Loud music, dancing, girls (or guys, depending on your preference, what ever floats your boat man) going wild, drunk people and all your friends?! Me. I do. I love parties. I love the feeling of being around myfriends and everyone is happy and for one night you can forget about everything and just have a great time.
A lot of people drink alcohol at parties, I've seen all kinds of fucked up shit, Ive seen 100's of empty (sometimes half full - wtf is with that) beer cans laying about for some poor sod to clean up (usually me as I have parties all the time).
I'm a pretty shy guy, if I'm at a party with people I dont know, I rarely talk to people before I'm drunk, I need to let my hair down if you like. However, I don't like drinking alcohol, the hangovers in the morning and the sickeness you feel from the alcohol (the type if you move you feel like throwing up and your stomach feels like its trying to kill you all day).
I also dislike the fact that where I come from, a lot of people suffer abuse and often violence at the hand of a drunk chav (for you none UKers http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chav) who often hits you/abuses you for no reason, pretty much because they're bums, spend all night drinking white lightning, theiving school drop outs and thick as shit.
I had my very first house party when I was 15, some drunk chavs happened to hear my loud music and crash the party, they threatend to throw bricks through my windows if I didnt let them in, kick the shit out of all my friends and steal my things. In the end we got rid of them by talking about football and giving them some MJ.
I've taken 4 drugs in my life, Ecstacy (x2), cocaine(x1), Speed(x1) Mary Jane(xNumerous - i hate smoking joints so bongs ftw) Now, NEVER of all the places I've been and partied have I ever met a guy whos turned violent or what not because of these drugs. All I get is love and hugs, happiness and a good feeling. You can talk about absolutely nothing for hours, jibber jabber and have a blast.(although last night I got pretty annoyed when someone stole my phone because I was so happy and having a great time)
Granted, if you become addicted to these drugs then you're pretty much done for, as they can destroy people, where as alcohol is less addictive *(unless you have problems etc)* you find yourself stealing from loved ones just to get a fix, your life goes down the drain and you are looked down by everyone.
That is where will power comes in, I myself believe I will never get addicted to any drug, quite simply because I know the concequences (Who likes having a shrinking penis?) know where the line has been drawn and quite frankly, I usually spend money on something that will be a lot more worth it (such as a tasty subway or BF2142 (yeah, right)). I've got a game plan for life, be successful and able to support a potential family & kids. My uncle was a drug addict, he's clean now, but He's 40 years old, not had a job in 20 years and has DVT in both legs due to destroying his veins via injection. He's met some very bad people and paid dearly for his addictions, he's a good guy and I'm glad he's out of the huge hole he dug himself.
I think the media brainwash a lot of people into thinking that if you touch any drugs, you will instantly drop dead, thats how I used to think, but once I tried (hey, you only live once right?) my opinion changed, greatly. I dont take drugs at all often, but I prefer them to alcohol.
This post has been a lot longer than I intended, but I've got nothing else to do as I am recoving from last night, I've not slept and just thought I'd share my views and what not. I'm 19 years old, 20 in 6 months. It seems like yesterday i was being called a teenager after turning 13. I still have a lot of a life to live and hopefully a good one at that.
Long live the good times and may you have many a good time to tell your friends and family when you're old and grey.
A lot of people drink alcohol at parties, I've seen all kinds of fucked up shit, Ive seen 100's of empty (sometimes half full - wtf is with that) beer cans laying about for some poor sod to clean up (usually me as I have parties all the time).
I'm a pretty shy guy, if I'm at a party with people I dont know, I rarely talk to people before I'm drunk, I need to let my hair down if you like. However, I don't like drinking alcohol, the hangovers in the morning and the sickeness you feel from the alcohol (the type if you move you feel like throwing up and your stomach feels like its trying to kill you all day).
I also dislike the fact that where I come from, a lot of people suffer abuse and often violence at the hand of a drunk chav (for you none UKers http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chav) who often hits you/abuses you for no reason, pretty much because they're bums, spend all night drinking white lightning, theiving school drop outs and thick as shit.
I had my very first house party when I was 15, some drunk chavs happened to hear my loud music and crash the party, they threatend to throw bricks through my windows if I didnt let them in, kick the shit out of all my friends and steal my things. In the end we got rid of them by talking about football and giving them some MJ.
I've taken 4 drugs in my life, Ecstacy (x2), cocaine(x1), Speed(x1) Mary Jane(xNumerous - i hate smoking joints so bongs ftw) Now, NEVER of all the places I've been and partied have I ever met a guy whos turned violent or what not because of these drugs. All I get is love and hugs, happiness and a good feeling. You can talk about absolutely nothing for hours, jibber jabber and have a blast.(although last night I got pretty annoyed when someone stole my phone because I was so happy and having a great time)
Granted, if you become addicted to these drugs then you're pretty much done for, as they can destroy people, where as alcohol is less addictive *(unless you have problems etc)* you find yourself stealing from loved ones just to get a fix, your life goes down the drain and you are looked down by everyone.
That is where will power comes in, I myself believe I will never get addicted to any drug, quite simply because I know the concequences (Who likes having a shrinking penis?) know where the line has been drawn and quite frankly, I usually spend money on something that will be a lot more worth it (such as a tasty subway or BF2142 (yeah, right)). I've got a game plan for life, be successful and able to support a potential family & kids. My uncle was a drug addict, he's clean now, but He's 40 years old, not had a job in 20 years and has DVT in both legs due to destroying his veins via injection. He's met some very bad people and paid dearly for his addictions, he's a good guy and I'm glad he's out of the huge hole he dug himself.
I think the media brainwash a lot of people into thinking that if you touch any drugs, you will instantly drop dead, thats how I used to think, but once I tried (hey, you only live once right?) my opinion changed, greatly. I dont take drugs at all often, but I prefer them to alcohol.
This post has been a lot longer than I intended, but I've got nothing else to do as I am recoving from last night, I've not slept and just thought I'd share my views and what not. I'm 19 years old, 20 in 6 months. It seems like yesterday i was being called a teenager after turning 13. I still have a lot of a life to live and hopefully a good one at that.
Long live the good times and may you have many a good time to tell your friends and family when you're old and grey.
Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-06-10 08:05:19)