Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

To Valve,

It would appear that you have some sort of remorse for your original decision to include movement in the game. I mean, with every update that you release, you just seem to add in weapon after weapon that makes my movement keys pretty much useless. It's like you have some sort of schoolyard grudge with the WASD keys, and this is your revenge on it.

It all started with the Compression Blast. Now, I'll admit, this is probably the weakest of all the movement restrictions. But you added in the compression blast to compensate for the Backburner's additional 50 health when it was released. It was relatively nice there, even though the Backburner was overpowered. So what did you do? You nerfed it, removing the 50HP bonus and just leaving it with the back crits. But then you remembered that you still have one flamer that gets a free compression blast. And that there was probably some shit design team that sat there and sketched out some effects in different shades of white. They probably worked their ass off for that, trying to impress Gabe Newell and the other bigwigs upstairs. It was probably the shit designers, the ones that get pushed to the side while all the decent ones are off having orgy's and designing boxing gloves and making some new maps with the EXACT SAME TEXTURES AS THE OTHER MAPS. Sorry to go off on a tangent there. In short, you had to leave it in, as the Valve community hangs on to shit new content like a starving dog hangs onto a piece of meat. And taking shit new content away from the Valve community would piss a lot of 12 year old children off, wouldn't it now? So there were a bunch of retarded idiots walking around blasting people this way and that, and it was "teh best thing evarz!!1111!".

Anyway, anyone who has bothered to read this far will probably be saying, "durr, but jestar, the compresion blast isnt dat bad", and I agree with you. It really wasn't. It wasn't annoying, it didn't blast you that high, and they only got 8 blasts max. But what this piece of shit weapon did do, was give Valve good feedback for this sort of thing. A precedent, if you will. Lots of little 12 year old children liked it, they really loved how 'WAKY XD' it was to blast other players around. So Valve decided to stick with the trend of making it impossible to MOVE ANYWHERE.

Next came the Heavy Update. And with it, came Natascha. Again, I haven't really got the strongest of arguments against this weapon either. The juicy stuff, and anyone with half a brain can already see what it will be, will come later. The stats on the Natashca are relatively balanced, but still this gun is also a STEAMING PILE OF DOG SHIT. I just don't get it Valve. Why is it, that in a game  that is as movement based and action packed as TF2 is, would you want to include some shit gun that slows stuff down. Could you not think of anything else? Now, many people are going to argue that it was because 'da heavies guns werent powrful enuf 2 take out nme scouts n otha stuff'. So, you decided, that you would bring out an anti-scout gun in your latest update, when you finally decided to get off your asses and make another update, rather than making a whole new game. (Oh, about your new games. I love how you create TWO WHOLE GAME MODES, with a key feature being THE AI DIRECTOR. You then sell the game with TWO WHOLE GAME MODES, one of which takes about 2 hours to complete, for $50.) Anyway, I apologize, I went off on a tangent again. You decided to make an anti-scout gun, and then 3 days before you decide to release it, you decide that you'll strengthen the power of and make more accurate the bullets of the heavy. WELL FUCKING DONE. You just solved the Scout problem, because now, any scout that isn't far above-average (which I'm not), is now getting torn to shreds as soon as the heavy does his 180 turn. But the content is still released, and now we have a fucking powerful pain in the ass that does a shit load of damage, slows you down and cooks you Egg's Benedict at the same time. Again, this gun is an unnecessary pile of shit. I swear that the entire creative department of Valve went off to work on some game like World of Goo. You can't think of anything better than to restrict motion in your game, making scouts essentially useless against heavies. And yes, I know you're all thinking 'but jestar, dont u no dat scoutss arent ment 2 go 4 heavies from da front XD'. Clearly I do, but as a Scout, it's fucking annoying when I'm getting slowed down from the OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING MAP. And some heavy on the OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING MAP will slow me down until some shit pyro idiot comes and cremates my ass. It's a pointless, uncreative pain in the fucking ass. And even worse, it helps lead on to Valve making weapons that are just as painful as a thorn in my ass.

