DivineMomentofTruth wrote:
I wish... people are just coming up with 2 word responses and no one adresses my points.
Here you go, a half decent rebuttal for you
My views are coming from a clan that plays competitively, and not just pub play (I do pub alot though too)
You obviously don't play in many clan matches, or you obviously don't play the 'competitve' side of bf2 (no, pubs arnt competitive).
I see intelligence in bf2 as this:
Strat Making. This is
the most important thing in the game. You cannot win a match without an
intelligent, reliable and well thought out strat. Strat making is not just 'move here - cap this flag' no. It is much more than that. A good strat takes aages to make, you need to study the map, find the food tank sit points, the good places for infantry to move and cover the flag and attack a flag. It is more than simple instructions. It takes intelligence to make a decent strat that works well and makes you win.
A team full of champions and quick reflexes yet no strat (just pub it up in matches) will
not win.
Like others have been trying to say, reflexes are the number one winner in bf2 since battle tactics are so simple and linear on most infantry maps.
- No. Maps are not simply about cap this flag - move to the next. No. Its about knowing where to sit the squad leader so the squad can cap a flag (eg: to cap karkand hotel you sit the squad leader either on the roof in between square/hotel or on the ledge next to hotel flag) so that infantry can spawn off you if the attack fails. Its also about knowing
when to cap a flag. ie: you do not cap a flag on 16p oman when the tank is still up, you will get mowed down. Take the tank down, take the flag. This all take intelligence and game smarts.
intelligence is most used in a game like chess which is strategically complicated and requires considerable foresight and expectation in your opponents next move.
- This is a major thing you need in bf2, foresight. Looking at your opponents movement to see what you think they will do next. A smart team/player will know, or anticipate your opponents next move, so you can get people onto that flag to defend it. A good commander in a team will tell you what your opponent is doing, ie: they have parked the car here to prepare for an attack, they are driving the tank here to get into the position for an attack. You need anticipation in BF2 competitive play.
How intelligent you are will make nearly no difference on how well you will do if you just picked up bf2 as your first pc shooter ever. The only form of intelligence required really is adaptation from experience, if something doesn't work and you don't change what you do, nor will your skill. I honestly think this whole voting for intelligence business is just a mass delusional defense mechanism that everyone uses to justify all their time spent on this game. If you make it sound like a battle of wits, then spending so much time playing is enriching. But really its not and pretty much the only place your skills can be transferred is another pc game.
- I think your describing intelligence as someone for eg, who is good at maths. No, i'm talking about Intelligence as in
game smarts.-
tactics and planning will only get you so far in this game in terms of infantry due to the high degree of variabilty and general chaos that comes with it. Being smart enough to anticipate things will get you only so far,
- Being smart is what it is all about. In BF2 you
cannot just rambo out infront of everything and expect to live. No, you need to
know where to move that is, do I duck behind this and pop up and shoot him? Move up ontop of this roof so I get the height advantage? Intelligence also includes using the games environment to your advantage. A stupid player will not do that, they wont think to duck behind this box and pop up and shoot the guy, no, they will just
prone in the middle of the road. That is what a stupid player will do. You are right that you need to be smart, but then have the reflexes to back it up, yes, I agree. But someone who knows how to move in the game, knows the tricks of infantry rather than rambo here, zerg rush there, cap that flag and not hide or use the
game environment at all will not succeed.
Conclusion: Reflexes play a big role in the game, yes, you need to be quick to beat people in the 1v1 situations. Without reflexes of course you wont succeed.
But Intelligence is the absolute key in the game. Competitively, you need intelligence for good strats, good movement tactics and general game play knowledge.
There you go, a half decent argument for you to use