im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7083|AUS, Canberra

Horseman 77 wrote:

You realise we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
you do know we speak English here right?

just checking.

i find it funny how some Americans get so worked up when people post vids paying out their leaders. either do something about your leaders or accept the fact that if your countries leaders are going to try and police the universe they are gona get some flak for it.

and flaming Aus is a true sign of ignorance as anyone with half a brain and even a little knowledge of living standards knows Aus owns.
I'll take two
+132|7098|Perth, Western Australia
Horseman, and all other offended peoples,

No offense was intended. And also in theory you should be able to take a joke too. On an interesting note, to any Aussies here, if there was a video like this of Johnny Howard, would we take offense? Cos persob\nally Im all for political humour.

PS so much for 3rd world country, Australia has a better standard of living than the states! (read it in a Time Magazine a few months ago)
The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
And you're proud of that?  "Hey, look at us Americans, we're to ignorant to know anything about the rest of the world!  Let's just blow it up!".

Also, I think you'll find that in both World Wars Australians lost more men per capita than just about any other country (with the exception of USSR).  And every time you've gone to war we've been covering you're asses, so don't lecture us on securing freedom you piece of shit.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-07-17 02:48:30)

+151|6848|Forest Lake, Australia

Horseman 77 wrote:

He is the worlds most Powerfull man Guiding the Greatest Country in the world at the most difficult time since Washintons winter at Valley Forge. You could combine any two countries and the job wouldn't be as tough.

ghettoperson wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US?
Always intrested to see who we are feeding, catering to, protecting, guarding etc.
Really love your space program, allways tune in for that!

ghettoperson wrote:

I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look.
It was insulting and it was intended to. We dont need insults from borderline 3rd world countries basking in the freedom we secured for them.You are the one who calls yourself a " Gettoperson" how stupid is that? Enuff said

Bubbalo wrote:

Also, I think you'll find that in both World Wars Australians lost more men per capita than just about any other country (with the exception of USSR).  And every time you've gone to war we've been covering you're asses, so don't lecture us on securing freedom you piece of shit.
And that's the truth.  In every war, we've covered YOU'RE arses.  Including this bullshit Iraq mission...Get the fuck over yourself and realise that without us and Great Britain, you'd be fucked.

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-07-17 02:54:41)

Property of BF2s©
+112|6895|Brisbane Australia

Horseman 77 wrote:

He is the worlds most Powerfull man Guiding the Greatest Country in the world at the most difficult time since Washintons winter at Valley Forge. You could combine any two countries and the job wouldn't be as tough.

ghettoperson wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

You relize we don't even know the name of your leaders, Hell does anyone? Roflmao. Piss ant countries with to much free time on your hands, but what else are you gonna do down there ? Keep making shit videos if thats the best you can do.
Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US?
Always intrested to see who we are feeding, catering to, protecting, guarding etc.
Really love your space program, allways tune in for that!

ghettoperson wrote:

I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look.
It was insulting and it was intended to. We dont need insults from borderline 3rd world countries basking in the freedom we secured for them.You are the one who calls yourself a " Gettoperson" how stupid is that? Enuff said

You know I have continually defended Australias relationship with America both here and on the forums.
My family (including myself) have served in the Australian military ALONGSIDE some very fine, brave American troops in some tough situations.

"borderline 3rd world country" Hey CUNT FACE come on over here before you make dumbass comments. Yes I have lived in the States so I can actually make INFORMED decisions.

Australia has long been a strong, loyal hard standing ally and friend to the US and yet you spout shit like this over a stupid video that was mildy amusing and not even made by Australians.
Everytime there has been an "American" bashing thread around here myself and many other Aussies have jumped in to defend the American people but time and time again attitudes like yours flare up making the rest of the world beleive what they hear about you.

You know Horseman do a bit of bloody research before you open your trap. Australia is probably one of the few loyal friends the US has left.

P.S. The scariest times both my cousin and i faced in conflict zones around the world was when we were 'accidentally" fired on by AMERICAN TROOPS.
+151|6848|Forest Lake, Australia

4_Phucsache wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

He is the worlds most Powerfull man Guiding the Greatest Country in the world at the most difficult time since Washintons winter at Valley Forge. You could combine any two countries and the job wouldn't be as tough.

ghettoperson wrote:

Have you ever watched the news that involved anything about things outside the US?
Always intrested to see who we are feeding, catering to, protecting, guarding etc.
Really love your space program, allways tune in for that!

ghettoperson wrote:

I'm not interested in the slightest in Australian politics, but even I know that the PM of Australia is John Howard. You don't appear to realise how stupid it makes you look.
It was insulting and it was intended to. We dont need insults from borderline 3rd world countries basking in the freedom we secured for them.You are the one who calls yourself a " Gettoperson" how stupid is that? Enuff said

You know I have continually defended Australias relationship with America both here and on the forums.
My family (including myself) have served in the Australian military ALONGSIDE some very fine, brave American troops in some tough situations.

