War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7036|Purplicious Wisconsin

coke wrote:

Yeah congrats you've ascended above "emotional weakness", and "triggering". Use that word in itself usually means you haven't got a fucking clue...

The fact you can't see the difference between "accepting other people's opinions" and the memes and hashtags you've just posted well, fuck me...
Well, I'm sorry but I can't fuck you as I am not homosexual or at least bisexual. Anyway coke, you sound like you are having a bad day do you need emotional support?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7032|England. Stoke
And see there it is, you can't seem to understand the literal and metaphorical.
I'm having a fine day, do you need educational support?

And while you're at it, try addressing the point/arguement at hand rather than resorting to juvenile insults, #i'llwait

Last edited by coke (2018-11-15 18:14:18)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|7007|United States of America

War Man wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

It doesn't help your case that you respond to the charge of regurgitating drivel by posting a forced 4chan meme from 2018. Even in spite of this forum being on life support, I am appalled that you made such a shitty caliber post in D&ST.
And let me tell you it doesn't help your case using big words and sounding fragile. Also I don't give a damn, I've dealt with D&ST's bs for over a decade and learned to just let things go. As for the meme, you know it's true when people get so sensitive about it instead of just shrugging it off.
What "big" words did I use? What sounds fragile? Kennings pointed out that your arguments were parroted from the right-wing media, so you tried to be an edgelord with an irrelevant 4chan meme to a bunch of people who have would have been slightly amused by it 10 years ago when 4chan was in its heyday.

You're using words like "sensitive" and "fragile", as if what you're saying is real shit. No one here is clutching their pearls because you're such a rebel. It's a pitiable sight to see someone delude themself about the nature of reality, then "shrug off" facts and be damn proud of it. You're like everyone's crazy uncle spouting conspiracy theories.
The X stands for
+1,818|6429|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:


Clearly war man lacks the capacity to critically think for himself, and instead regurgitates whatever drivel he hears from whatever news media he consumes.

War Man, you are an idiot and I hope for the sake of our armed forces that you are either never put into a leadership role, or you miraculously learn how to think for yourself before then.
He doesn't think for himself because he doesn't think like you? He votes against his own interest because he doesn't vote for the same team color as you? Leave the kid alone, you're the hypocritical douchebag with deep seated cognitive dissonance. Oohs I'm so edgy, I have the same leftwing ideas I had when I was a teenager even though I'm a corporate drone making a decent salary. If you weren't so hung up on being cool, even though you are approaching middle age, maybe you'd see that you are the one voting against your own interests. There's a reason the middle class is fleeing your one party state. It's too bad they are bringing the same dumb ideas that caused them to flee in the first place to their new states and infecting their local politics.
He doesn't think for himself because he has no actual arguments to back up what he says, parroting someone elses opinion without thinking is not thinking. Meanwhile he's apparently amused by the internal soap-opera of a party which won't be in power for at least another two years - I'm sure he follows the minutes of Democrat party meetings and came up with that all by himself.
Fuck Israel
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England

Dilbert_X wrote:

Jay wrote:


Clearly war man lacks the capacity to critically think for himself, and instead regurgitates whatever drivel he hears from whatever news media he consumes.

War Man, you are an idiot and I hope for the sake of our armed forces that you are either never put into a leadership role, or you miraculously learn how to think for yourself before then.
He doesn't think for himself because he doesn't think like you? He votes against his own interest because he doesn't vote for the same team color as you? Leave the kid alone, you're the hypocritical douchebag with deep seated cognitive dissonance. Oohs I'm so edgy, I have the same leftwing ideas I had when I was a teenager even though I'm a corporate drone making a decent salary. If you weren't so hung up on being cool, even though you are approaching middle age, maybe you'd see that you are the one voting against your own interests. There's a reason the middle class is fleeing your one party state. It's too bad they are bringing the same dumb ideas that caused them to flee in the first place to their new states and infecting their local politics.
He doesn't think for himself because he has no actual arguments to back up what he says, parroting someone elses opinion without thinking is not thinking. Meanwhile he's apparently amused by the internal soap-opera of a party which won't be in power for at least another two years - I'm sure he follows the minutes of Democrat party meetings and came up with that all by himself.
And that is different from the people attacking his sources and saying that only culturally mainstream sources are relevant? All news is curated. Even the Associated Press and Reuters curate the news in a way that conforms to their own internal biases. We all form our opinions via life experiences, associations, and external things like books, the news, or youtube videos. Should he make more effort to internalize all of these sources and speak with his own voice? Sure. If he's not capable of doing it he's on the same plane as every other mal-informed voter on this planet. Most are dolts.

