+1,153|6940|Washington, DC

k30dxedle wrote:

In the PBSS, the name is "[FG] SimonMoon" (prefix). Not "[FG]SimonMoon" (part of name). I don't know who's the real one. Just "evidence" of whatever.
The real one owuld be [FG] SimonMoon, not [FG]SimonMoon. And also, PsB staff look at the screenshots and give their verdict. I highly doubt they'd ban him because "they'd find it funny", they put him on the list b/c the evidence was compelling enough.

The screen is also similar to other players that ATU has caught, so it seems legit.
Nutter Butter

k30dxedle wrote:

In the PBSS, the name is "[FG] SimonMoon" (prefix). Not "[FG]SimonMoon" (part of name). I don't know who's the real one. Just "evidence" of whatever.
Judging by the fact that there is no record for a [FG]SimonMoon on EA's site, and a search for "SimonMoon" only comes back with a single hit, I would venture to say it is indeed him.  I think a lot more people would have respect for him if he would just come out and say it.  There is no doubt in my mind he has been caught.  I don't think the guy that posted the screen shot has anything to gain by "setting him up", as it would absolutely make his site ( and all of his clan members look like total idiots.   People work awful hard to establish good clans to want to destroy it by making such extreme accusations like this in public view.

Maybe this is why there were wanted posters, they knew he was cheating!
+1|6648|Wales. UK
-ATU- was not responsible for the wanted posters (Although i wish we was...They are brilliant) and after seeing the posters i thought it would be just great if EA did display cheaters names in the ingame posters like that to "Name and shame " these totally unskilled players.

Don't worry MrMoon we at ATU are in the process of busting a new hacker now


Last edited by Jackal360 (2006-12-20 13:20:22)

Nutter Butter

Jackal360 wrote:

-ATU- was not responsible for the wanted posters
Yes, I know that.  It was EA that put them in the game.  My point was, maybe they knew he was cheating thus putting up the wanted poster.  Now that you "caught" him, you should get the "$2142" reward.

Shame, shame, shame........
BF2s EU 2142 Server Adore
+69|6952|The Netherlands

Nutter Butter wrote:

Jackal360 wrote:

-ATU- was not responsible for the wanted posters
Yes, I know that.  It was EA that put them in the game.  My point was, maybe they knew he was cheating thus putting up the wanted poster.  Now that you "caught" him, you should get the "$2142" reward.

Shame, shame, shame........
No, they (EA/Dice) put it in the game as a joke; SimonMoon was nr1 in the beginning of 2142 I believe.
Nutter Butter
No, they (EA/Dice) put it in the game as a joke; SimonMoon was nr1 in the beginning of 2142 I believe.
Pssst.....It's called sarcasm......but shhhh, don't tell.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Nutter Butter wrote:

k30dxedle wrote:

In the PBSS, the name is "[FG] SimonMoon" (prefix). Not "[FG]SimonMoon" (part of name). I don't know who's the real one. Just "evidence" of whatever.
Judging by the fact that there is no record for a [FG]SimonMoon on EA's site, and a search for "SimonMoon" only comes back with a single hit, I would venture to say it is indeed him.  I think a lot more people would have respect for him if he would just come out and say it.  There is no doubt in my mind he has been caught.  I don't think the guy that posted the screen shot has anything to gain by "setting him up", as it would absolutely make his site ( and all of his clan members look like total idiots.   People work awful hard to establish good clans to want to destroy it by making such extreme accusations like this in public view.

Maybe this is why there were wanted posters, they knew he was cheating!
You cant create a nick using the [ ] characters.

you can only use these characters in the prefix.

It IS SimonMoon and hes been caught with his panties down.

Last edited by m3thod (2006-12-20 14:28:40)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

eS^theB3brr wrote:

SimonMoon was nr1 in the beginning of 2142 I believe.
+10|6810|KILLA KALI

Nutter Butter wrote:

I think a lot more people would have respect for him if he would just come out and say it.
Pffffttt. Yeah right. Respect for a lying worthless hacker; never.
Nutter Butter

-GR33NS- wrote:

Nutter Butter wrote:

I think a lot more people would have respect for him if he would just come out and say it.
Pffffttt. Yeah right. Respect for a lying worthless hacker; never.
You are right.  Generalizing that people would have more respect for him is wrong.  I will say that I personnaly would have more respect for him if he just  came out and decided to be a man about it.  I think he is backed way into a corner to say "I was framed".  That isn't going to fly with me, nor too many others.  If he said he did it, it was stupid, and was sorry for ruining the gameplay of others, I absolutely would have much respect for him and would accept it as genuine.

Well, it has suddenly gotten quiet from the dark side of the Moon.
PunkBusted worked. Hooray!
Simon Moon
Strangely i was invited to the ATU server. Also strangely, i was kicked form that server by an ATU member who didn't like me commanding. When i rejoined, after a one minute ban, someone from ATU was commander. Nice little words like "You suck at commanding" were exchanged towards me, and strangely that after we already almost won that round, where i defended the Titan a lot. You tell me if that sounds all so legit and perfectly normal.

And i say it again: Believe what you want, its your personal choice, i don't care either way what you think. For me, it is clear what happened here and this story is closed.
+26|6700|Nethterlands (ZH)

Kyorisu wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Natte wrote:

That topic will soon be closed.

