ghettoperson wrote:
Well, the Romans were the ones who stuck him on the cross, so directly, they did. However, the Jews were the ones that told Pilate (or however you spell it) to kill him, so I suppose, they caused his death.
EDIT: Oh and why according to the title, did Jesus live for 3 years? Surely that doesn't make much sence. And when did Jesus try to overthrow a government. To the best of my knowledge, he went around teaching people about God, and performing miracles.
No you misunderstand - Jesus was a political activist from 30-33 AD (approximately).
The bible is not an accurate historical record of the time due to the numerous transcriptions, mis-translations, and re-workings of it. It is also largely metaphorical and not meant to be taken literally. Not to mention the fact that at the first ecumenical council of Nicaea, where Emperor Constantine I gathered all prominent Christian sects together to hammer out an organised religion, various 'gospels' (such as the coptic gospels) were dismissed and the four gospels of the new testament we know today were selected and doctored to suit the Emperor's political agenda (which included demonsiation of his jewish subjects in Palestine).
Actual accounts of the time and ancient scriptures that have been recovered (such as the Qumran and Nag Hammadi scrolls) make it far more likely that he was just another jewish preacher, preaching about how to be an obedient and moral jew. It is likely that he viewed the Romans as an affront to the sanctity of the land of Israel and wished them to be removed and became a martyr for the cause of a 'free Israel'.
If you are a logical human being you will realise that there are no such things as miracles.