is drunk and crazy
Loud music, dancing, girls (or guys, depending on your preference, what ever floats your boat man) going wild, drunk people and all your friends?! Me. I do. I love parties. I love the feeling of being around myfriends and everyone is happy and for one night you can forget about everything and just have a great time.

A lot of people drink alcohol at parties, I've seen all kinds of fucked up shit, Ive seen 100's of empty (sometimes half full - wtf is with that) beer cans laying about for some poor sod to clean up (usually me as I have parties all the time).


I'm a pretty shy guy, if I'm at a party with people I dont know, I rarely talk to people before I'm drunk, I need to let my hair down if you like. However, I don't like drinking alcohol, the hangovers in the morning and the sickeness you feel from the alcohol (the type if you move you feel like throwing up and your stomach feels like its trying to kill you all day).
I also dislike the fact that where I come from, a lot of people suffer abuse and often violence at the hand of a drunk chav (for you none UKers http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chav) who often hits you/abuses you for no reason, pretty much because they're bums, spend all night drinking white lightning, theiving school drop outs and thick as shit.

I had my very first house party when I was 15, some drunk chavs happened to hear my loud music and crash the party, they threatend to throw bricks through my windows if I didnt let them in, kick the shit out of all my friends and steal my things. In the end we got rid of them by talking about football and giving them some MJ.


I've taken 4 drugs in my life, Ecstacy (x2), cocaine(x1), Speed(x1) Mary Jane(xNumerous - i hate smoking joints so bongs ftw) Now, NEVER of all the places I've been and partied have I ever met a guy whos turned violent or what not because of these drugs. All I get is love and hugs, happiness and a good feeling. You can talk about absolutely nothing for hours, jibber jabber and have a blast.(although last night I got pretty annoyed when someone stole my phone because I was so happy and having a great time)

Granted, if you become addicted to these drugs then you're pretty much done for, as they can destroy people, where as alcohol is less addictive *(unless you have problems etc)* you find yourself stealing from loved ones just to get a fix, your life goes down the drain and you are looked down by everyone.

That is where will power comes in, I myself believe I will never get addicted to any drug, quite simply because I know the concequences (Who likes having a shrinking penis?) know where the line has been drawn and quite frankly, I usually spend money on something that will be a lot more worth it (such as a tasty subway or BF2142 (yeah, right)). I've got a game plan for life, be successful and able to support a potential family & kids. My uncle was a drug addict, he's clean now, but He's 40 years old, not had a job in 20 years and has DVT in both legs due to destroying his veins via injection. He's met some very bad people and paid dearly for his addictions, he's a good guy and I'm glad he's out of the huge hole he dug himself.

I think the media brainwash a lot of people into thinking that if you touch any drugs, you will instantly drop dead, thats how I used to think, but once I tried (hey, you only live once right?) my opinion changed, greatly. I dont take drugs at all often, but I prefer them to alcohol.

This post has been a lot longer than I intended, but I've got nothing else to do as I am recoving from last night, I've not slept and just thought I'd share my views and what not. I'm 19 years old, 20 in 6 months. It seems like yesterday i was being called a teenager after turning 13. I still have a lot of a life to live and hopefully a good one at that.

Long live the good times and may you have many a good time to tell your friends and family when you're old and grey.

Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-06-10 08:05:19)

Party = Good
Alcohol = Good
Drugs = Not so good

Good post though
Heathenish Foray
+22|6946|Upstate NY
I did all that when I was that age a couple years ago. It got old really quick. I don't even like to drink anymore now.
+129|6890|Eastern USA
You forgot the pie..
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6934|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Parties : yes
Raves : NO!
Alcohol : Yes
Drugs : Pot, once. Acted like a friggin hippie and threw up due the previous consumption of alcohol, don't remember much more...

Cheese : BAD!!

Last edited by =|A mere Shadow|= (2006-06-10 08:17:43)

is drunk and crazy

simon wrote:

Party = Good
Alcohol = Good
Drugs = Not so good

Good post though
Both types can be not so good when abused, alcoholics and drug addicts are just as bad as eachother, their life relying on a glass of whisky or a line of coke, you become addicted, you become not so good.

What I'm saying really is that when either are not abused you can have fun a lot of it - but drugs like E and coke are frowned upon a lot more than beer and stuff, I don't know why (look how many alcohol related deaths there are to Ecstacy etc) but thats the way it is. Once you abuse, you lose.

