes(a wild dog, similar to a wolf, fyi) around my area.  Not that i think i am in danger from them, but i have never seen more than one at a time.  Alone, these animals are harmless to a full grown man, and typically scared by him.  In a pack, however, coyotes will attack and kill a man for food, and you can not out run them, period.  Another example is a friend of mine who grew up in Alaska, where the cities(all two of them) are frequented by Moose, Elk, and Grizzly Bears(a 10-15ft tall version of normal bears, and the toughest-to-kill land animal outside of Africa).  Definitely need a gun in those cities.

Also, guns are difficult in their own right.  Not as difficult as my 8yrs of martial arts training, but difficult nonetheless.  And i chose to own/carry(legally) despite the fact I could stop/beat/kill/whatever most aggressors with my hands as quickly as i could draw and fire. 

Guns are not responsible for street crime.  Take away guns by law, and the law abiding will get rid of them, the criminals will keep them, or use something else (knife, bat, stick, rock, etc.) to do the crime, and they will be less fearful of their intended target, because they can be confident that the victim will be unable to defend themselves, since the victim obviously won't have a gun. 

If a person with a baseball bat scares the hell outta you, take some defense classes(this is a suggestion, and in no way intended as an insult).  No more than 12 months into my martial arts training and i could take a bat/knife/gun/whatever away from someone without personal injury, and then use it on them if necessary.

Last edited by Jaguar (2006-07-28 11:22:03)

+2|6801|East Lansing Mi

Jaguar wrote:

sorry man, but that is incorrect.  The P90 and FiveSeven both do use the same ammo, the 5.7x28mm.  The M4/M16 use 5.56x45mm ammo.  the difference being the amount of Powder behind the bullet, and the weight of the bullet. The 5.7 is a lighter slug, with less powder.  5.7 also allows for a smaller firearm, with greater control.
Sorry I thought I edited that post to explain the more powerd of a larger cart and the rifle portion of the bullet.  meh bad, and honestly I did try to add that in.  (damn posting while at work)
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7033|Riva, MD

elite wrote:

why do you guys think we have dam bad teeth.....your schools must really suck or your tv shows tell alot of bullshit
Or you are the most British biased person on this site.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7033|Riva, MD

Krappyappy wrote:

i am a naturalized american citizen. you bet your ass that i'm going to take advantage of my right to own firearms. shooting guns is fun, it's a healthy way to relieve stress.

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

why ffs would any american shop sell russian weapons
because russian guns fucking own. you get the most bang for your buck. my first gun purchase will be a kalashnikov copy, probably a rumanian WASR.

here in the southeast, you must be 18 to buy a long gun, and 21 to buy a handgun. anyone without a criminal record may obtain a concealed weapons permit, which will allow you to carry the handgun on your person, or in your car.
Don't get the Romanian versions, they might be cheaper but I hear that they're also crappier made.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7033|Riva, MD

JG1567JG wrote:

G3|Genius wrote:

there are laws restricting how much ammunition you can keep in your magazine, and it's never as much as the magazine will hold, so there's no reason to get a bigger magazine.  You are required to keep plugs in your magazine to fill the empty space, so that if a game warden comes by you can show him that you are following the law.

I don't think anyone not in law enforcement can get a fully automatic weapon.
The laws on the number of rounds a mag can hold expired as a federal law when Clinton's cosmetic gun ban expired.  Any law limiting the number of rounds a mag can hold are state laws.  I have two 13+1 round mags for my Glock pistol and a 25+1 round mag for a .22 semi-auto rifle.  Here in Indiana you could put a 100 round drum on your AK-47 and go shooting at the range as long as the range didn't have rules against it.

As far a full-auto weapons, they are available legally with a FFl. (Federal Firearms License).  There are many gun clubs that have shoots with these guns.  There is an annual shoot in Knob Creek, Kentucky every year.  I have only seen video of this shoot and it was to say the least amazing.  They shoot all day and into the night.  Cars downrange have explosives in them so they blow up when they get shot up.  There was even a helo with a mounted MG shooting up the range.  The night shoot with all the tracers was just awesome.  You can even rent some guns and buy ammo to join in the fun.  I plan on going on vacation there sometime.  Also, some gun shops have indoor shooting ranges where you can rent full-auto MG's.  I know of one in Las Vegas and Indianapolis so I am sure there are many many more.

