
Do you think skill is based more on Intelligence or Reflexes?

Intelligence by Far52%52% - 241
Reflexes like Jet Lee47%47% - 221
Total: 462

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I wish... people are just coming up with 2 word responses and no one adresses my points.
I feel your pain man. No one addressed my post either. The one about a match between old folks and young.

But on to the intel vs reflex or hand eye coord. debate. Let me ask you this: When you first started playing bf2, did you play as well as you do now? If not, why not? It's not like your reflexes changed much.

It's a combination of both. How much of each is up for debate and can change from situation to situation. For example, if both you and your opponent see each other on radar then neither is going to sneak up on the other is he? So then it's more hand eye coord. and getting that crosshair on him while going prone and pressing the trigger faster. Then lag plays a role as well as luck. Because as we all know the bullets don't land on the exact spot you pick right away, there is a hit area and the shots land in there at random. Especially from far away.

So it's luck, intelligence, hand eye coordination and lag. Not in any order. To varying degrees.
Dropped on request

jord wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Reflexes and experience. You don't need to be smart to be good at video games.
Of course you do, that's why i could never do Mictosoft Flight simulator...
Flight sims aren't video games. They however do take intelligence, so thats why I'm good at them and you aren't.

Oh snap.
And for all the yokels that think intelligence plays no role or very little role I direct you to these 2 threads:




har har I said yokels. Also, keep in mind intelligence is relative. When I say it takes intelligence I don't mean it takes a rocket scientist, but it does take more than the avg. brainless vegetable that plays bf2 I run into from time to time.
Find your center.

IonYou wrote:

But on to the intel vs reflex or hand eye coord. debate. Let me ask you this: When you first started playing bf2, did you play as well as you do now? If not, why not? It's not like your reflexes changed much.

So it's luck, intelligence, hand eye coordination and lag. Not in any order. To varying degrees.
Any factors that are computer/server based do not count in this argument. Luck/hand-eye coordination are all factors that fall under the category of reflexes imo.

I say reflexes DO change after experience in this game. I do agree with you, it is a varying degree of both reflexes and intelligence. I do say its true that it is also SITUATION BASED!

In your example with the two guys seeing each other on uav, THAT is an example of both even. It is intelligence because one guy can camp, and wait for the other guy to get into view, or one guy can be smart enough to throw a grenade to displace the other, then run out and target him. But, AGAIN its reflexes also, because the other guy can see the grenade in the air and take cover quick enough IF he has well developed reflexes. Reflexes win in the end.

An example of reflex based skill:

You are on an SF night map say Leviathan; in the Submarine Pen by yourself in the dark, with night vision on. You stand still waiting...You hear movement somewhere! Now, how long will it take you to respond to that sound? Isn't it true that you first wonder what it might be and pause? Also it may be true, that you can turn the  INSTANT you hear it, and see a guy coming, right? But its all in the time that you respond to the sound, this goes for any map imo.  Reflexes win.

Sure a guy can put down a trap (Lose example of intelligence ie: claymore) in hopes he will kill a guy, but another guy can have fast enough REFLEXES to avoid that claymore. Reflexes win again.

Reflexes win in the end because even before you die, the last chance you have to survive is MOVING or killing faster then you being killed.

Edit: Nice to see I seem to have ended the debate. Now only if we can get Reflexes to pull into the lead!

Last edited by Im_Dooomed (2007-05-08 21:42:28)

Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
excellent post doomed. Thats exactly what I've been trying to say with my posts... tactics and planning will only get you so far in this game in terms of infantry due to the high degree of variabilty and general chaos that comes with it. Being smart enough to anticipate things will get you only so far, if your reflex and coordination isn't up to par, you're toast. Relfexes are simply the trump card in almost every situation. Now when it comes down to two people with equal twitch skills and aim, intelligence plays a larger role, but so does luck.
Anyone that wants to argue intelligence plays no role should see this: hehe

Find your center.

IonYou wrote:

Wouldn't it be great to have a match of bf2s members on teams of old vs young? You could have 13-19yr olds on one team and 20 and up on the other team, and see who wins. Teens vs. oldfarts. I wonder who will win? reflexes or smarts.
20 and up = OLD FARTS!   How dare you boy! (assuming your one of those young'ns)

I agree this WOULD be a good idea. I'm usually not the one for organizing such events, so someone else please feel free to make it happen.