I'm definately one for Weed for being legalized, I think the government should make alcohol a illegal substance because of the amount of trouble it can cause between disagreeing parties (football hooligans, gangs etc)

But that the end of the day it always comes down to that one thing that is so powerful - money.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

E7IX3R, if you haven't already, try Absinthe.

That stuff... is undescribable. Hella expensive though, but if you've got the coin go for Versinthe off southern France.
+186|6867|The real world
Party: Excellent
Alcohol: Good (Age limit is 16 here PWNED)
Drugs: Only marihuana, its not so bad for you
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
I grew out of the party stage,was fun while it lasted.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra
party =  yes.
drugs = used to go pretty hard.
booz = yes
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

elmo1337 wrote:

Drugs: Only marihuana, its not so bad for you
"Only marijuana" is such an oxymoron.

Marijuana is the gateway drug.
No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant
ive taken too much acid,popped too many pills,taken a fair bit of speed and if had all gear ive smoked in one house it would fill it. never been that keen on beer in mass amounts but like one or two. ganja has been my big problem though...smoked it for ten years day in day out all day,quit for 2 years and recently had a bit again and now trying to stop again. its not a problem again but its becoming an issue with me again...its boredom and escapism and living alone. i also had to have a kidney removed and as a result of the septesemia i developed diabetes so no more drugs for me(cept for the obvious). ive chucked alot of shit at my kidneys..a slight weakness in one and that was it...unlucky i guess but in some ways it saved me. sorry for being all serious!lol
man this forum rocks...its like therapy!!!lol...i love you guys!!!
parties r cool, all the better if the people there r cool too.... i dont drink as much as i used to now, which is good considering once i started i couldnt stop. and i stopped smoking skunk as soon as i realised it was sending me crazy. Drugs shouldnt be legalised in my view tho, they r dodgy as hell - but everything in moderation....

absinthe is cool,
i remember givin it to people and lightin it as u do,
havin some1 not realise ure supposed to blow it out 1st before drinking it and burn their throat before thinking their gnna be sick:  priceless
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

ah yes... louching is one of the most beautiful things you can experience after a few glasses.
is drunk and crazy

Coolbeano wrote:

E7IX3R, if you haven't already, try Absinthe.

That stuff... is undescribable. Hella expensive though, but if you've got the coin go for Versinthe off southern France.
Absinthe is legal in the country so I've had it yes. Versinthe I've never heard of.

For my 18th birthday, some of the guys from my football/soccer team took me out (I'm sure those of you who work/play football/rugby etc know whats its when your birthday comes and they take you out and buy you lots of drinks) well that night I had 13 shots of absinthe and god knows what else. The only thing I remember from that night was throwing up outside a pool bar. However,

I was drunk in college the next day, pissed at a 3 hour football training session, drunk at night and went to bed still pissed, woke up saturday, still pissed, went and got some stupid tattoos. Eventually I started to sober up around Saturday night but somethings till didn't feel right and I kept getting whiffs of absinthe in my nose.

Thats the worst I've ever had it. Goddamn it was fun.

Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-06-10 09:35:08)

Being f/ed up around a bunch of other f/ed up people is great.

My best memory was when myself and a few others had a little get together. I had a few shots of taqueela, some apple pucker (cant remember how many shots) and around 10 beers maybe 12. Hell I donno, I quit counting, I know their 24 pack was gone and not too many of the others drank much. They all smoked theirselves retarted and had some apple pucker too. We were all so f/ed up. We had a great time. I could entertain them without even trying, all I had to do was stumble to the fridge for another beer!

I tell you what though, the hangover sucked the next morning. Woke up early while everbody was asleep and had to leave to find something to try to kill the hangover. God was that awful.

Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2006-06-10 09:42:09)


But it the UK, it's not real absinth I don't think is it? Not the halucinagenic stuff, I mean.
Hey E7X13R, don't be shy. A welcome tip for courting and a great time:

When you go into a room or yard, (outside parties) scan the room. Who is in there. Do you know some people? For instance:
I was at a party yesterday, this girl invited me, I haven't seen her for years, but she invited me. She invited all her friends too, and more. I knew no one, except her, her sister and her brother.
Looked who is there I knew. Allright.