Just some info for the unknowing.
Those state laws really suck, mags holding over 10 rounds are illegal in Maryland.
+110|6904|United States of America
Why limit the number of rounds in a Mag.  It only takes 2-3 seconds for an untrained person to change a Mag.
Most handguns have drop free mags so you can be grabbing a new one as the empty drops free from the gun and have a full mag in in well under 2 seconds.  I just don't see the point.
+917|6934|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
My brother in law has an M4. I shot it once, but the bullets are RIDICULOUSLY expensive... for bullets that we're going to shoot at a coke can 100 meters away.

But, I dont have any.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
To answer your question, yes a large portion of law abiding americans do own firearms of some sort. Many people own large amounts of them because they enjoy shooting at the range and owning the latest and greatest, a bit like gamers and there computer hardware. That being said I have on premises 2 hand guns and a concealed carry license, a winchester defender that stays loaded at all times with a slug in the chamber and 000 buckshot behind it. And a mystery weapon for all the gun enthuiast out there to identify...

*Edit* as to your second question as you can see yes we can modify them to a large extent. I added the bayonet lug, added and modified the scope mount ( had to be filed to allow for smooth action ), knocked off the front sights and added the BSA red dot. The magazine is a 30 round. I have 2 - 30 rounds and 3 - 15 Round magazines for that paticular weapon. Oh and the targets to prove I can unload 30 rounds rapid fire at 25 yards while standing within a 8" group. Its hilarious because when you do something like that it draws attention at the range and pisses off the hunters who pay $10 to get on the range just to fire 3 rounds and leave. What can I say? I like to get my moneys worth. $25 for a bag of 100 reloads. Plus whatever else I have laying around the house...its nothing to put 200 rounds down range in less than 2 hours.

Last edited by Intheshadows (2006-07-28 14:02:05)


pfc_toecutter wrote:

King_County_Downy wrote:

Almost everyone I know has guns and lots of them. Here's some of our guns:
I'm afraid to ask what that thing is in the center of the looks like a bull ejaculator.  (Not that I'm experienced with that sort of thing.  I saw it on "Dirty Jobs")  But, really, what is it?
It's a 37mil

It's been drilled out, just looks cool.

The grenade is also just a novelty item. (If it was real, I would've blasted it off long ago )
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6947|New Hampshire, USA

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Do all americans have guns
Yes, happy?

No really, i only have BB, airsoft, and paintball guns.  No lethal guns... yet.

My friends though are alot more fourtunate than me, though.  One of them has 3 shot guns, one being 12 guage (his dad is a prision guard), a few pistols, and an authentic WWII mauser Kar98 i think it is.  He has ammo for the Mauser too.

One of my other friend's dad is an instructor at a rifle range.  Needless to say they have more guns than the local armory.  Among these are not just rifles and hunting guns, but SMG's and Assault riifles too.  This guy was also in the special forces during Vietnam may i add.

So yeah, we basically all do, get over it, its fun.  Make yourself happy and go buy a gun.

Edit:  Ty downy for finding my ignorance

Last edited by -=]NS[=-Eagle (2006-07-28 14:38:20)

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Do all americans have guns
Yes, happy?

No really, i only have BB, airsoft, and paintball guns.  No lethal guns... yet.

My friends though are alot more fourtunate than me, though.  One of them has 3 shot guns, one being 12 guage.
There, fixed that for ya
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
'twice cooked beef!'

_j5689_ wrote:

Krappyappy wrote:

because russian guns fucking own. you get the most bang for your buck. my first gun purchase will be a kalashnikov copy, probably a rumanian WASR.
Don't get the Romanian versions, they might be cheaper but I hear that they're also crappier made.
I took my AK-47 WASR-10 out today and ran 80 rounds through it without a jam. A guy had me try his ammo to see why his $800 American milled AK kept jamming and my Wasr ran through it like it was nothing, so he was annoyed when he found out I paid less than half what he did.
I bought my Romanian AK about a year ago for $300 with the standard stock and pistol grip. It shoots extremely accurately, and after shooting about 2,000 rounds through it, I have not experienced any problems with it. Fun to shoot, and for a semi-auto it shoots fast with good trigger response.

Last edited by Krappyappy (2006-07-28 14:24:00)

+24|6901|in a small dark place

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

pure_beef_69 wrote:

and how much are they for maybe a pistol or an AK?
why ffs would any american shop sell russian weapons
cause the ak47 is one of the most reliable guns ever produced.
it can handle being underwater,jammed with sound and will take your fucking head off mother fucker

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