The score so far:
Team Fortress 2 was updated with some minor changes; however, several new files were included in the otherwise unimportant update.
Image 1:
[When decrypted, reads: "Clearly here is more space than Reeded. I wonder what else was here."]
Image 2: (Same image, .tga alpha channel)
[When decrypted, reads: Same as above, essentially!]
The two images above are most likely simple hints pointing towards...
The Golden Wrench:
Appears to unobtainable at the moment. It is an Engineer weapon which appears to transmute its victims into pure gold. Its attributes show nothing else of notice, though it does appear to be packaged with some "gametype" attributes, as well as a notification icon of some of sort pertaining to it.
Given the above information, it may serve as a temporary, "golden gun" of sorts. Especially since there appears to be a timer and a unique notification set to it. Why it is exclusive to the Engineer, who knows?
It's started. The update just now added a weird image which looks like an encoded letter from Saxton Hale, and a Golden Wrench that apparently has powers of some sort.
So far it has roughly been translated as "Clearly there is more space than needed. I wonder what else was here?"
The Golden Wrench.
And on the all items list, it's right there amongst the others. Says it's imbued with strange power:"TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C" "%s1 has found Golden Wrench no. %s2!"
"TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D" "%s1 has destroyed Golden Wrench no. %s2!"
"name" "turn to gold"
"attribute_class" "set_turn_to_gold"
"attribute_name" "turns corpse to gold"
"min_value" "1"
"max_value" "1"
"description_string" "#Attrib_TurnToGold"
"description_format" "value_is_additive"
"hidden" "0"
"effect_type" "positive"
"TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench" "Golden Wrench" [$ENGLISH]
"name" "Golden Wrench"
"item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench"
"craft_class" "weapon"
"item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench"
"item_name" "#TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench"
"item_slot" "melee"
"item_quality" "unique"
"min_ilevel" "25"
"max_ilevel" "25"
"propername" "1"
"attach_to_hands" "1"
"item_logname" "wrench_golden"
"item_iconname" "wrench_golden"
"image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_wrench/gold_wrench"
"image_inventory_size_w" "128"
"image_inventory_size_h" "82"
"model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_wrench/c_wrench.mdl"
"engineer" "1"
"material_override" "models/weapons/c_items/gold_wrench.vmt"
"mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav"
"drop_sound" "ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav"
"turn to gold"
"attribute_class" "set_turn_to_gold"
"value" "1"
It turns people into gold statues when you kill them.
What could it all mean.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2010-07-01 19:20:06)