"borderline 3rd world country" Hey CUNT FACE come on over here before you make dumbass comments. Yes I have lived in the States so I can actually make INFORMED decisions.

Australia has long been a strong, loyal hard standing ally and friend to the US and yet you spout shit like this over a stupid video that was mildy amusing and not even made by Australians.
Everytime there has been an "American" bashing thread around here myself and many other Aussies have jumped in to defend the American people but time and time again attitudes like yours flare up making the rest of the world beleive what they hear about you.

You know Horseman do a bit of bloody research before you open your trap. Australia is probably one of the few loyal friends the US has left.

P.S. The scariest times both my cousin and i faced in conflict zones around the world was when we were 'accidentally" fired on by AMERICAN TROOPS.
+1 mate.  Can you believe this guy?
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7013|MoVal So-Cal
Rammstein while in the classroom oh yeah. But back to the topic at hand, bite me germany video making guy .  I want to see a video of some important german dude being made fun of now.
+5|6813|Dresden, Germany
@ Horseman 77:
I think, you are arrogant and stupid....
If some non-american read your posts, that people could think, that all other people, than american, are stupid, lazy and unpeacefull....

In my opinion, you should try to watch some good news, from all over the world and start to think, before you said, that americans bring peace all over the world...

I reflect many times, which could be the greatest country in the world...and one thing is certain, america isn't the greatest country (or whatever...) in the world....

And if you said, that only stupid people, which have too much time, making such videos, comics or caricatures, the search once at google, for american vidz and wounder how many time many americans have....

And i'am from germany and i don't know, what good you did for germany? Or are you someone who thought, like David Hasselhoff, that his song, he was singing 1989 next to the wall in Berlin, brought the reunion to germany???? LOL
Or do you think, the USA did something good for germany at/after WW I / II ???

At last, to let you thought, about you peacefull and helpfully country:
Which army destroy so many sectios of afghanistan, and which lands, help them to rebuild their infrastructure?
The first are the USA, because, bombing is that, what you can do, but the second, rebuild, couldn't you do, thats the work of the European Union....

Man, firstly fledge a little bit, and learn how the world really works...
After that, you should learn to criticize yourself and your own country, before you starting to lower all other countries.....
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

It just occurred to me, Horseman can correct me on this. Is it possible that Horseman was joking? On the subject of political humour one of the headlines from The Glass House recently...

"Costello Says: Howard lied"
"Voters Say: Welcome to our world"

Last edited by Flecco (2006-07-17 04:04:30)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

After reading Horsemans posts and the replies to those, I realized that the non-american replies use much better spelling and grammar compared with Horseman..



Apparently now from a 3rd world country

Let's see now..

Global Competitiveness Report   
Growth Competitiveness Rank                           02 / 80
Microeconomic Competitiveness Index Rank    02 / 80

Global Information Technology Report
Networked Readiness Index Rank                         01 / 82

Growth Competitiveness Rank                           01 / 80
Microeconomic Competitiveness Index Rank    01 / 80

Global Information Technology Report
Networked Readiness Index Rank                         02 / 82

Well what do you know.. Finland must be a 3rd world country!!

Oh yeah, and as a PS:

As this thread has concentrated now on flaming other people, nationalities or single posters, I suggest this thread to be moved to "Debate and Serious Talk", as that is what the section has (unfortunately) become..

Last edited by DonFck (2006-07-17 04:43:07)

I need around tree fiddy.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Flecco wrote:

It just occurred to me, Horseman can correct me on this. Is it possible that Horseman was joking? On the subject of political humour one of the headlines from The Glass House recently...

"Costello Says: Howard lied"
"Voters Say: Welcome to our world"
I Saw that episode.

Horseman, you just don't get it do you?

AUSTRALIA AND AMERICA signed a Contract that if one country engaged in War, so would the Other....
So, both Countries are Saving Each others Asses, but I reckon that we've had to get our troops down there more often than you to go fight for your War Hungry Presidents.
Do you think Australia WANTS to go to War every 3 months?
No, we'd want to stay nice and Clean.
BUT you Americans are always going to Wat, so we are too.
THATS why Australia is a Terrorist threat, cause we help you. People are more weary and alert now to a Terrorist threat now than they ever were, because we have to be. Terrorism is a Real Part of Modern World.

