soup fly mod

What the BF2S EU team needs are strategies.  Teamwork is all good and fine but the commander tools are nowhere near to being good enough to orchestrate a strategy real time.  Some of these strategies depend on key sequences at the beginning of the game.  So what I propose is that we prepare some set game plans for various maps/armies that we can then practice and see what kind of success we have with them.  Ever say to yourself “we’d have won if we’d only done …” Well here’s our chance.  I will add more map strategies as I have more time.  Feel free to add information to what i've written below (as well as contradicting me if you think i'm wrong).  Also feel free to put together strategies for other maps we play on and I'll add it to the original post.  I forsee a day when Goldman will yell out "BF2S Let's Try Strategy 3...I'm taking the right flank...second squad rear ambush...third squad defend...Go, Go, Go!!!"

MAP 1: Karkand


Strategy 1: Cap MEC Base 
This is the simplest and most powerful strategy to winning as USMC.  It requires getting to the MEC Base quickly, quietly and with out running into armor.  The best way I know of doing this is:
a) load up an APC (or two) with squad leaders.  Preferred Kits for this are: Engineer x1, Spec Ops x 1, Support x1, ATx2, Medic x1

b) take this route (see map below).  The tricky part here is timing.  Wait at the top of the hill until you are certain that the enemy armor has crossed over to your side of the river then go.  Be careful for mines laid out, you may have to have the engineer get out to disable map.  In any case there are three ramps you can use as alternatives.  While you are making your way to the enemy base be sure not open fire.  If you see a sniper in front of you DO NOT KILL HIM!  He will respawn at MEC base as AT or engi and man the Tow.  Do not fire cannon, rockets or machineguns…be as discreet as possible.

c) Commander: during this process the commander needs to be spotting everything on the island and giving you UAV all the way.

d) Why multiple squad leaders?: as you enter the base, bail out in various places around the mec base.  The reason for different squad leaders is this.  If you die, you can leave your squad and spawn on any of the other squad leaders that are at the MEC base (this will only work until patch 1.3) at which point you leave their squad and form a new one so you have multiple spawn points.

e) Capping the flag: Spec ops should C4 tow and UAV asap.  Engineers should lay mines where enemy armor spawns.  Rest of infantry should go to cap flag.  APC should not try to cap flag but circle around the base providing support for infantry.  Also, the APC should be your last remaining spawn point.

f) After you have Captured MEC Base, one squad should remain behind to defend while a second squad should set out to cap further bases (or they can also choose to remain behind and also defend).  Defending MEC Base is so fun cause its so damn easy.  Plus they will not have any armor left…Game over…USMC Wins

Strategy 2: Take the West Bank
This strategy will lead to a sort of stalemate where the USMC has the west bank and MEC has the East bank of the river.  The winner of this stalemate is always USMC.   Try this strategy is the first one has failed. The key here is to cap the hotel because once you do that, you can attack further with armor.  Otherwise, its will be just infantry fighting against enemies that will have support from armor.

Basically you can organize yourself to take either:
a) Take Hotel Hotel: Need a sudden thrust with armor (armor can cap flag if it stands very near to the wall below the flag) followed by infantry or a mass attack from the left side…don’t go through the center.  In any case the squad leader will be key here in reading the map and deciding best approach.

b) Market: Sneak around the side and try to take this.  Then just defend it long enough so that the main force can take the hotel.  Don’t try to cap flags from here because they are too far away.  Very difficult for armor to get involved here so drop some mines, have a couple ATs handy and hold it to draw heat away from the hotel.

Key principles for taking hotel:
a) Don’t go through the alleys in the middle or right side because they are full of claymores and grenades.

b) Go around the left side.  There are not many claymores there there’s only two spawn points which you can cover pretty well.

c) Only danger here is armor so make sure that an engineer plants some mines along the left alley.

d) Call for UAV then rush the flag together.

