uziq wrote:
what he's reading is obviously harmful in my $0.02. it's charged with horrible rhetoric and is patently undemocratic. these sources and political pundits are widening the rift in your civil society and shared culture, viewing democrats or left-wing 'NPCs' as another species with no commonality and shared beliefs. it's this stupid manichean view of politics that has gradually been heating up in recent years, and now you have previously innocuous hicks like war man joining in the supposed 'culture war' against 'anti-white leftist progressives and cultural marxists'. as soon as you see some kid like war man in wisconsin parroting these acquired terms, you know that those sources are doing palpable harm. nobody benefits from this horrible partisan thinking and inflammatory discourse.
It cuts both ways though. I honestly view it as a reaction to the blatant snobbery that emanates from the coasts which is directed towards the "boobs" in the Midwest. Some of it is subtle, some of it is very blatant, but the derision that is heaped on southerners, midwesterners etc by the Enlightened Elite is the root cause of the issue. This is not a new issue, it's been going on for well over a century now.
Stuff like:

As far as it getting worse recently, I blame the media for stoking it. It's nothing but outrage story after outrage story in search of clicks and views and it's stirring up the fanatical types. People have become absolutely rabid about their political beliefs.