Krappyappy wrote:
because russian guns fucking own. you get the most bang for your buck. my first gun purchase will be a kalashnikov copy, probably a rumanian WASR.
Don't do it man, WASR are cheap @$$ shit AKs. Go for a Vecktor or an Arsenal($$). Vekors go for around $500 where i'm at, and they own. They are the best stamped receiver AKs (AKM is closest Russian equiv) i've seen(never saw true Russian one tho). Arsenal is great cuz they're Milled(original AK 47 style) but they run around $800.
pure_beef_69 wrote:
It seems like most do but i was wondering how old do you have to be? dont your parents mind? and how much are they for maybe a pistol or an AK?
Cheapest AK = $300
Most Expensive AK = $1000
these are not full auto
Pistols = $80-$4,000
A Glock 17 goes for about $550-600 here.
JG1567JG wrote:
The laws on the number of rounds a mag can hold expired as a federal law when Clinton's cosmetic gun ban expired. Any law limiting the number of rounds a mag can hold are state laws.
Thank god that's over.
JG1567JG wrote:
I have two 13+1 round mags for my Glock pistol and a 25+1 round mag for a .22 semi-auto rifle. Here in Indiana you could put a 100 round drum on your AK-47 and go shooting at the range as long as the range didn't have rules against it.
G22 or G23?
JG1567JG wrote:
As far a full-auto weapons, they are available legally with a FFl. (Federal Firearms License). There are many gun clubs that have shoots with these guns. There is an annual shoot in Knob Creek, Kentucky every year..... Also, some gun shops have indoor shooting ranges where you can rent full-auto MG's. I know of one in Las Vegas and Indianapolis so I am sure there are many many more.
Just some info for the unknowing.
Knob Creek rocks, you can feel the ground shaking from a mile away as you walk towards it(when the miniguns are going)
The range in Indy is alright, they have an Uzi 9mm and a UMP-45($$ too shoot, ammo-wise) that is broken as often as not. They never clean their stuff.
As far as purchasing a full auto as a civilian, $200 tax stamp, 6-8 month waiting period while the ATF does a background check, and a super high purchase price on the firearm (a semi auto M4 is 900, full auto is like 10-14,000) and the ATF can show up at your door whenever they want to inspect it.
JG1567JG: where are you in Indiana? PM if you don't mind. I live in Indiana as well.
Last edited by Jaguar (2006-07-27 07:26:46)