It seems like most do but i was wondering how old do you have to be? dont your parents mind? and how much are they for maybe a pistol or an AK?
Closest thing ive got in the UK is a BB gun lol. Also can you Buy custom parts for your weapons? like laser sights, bigger mags ect?
Moderator Emeritus
+236|7122|Portland, OR, USA

Do all of you Brits have really horrible teeth? Are there no dentists there?

You really shouldn't pay attention to stereotypes and you should realize that the US is more than just Texas or whatever. Hell, I only know a couple people who own a gun and I've never seen one in person.
I like sausage
+18|6857|Bristol UK
here does that bad teeth stereotype come from? its funny on family guy but bad teeth are only a problem for people who dont brush their teeth.
has the greatest stats on earth

pure_beef_69 wrote:

and how much are they for maybe a pistol or an AK?
why ffs would any american shop sell russian weapons
+98|6974|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
the brits dont have flouride in their drinking water unlike Aus.
That 70's guy
+156|6847|Sydney, in 1978
ye australia and new zealand are the best countries in the world
Im really sick of this:
Americans and there guns
Britains and there teeth:
Not every Americans have guns, they have just got different laws, doesnt mean everyone of them goes out and gets a gun.
And British people do have dentists and if you think about it you really insulting yourselves when you say that becase the american origin is Britain.

So all in all the post was pathetic.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6942|Sea to globally-cooled sea
I don't own any guns but I want to.  My wife hates them, but as with many things in life, people are afraid of things they are unfamiliar with.

I've had my hunting license since I was 15 (I'm 24).  I use my father's shotguns.  My dad has two pistols, two .22 rifles, a muzzle-loading rifle, another hunting rifle, a 20 guage shotty, a 12 guage shotty, and another shotty too, I think.  He also has a compound bow.

there are laws restricting how much ammunition you can keep in your magazine, and it's never as much as the magazine will hold, so there's no reason to get a bigger magazine.  You are required to keep plugs in your magazine to fill the empty space, so that if a game warden comes by you can show him that you are following the law.

I don't think anyone not in law enforcement can get a fully automatic weapon.  I know that one of my dad's .22's is a semi.  It uses the pressure from the gasses that are released when the gunpowder ignites to eject the old shell and chamber a new round.

yes you can buy nifty toys for your guns, but I don't know about laser sites like in The Peacemaker with george clooney.  You can get laser sites that you put into the action of the gun and it shoots a red beam on your target to help you site in your scope, that much is true (although they aren't as accurate as actually firing the gun because all ammunition, even for the same gun, is different).  You can definitely upgrade the magnification of your scope, or have a scope mounted on whatever you want.

ps--I'm not from texas.  I'm in NJ, only 45 minutes from New York City.

Hope that answers your questions

Last edited by G3|Genius (2006-07-27 05:15:27)

'twice cooked beef!'
i am a naturalized american citizen. you bet your ass that i'm going to take advantage of my right to own firearms. shooting guns is fun, it's a healthy way to relieve stress.

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

why ffs would any american shop sell russian weapons
because russian guns fucking own. you get the most bang for your buck. my first gun purchase will be a kalashnikov copy, probably a rumanian WASR.

here in the southeast, you must be 18 to buy a long gun, and 21 to buy a handgun. anyone without a criminal record may obtain a concealed weapons permit, which will allow you to carry the handgun on your person, or in your car.

Last edited by Krappyappy (2006-07-27 05:16:57)


ozzie_johnson wrote:

the brits dont have flouride in their drinking water unlike Aus.
+89|7030|Sheffield, England
why do you guys think we have dam bad teeth.....your schools must really suck or your tv shows tell alot of bullshit

Not Actually A Moderator wrote:

Im really sick of this:
Americans and there guns
Britains and there teeth:
Not every Americans have guns, they have just got different laws, doesnt mean everyone of them goes out and gets a gun.
And British people do have dentists and if you think about it you really insulting yourselves when you say that becase the american origin is Britain.

So all in all the post was pathetic.
haha thats a good 1, you are calling yourselfs coz we was in that country before you.

Not Actually A Moderator wrote:

Im really sick of this:
Americans and there guns
Britains and there teeth:
Not every Americans have guns, they have just got different laws, doesnt mean everyone of them goes out and gets a gun.
And British people do have dentists and if you think about it you really insulting yourselves when you say that becase the american origin is Britain.

So all in all the post was pathetic.
No, not everyone has a gun but we can if we like... check this. 20 mins from where i live is a rather large city that has a mandatory gun law 

We do have denitist and the Austrailans have funny voices ... so stop saying that us British are weird.
+110|6904|United States of America

G3|Genius wrote:

there are laws restricting how much ammunition you can keep in your magazine, and it's never as much as the magazine will hold, so there's no reason to get a bigger magazine.  You are required to keep plugs in your magazine to fill the empty space, so that if a game warden comes by you can show him that you are following the law.

I don't think anyone not in law enforcement can get a fully automatic weapon.
The laws on the number of rounds a mag can hold expired as a federal law when Clinton's cosmetic gun ban expired.  Any law limiting the number of rounds a mag can hold are state laws.  I have two 13+1 round mags for my Glock pistol and a 25+1 round mag for a .22 semi-auto rifle.  Here in Indiana you could put a 100 round drum on your AK-47 and go shooting at the range as long as the range didn't have rules against it.

