Flecco wrote:
It just occurred to me, Horseman can correct me on this. Is it possible that Horseman was joking? On the subject of political humour one of the headlines from The Glass House recently...
"Costello Says: Howard lied"
"Voters Say: Welcome to our world"
I Saw that episode.
Horseman, you just don't get it do you?
AUSTRALIA AND AMERICA signed a Contract that if one country engaged in War, so would the Other....
So, both Countries are Saving Each others Asses, but I reckon that we've had to get our troops down there more often than you to go fight for your War Hungry Presidents.
Do you think Australia WANTS to go to War every 3 months?
No, we'd want to stay nice and Clean.
BUT you Americans are always going to Wat, so we are too.
THATS why Australia is a Terrorist threat, cause we help you. People are more weary and alert now to a Terrorist threat now than they ever were, because we have to be. Terrorism is a Real Part of Modern World.
As for Australia being a third world Country, then as Are you, as the Standard of living in Australia is pretty much the Same as America. As for You Feeding us, bullshit. We have our own companies you know.
You don't feed us. We have our Own Foods, and your foods are Slowly Creeping in.
Like Krispy Kremes, for the First time in melbourne, and we waited an Hour to buy a Box of Them.
They weren't that Good, becuase I like the Donuts I get at the Footy better.
Wheres the Donuts with the JAM?
And one thing that I am proud of being an Australian about is the Fact that we can have a Laugh at ourselves, our Prime Minister and Others.
Take a Joke, get outside, and smell the Fresh taste of the Real World.
Bush is going to get bagged, because if a Prime Minister is going to get bagged by his own country, then the guy thats Pretty much trying to take over the World is going to get a Shitful.
Thank you Horseman,
I hope that I don't ever generalize my opinions on Americans by my Opinions of You, as clearly your Own country thinks you are a Moron Also.
Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-07-17 04:38:21)