Here's where I wanted to murder Valve. The scout update. 'Herez an idea XD. Letz just include lotz of movement restricting items in an FPS XD. Dat'll solve da problem of da Scout and make our shit fan base happy XD'. So, Valve decided to bring out the Force of Nature, and the Sandman. Everyone was happy when they were announced too. They seemed like such awwwwsmmm ideas, and they would make the scout so much fun. Well, guess what Valve. You decided to continue fucking up movement some more. We'll start with the force of nature. It's pretty much used by any idiot who isn't good enough to manage 6 shots with a scattergun, they can only manage two. This gun, is also fucking annoying. It pretty much decides where I want to go. I really don't have much say in the situation, because as long as the player has the minimal dexterity required to hit my fucking huge hitbox, then I'm going to get sent back a good 600 meters away. And the scout will go and have a cup of tea, occasionally returning to click because all he needs to do is retreat, because his gun will also knock me back from THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING MAP. And these shit excuses for scouts are everywhere, and if they don't manage to kill you on the first attempt, they'll run away, get health, and return to blast you 600 meters away from that health pack you were just about to pick up. Well done Valve, another pain in the ass unlock.

But then, there's the worst. The sandman. I don't get at which point in time Valve forgot that this is an FPS. Because the notion that someone should be able to completely stop you, fry up a few rashers of bacon, come back and kill you, is absolutely absurd. I still cannot fathom the reasoning behind such a terrible unlock. Again, any Scout with the ability to aim, will send a ball that travels at the speed of sound straight at you, from the OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING MAP. And it''give you a 'LOL WAKY BONK' animation whilst they proceed to whip out their Force of Nature (Scouts like this tend to use all the unlocks simultaneously.) Now, if you're any class short of a Heavy, you'll probably die to them, even with the half damage mod. And even if you are a heavy, the Force of Nature will blast you back a good 600m away anyway, so the Scout can just run to freedom and health everywhere.

I honestly believe that Valve has a grudge against movement. Why don't they just remove the WASD keys, and just have people jumping up and down using weapons that will knock each other around everywhere. It's clearly what they;re aiming for here, because at the moment, the four most important in-game keys on my keyboard are essentially useless. And yes, I know this won't make a difference, and yes I know that if I was professional that I could deal with all this stuff easily, and that if I played professionally that they don't allow these unlocks.

Rant over.

Last edited by Jestar (2009-04-24 19:04:10)

scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6876|Brisbane, Aus

good read, kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for the sandman bit.

L2P or just stop playing if it's oh so horrible.

Last edited by NooBesT (2009-04-24 19:16:36)

NooBesT wrote:

L2P or just stop playing if it's oh so horrible.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Jestar, the sandman got nerfed. You can't use it in close range anymore so waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Seriously though where's the bitching about solly juggling? Heavies blocking doors? Sentries having a massive knockback on players?

Jestar wrote:

Again, any Scout with the ability to aim, will send a ball that travels at the speed of sound straight at you, from the OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING MAP. And it''give you a 'LOL WAKY BONK' animation whilst they proceed to whip out their Force of Nature (Scouts like this tend to use all the unlocks simultaneously.)
I especially love that bit. If he's far enough away to stun you the only way you are going to die to his sandman/FaN combo is if you have nobody else on your team around.... Though sniper/sandman combos are fucking annoying, I'll give you that, the unlock on its own is fairly well balanced as it's primary purpose was to stop ubers.

I'm guessing you just had a few rounds with an incredibly shit team? Always makes me rage when I have people who waste ubers by trying to cap points instead of pushing/wont help other engies upgrade etc.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

All they have to do is get rid of the crit balls and the other stuff is fine

Last edited by dill13 (2009-04-24 20:34:37)

2/10 - Have already read, will not and would not read again.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+786|6439|Ontario | Canada
While I don't condone this rant I am not a fan of unlocks either.
The original game was so balanced and great and then they added Medic unlocks (before this I mained medic).
So here I am on a team of 16 with 12 being Medics. Everyone is running around trying to get their achievements and not playing the fucking game.
At this point, I just quit playing medic, and went on to Pyro. Alright, they decide to update that next. Well fucking great, here are my two favourite classes over powered over the other classes because they have unlocks and other classes don't. So now I play soldier (no crits servers btw) and probably will until they release unlocks for that.

Tl;dr : Valve made a spectacularly balanced game but then fucked it up with unlocks.
Oi, Suzy!
+113|7072|Florida, United States
Jesus Christ, stop whining! People complain when developers don't release or barely release any new content for their game a 'la BF2 and now people are complaining when developers release new new updates and content.

What's wrong with you. If you don't like it then don't play.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Uzique wrote:

2/10 - Have already read, will not and would not read again.
I think you're being generous.
I seriously thought this was a massive copy & paste from the steam forums to mock someone's convoluted opinion until I read "durr, but jestar". I dunno why you're so mad but TF2 is a casual game foremost and there are a lot more movement restrictions than the unlocks like back-pedalling being slower than forward, jumping having a mechanic to not add any horizontal velocity when you jump in succession and one class having to cut their speed by almost a third to use their primary weapon (230 to 80).