Order a pint. Go up to the DJ booth, if there is any. Talk with the DJ about his fee, equipment, whatever. Mostly he introduces you to some people he knows at the party. Knowing something about his equipment helps a lot. You made your first contact! YAY!
Break up the conversation whenever you like or when you don't have anything to say. Excuse yourself that your going to get a beer, wish him good luck. When you are walking to the beer-order place, look around again. Scan the room and mark your targets. (Don't pee. When you see a nice girl or guy -float boat thing-, she/he sees you too and smiles, smile back. But don't go there. Order a pint. If she/he doesn't smile she probably doesn't see you. Or your ugly. If that's the fact you picked a wrong target.)

Alright. You made a conversation and you woo 'ed on some of the locals. Damn feels good. Order a beer, talk to the bartender about the party. Your at your second beer and you made great effort so far without getting drunk.
The staff at a party mostly knows a lot of people there. Not always though. (Hired staff) Drink your beer at the bar and scan the room. Watch all the 'targets'who come near the bar and order a beer, w/e. Smile at them, but not to obvious. If your target comes near, smile and say hey. Expect a hey back, if not, she's a bitch find another target. Continue the conversation with something Witty. (I.E. Nice party, is cheesy. Don't talk about the weather. Be creative. Anticipate on the situation. -If she orders a lot of beer, ask her if shes thirsty-.)
Then you go on about the fact you know no one on this party (exceptions). You made DJ contact, Crowd contact, bartender contact, target contact. Without getting drunk. And the beauty is, you don't have to treat your target. Money stays in the pocket. (Esp. when the beer is free, WHOO HOO!)

I don't go to too many parties, I attend clubs. Hope this helps.

Guide to courting, by Speelbal.


Last edited by Speelbal (2006-06-10 10:02:06)

is drunk and crazy
haha, thanks but honestly, I dont mean when it comes to women (i usually work my charm and get the ladies in bed before you can say lets go :jks:) but yeah the parties I mean are usually in a random house or my house (having a dad that works away all the time has its advantages).

I used to go clubbing all the time when I played football where I used to live, go out every monday with £10 - £1.50 a pint and come home smashed, sometimes with a girl and go to college 3-4 hours later.

I think thats why I failed that year actually. Oh well.

Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-06-10 10:05:12)

I think thats why I failed that year actually. Oh well.
Hahaha, brilliant.

Alright. Ignore my post then. But try to talk to people. It's so dull not to talk to people. I hardly drink a lot because of my sports diet. (See my sig.)
In my experience, drunk people are not very charming. At least, I had some remarks about it.
Also, one time I was shit faced. Totally. Damn I was sick for a week. Possibly alcoholic poisoning or something. That was some serious nasty shit. So I promised myself not to get shit faced anymore. (I failed a couple of times..but fortunately not so 'gone' as before.

Drugs. Mmm. Vacation and weed. I'm from the Netherlands. Don't see me as a pothead. It's not true what they say. (Not all at least.) But I did that a couple of times. Don't need it anymore. I'm already disturbed without it. Speed, Cocaine, Heroine, pills and shit like that is for dummies and tools. No offense, but why do you want to poison yourself with that crazy nasty shit? Weed is natural. XTC is not. Don't do drugs children, it won't do you any good.

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

E7IX3R wrote:

Coolbeano wrote:

E7IX3R, if you haven't already, try Absinthe.

That stuff... is undescribable. Hella expensive though, but if you've got the coin go for Versinthe off southern France.
Absinthe is legal in the country so I've had it yes. Versinthe I've never heard of.

For my 18th birthday, some of the guys from my football/soccer team took me out (I'm sure those of you who work/play football/rugby etc know whats its when your birthday comes and they take you out and buy you lots of drinks) well that night I had 13 shots of absinthe and god knows what else. The only thing I remember from that night was throwing up outside a pool bar. However,

I was drunk in college the next day, pissed at a 3 hour football training session, drunk at night and went to bed still pissed, woke up saturday, still pissed, went and got some stupid tattoos. Eventually I started to sober up around Saturday night but somethings till didn't feel right and I kept getting whiffs of absinthe in my nose.

Thats the worst I've ever had it. Goddamn it was fun.
Hahah glad you had fun. Versinthe is pretty much Absinthe from France, just more special. lol.
While Absinthe shots are fun... it actually has a really nice taste if you go through the process and louche it.

We got some smuggled from Prague and Holland a few weeks ago.

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