As for Australia being a third world Country, then as Are you, as the Standard of living in Australia is pretty much the Same as America. As for You Feeding us, bullshit. We have our own companies you know.
You don't feed us. We have our Own Foods, and your foods are Slowly Creeping in.
Like Krispy Kremes, for the First time in melbourne, and we waited an Hour to buy a Box of Them.
They weren't that Good, becuase I like the Donuts I get at the Footy better.
Wheres the Donuts with the JAM?

And one thing that I am proud of being an Australian about is the Fact that we can have a Laugh at ourselves, our Prime Minister and Others.
Take a Joke, get outside, and smell the Fresh taste of the Real World.
Bush is going to get bagged, because if a Prime Minister is going to get bagged by his own country, then the guy thats Pretty much trying to take over the World is going to get a Shitful.

Thank you Horseman,
I hope that I don't ever generalize my opinions on Americans by my Opinions of You, as clearly your Own country thinks you are a Moron Also.



Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-07-17 04:38:21)

Radioactive Glo
+130|7150|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Borderline 3rd World Country.. gee whiz.. what did we all miss??

oh wait..maybe its because he saw too much of this..

Last edited by mikeshw (2006-07-17 04:44:30)

You have been blessed... with my rifle!
+43|6909|Bellmawr, NJ, US
I hate to see everyone get all anit-american because one douche bag can't take a joke.  If Bush humor offends him, then I hope he never watches Saturday Night Live.  Half of their skits (the funny ones) are making fun of politicians.  Especially presidents.

So fuck that guy.  You wanna piss him off more, post more videos about Bush.  Most of us will get a laugh.
The J-10 is my J-10
just found this video thought it was funny.
sorry if it has already posted.
i did search but i couldint find the video … rge%20bush

Last edited by 0TRIGAR0 (2006-07-17 05:26:28)

Calmer than you are.
here's another one

Bush: 'Stop doing this shit' … ce2f790ac8
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6904|Scarborough Yorkshire England
George Bush is a Fuck Up = Yes we know
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7083|AUS, Canberra
i merged another thread with this one.
Ooo shit.
The J-10 is my J-10

THA wrote:

i merged another thread with this one.
i didnt know to create a new 1 or merge with another bush thread .
+5|6813|Dresden, Germany
Man....this is many stupidity could be in one video....extremly funny ^^

But back to the "greatest country in the world" LOL, could someone tell me, which 1st world country has the most power blackouts in the world? But i think a great and old country with sooo much history (LOL) must have a old power supply system, which should be historical like the country too....

So, they need the most electric power in the world, but not permanently...
So VOTE for blackouts instead for a new power supply system...

But the best, the power supply of the "3rd world" works continiously...strange....verrrrry strange.... ^^
Horseman as a fellow American and a former U.S. Marine You are a fucking idiot. A lot of Americans in general make fun of other countries leaders and our own all the time its a joke laugh you dumb shit its funny. I would like to apologize to the people that horseman offend we as Americans are not all complete asses.

PS Australia is a beautiful country and a great place to visit or live.

rooster1141 wrote:

...Americans are not all complete asses.
This is a known fact. But at the same time I feel some compassion, as your countrys leader might not be the most intelligent of his.. ..species? Then again, we have all had our share of dumb fucks as leaders.

No apology is needed (referring to the apology on behalf of Horseman), for as dumb fucks go, those exist in masses around the world.

I have a theory, which has many flaws and gaps, but still: I have a theory.

I think one big difference on this forum between df:s (abbreviated for more suitable language) in the US and df:s in e.g. Europe is that the European df:s haven't found these forums, nor can they write properly enough to post here, had they found their ways to this location.

This is why it might seem that generalized by many: "all americans are stupid", but in fact, the corresponding percentage in other countries, I believe, might not differ all that much.

As said, this is just a theory.

And as theories go, correct me if I'm wrong.

PS: This doesn't mean that I don't say "those dumb Americans" as the US goverment commits a fuckup. I also say "those dumbass Finns", as, let's say a Finnish member of the European Parliament does a redneck move characteristic to Finns.

Last edited by DonFck (2006-07-17 13:49:38)

I need around tree fiddy.
+304|6909|New York City baby.
Funny video, and feels like it is non sci-fi
oi sharky, were u on tv2 the other day, wake?

So because this idiot Horseman doesn't know what a joke is, all Americans are suddenly assholes.

Jesus. Half the things in debate/serious talk and not BF2S/BF2 are "ME > AMERICA. [insert 15 curse words here.] WE SAVED YOU IN [insert war here]. STFU REDNECK." Yes...all Americans generalize a whole more than that. FFS.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-07-17 14:26:51)

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