duk0r wrote:
Yeah they are building a nuke just like the WMDs that were in Iraq. Common people, you are being played for a fool.
"A Death Star! Iran is building a DEATH STAR!!!! Darth Ahmadinejad is in league with Senator Palpatine! We gotta bomb them all NOW!" -- Official White Horse Souse
(in wrong section, moved to > Not bf2, not bf2s)
Now, if you'd have said source instead of " souse ", I'd have some concern.
Isreal can/will do enough damage without nukes, thank you very much.
Doesn't anybody realize that bombing Iran is exactly what the president in Iran wants? It would unite the country, and his insane ass is in serious jeapordy of being over thrown. Patriotism is about the only card the mullahs can play, and without an outside aggressor there just is not a whole lot of patriotism in Iran.
Iran has historically had good relations with Israel, it was the nazi's that messed everything up...always the nazis!
check it out, you bleeding hearts don't have a clear understanding of just why these people are so fucked up!
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/article … 4714.shtmlhttp://www.sullivan-county.com/immigrat … i_arab.htmhttp://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a8ff1c12efe.htmhttp://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelrep … sp?aid=132http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/817okay I'm waiting for somebody to explain the realistic beef the average muslim fanatic has with anyone beside their fellow muslims/arabs and the nazis. Go ahead...(yawn) I'm waiting ( sound of toe tapping and then snoring)
The nazis put such a mind fuck on the world it's still causing problems.
Last edited by yerded (2006-05-13 15:05:55)