Honestly, if it was another guy that got caught no one would care...
I would, while I am in full support of statpadding/glitching/baseraping/etc as these are all the mistakes of DICE in their coding, I detest those who feel the need to hack games with 3rd party software.
Wait you support unintended glitches? Well that sais something about ones character. "This isn't meant to be here but I'll whore it like a noob just the same."
I agree with Towelly. Sure it's a bitch when you die because someone glitches their way behind you. But the game isn't stopping you from doing it either.
If you where in a soccermatch, would you play bad on purpouse when the sun was in your back because the opponent is looking against the sunlight and are disadvantaged? I guess not.
If so, tell me what server you play on, because i'm not fast enough changing weapons when my primary weapon is empty. I could use an opponent that is polite enough to wait untill i'm done finding the right button.

Using third party software however is like playing soccer while the supporters are shooting at the opponent.

I know Dice can't do everything right, but as long as it's there, use it.
how do u find your own GUID? or is it jsut the CD key itself? cause     768fef588ac05a7a6d0c6717b34a8c26 just fond look like a CD key, how can I find my own GUID? :p
+10|6810|KILLA KALI

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

how can I find my own GUID? :p
Join a Punkbuster server. Then in the 'console' type "/pb_plist". On this list, you'll have the last 8 digits of the PBGUID for everyone on the server. You can also type "/pb_myguid" and it will display your full PBGUID.

Last edited by -GR33NS- (2006-12-20 16:23:57)

+1|6648|Wales. UK

Simon Moon wrote:

Strangely i was invited to the ATU server. Also strangely, i was kicked form that server by an ATU member who didn't like me commanding. When i rejoined, after a one minute ban, someone from ATU was commander. Nice little words like "You suck at commanding" were exchanged towards me, and strangely that after we already almost won that round, where i defended the Titan a lot. You tell me if that sounds all so legit and perfectly normal.

And i say it again: Believe what you want, its your personal choice, i don't care either way what you think. For me, it is clear what happened here and this story is closed.
Well the way im thinking at the moment is i hope the next guy i just submitted gets a ban also..see Simon it's not just all about used a hack on our server and you was caught just like the 46 hackers before you and hopefully the 1 after you.
It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong so im not holding my breath here, i just feel for all the members at fevergaming who probably used to look up to you.... not admitting your guilt shows the kind of guy you are..nevermind it's just a game no real harm done.

im done with this now much to do..

BTW after scrutiny of our chat logs you didn't say alot
27    [FG] SimonMoon    1    Global    [16:34:34]    yes

27    [FG] SimonMoon    1    Global    [16:42:27]    just a dumb question, WHY do yo o nto corridor 2 when that console is already dead???

And maybe this was the guy who invited you to our server?
6    [FG] wtf.panda    1    Global    [17:16:47]    owwnnnned

But you was never kicked from our server... you came in had a quick game(because only one Screenshot of you was taken) and you left..

To me it looks like you got much more to lose over this than me so i can see why you not owning up to it...don't worry most people will have forgotten about this soon..

Last edited by Jackal360 (2006-12-20 16:47:48)

are u sure its /pb_plist cause it says wrong syntax

got it; weird I've been banned 4 times but it says ive never been banned, so is this only hack kicks or bans that show up?

Last edited by [n00b]Tyler (2006-12-20 17:02:05)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6985|Florida, United States

The way this looks to me, it's like Simon got caught with crumbs on his mouth but claims he didn't eat the cookie.  Although I don't like to call people hackers, this could not have been setup like you accuse.  I think you should just admit that you did something bad and maybe PB will forgive you.  And you say there's nothing to cover up, yet you close every thread on your site and ban every person who dares bring it up.  Sounds very peculiar.  The only part of me that's keeping me from completely condemning you of hacking is because in 1942, I got a PB thingymagig that said i was hacking, but it had no screenshot and I didn't hack either.  I'm not banned though, so go figure.  I'd say this it pretty solid evidence though.  I hope you had a good run as top player of 2142.

Jackal360 wrote:

With all due respect, your chat-logs, as posted here, mean nothing, because they can't be verified by a 3rd party.

SimonMoon wrote:

You have been busted, the guys over at PunkBusted verified your IP, the ban, the GUID.
Why don't you just admit it. You can moderate your FeverGaming forum, but here on this discussion remains open.
Simon Moon
Do as you please, again, everyone will think as they want anyways, fine by me. The facts remain, and the punksbusted system is far from perfect. That again would take guts to stand up and admit that its not perfect, but that would hurt the pride of those admins running those servers...
+788|6966|Brisbane, Australia

Simon Moon wrote:

Do as you please, again, everyone will think as they want anyways, fine by me. The facts remain, and the punksbusted system is far from perfect. That again would take guts to stand up and admit that its not perfect, but that would hurt the pride of those admins running those servers...
Cry Moar.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6985|Canberra, AUS

Sarrk wrote:

Simon Moon wrote:

Do as you please, again, everyone will think as they want anyways, fine by me. The facts remain, and the punksbusted system is far from perfect. That again would take guts to stand up and admit that its not perfect, but that would hurt the pride of those admins running those servers...
Cry Moar. ARGH!
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
It tastes like burning
+23|7125|Moore, OK

Sarrk wrote:

Cry Moar.
Here's what I gather from all of this...

SimonMoon is an idiot.  SimonMoon is making up a BS story that makes sense to nobody but him.  SimonMoon has no clue how works.  Please don't post your "believe whatever you want" speech again.  Here's some sound advice for you, own up to your past mistakes and apologize for being a cheating douche bag or stop posting and making yourself look like an idiot.

I'm glad cheating scum such as himself will not be tainting my server and if you believe his conspiracy story (which nobody should) then I have a piece of a crashed UFO and a confession by the real JFK killer you can buy from me.  PM me for more details.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6949|Montreal, Qc, Canada
Its a fkn game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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