… a309e005e8The Taliban seized three more Afghan provincial capitals and a local army headquarters Wednesday to complete a blitz across the country’s northeast, giving them control of two-thirds of the nation as the U.S. and NATO finalize their withdrawal after decades of war.
Excellent job. 20 years of war undone in less than 20 days. The speed of the collapse is worse than I expected.
The brain trust at NR thinks we should have stayed to hold up the government of Afghanistan. … n-blunder/
Annoying thing about that article is the constant references to a Caliphate. The Taliban never ran a Caliphate. They ran an Emirate.
I suspect the writer has no clue the difference between an Emirate and a Caliphate. Maybe the right wing will call them socialist once the Biden admin arms them to fight ISIS in a year or two.

For the cost of either of those two rifles, you could have paid for a year of school lunch for a few kids. /priorities