I'm not preaching relativism, some of what is portrayed as news is definitely false, and real journalistic sources do offer corrections when found to be incorrect. Most of what is written about politics is nothing more than party or special interest propaganda disguised as op-ed's. What he's reading isn't harmful unless it is actively preaching violence, which it doesn't appear to be doing.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
this is all part of that 'anti-experts' shit and it is tedious. stop pretending that ignoring 'mainstream media' and getting your political opinions from angry youtuber talking heads in their bedrooms is somehow part of an 'enlightened' move. so because the NYT or washpo occasionally posts a retraction or editor's remark to correct a previous factoid, that means people like war man are justified? this is next level stupid. mainstream media are far more scrupulous, professional and transparent than the shitheap of 'alternative' media sources that have fruited like fungi in recent years.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England

uziq wrote:

this is all part of that 'anti-experts' shit and it is tedious. stop pretending that ignoring 'mainstream media' and getting your political opinions from angry youtuber talking heads in their bedrooms is somehow part of an 'enlightened' move. so because the NYT or washpo occasionally posts a retraction or editor's remark to correct a previous factoid, that means people like war man are justified? this is next level stupid. mainstream media are far more scrupulous, professional and transparent than the shitheap of 'alternative' media sources that have fruited like fungi in recent years.
That's what I said, read it again.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
what he's reading is obviously harmful in my $0.02. it's charged with horrible rhetoric and is patently undemocratic. these sources and political pundits are widening the rift in your civil society and shared culture, viewing democrats or left-wing 'NPCs' as another species with no commonality and shared beliefs. it's this stupid manichean view of politics that has gradually been heating up in recent years, and now you have previously innocuous hicks like war man joining in the supposed 'culture war' against 'anti-white leftist progressives and cultural marxists'. as soon as you see some kid like war man in wisconsin parroting these acquired terms, you know that those sources are doing palpable harm. nobody benefits from this horrible partisan thinking and inflammatory discourse.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England

uziq wrote:

what he's reading is obviously harmful in my $0.02. it's charged with horrible rhetoric and is patently undemocratic. these sources and political pundits are widening the rift in your civil society and shared culture, viewing democrats or left-wing 'NPCs' as another species with no commonality and shared beliefs. it's this stupid manichean view of politics that has gradually been heating up in recent years, and now you have previously innocuous hicks like war man joining in the supposed 'culture war' against 'anti-white leftist progressives and cultural marxists'. as soon as you see some kid like war man in wisconsin parroting these acquired terms, you know that those sources are doing palpable harm. nobody benefits from this horrible partisan thinking and inflammatory discourse.
It cuts both ways though. I honestly view it as a reaction to the blatant snobbery that emanates from the coasts which is directed towards the "boobs" in the Midwest. Some of it is subtle, some of it is very blatant, but the derision that is heaped on southerners, midwesterners etc by the Enlightened Elite is the root cause of the issue. This is not a new issue, it's been going on for well over a century now.

