+194|5492|Markham, Ontario
Sat. May 15/10                                Pace51

Modern Warfare 2- A game of Chance

The critics seemed to love MW2, saying it lived up to the hype, a thing few games have accomplished. However, the multiplayer went from cod 4’s infantry based battles to massive kill fests filled with ridiculous vehicles and features. Also, many are not balanced or hard to use. The below is a review of everything MW2 added.

The massive amount of killstreaks: In cod4, every fight was purely infantry based. Now, its only 70 or 65 percent infantry based, and 30-35 killstreak based. Since in cod4, you only had 3 killstreaks you could get, you’d run around and shoot people. Now, because of all the killstreaks, everyone camps in a building with a sniper or a grenade launcher and starts getting their killstreaks. Also, since aircraft are flying around shooting at you, people can now easily kill each other en masse. Also, the killstreaks demonstrate the developers lazyness. Instead of using indigenous vehicles for each faction, every vehicle or weapon is American or NATO used, and anyone can earn them. Ever seen a Brazilian rebel call in a Harrier? I think not. Also, some of the killstreaks are absolutely ridiculous. The nuclear bomb, for example. Firstly, they don’t give them out like candy in the real world. Secondly, it kills the person who called it in as well as everyone else. The killstreak surplus really hurts the game. In cods 1-5, you were fighting honorably and for a cause. Now, you just kill people in new and exciting ways. It take all the fun out of the game. Also, they completely unbalance the game. Any idiot with an AC-130 can wave the mouse around the screen. In other words, because of the killstreaks, theres no way of telling if someone is pro or not at FPS’s, or if they just got a bunch of Pave Lows.

The Emblems: Well, aesthetics are important. But a bunch of different tags for people to utilize? Actually, the emblems were a really good idea that got added into the game, since they allow people to customize their look. Also, you can brag to each other about achievements. Overall, these were a good addition to the game. They do glorify war, though.

Game Winning Kill: This was a very nice addition. It “spices up” the game, and is quite entertaining to watch. Also, it gives you time to video tape your best kills.

Third person view: Well, this also spices up the game, but it isn’t that necessary. It adds variety though, so it was a decent addition. It’s nothing too original though.

Perks for every situation: Well, now these were ridiculous. All kinds of new perks have been added, and many are so useless that they were probably filler. Now, the upgraded perks for higher level players was a nice touch, but yet again, it severely unbalances the game. Also, some of the perks made absolutely no sense. In cods four and five, each perk was based on real life equipment and physique. In MW2, some of the perks appear to be possible only through the excessive use of magic. And, these perks are bizarre, too. Like, the copycat perk? That perk is not only realistic, but unreliable. What if your playing on Rust and the enemy was using the Intervention? What then? And then there are perks that silence your footsteps, make you immune to falling, and give you ridiculous stamina. These all serve to make MW2 a game of chance, not skill.

New Weapon Attachments: These, for the most part, were somewhat balanced and smartly done. For example, the heartbeat sensor was great, but only worked at relatively short ranges. Also, a tactical knife and magnum allowed you to fight better at closer ranges and focus on getting melee achievements. Some of these attachments count on chance, though. When you normally use a knife, you’re not expecting an enemy player to appear, and you use it to save ammo or as the result of your sudden reaction to a surprise attack. The tactical knife turns the knife into a primary weapon, however. Whereas with the regular knife, you used your gun primarily and could pull out your knife in any situation, the tactical knife turns your knife into a primary weapon. Although some people add it just in case they’ll need it, most people use it to get achievements. This means that you will probably be killed a lot and won’t get enough knife kills to make up for your deaths.

Rocket and Grenade Launchers: These replace your pistol, so that balances them out in infantry combat. Also, grenade launchers aren’t really noob, because although they kill in one hit, their reload time and “one shot clip” balance them out. However, since there are so many vehicles now, the rocket launchers are repeatedly used to blast enemy air vehicles right out of the sky. So, these are a good addition to the game, since they make the killstreaks less powerful.