As far a full-auto weapons, they are available legally with a FFl. (Federal Firearms License).  There are many gun clubs that have shoots with these guns.  There is an annual shoot in Knob Creek, Kentucky every year.  I have only seen video of this shoot and it was to say the least amazing.  They shoot all day and into the night.  Cars downrange have explosives in them so they blow up when they get shot up.  There was even a helo with a mounted MG shooting up the range.  The night shoot with all the tracers was just awesome.  You can even rent some guns and buy ammo to join in the fun.  I plan on going on vacation there sometime.  Also, some gun shops have indoor shooting ranges where you can rent full-auto MG's.  I know of one in Las Vegas and Indianapolis so I am sure there are many many more.

Just some info for the unknowing.

Last edited by JG1567JG (2006-07-27 05:43:51)

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6995|Broadlands, VA
Wait, is this thread about gun ownership, or oral hygene?
+110|6904|United States of America
Maybe we need a thread about gun hygiene
Ambitious but Rubbish

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Wait, is this thread about gun ownership, or oral hygene?
Not too sure, but it could be deadly if you get the two mixed up.
Get repairs here
+60|6849|Doncaster - UK
hold on, BAD teeth?   WTF i didn't know that was a stereotype for the British? 

And the original question was how old do you have to be, so what is the answer.

Hmm, why do we think you all have guns, oh i don't know, let's see, .... "i don't like my chair, i am going to blast it with a shotgun, look here is a pic." 
Thats how the thread started, and now its full of people showing of pics of their guns. 

WTF, its hard enough to get a BB gun in this country!

Sorry, rant over.
(I have good teeth BTW.  And my surname is Colgate, go figure)
many americans i know do have various pieces. yes hunting weapons are the most prominent, but there are plenty of collectors or enthusiests who collect weapons for various reasons. yes ak's, sks's, h+k, fn-seiries, moded weapons with laser-des, flashlight attachments ect.  full-auto models req. a special license that is vary expenise, this for something you'll most likely never be able to use: most ranges don't allow full auto fire.  so needless to say most people don't bother to get such weapons.  long guns ie rifles+shotties  run $100-$500 avg used  and  $200-$1200 avg new  though these can get much higher. pistols run $250-$650 avg new. ihaven't bought any used so i can't really say much about them.  and last but not lest it is generally agaist the law to carry a firearm with you with various exceptions. most companys have policies against employees carry weapons to, during, and from work so you can't just go wandering around downtown toteing your new ak like its some warlord run african market. guns generally stay at home, or are taken to a shooting range, or hunting trips; events where they are appropriate.

Krappyappy wrote:

because russian guns fucking own. you get the most bang for your buck. my first gun purchase will be a kalashnikov copy, probably a rumanian WASR.
Don't do it man, WASR are cheap @$$ shit AKs.  Go for a Vecktor or an Arsenal($$).  Vekors go for around $500 where i'm at, and they own.  They are the best stamped receiver AKs (AKM is closest Russian equiv) i've seen(never saw true Russian one tho).  Arsenal is great cuz they're Milled(original AK 47 style) but they run around $800.

pure_beef_69 wrote:

It seems like most do but i was wondering how old do you have to be? dont your parents mind? and how much are they for maybe a pistol or an AK?
Cheapest AK = $300
Most Expensive AK = $1000
these are not full auto

Pistols = $80-$4,000
A Glock 17 goes for about $550-600 here.

JG1567JG wrote:

The laws on the number of rounds a mag can hold expired as a federal law when Clinton's cosmetic gun ban expired.  Any law limiting the number of rounds a mag can hold are state laws.
Thank god that's over.

JG1567JG wrote:

I have two 13+1 round mags for my Glock pistol and a 25+1 round mag for a .22 semi-auto rifle.  Here in Indiana you could put a 100 round drum on your AK-47 and go shooting at the range as long as the range didn't have rules against it.
G22 or G23?

JG1567JG wrote:

As far a full-auto weapons, they are available legally with a FFl. (Federal Firearms License).  There are many gun clubs that have shoots with these guns.  There is an annual shoot in Knob Creek, Kentucky every year..... Also, some gun shops have indoor shooting ranges where you can rent full-auto MG's.  I know of one in Las Vegas and Indianapolis so I am sure there are many many more.

Just some info for the unknowing.
Knob Creek rocks, you can feel the ground shaking from a mile away as you walk towards it(when the miniguns are going)

The range in Indy is alright, they have an Uzi 9mm and a UMP-45($$ too shoot, ammo-wise) that is broken as often as not.  They never clean their stuff. 

As far as purchasing a full auto as a civilian, $200 tax stamp, 6-8 month waiting period while the ATF does a background check, and a super high purchase price on the firearm (a semi auto M4 is 900, full auto is like 10-14,000) and the ATF can show up at your door whenever they want to inspect it. 

JG1567JG: where are you in Indiana?  PM if you don't mind.  I live in Indiana as well.

Last edited by Jaguar (2006-07-27 07:26:46)

+2,187|6884|Mountains of NC

well beef some American don't have guns and they hate them ( Until They need one ) me on the other hand have 10 handguns, 4 rifles , 2 shotguns - guns are my thing, I love them just like a collector loves his '71 vette - I use mine, I carry mine ( Not all of them just 1 or 2 ) and I take care of mine - I think everyone that plays BF2 has some interest gun even if they admit they hate guns bc why else are you playing a shooting game ( is it for the teamwork, good luck on that )

My mommy bought me a Beretta when I was just eight years old.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7035|Las Vegas

JG1567JG wrote:

Maybe we need a thread about gun hygiene
Actually, this thread about  a fucked up chair pretty much turned into a thread about gun hygiene.


So there you have it......
Nope no guns don't like them.

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