MEC STRATEGY: This is the tougher of the two and it has three components: Defend Hotel, Defend MEC Island and Defend Left Flank (Market).
a) Defend Hotel (Squad of 6): The most important thing here is to keep the enemy armor from entering the city.  Big key is for engineers to mine the road as well as they can in order to prevent enemy armor from pushing through.  Then the second part is to move your armor in (commander should support them with supply drops) to the front battle line (just behind where your engis should have laid the mines).  If you’ve got a tank and apc with a supply drop or two behind them then you are a virtual wall against anybody coming through…you’ll absorb AT rounds with no problem.  And armor remember to blow up any enemy supply drops as soon as they fall.  Infantry should support and make sure no spec ops flank the armor.

b) Defend MEC Island (Squad of 3): Since you’ve read the USMC part of the strategy then you’ll have guessed that we need to have a way to defend against that attack on our main base which will lead to us losing badly.  Note that I wrote that we should defend MEC Island and not the MEC base.  So yes we need go make sure that all four entry points onto the island (1 bridge + 3 ramps) are defended with mines.  Also, the commander has the major role of scanning constantly and spotting all enemy soldiers approaching the base.  If you’ve got a squad of 3 in a vodnik you can rush around the island taking out bad guys wherever they may be.

c) Defend Left flank (squad of 2-3) from those looking to cap the Market.  As I mentioned before, the market is a good defensive position because it has the high ground.  This means tanks will slowly go up the hill.  Infantry is susceptible to sharp shooters etc.  So make sure that a squad defends this pass.

Key principles to defending as MEC:

a) it’s a thankless job but you really do need engineers on this map to lay mines and to repair armor.

b) Don’t have too many snipers.  I know people love claymores in the alleyways but you’ll do much more damage as support with your pkm and unlimited supply of grenades.  Not saying don’t have any but its not the best kit here because folks are always on the run.  Unless you can hit a moving target well (which most of us can’t) take another kit.  Also, regarding the claymores: if you want to blow people up then use Spec Ops.  You got five charges and once you’re out of those you can fall back on your nifty carbine.

c) Don’t be afraid to suicide in order to respawn at a critical area or new kit.  If your commander yells “MEC Base Under Attack” and you see there’s no blue dots at your base then hit suicide and respawn as AT.

d) Watch your minimap for commander spots.  so many times i spot enemies heading towards an enemy flag and one of our APCs will drive right on by without paying attention.

e) Defend, defend, defend.  I go crazy when I see people rushing out towards the USMC base...exactly where three marines are just about to spawn. Wait for them to come to you.

f) Take care of your armor.  It will ultimately decide who wins.

COMING NEXT: Mashtuur and Sharqi

Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-05-02 08:08:59)

Shoot that guy ->
A good idea, but you have to think to yourself, these strategies are going to not work more than half the time because you'll have idiots on your team stealing the APC, guys in tanks, spec ops, etc... trying to stop you. The key to being a good squad in BF2 is being able to adapt to the situation. If you need to pound it out at Hotel for awhile, to try and advance, do that. If you can get by and take Square, Suburb, and Train Accident, do that. Same with other maps. I'm not doubting your idea or skills as being a strategic player, but you need to be able to have multiple strategies and be able to change on the fly. The best teamplay I've had going on the BF2s Server is when I was commander, and I could tell the BF2s squad to go wherever I needed them cause I knew they could get the job done, and they were able to adapt based on what enemy squads were doing. Unfortuneately, there was some really good players on the other team and we lost the round 3-0

Good thinking though Superfly_Cox, +1 for you for taking the time to come up with some good strategy, hopefully it can be put to use if the oppurtunity presents itself
+383|7039|The Netherlands
Its a ranked server, which means all players can use any vehicle they want. I think these tactics will work in a clanwar, no doubt about that but i dont think its a good idea to get over-organized, we re not a clan lol!  

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

The key to being a good squad in BF2 is being able to adapt to the situation.
I played bfv in clanbase and i think you re right about this, we only need to play together and all get a feel for what needs to be done in the squad. And we all need to keep an eye on the classes in the squadlist. We dont need 3 snipers or medics in a squad. We just need a good mix of classes for a squad to really work well together. So everyone, keep an eye on the classes in the squad please before you pick a kit.
Bianchi Whore.

General-Echo wrote:

Its a ranked server, which means all players can use any vehicle they want. I think these tactics will work in a clanwar, no doubt about that but i dont think its a good idea to get over-organized, we re not a clan lol!  