Stuff like:

As far as it getting worse recently, I blame the media for stoking it. It's nothing but outrage story after outrage story in search of clicks and views and it's stirring up the fanatical types. People have become absolutely rabid about their political beliefs.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England

The True Believers by Eric Hoffer wrote:

Though they seem to be at opposite poles, fanatics of all kinds are actually crowded together at one end. It is the fanatic and the moderate who are poles apart and never meet. The fanatics of various hues eye each other with suspicion and are ready to fly at each other’s throat. But they are neighbors and almost of one family. They hate each other with the hatred of brothers. They are as far apart and close together as Saul and Paul. And it is easier for a fanatic Communist to be converted to fascism, chauvinism or Catholicism than to become a sober liberal.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The people in the south, miswest, and rural areas don't consider coastal and blue staters Americans or their equals either. They call themselves the "real Americans" or complain about NY values/coastal elites. Spare me the pity party.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The people in the south, miswest, and rural areas don't consider coastal and blue staters Americans or their equals either. They call themselves the "real Americans" or complain about NY values/coastal elites. Spare me the pity party.
Well, then you're part of the problem.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

what he's reading is obviously harmful in my $0.02. it's charged with horrible rhetoric and is patently undemocratic. these sources and political pundits are widening the rift in your civil society and shared culture, viewing democrats or left-wing 'NPCs' as another species with no commonality and shared beliefs. it's this stupid manichean view of politics that has gradually been heating up in recent years, and now you have previously innocuous hicks like war man joining in the supposed 'culture war' against 'anti-white leftist progressives and cultural marxists'. as soon as you see some kid like war man in wisconsin parroting these acquired terms, you know that those sources are doing palpable harm. nobody benefits from this horrible partisan thinking and inflammatory discourse.
It cuts both ways though. I honestly view it as a reaction to the blatant snobbery that emanates from the coasts which is directed towards the "boobs" in the Midwest. Some of it is subtle, some of it is very blatant, but the derision that is heaped on southerners, midwesterners etc by the Enlightened Elite is the root cause of the issue. This is not a new issue, it's been going on for well over a century now.

Stuff like:

As far as it getting worse recently, I blame the media for stoking it. It's nothing but outrage story after outrage story in search of clicks and views and it's stirring up the fanatical types. People have become absolutely rabid about their political beliefs.
please. the new yorker always has arch and satirical cartoons and covers. i’m not sure that the new yorker is doing a great deal of harm to the nation at large. didn’t they get in trouble recently for offering a platform to steve bannon? a self-aware and funny cartoon is not the same thing as dozens of daily articles that spread hate and misinformation. war man is parroting the talking points of the nationalist white suprematist alt-light/right crowd.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5681|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

what he's reading is obviously harmful in my $0.02. it's charged with horrible rhetoric and is patently undemocratic. these sources and political pundits are widening the rift in your civil society and shared culture, viewing democrats or left-wing 'NPCs' as another species with no commonality and shared beliefs. it's this stupid manichean view of politics that has gradually been heating up in recent years, and now you have previously innocuous hicks like war man joining in the supposed 'culture war' against 'anti-white leftist progressives and cultural marxists'. as soon as you see some kid like war man in wisconsin parroting these acquired terms, you know that those sources are doing palpable harm. nobody benefits from this horrible partisan thinking and inflammatory discourse.
It cuts both ways though. I honestly view it as a reaction to the blatant snobbery that emanates from the coasts which is directed towards the "boobs" in the Midwest. Some of it is subtle, some of it is very blatant, but the derision that is heaped on southerners, midwesterners etc by the Enlightened Elite is the root cause of the issue. This is not a new issue, it's been going on for well over a century now.

Stuff like:

As far as it getting worse recently, I blame the media for stoking it. It's nothing but outrage story after outrage story in search of clicks and views and it's stirring up the fanatical types. People have become absolutely rabid about their political beliefs.
please. the new yorker always has arch and satirical cartoons and covers. i’m not sure that the new yorker is doing a great deal of harm to the nation at large. didn’t they get in trouble recently for offering a platform to steve bannon? a self-aware and funny cartoon is not the same thing as dozens of daily articles that spread hate and misinformation. war man is parroting the talking points of the nationalist white suprematist alt-light/right crowd.
They do have a point though. When you preach identity politics and try to shove people into grievance groups based on their skin color or sexual orientation, there is going to be a reaction. The natural reaction is to say "hey wait, I'm white and I'm not a terrible person. I work, I pay my taxes, I don't oppress everyone, why am I being vilified?" The active racism expressed by the left when they formed these political identity-based groups is what created the alt-right and brought white supremacy back out of the shadows.

