Simon Moon wrote:
Strangely i was invited to the ATU server. Also strangely, i was kicked form that server by an ATU member who didn't like me commanding. When i rejoined, after a one minute ban, someone from ATU was commander. Nice little words like "You suck at commanding" were exchanged towards me, and strangely that after we already almost won that round, where i defended the Titan a lot. You tell me if that sounds all so legit and perfectly normal.
And i say it again: Believe what you want, its your personal choice, i don't care either way what you think. For me, it is clear what happened here and this story is closed.
Well the way im thinking at the moment is i hope the next guy i just submitted gets a ban also..see Simon it's not just all about used a hack on our server and you was caught just like the 46 hackers before you and hopefully the 1 after you.
It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong so im not holding my breath here, i just feel for all the members at fevergaming who probably used to look up to you.... not admitting your guilt shows the kind of guy you are..nevermind it's just a game no real harm done.
im done with this now much to do..
BTW after scrutiny of our chat logs you didn't say alot
27 [FG] SimonMoon 1 Global [16:34:34] yes
27 [FG] SimonMoon 1 Global [16:42:27] just a dumb question, WHY do yo o nto corridor 2 when that console is already dead???
And maybe this was the guy who invited you to our server?
6 [FG] wtf.panda 1 Global [17:16:47] owwnnnned
But you was never kicked from our server... you came in had a quick game(because only one Screenshot of you was taken) and you left..
To me it looks like you got much more to lose over this than me so i can see why you not owning up to it...don't worry most people will have forgotten about this soon..
Last edited by Jackal360 (2006-12-20 16:47:48)