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

The key to being a good squad in BF2 is being able to adapt to the situation.
I played bfv in clanbase and i think you re right about this, we only need to play together and all get a feel for what needs to be done in the squad. And we all need to keep an eye on the classes in the squadlist. We dont need 3 snipers or medics in a squad. We just need a good mix of classes for a squad to really work well together. So everyone, keep an eye on the classes in the squad please before you pick a kit.
Last night we had very few medics for some reason. I usually prefer my LMG, but when there were no medics, I went the medic route and died alot. For you all. *sniff* My poor face. All riddled with holes.
well...i play medic for most of the time, only when defending a flag against armor, i choose you could see yesterday, i was playing medic the whole 1 round on karkand, had like 37 kills, 20 something deaths and over 100 points... gold to meh
soup fly mod

well i think my karkand strategy is too complicated so i'll sumarize:

USMC: grab the MEC base.  If you can't then capture your side of the bank (west) and then defend it

MEC: Defend your Base...without it you are dead.  Defend Hotel as well as you can but be sure to check for those trying to outflank you.  Commander be sure to drop plenty of supplies for tanks/apcs.  Commander very impt for this side.
BF2s EU Server Admin (RETIRED)
+330|6982|The Netherlands
I guess it's not, but most people don't take the time to read text longer than 10 line...
Your summary is good.

Altough I think MEC should only defend Hotel at the beginning of the round.
Cause I see too many times 90% of the players constanty defending Hotel
and get masskilled by 1 arty strike or 1 Superfly-cox tank ... totally ignoring
the flags they loose further inland.

Bad SL and Commander work...!
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

Sometimes when I play Karkand ( it happens on other maps too, but most on Karkand ) I have a feeling most of my teammates come from classic FPS and don't have much experience with the kind of playing style that is required in BF2 ( defending flags and other areas of strategic importance, for example ).

everyone crowds the hotel while the USMC flanks us either on the right to capture suburbs and then move on to our base, or they flank left to capture the factory directly. As Superly_cox has said, once MEC loses the factory ( and thereby tank / apc spawn and all assets ) the round is essentially lost.

Personally, I have always believed that map control is more important than actually killing enemy soldiers. By map control I mean CP control, of course..

sealing off possible flank routes is the key, I'd say.
+3,135|7057|The Hague, Netherlands

uhm winning Karkand as USMC with no flag at all can also be done, seen if before but well then the MEC must really suck, but if you can't seem to cap Hotel, try to form a group and cap Factory, otherwise your doomed
Support fanatic :-)

Diversion is the key to winning any map.

3 squad`s: Karkand

Squad 1 : Factory (leave one or two for def, rest try to cap the 3 others)
Squad 2 : Suburb (leave one for defence, attack train accident)
Squad 3 : Hotel

Done in rapid motion will get you a good grip on the map and the pressure at the hotel will ease and the Mec commander will be very furious for the next minutes trying to order his men around seing flag by flag vanish.

The loss of armor and his assets will hurt bad !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

When I play USMC, I usually never try to cap Hotel. Too many tickets are lost there in vain. As has been said, you are much better off trying to flank immediately, either to the suburbs or towards cement factory.

What I didn't know was that you can actually get on top of the factory itself at the MEC base. There is a ladder behind the loading crane at the back of the factory, I have been told. Once you are up on the roof it is nearly impossible for enemy forces to get you up there and when you are SL, people can spawn on you and capture factory or warehouse easily. I'll have to try this out later this week.
+3,135|7057|The Hague, Netherlands

B.Schuss wrote:

When I play USMC, I usually never try to cap Hotel. Too many tickets are lost there in vain. As has been said, you are much better off trying to flank immediately, either to the suburbs or towards cement factory.