Last edited by Jay (2018-11-16 07:41:22)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
identity politics is liberal politics. ‘the left’ didn’t do anything. the sort of grievance you are expressing is the common grist of tumblr activists and tenured liberal professors on campuses (overstated imo). stop misusing the term left already as if there’s an organised political effort. the left is communitarian and many left thinkers have expressed open contempt for identity politics as a giant own-goal by liberals.

with that said, nothing you’re saying justifies people giving up on democratic institutions and shared norms and going full retard with conspiracy-laden? social media-driven ‘sources’.

Last edited by uziq (2018-11-16 08:09:15)

Aye up duck!
+440|7032|England. Stoke
Half the anti-white vilification is actively sought out though by those looking for a grievance/reason for they feel so shit about their lives, usually via the fucking internet.
Because in fact has fucking no impact whatsoever on them in real life at all.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7036|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

what he's reading is obviously harmful in my $0.02. it's charged with horrible rhetoric and is patently undemocratic. these sources and political pundits are widening the rift in your civil society and shared culture, viewing democrats or left-wing 'NPCs' as another species with no commonality and shared beliefs. it's this stupid manichean view of politics that has gradually been heating up in recent years, and now you have previously innocuous hicks like war man joining in the supposed 'culture war' against 'anti-white leftist progressives and cultural marxists'. as soon as you see some kid like war man in wisconsin parroting these acquired terms, you know that those sources are doing palpable harm. nobody benefits from this horrible partisan thinking and inflammatory discourse.
It cuts both ways though. I honestly view it as a reaction to the blatant snobbery that emanates from the coasts which is directed towards the "boobs" in the Midwest. Some of it is subtle, some of it is very blatant, but the derision that is heaped on southerners, midwesterners etc by the Enlightened Elite is the root cause of the issue. This is not a new issue, it's been going on for well over a century now.

Stuff like:

As far as it getting worse recently, I blame the media for stoking it. It's nothing but outrage story after outrage story in search of clicks and views and it's stirring up the fanatical types. People have become absolutely rabid about their political beliefs.
please. the new yorker always has arch and satirical cartoons and covers. i’m not sure that the new yorker is doing a great deal of harm to the nation at large. didn’t they get in trouble recently for offering a platform to steve bannon? a self-aware and funny cartoon is not the same thing as dozens of daily articles that spread hate and misinformation. war man is parroting the talking points of the nationalist white suprematist alt-light/right crowd.
It's funny you automatically assume they are nationalists and alt-right. I've interacted with actual alt-right and self declared fascists and their anti-semitic bullshit online, I think you will find the real fascists say far worse things and have far worse ideas than I if you actually talked with those people. Automatically lobbing all right wing groups and even some centrists as one big group of "Far Right" people is recipe for bad news.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7036|Purplicious Wisconsin

coke wrote:

Half the anti-white vilification is actively sought out though by those looking for a grievance/reason for they feel so shit about their lives, usually via the fucking internet.
Because in fact has fucking no impact whatsoever on them in real life at all.
Clearly you haven't heard of Don Lemon from CNN
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

It cuts both ways though. I honestly view it as a reaction to the blatant snobbery that emanates from the coasts which is directed towards the "boobs" in the Midwest. Some of it is subtle, some of it is very blatant, but the derision that is heaped on southerners, midwesterners etc by the Enlightened Elite is the root cause of the issue. This is not a new issue, it's been going on for well over a century now.