We can do it on the bf2s US server
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6884|Melbourne, Australia.

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I wish... people are just coming up with 2 word responses and no one adresses my points.
Here you go, a half decent rebuttal for you :

My views are coming from a clan that plays competitively, and not just pub play (I do pub alot though too)

You obviously don't play in many clan matches, or you obviously don't play the 'competitve' side of bf2 (no, pubs arnt competitive).

I see intelligence in bf2 as this:

Strat Making. This is the most important thing in the game. You cannot win a match without an intelligent, reliable and well thought out strat. Strat making is not just 'move here - cap this flag' no. It is much more than that. A good strat takes aages to make, you need to study the map, find the food tank sit points, the good places for infantry to move and cover the flag and attack a flag. It is more than simple instructions. It takes intelligence to make a decent strat that works well and makes you win.
A team full of champions and quick reflexes yet no strat (just pub it up in matches) will not win.

Like others have been trying to say, reflexes are the number one winner in bf2 since battle tactics are so simple and linear on most infantry maps.
-  No. Maps are not simply about cap this flag - move to the next. No. Its about knowing where to sit the squad leader so the squad can cap a flag (eg: to cap karkand hotel you sit the squad leader either on the roof in between square/hotel or on the ledge next to hotel flag) so that infantry can spawn off you if the attack fails. Its also about knowing when to cap a flag. ie: you do not cap a flag on 16p oman when the tank is still up, you will get mowed down. Take the tank down, take the flag. This all take intelligence and game smarts.

intelligence is most used in a game like chess which is strategically complicated and requires considerable foresight and expectation in your opponents next move.
- This is a major thing you need in bf2, foresight. Looking at your opponents movement to see what you think they will do next. A smart team/player will know, or anticipate your opponents next move, so you can get people onto that flag to defend it. A good commander in a team will tell you what your opponent is doing, ie: they have parked the car here to prepare for an attack, they are driving the tank here to get into the position for an attack. You need anticipation in BF2 competitive play.

How intelligent you are will make nearly no difference on how well you will do if you just picked up bf2 as your first pc shooter ever. The only form of intelligence required really is adaptation from experience, if something doesn't work and you don't change what you do, nor will your skill. I honestly think this whole voting for intelligence business is just a mass delusional defense mechanism that everyone uses to justify all their time spent on this game. If you make it sound like a battle of wits, then spending so much time playing is enriching. But really its not and pretty much the only place your skills can be transferred is another pc game.
- I think your describing intelligence as someone for eg, who is good at maths. No, i'm talking about Intelligence as in game smarts.

tactics and planning will only get you so far in this game in terms of infantry due to the high degree of variabilty and general chaos that comes with it. Being smart enough to anticipate things will get you only so far,
- Being smart is what it is all about. In BF2 you cannot just rambo out infront of everything and expect to live. No, you need to know where to move that is, do I duck behind this and pop up and shoot him? Move up ontop of this roof so I get the height advantage? Intelligence also includes using the games environment to your advantage. A stupid player will not do that, they wont think to duck behind this box and pop up and shoot the guy, no, they will just prone in the middle of the road. That is what a stupid player will do. You are right that you need to be smart, but then have the reflexes to back it up, yes, I agree. But someone who knows how to move in the game, knows the tricks of infantry rather than rambo here, zerg rush there, cap that flag and not hide or use the game environment at all will not succeed.

Conclusion: Reflexes play a big role in the game, yes, you need to be quick to beat people in the 1v1 situations. Without reflexes of course you wont succeed. But Intelligence is the absolute key in the game. Competitively, you need intelligence for good strats, good movement tactics and general game play knowledge.

There you go, a half decent argument for you to use .
either 1 without the other = a crappy player... but if i HAD to pick 1, i'd give it to intelligence (also reflexes can be improved, intelligence not so much)

Last edited by adv3rsary (2007-05-08 23:46:14)


cowami wrote:

Mostly reflexes. Whoever can drop prone first and fire off about 10 rounds wins.

Unless it's a sniper at long-range, of course.
Bull shit statement.

You want to hit the ground last... when they are vunerable. You see a guy hop about wait for him to hit prone then go down you win every time.