What I didn't know was that you can actually get on top of the factory itself at the MEC base. There is a ladder behind the loading crane at the back of the factory, I have been told. Once you are up on the roof it is nearly impossible for enemy forces to get you up there and when you are SL, people can spawn on you and capture factory or warehouse easily. I'll have to try this out later this week.
Yes this can be done, had a squad up their myself, supports and snipers, sniper  throwing clays down, 1 after 1, BOEM killed by Clays when they wanted to spawn for a vehicle
Support fanatic :-)

Going for the Hotel is the diversion, if you dont send any troops for the hotel they`ll start wondering what your up to and guessing that the factory and suburb needs stronger def.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Ambitious but Rubbish

superfly_cox wrote:

What the BF2S EU team needs are strategies.  Teamwork is all good and fine but the commander tools are nowhere near to being good enough to orchestrate a strategy real time.  Some of these strategies depend on key sequences at the beginning of the game.  So what I propose is that we prepare some set game plans for various maps/armies that we can then practice and see what kind of success we have with them.  Ever say to yourself “we’d have won if we’d only done …” Well here’s our chance.  I will add more map strategies as I have more time.  Feel free to add information to what i've written below (as well as contradicting me if you think i'm wrong).  Also feel free to put together strategies for other maps we play on and I'll add it to the original post.  I forsee a day when Goldman will yell out "BF2S Let's Try Strategy 3...I'm taking the right flank...second squad rear ambush...third squad defend...Go, Go, Go!!!"

MAP 1: Karkand


Strategy 1: Cap MEC Base 
This is the simplest and most powerful strategy to winning as USMC.  It requires getting to the MEC Base quickly, quietly and with out running into armor.  The best way I know of doing this is:
a) load up an APC (or two) with squad leaders.  Preferred Kits for this are: Engineer x1, Spec Ops x 1, Support x1, ATx2, Medic x1

b) take this route (see map below).  The tricky part here is timing.  Wait at the top of the hill until you are certain that the enemy armor has crossed over to your side of the river then go.  Be careful for mines laid out, you may have to have the engineer get out to disable map.  In any case there are three ramps you can use as alternatives.  While you are making your way to the enemy base be sure not open fire.  If you see a sniper in front of you DO NOT KILL HIM!  He will respawn at MEC base as AT or engi and man the Tow.  Do not fire cannon, rockets or machineguns…be as discreet as possible. … iew8qp.jpg

c) Commander: during this process the commander needs to be spotting everything on the island and giving you UAV all the way.

d) Why multiple squad leaders?: as you enter the base, bail out in various places around the mec base.  The reason for different squad leaders is this.  If you die, you can leave your squad and spawn on any of the other squad leaders that are at the MEC base (this will only work until patch 1.3) at which point you leave their squad and form a new one so you have multiple spawn points.

e) Capping the flag: Spec ops should C4 tow and UAV asap.  Engineers should lay mines where enemy armor spawns.  Rest of infantry should go to cap flag.  APC should not try to cap flag but circle around the base providing support for infantry.  Also, the APC should be your last remaining spawn point.

f) After you have Captured MEC Base, one squad should remain behind to defend while a second squad should set out to cap further bases (or they can also choose to remain behind and also defend).  Defending MEC Base is so fun cause its so damn easy.  Plus they will not have any armor left…Game over…USMC Wins

Strategy 2: Take the West Bank
This strategy will lead to a sort of stalemate where the USMC has the west bank and MEC has the East bank of the river.  The winner of this stalemate is always USMC.   Try this strategy is the first one has failed. The key here is to cap the hotel because once you do that, you can attack further with armor.  Otherwise, its will be just infantry fighting against enemies that will have support from armor.

Basically you can organize yourself to take either:
a) Take Hotel Hotel: Need a sudden thrust with armor (armor can cap flag if it stands very near to the wall below the flag) followed by infantry or a mass attack from the left side…don’t go through the center.  In any case the squad leader will be key here in reading the map and deciding best approach.

b) Market: Sneak around the side and try to take this.  Then just defend it long enough so that the main force can take the hotel.  Don’t try to cap flags from here because they are too far away.  Very difficult for armor to get involved here so drop some mines, have a couple ATs handy and hold it to draw heat away from the hotel.

Key principles for taking hotel:
a) Don’t go through the alleys in the middle or right side because they are full of claymores and grenades.

b) Go around the left side.  There are not many claymores there there’s only two spawn points which you can cover pretty well.

c) Only danger here is armor so make sure that an engineer plants some mines along the left alley.

d) Call for UAV then rush the flag together.