Dookie0119 wrote:

Psy squad
This rant reminded me of a particular youtube clip....
O here it is

Last edited by Hope_is_lost117 (2009-04-30 23:47:39)

+947|6831|Gold Coast

jsnipy wrote:

Dookie0119 wrote:

Mass Media Casualty

The only response I see fitting to this is to respond similarly, by that I mean a rant. I really hope you didn't send it to Valve, (seeing as you seem intelligent most times I'll guess that you didn't,) because it comes across as someone having a hissy-fit after having a few bad games. That's it. You don't even really make a point, you just described what the weapons do and disagree with them with examples that are exadurated which hurts your argument more than helps it.

Personally I find the weapons, even the movement-altering ones, are perfectly balanced. I mean sure the Sandman can take you out for a significant time IF it hits you from a decent distance - and at the speed the balls travelling it's easy enough to dodge if you're paying attention - and if you're not and get hit the Scout still has to get to you. And no it doesn't keep you out long enough for the offending Scout to fix himself a snack, in my experience it last just long enough for the Scout to get in close enough to do some damage - and even then he has to find his way to you while your team will be doing somethig to stop him, at least if you've got a shred of teamwork going. So a kill that you seem to think happen so frequently relies on:

- Scout meeting you at long distance
- Scout actually hitting you with baseball
- Scout being able to be unhindered by your teammates to get close to you
- You not killing the Scout after shaking off your daze

These four things being checked is a rare occurence. And if it's close range the thing doesn't keep you out for long enough and the Scout still has to worry about your teammates who may or may not be around you as well as actually firing the shots that are going to take you out. And if he stuns you and kills you, you know what? You've been killed by a Scout. Big deal.

As to the Pyro's airblast, for one it eats through ammo like nothing else AND how is the Pyro effective? At short range, so blasting someone away isn't necesarily making it easier for a Pyro unless it is used at the appropriate time and if it works and assists in killing someone, well done to the Pyro.

Natascha's the last one and you know what, if you're meeting a Heavy as a Scout and he turns on you he's going to fucking slaughter you regardless of whether the bullets slow you down or not. As to being shot at from the other side of the map, for one the bullets ARE innacurate no matter what you my think, you may be hit by one or two which will slow you down perhaps for a total of one second. If there happens to be an enemy around who takes advantage of that tough beans.

I don't really know how to finish this rebuttal-rant so I'll just say in TF2 you're going to get killed in a variety of ways. The movement-altering unlocks aren't superpowered, they don't cause or assist in death any more or less than other methods so I don't see any problem. If you are getting killed by somthing a lot, change your tactics, change class, do SOMETHING other than complain because I whiners ruin games far more than any weapon unlock ever has or ever will.
[Blinking eyes thing]
You orrible caaaaaaan't
I wish they just kept TF2 the way it was without all the unlocks and added them all at once. It's just so fucking stupid when you can't get a normal game after an update obviously there's many implications of this but still!
I have fun with TF2.

Now I feel bad.

Vote with your wallet, not your keyboard sword.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Defiance wrote:

Vote with your wallet, not your keyboard sword.
His problem is when he bought the game none of that was in there.

He can hardly vote with his wallet if he's already bought it.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6475|Vancouver | Canada
It's people like you who make me go Pyro.

I love hearing them QQ after I puff them with my flamethrower, then airblast them into a corner and Axetinguish them.

ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

I have fun with TF2.

Now I feel bad.
No kidding huh.

Flecco wrote:

He can hardly vote with his wallet if he's already bought it.
I was not suggesting not purchasing any products in the future.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Defiance wrote:

Flecco wrote:

He can hardly vote with his wallet if he's already bought it.
I was not suggesting not purchasing any products in the future.
That doesn't work either though, as future Valve games may appeal to him or be another of those games that everybody seems to have.

Moot point though, as Jestar plays TF2 quite a lot still and seems to enjoy it often enough. He just wrote that rant to vent because he got pwnt while playing scout and he wanted to have some whine with his cheese.

The thing I find funniest about all this is that in general, Jestar griefs and trolls people in a lot of games. The irony. Somebody who enjoys giving people the shits over games cracks the shits.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Anyways if I am ever being an idiot when playing scout with the sandman I just hit my bind to say "Outplayed" whenever I kill someone who was stunned, because clearly I outplayed this person who couldn't do anything while stunned. People who actually defend it make me lol, same people who defend crits aswell.

Clearly we need PVP trinkets in our bags.

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