The best trick is coming from behind a corner u see a guy he goes prone u come back behind the wall then jump round and go prone. That way you know where he is probably still prone and hes not 2 sure.
thanks for the response silver... I agree with pretty much everything except your emphasis on how important strategy is in bf2 infantry. I'm sure it plays a bigger role in competitive play, but like I said earlier that it only matters when people are of nearly equal skill in reflexes and aiming(such as in leagues).  As far as strategy yeah I'm sure all the top clans practice different attacks flank at different angles with different objectives... that would be the most intelligence ever used though and requires a coordinated team effort. I think this falls outside of our general discussion, however since the thread starter was clearly talking about 1 on 1 situations or certainly individual skill in bf2. As far as basic squad leader skills that you can pick up in pubs such as revive your squad leader or have the squad leader stay back in a safe spot to cap a flag, I think this is still mostly experience based intuition. After having ramboed a couple times to a flag and paid dearly for it, surely you would learn not to do it in the future. Its pretty much common sense in my opinion and not intelligence as I define it. Intelligence in a game to me is exactly what I said about chess earlier... considerable foresight and ability to anticipate an enemy's move many moves in advance. None of these are really needed to excel on an individual basis in bf2 infantry.

On a broader note, I think what you are considering intelligence such as knowing how and when to use cover evasion, etc, I consider as learned reflex. You simply won't get far doing stupid tactics like proning in the middle of the road or never taking cover in a hail of grenades. As I've said I no longer have to think about using these tactics and certainly I'm not conscious of them as I evade jump behind a rock, etc. Its all part of my reflexes that aren't concerned with killing or shooting someone first, but concerned with not getting killed as the first priority. Just another form of reflex and not intelligence in my book.
intelligence ofcourse

reflexes mean nothing coz BF2 hit detections suck, ull turn around to shoot that guy that was sneaking up on you but u wont kill him coz of the hit detection, happens alot

intelligence is needed the most when ur in a jet or flying a chopper
NO, its Intelligent Reflexes like BruceLeet!
Cereal Killer
+145|6960|The View From The Afternoon
90% intelligence. You gotta know where to aim and how to aim as well as the tactics. I don't have that good reflexes but still own because I know what to do and where to go. You gotta know the weapons as well.
knowing where and how to aim are reflexes buddy.
Vote Nulled:

You could be the most intelligent guy playing BF2, know every inch of the map, know what the enemy will do, and everything, but if you cannot find cover when you are hit, or can't target the enemy for 2 seconds you are a dead man.

You can have the best reflexes in the world, instantly head shot everyone you see.  But if you have no idea what the map is like, where the enemy is, or what you are going up against, you are a dead man.

You must have both to be a good player.  No reflexes, then you cannot win a 1 on 1 close combat meeting.  No intelligence, you'll be running down the middle of the road getting sniped 5/6 times.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

IonYou wrote:

Wouldn't it be great to have a match of bf2s members on teams of old vs young? You could have 13-19yr olds on one team and 20 and up on the other team, and see who wins. Teens vs. oldfarts. I wonder who will win? reflexes or smarts.
20 and up = OLD FARTS!   How dare you boy! (assuming your one of those young'ns)

I agree this WOULD be a good idea. I'm usually not the one for organizing such events, so someone else please feel free to make it happen.

We can do it on the bf2s US server
haha! I'm actually 34. But I can see why you think I'm a youngin. See I'm verrry very immature. Unlike old people that make real fart noises, mine are still armpit originated.

Thanks for seconding my call for a young vs. old match. Although I'm sure there are young intelligent (meaning tactics oriented) players as well as old run and gun, or spray and pray (like me hehe) types so it wouldn't settle the intelligence vs. reflex debate but it sure might be fun and interesting!
+24|6804|atlanta GA

doesn't take much intelligence to click a button

Drexel wrote:

Vote Nulled:

You could be the most intelligent guy playing BF2, know every inch of the map, know what the enemy will do, and everything, but if you cannot find cover when you are hit, or can't target the enemy for 2 seconds you are a dead man....
Why wouldn't an intelligent player be able to find cover? Or target the enemy?

I agree with you though that it does take both.
+13|6531|Maryland, USA
Tactics beat reflexes any day.. if they cant see you they cant shoot u faster.  Not that i havnt won some fights by having faster reflexes of course.
Find your center.