MEC STRATEGY: This is the tougher of the two and it has three components: Defend Hotel, Defend MEC Island and Defend Left Flank (Market).
a) Defend Hotel (Squad of 6): The most important thing here is to keep the enemy armor from entering the city.  Big key is for engineers to mine the road as well as they can in order to prevent enemy armor from pushing through.  Then the second part is to move your armor in (commander should support them with supply drops) to the front battle line (just behind where your engis should have laid the mines).  If you’ve got a tank and apc with a supply drop or two behind them then you are a virtual wall against anybody coming through…you’ll absorb AT rounds with no problem.  And armor remember to blow up any enemy supply drops as soon as they fall.  Infantry should support and make sure no spec ops flank the armor.

b) Defend MEC Island (Squad of 3): Since you’ve read the USMC part of the strategy then you’ll have guessed that we need to have a way to defend against that attack on our main base which will lead to us losing badly.  Note that I wrote that we should defend MEC Island and not the MEC base.  So yes we need go make sure that all four entry points onto the island (1 bridge + 3 ramps) are defended with mines.  Also, the commander has the major role of scanning constantly and spotting all enemy soldiers approaching the base.  If you’ve got a squad of 3 in a vodnik you can rush around the island taking out bad guys wherever they may be.

c) Defend Left flank (squad of 2-3) from those looking to cap the Market.  As I mentioned before, the market is a good defensive position because it has the high ground.  This means tanks will slowly go up the hill.  Infantry is susceptible to sharp shooters etc.  So make sure that a squad defends this pass.

Key principles to defending as MEC:

a) it’s a thankless job but you really do need engineers on this map to lay mines and to repair armor.

b) Don’t have too many snipers.  I know people love claymores in the alleyways but you’ll do much more damage as support with your pkm and unlimited supply of grenades.  Not saying don’t have any but its not the best kit here because folks are always on the run.  Unless you can hit a moving target well (which most of us can’t) take another kit.  Also, regarding the claymores: if you want to blow people up then use Spec Ops.  You got five charges and once you’re out of those you can fall back on your nifty carbine.

c) Don’t be afraid to suicide in order to respawn at a critical area or new kit.  If your commander yells “MEC Base Under Attack” and you see there’s no blue dots at your base then hit suicide and respawn as AT.

d) Watch your minimap for commander spots.  so many times i spot enemies heading towards an enemy flag and one of our APCs will drive right on by without paying attention.

e) Defend, defend, defend.  I go crazy when I see people rushing out towards the USMC base...exactly where three marines are just about to spawn. Wait for them to come to you.

f) Take care of your armor.  It will ultimately decide who wins.

COMING NEXT: Mashtuur and Sharqi
Hehe thought that tactic map looked Familiar, check out my post on this forum.

Nice ideas on the extra planning though.
soup fly mod

paranoid: yup, that's where i got it from!!

B.Schuss wrote:

Sometimes when I play Karkand ( it happens on other maps too, but most on Karkand ) I have a feeling most of my teammates come from classic FPS and don't have much experience with the kind of playing style that is required in BF2 ( defending flags and other areas of strategic importance, for example ).
Amen to that bro. Alot of players think that its all about capping flags and moving on. Problem is when they go, an enemy squad comes around the corner and recaptures the flag. Then they come back and re-cap the same flag. Good for points, bad for the team. If our team gets a flag in amonst alot of enemy flags, behind enemy lines kind of thing, it should be protected at all cost so that more members of your team can spawn there and move out to the other flags. That flag should be defended until atleaset two more flags are captured.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

well, this is where a good commander comes in. He should have a strategy worked out for the map and all the players should be in squads and follow his orders. Last night on Karkand, when I did my first round of commanding ever, we had about 6 guys or so that weren't in a squad. That's 20% or more of all team members.

I have to say though, that most of the people you meet on public servers play as if the commander wasn't there.
Cool member
i know i havnt played with you guys yet (well once before patch 1.22) but i will hopefully after patch 1.3 if it fixes my BF2 problem.

but i think this strategy usually works pretty well.

right you have red squad, green, blue and yellow.