What are your opinions?
BC2 plat: CG, GL, M60, Mortar, Knife
tldr obvious facts about mw2
+354|6318|Vortex Ring State
you don't fight honorably and for a cause in multiplayer, pace.

Protip: Stinger in one kit = no proper killstreaks for the enemy team.
+1,510|6449|Carnoustie MASSIF

pace51 wrote:

What are your opinions?
My opinion is that what I just read is a massive pile of wank. It's a game. Who. Cares.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6475|Vancouver | Canada

CammRobb wrote:

pace51 wrote:

What are your opinions?
My opinion is that what I just read is a massive pile of wank. It's a shitty game. Who. Cares.
plundering yee booty
+510|5793|Ventura, California

DefCon-17 wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

pace51 wrote:

What are your opinions?
My opinion is that what I just read is a massive pile of wank. It's a shitty game. Who. Cares.

Cammy got steamrolled.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
+3,611|6940|London, England
I never have problems with killstreaks, if I'm on the suck team that keeps on getting raped by the other team that keeps on calling all the killstreaks like Harriers and shit. I go dark. Silenced weapons. Cold blooded perk. Ninja perk. Stinger missiles. Scavenger perk. Take out any nigga that's in the sky, even the UAV's. Run behind enemy lines. Tactical insertion. Keep blasting them in the dark...

It's not rocket science.
11 Bravo
+965|5556|Cleveland, Ohio

DefCon-17 wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

pace51 wrote:

What are your opinions?
My opinion is that what I just read is a massive pile of wank. It's a shitty game. Who. Cares.
+1,510|6449|Carnoustie MASSIF

-Sh1fty- wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

My opinion is that what I just read is a massive pile of wank. It's a shitty game. Who. Cares.

Cammy got steamrolled.
lololololololololol how did I get steamrolled? You steamrolled yourself when you hatched from your mother's vagina.
+354|6318|Vortex Ring State

CammRobb wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:


Cammy got steamrolled.
lololololololololol how did I get steamrolled? You steamrolled yourself when you hatched from your mother's vagina.
Def steamrolled pace, that's what happened.
got any popo lolo intersting?

CammRobb wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:


Cammy got steamrolled.
lololololololololol how did I get steamrolled? You steamrolled yourself when you hatched from your mother's vagina.
Nah, shitty's mom is not THAT hot
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6475|Vancouver | Canada
I'm confused now.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black
Russian people don't really get your mum jokes, he's just trying to fit in.
For Hot, Cold, Moist, and Dry, four champions fierce,
Strive here for mast'ry, and to battle bring
Their embryon atoms; they around the flag
Of each his faction, in their several clans,
Light-armed or heavy, sharp, smooth, swift or slow,
Swarm populous, unnumbered as the sands
Of Barca or Cyrene's torrid soil,
Levied to side with warring winds, and poise
Their lighter wings. To whom these most adhere,
He rules a moment; Chaos umpire sits,
And by decision more embroils the fray
By which he reigns: next him high arbiter
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
There are Russian vehicles too, the MI-24 Hind and MI-28 Havoc are called in, plus the air strike is always Mig-29 Fulcrums. The Harrier is just plain stupid. I want to rip my eye from their sockets every time I see that gun sticking out of the bottom of it. Other animations that piss me off are the chopper gunners entire GUA rotating inside of the cradle. All realism IMO is lost when a H-53 or C-130 is killed by a single stinger causing it to blow into multiple chunks.

As far as balance issue go most of them were not based on the fact that the internet has delay. How many times have you shot someone with more than enough firepower to take them down just for them to lunge forward with commando and knife you? Its just plain stupid sometimes. The sniper scope sways like the player is drunk even when in the prone position, yet there is virtually no movement in assault rifles even from it's recoil when firing fully automatic. I have fired a M16 on burst and I can tell you that anything beyond 50 yards you can forget about hitting with the 2nd and 3rd round, let alone pulling the trigger as fast as you can.