Again, why can't ya'll see that IT TRULY IS reflexes in the end! We can have this whole strategic plan laid out in a game, but when the fighting commences, who's gonna kill first? The ones who can aim and target the others FIRST! The Reflexers I'll call em!!

Someone mentioned something about a helicopter, and I don't know what their argument was, or what side they took, but I KNOW piloting/gunning a Heli is based on Reflexes and Intelligence, but AGAIN it comes down to  Reflexes in the end!!

Example: Sure you got a smart Pilot who gets an angle on the other chopper, but this was achieved by GOOD REFLEXES to get the angle. And the winner in a chopper fight is based on faster Gunners, if its an even match, two heli's see each other who wins? The guy who gets his shot off FIRST and can maneuver (Based first on reflexes, then Intelligence) the TV Missile better will ultimately win the fight.

Reflexes are the winner!
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6607|The | Netherlands
It's also a piece of luck, as example, everybody can do nade spamming, and hitting isn't hard with those thing. You just need to have the luck that somebody walks at the place where you throw nades (karkand beginning, nade spam, getting a kill as a random noob throwing nades is pretty much luck)
Cereal Killer
+145|6960|The View From The Afternoon

Im_Dooomed wrote:

Again, why can't ya'll see that IT TRULY IS reflexes in the end! We can have this whole strategic plan laid out in a game, but when the fighting commences, who's gonna kill first? The ones who can aim and target the others FIRST! The Reflexers I'll call em!!

Someone mentioned something about a helicopter, and I don't know what their argument was, or what side they took, but I KNOW piloting/gunning a Heli is based on Reflexes and Intelligence, but AGAIN it comes down to  Reflexes in the end!!

Example: Sure you got a smart Pilot who gets an angle on the other chopper, but this was achieved by GOOD REFLEXES to get the angle. And the winner in a chopper fight is based on faster Gunners, if its an even match, two heli's see each other who wins? The guy who gets his shot off FIRST and can maneuver (Based first on reflexes, then Intelligence) the TV Missile better will ultimately win the fight.

Reflexes are the winner!
I am so not agreeing with you right now.

IonYou wrote:

Drexel wrote:

Vote Nulled:

You could be the most intelligent guy playing BF2, know every inch of the map, know what the enemy will do, and everything, but if you cannot find cover when you are hit, or can't target the enemy for 2 seconds you are a dead man....
Why wouldn't an intelligent player be able to find cover? Or target the enemy?

I agree with you though that it does take both.
What I meant by that is they cannot find cover quickly (slow reactions) or be able to spot the enemy quickly (slow reactions)

Drexel wrote:

Vote Nulled:

You could be the most intelligent guy playing BF2, know every inch of the map, know what the enemy will do, and everything, but if you cannot find cover when you are hit, or can't target the enemy for 2 seconds you are a dead man.

You can have the best reflexes in the world, instantly head shot everyone you see.  But if you have no idea what the map is like, where the enemy is, or what you are going up against, you are a dead man.

You must have both to be a good player.  No reflexes, then you cannot win a 1 on 1 close combat meeting.  No intelligence, you'll be running down the middle of the road getting sniped 5/6 times.
Look of course you have to have both to be a good player... thats not the issue. Its what proportions of each skill is needed. Your example assumes that both skills are needed 50/50 which is clearly innacurate. First of all... how long did it take for you to get the basics down for the new map jelly bad? For me it took about 2 rounds. How long does it take to figure out that the enemy is going to be spawning on the point they just captured? Hopefully it doesn't take you long to figure that out either.My point is that only a small portion of intelligence is needed in bf2 as infantry on your own. Furthermore your example is misleading because a guy with the best reflexes in the world and intimate knowledge of hit deviation and how to use cover, manipulate game physics with jumping, the works(<<< all things that have to do with reflexes in bf2), then I will GAURANTEE that this player will own nearly every average player outside the scope of chance. If you can't agree to at least that much, then you have to agree that the guy with no reflexes whatsoever will have a way lower kdr than the guy with them. There I've broken down my argument with irrefutable logic, so please unless someone can argue against my points, please concede that refelexes are the majority of the skill needed to succeed at infantry in bf2.

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2007-05-09 15:31:05)

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