Stuff like:

As far as it getting worse recently, I blame the media for stoking it. It's nothing but outrage story after outrage story in search of clicks and views and it's stirring up the fanatical types. People have become absolutely rabid about their political beliefs.
please. the new yorker always has arch and satirical cartoons and covers. i’m not sure that the new yorker is doing a great deal of harm to the nation at large. didn’t they get in trouble recently for offering a platform to steve bannon? a self-aware and funny cartoon is not the same thing as dozens of daily articles that spread hate and misinformation. war man is parroting the talking points of the nationalist white suprematist alt-light/right crowd.
It's funny you automatically assume they are nationalists and alt-right. I've interacted with actual alt-right and self declared fascists and their anti-semitic bullshit online, I think you will find the real fascists say far worse things and have far worse ideas than I if you actually talked with those people. Automatically lobbing all right wing groups and even some centrists as one big group of "Far Right" people is recipe for bad news.
i don’t think you’re far right. that’s not what i’m saying. my point is that they have got average moomins like you from double-cream counties talking about things like ‘anti-white’ politics. they have undoubtedly shifted the Overton window of public discourse into kooky and conspiratorial territory. there is frankly no way that 5 years ago you would have been talking about these topics and parroting their terms.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7036|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

please. the new yorker always has arch and satirical cartoons and covers. i’m not sure that the new yorker is doing a great deal of harm to the nation at large. didn’t they get in trouble recently for offering a platform to steve bannon? a self-aware and funny cartoon is not the same thing as dozens of daily articles that spread hate and misinformation. war man is parroting the talking points of the nationalist white suprematist alt-light/right crowd.
It's funny you automatically assume they are nationalists and alt-right. I've interacted with actual alt-right and self declared fascists and their anti-semitic bullshit online, I think you will find the real fascists say far worse things and have far worse ideas than I if you actually talked with those people. Automatically lobbing all right wing groups and even some centrists as one big group of "Far Right" people is recipe for bad news.
i don’t think you’re far right. that’s not what i’m saying. my point is that they have got average moomins like you from double-cream counties talking about things like ‘anti-white’ politics. they have undoubtedly shifted the Overton window of public discourse into kooky and conspiratorial territory. there is frankly no way that 5 years ago you would have been talking about these topics and parroting their terms.
These topics weren't as big 5 years ago as they are now, some of them didn't even exist back then. Alot has changed in American politics in such a short time.

Last edited by War Man (2018-11-16 08:46:35)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7036|Purplicious Wisconsin
You know what guys. You all always seemed to say "Oh those aren't your opinions, those are your parents' opinions."

Now "Oh those aren't your opinions, those are other people's opinions." Fuck you all, seriously, fuck you all.

Last edited by War Man (2018-11-16 09:01:00)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7098|Moscow, Russia
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

War Man wrote:

It's funny you automatically assume they are nationalists and alt-right. I've interacted with actual alt-right and self declared fascists and their anti-semitic bullshit online, I think you will find the real fascists say far worse things and have far worse ideas than I if you actually talked with those people. Automatically lobbing all right wing groups and even some centrists as one big group of "Far Right" people is recipe for bad news.
i don’t think you’re far right. that’s not what i’m saying. my point is that they have got average moomins like you from double-cream counties talking about things like ‘anti-white’ politics. they have undoubtedly shifted the Overton window of public discourse into kooky and conspiratorial territory. there is frankly no way that 5 years ago you would have been talking about these topics and parroting their terms.
These topics weren't as big 5 years ago as they are now, some of them didn't even exist back then. Alot has changed in American politics in such a short time.
right. in the last 5-years the democratic party has become 'anti-white' and the shadowy 'Left' are staging all sorts of shenanigans.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7036|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

i don’t think you’re far right. that’s not what i’m saying. my point is that they have got average moomins like you from double-cream counties talking about things like ‘anti-white’ politics. they have undoubtedly shifted the Overton window of public discourse into kooky and conspiratorial territory. there is frankly no way that 5 years ago you would have been talking about these topics and parroting their terms.
These topics weren't as big 5 years ago as they are now, some of them didn't even exist back then. Alot has changed in American politics in such a short time.
right. in the last 5-years the democratic party has become 'anti-white' and the shadowy 'Left' are staging all sorts of shenanigans.

Yes, democrats are not anti-white, not racist. Nope

Last edited by War Man (2018-11-16 10:02:29)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7032|England. Stoke
How is getting "people of colour" elected via free elections racist exactly?

You sound like to should be posting on some incel message board or something ffs.

Last edited by coke (2018-11-16 10:18:20)

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