Personally i dont really like the yellow route because i have seen people use it before and if you are expecting people to use it then you can defend against it pretty easily. (suppose that goes for all the routes though).

firstly the red route. one squad jumps into a humvy as soon as the game loads. follow the route, trying to avoid the enemy near the hotel. you will hopefully not encounter any armour once on the road near the suburb. the white circle is where you might experience some resistance because you have a narrow passage in which to go through with your vehicle and squad mates. usually though there is not much resistance once you get to the suburb because people are either fighting with the enemy at the hotel, or fighting with each other over who gets the tank and apc's.

secondly the blue route. one squad again jumps into a humvy and follows this route. hopefully you can get past the rear of the hotel without someone hitting you with a rocket or mine. usually if u drive fast enough this isnt a problem. however once u get into the white circle there is a high chance of running into the enemy armour. maybe take a slight detour through the market slowely and hope that the armour doesnt see you. once you get to the train wreck you can either cap that flag (usually with low infantry resistance) or you can follow it on to the gatehouse following the green route.

thirdly the green route. same as the blue route but always go for the gatehouse. you could have a blue and green squad capturing both flags.

both the blue and green squads have a good chance of hearing the artillery fire once the flag goes neutral. so you can move if this happens cause the chances are that the enemy commander knows you are there and wants to take you out.
Cool member
soup fly mod

lol!  where did this old thing come from?

Problem with this thread is that when i first started it i was way too detailed and clan like in nature.  We need shorter, simpler fundamentals for our guys because as you said, we are not a clan.  Basically we need to expand on the teamwork concept to include basic tactics.

If it's an Assault-type map and we're the attacking team, sneak to their main with a force of at least 6: 2 medics, 1 support, 1 anti-tank, 1 assault, and 1 specops.
+3,135|7057|The Hague, Netherlands

Karkand mostly goes alright if we are in the same team, form armor groups and then attack Factory, then defend it because 99% of the time you will encounter their armor in a few minutes. well i have quite some time on Karkand. but Kubra last night, we had Slayer and S3nf in the air. but what was on the ground ?!?!?! me, Cox and k30 ? and someone else, trying to cap the airfield back on FOOT. which didn't work (duh) but i didn't had anything else to use. we need AA + Armor group, people in the air < already have that, laying mine jeeps. AT <( not much used yesterday)
Cool member
I think we do include basic tactics though in our games. I mean we do win most of our rounds. Last night we could have done better against the TOP guys but we never sepparated into separate channels on TS and like Schuss said, it was too noisy to understand or hear people. Especially with the person playing Music all the time!!

Karkand (USMC):

-Grab as much armor as possible. Whoever is driving a tank or APC is an Engineer.
-Two people grab the Humvee, one Engineer riding (switches between .50 cal and rear seats)
-Infantry left without a vehicle catch a ride in whatever vehicle available.
-APCs and Humvee drive on the right hill, out-of bounds, and along the railroad track at full throttle.
-If anyone takes damage from being out-of-bounds, medics heal them.
-Tank rushes along right-hand street and crosses at river ford.
-Humvee follows tank along river ford, dropping mines. Humvee stops at Cement Factory and captures it.
-APCs and tank rush Cement Factory. Specops and Support do not cap the flag, they grab a Vodnik and destroy commander assets.
-Mine the entrances to Factory, including the south road.
-One APC and two infantrymen take Warehouse, the detachment that took Cement Factory should move to Gatehouse.
-Spec-ops blows the bridge.

Karkand (MEC):

-Grab as much armor as possible.
-Armor moves in a convoy, destroying anything in its path and mutually repairing. Any Anti-Tank infantry catching a ride can also help if encountered with enemy armor.
-A skilled sniper squad leaderwith the L96A1 claymores the flag then takes up a concealed, high position near Factory and notifies the squad if anyone approaches factory.
-A medic and support hide in my hidingspot under the train car and notify the team of anyone coming across the river ford.
-A spec-ops blows the bridge early in the game, all river crossings must be made at the river ford.
soup fly mod

I think that everybody already knows what to do on karkand.

For Sharqi: Take or keep the television station (depending on what side you're on)

For Mashtuur there's lots of strategies cause the map is basically a mirror image for the two sides.  Some basic principles are that the tanks are key.  A good tanker can easily get 40:1 k/d on Mashtuur which will usually tip the balance for his team so I say that the tank spawns are crucial as well as defending your assets.

The problem is that we don't have good tactics for Dragon Valley, Clean Sweep, Kubra Dam and Qatar.

Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-07-25 08:33:53)

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