my bro is gay btwINCSOC wrote:
sooo... what you're saying is that he should really talk with his bro and share?? lol4_Phucsache wrote:
Agreed dodgy folder names rock. All my pr0n was hidden away in a folder called "Sys32 Extraction Files" to hide from the wife........until the wife asked me very inoccently about a week ago "Why the hell do you have this world wide interwebby thing if you dont get any decent porn" followed by the statement "maybe if you had some good stuff you might get a bit more often".
Consequently all pr0n is now stored in a shred directory called "Good shit to burn to DVD"
Moral to the story fellas.....maybe you should have a wee lil chat to the missus before you hide all the good shit.
Oh back on topic....yeah use a bodgy folder name or similar idea to hide from your bro
btw my files are video..