DonFck wrote:
Hakei wrote:
And I'm in before some guy who wants to pretend he's into classical music or some weird type of Egyptian music and wants the poll to be changed just to be difficult and cool.
You called?
Best example was a tank discussion thread out of BF2.
Type 98
About 2 pages of discussion, then some guy comes in and says "Why isn't Euro tank on there? That's my favourite!"
Obviously bullshitting, no one likes that tank, it's ugly, it moves like a truck, it has a terribly placed fireballer and fails. Yet this guy felt the need to just post, to try and prove the world is wrong and for someone to look at his post and go "Wow, he's clever."
That was very off topic, but anyway --
I love some early music, Hendrix was amazing but still present day music, as I'm only young and don't listen to older stuff.