So this is an easy, lest we say mod? Nahhh, just copying a file and changing the copy a bit...
So for people with good processors this is great, for those with sucky ones, you can try it but I wont gaurentee anything... I run an AMD AM2 2.23 GHz Dual Core processor and run AIM, MSN, TS, X-Fire, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and skype (idle) with about a 64% CPU usage...
Okay heres what you do, im guessing that you have a shortcut to 2142 on your desktop so Right click that >>> Hit "SEND TO - - - DESKTOP (Create Shortcut)
You should see a "Battlefield 2142(2)" On your desktop, rename it to (suggested) "2142 WINDOWED" and your original to "2142 FULL SCREEN"
Now right click "2142 WINDOWED" select properties
Now click the tab, "Shortcut"
Now click "Target"
You should be looking at something like "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142" (WITH THE QUOTES WITHIN THE BOX !! IMPORTANT !!)
Now add this to the end of it (seperate the + and the Quote with a space) +menu 1 +fullscreen 0 +szx xxx +szy yyy
dont use xxx and yyy, use your screen dimension multiplied by 1.5 (reccomended you get half your full screen about)... example :: Instead of 1440x900 us 960x600, then run the WINDOWED and enjoy! NOTE: ALT + TAB TO SWITCH FROM 2142 TO DESKTOP BECAUSE 2142 LOCKS YOUR CURSOR IN THE BOX UNLESS YOU ALT TAB...
Extras... For widescreens not supported add +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx xxx +szy yyy
to your target for regular game file (USE xxx and yyy as your ACTUAL Screen dimensions.. NOTE THIS LAUNCHES IT FULL SCREEN.)
I usually use this when I need commander times, so I dont get sooooo damn bored...
So for people with good processors this is great, for those with sucky ones, you can try it but I wont gaurentee anything... I run an AMD AM2 2.23 GHz Dual Core processor and run AIM, MSN, TS, X-Fire, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and skype (idle) with about a 64% CPU usage...
Okay heres what you do, im guessing that you have a shortcut to 2142 on your desktop so Right click that >>> Hit "SEND TO - - - DESKTOP (Create Shortcut)
You should see a "Battlefield 2142(2)" On your desktop, rename it to (suggested) "2142 WINDOWED" and your original to "2142 FULL SCREEN"
Now right click "2142 WINDOWED" select properties
Now click the tab, "Shortcut"
Now click "Target"
You should be looking at something like "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142" (WITH THE QUOTES WITHIN THE BOX !! IMPORTANT !!)
Now add this to the end of it (seperate the + and the Quote with a space) +menu 1 +fullscreen 0 +szx xxx +szy yyy
dont use xxx and yyy, use your screen dimension multiplied by 1.5 (reccomended you get half your full screen about)... example :: Instead of 1440x900 us 960x600, then run the WINDOWED and enjoy! NOTE: ALT + TAB TO SWITCH FROM 2142 TO DESKTOP BECAUSE 2142 LOCKS YOUR CURSOR IN THE BOX UNLESS YOU ALT TAB...
Extras... For widescreens not supported add +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx xxx +szy yyy
to your target for regular game file (USE xxx and yyy as your ACTUAL Screen dimensions.. NOTE THIS LAUNCHES IT FULL SCREEN.)
I usually use this when I need commander times, so I dont get sooooo damn bored...
Last edited by GodFather (2007-04-19 20:36:52)