The kills streaks are only part of the reason players camp. There are many other rewards. Fun fact, the human eye acquires moving object 3 times faster than still ones. So the guy running around is always at a disadvantage to a camper who just want to get a high score. Add that to the over sized hit area of player and the game  basically encourages camping for easy points.

Multiple other mistakes were made that make me wonder if anyone from any military was involved with this game. Everone by now should have played on the map Crash by now. Thats a map from the first  MW. In the center of the map is a downed H-46. It has 2 blades per rotor as it should, yet in the single player and co-op missions they have 4. WTF is that about, did these guys even get pictures of what real aircraft are suppose to look like?

Last edited by Evil_Black_Fox (2010-05-25 18:20:39)

+354|6318|Vortex Ring State

Evil_Black_Fox wrote:

There are Russian vehicles too, the MI-24 Hind and MI-28 Havoc are called in, plus the air strike is always Mig-29 Fulcrums. The Harrier is just plain stupid. I want to rip my eye from their sockets every time I see that gun sticking out of the bottom of it. Other animations that piss me off are the chopper gunners entire GUA rotating inside of the cradle. All realism IMO is lost when a H-53 or C-130 is killed by a single stinger causing it to blow into multiple chunks.

As far as balance issue go most of them were not based on the fact that the internet has delay. How many times have you shot someone with more than enough firepower to take them down just for them to lunge forward with commando and knife you? Its just plain stupid sometimes. The sniper scope sways like the player is drunk even when in the prone position, yet there is virtually no movement in assault rifles even from it's recoil when firing fully automatic. I have fired a M16 on burst and I can tell you that anything beyond 50 yards you can forget about hitting with the 2nd and 3rd round, let alone pulling the trigger as fast as you can.

The kills streaks are only part of the reason players camp. There are many other rewards. Fun fact, the human eye acquires moving object 3 times faster than still ones. So the guy running around is always at a disadvantage to a camper who just want to get a high score. Add that to the over sized hit area of player and the game  basically encourages camping for easy points.

Multiple other mistakes were made that make me wonder if anyone from any military was involved with this game. Everone by now should have played on the map Crash by now. Thats a map from the first  MW. In the center of the map is a downed H-46. It has 2 blades per rotor as it should, yet in the single player and co-op missions they have 4. WTF is that about, did these guys even get pictures of what real aircraft are suppose to look like?
Play the SP if you want even moar realism raaaaaaaaaaaaaaeg

Evil_Black_Fox wrote:

There are Russian vehicles too, the MI-24 Hind and MI-28 Havoc are called in, plus the air strike is always Mig-29 Fulcrums. The Harrier is just plain stupid. I want to rip my eye from their sockets every time I see that gun sticking out of the bottom of it. Other animations that piss me off are the chopper gunners entire GUA rotating inside of the cradle. All realism IMO is lost when a H-53 or C-130 is killed by a single stinger causing it to blow into multiple chunks.

As far as balance issue go most of them were not based on the fact that the internet has delay. How many times have you shot someone with more than enough firepower to take them down just for them to lunge forward with commando and knife you? Its just plain stupid sometimes. The sniper scope sways like the player is drunk even when in the prone position, yet there is virtually no movement in assault rifles even from it's recoil when firing fully automatic. I have fired a M16 on burst and I can tell you that anything beyond 50 yards you can forget about hitting with the 2nd and 3rd round, let alone pulling the trigger as fast as you can.

The kills streaks are only part of the reason players camp. There are many other rewards. Fun fact, the human eye acquires moving object 3 times faster than still ones. So the guy running around is always at a disadvantage to a camper who just want to get a high score. Add that to the over sized hit area of player and the game  basically encourages camping for easy points.

Multiple other mistakes were made that make me wonder if anyone from any military was involved with this game. Everone by now should have played on the map Crash by now. Thats a map from the first  MW. In the center of the map is a downed H-46. It has 2 blades per rotor as it should, yet in the single player and co-op missions they have 4. WTF is that about, did these guys even get pictures of what real aircraft are suppose to look like?
According to IW, the M16 and M4 are the world's most accurate and reliable rifles. The ACR is a recoiless rifle and the G36C which actually is one of the most accurate rifles in the world, has shit stats.

Don't bother with IW, they have no fucking clue about what they're talking about.
+244|7008|arica harbour

Ioan92 wrote:

Evil_Black_Fox wrote:

There are Russian vehicles too, the MI-24 Hind and MI-28 Havoc are called in, plus the air strike is always Mig-29 Fulcrums. The Harrier is just plain stupid. I want to rip my eye from their sockets every time I see that gun sticking out of the bottom of it. Other animations that piss me off are the chopper gunners entire GUA rotating inside of the cradle. All realism IMO is lost when a H-53 or C-130 is killed by a single stinger causing it to blow into multiple chunks.

As far as balance issue go most of them were not based on the fact that the internet has delay. How many times have you shot someone with more than enough firepower to take them down just for them to lunge forward with commando and knife you? Its just plain stupid sometimes. The sniper scope sways like the player is drunk even when in the prone position, yet there is virtually no movement in assault rifles even from it's recoil when firing fully automatic. I have fired a M16 on burst and I can tell you that anything beyond 50 yards you can forget about hitting with the 2nd and 3rd round, let alone pulling the trigger as fast as you can.

The kills streaks are only part of the reason players camp. There are many other rewards. Fun fact, the human eye acquires moving object 3 times faster than still ones. So the guy running around is always at a disadvantage to a camper who just want to get a high score. Add that to the over sized hit area of player and the game  basically encourages camping for easy points.

Multiple other mistakes were made that make me wonder if anyone from any military was involved with this game. Everone by now should have played on the map Crash by now. Thats a map from the first  MW. In the center of the map is a downed H-46. It has 2 blades per rotor as it should, yet in the single player and co-op missions they have 4. WTF is that about, did these guys even get pictures of what real aircraft are suppose to look like?
According to IW, the M16 and M4 are the world's most accurate and reliable rifles. The ACR is a recoiless rifle and the G36C which actually is one of the most accurate rifles in the world, has shit stats.

Don't bother with IW, they have no fucking clue about what they're talking about.
if i could speak plainly, none of the weapon stats are true in real life. i guess thats why its called a video game. the M16 with stopping power is a beast, one burst fire to the chest and its over. made 5 kills in  a row just like that. the m4 is pretty good but too much spread. i dont like the mp5k in MW2 but i used the m4 as a replacement.

the ACR.. my personal favorite. stopping power could use some improvement. but that thing is dead accurate even on full auto. and i love the iron sights on that thing. got me both gold emblems on the Acr not so long ago.
+149|6541|teh FIN-land
this is avideo game that has never tried to be realistic. moaning that it's not realistic is dumb. go play ArmA or something.
+244|7008|arica harbour

ruisleipa wrote:

this is avideo game that has never tried to be realistic. moaning that it's not realistic is dumb. go play ArmA or something.
ArmA is pretty decent. not my style but decent..

aside: my hats off to the ignorant homo giving me anonymous karma. your just embarrassing yourself .

that. is. awesome. someone really likes you, to be that persistent . . .
+149|6541|teh FIN-land

specialistx2324 wrote:

aside: my hats off to the ignorant homo giving me anonymous karma. your just embarrassing yourself .
LOL fuckin hell wtf is the point of that shit?

Well, congrats on the karma boost I guess?!
+354|6318|Vortex Ring State

ruisleipa wrote:

this is avideo game that has never tried to be realistic. moaning that it's not realistic is dumb. go play ArmA or something.
tbh they're making it not realistic to troll us all by breeding fanboys who don't know shit and post in G36 vs M16 threads.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black

specialistx2324 wrote:

aside: my hats off to the ignorant homo giving me anonymous karma. your just embarrassing yourself .

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