+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
It's Tuesday afternoon, i've got nothing better to do since my lecture is cancelled.


These bipedal metal monsters are the most powerful and most versatile weapon on the battlefield.
I'm going to try and give you a few tips on how not to fucking suck in them.

Lets start with the easy stuff:

The Basics:
To be an effective battlewalker pilot you must:
  • Have v2.0 repair unlocked
  • Have the AE defuser unlocked
  • (optional) have EMP and/or motion mines unlocked
  • (optional) have all the player abilities in the off chance you're forced out of your vehicle
  • have VoIP enabled/Teamspeak with your commander and/or secondary gunner (for repair/supply requests)
MovementNo you can't prone spam in a battlewalker.. but you can:
  • Crouch - decreases spread of main cannon rounds
  • Sprint - Hold shift and the battlewalker will become a "battleRUNNER" (You can only "sprint" forwards)
  • Overcome obstacles - Walkers are very versatile in the fact that they aren't limited to the places that tanks and other wheeled vehicles are. Use this to your advantage when positioning yourself.
Now.. onto combat!!Not quite.. read the tips below to prevent embarrassment.Battlewalkers vs Vehicles.GENERAL TIP #1:Don't use your active defense (shield) as soon as you see something that looks like it could damage you.a few reasons:
  • If you sneak up on an enemy you can maybe exterminate them before they have the chance to turn round and get even
  • The enemy will expect you to deploy shields first and will wait a few seconds before firing (usually). Use that time to fire off a few missiles into them.

A moving target is a harder to hit target.. strafe.. turn the legs of the walker at 90 degrees to the direction you are facing and move forward and back to avoid tank shells and static AV rounds.

Team up with an APC if possible.
The APC (driven by an engineer with v2.0 repair) is your greatest ally no matter what you're up against. Their EMP pulse can take out other vehicles form moving and "blind" infantry. Not to mention that if on the off chance you fail to kill something, the mortar turret will soon make clear work of them.

Don't fire your missiles too quickly!!
Like the support machineguns and most gattling type weapons, your missiles are fired with a temperature gauge.. If the gauge fills, you won't be able to fire any more.. I've seen far too many people fire 4 missiles then have to wait a few seconds before they can fire their next one.. and by that time: they're a kill message.

Plan an escape route!
If things don't go quite how you planned.. make sure you know what you're gonna do to get the hell out of there!

Battlewalkers vs. APCs

These are the easiest vehicles to destroy in a battlewalker as they have no real means of damaging you.
Sure, the mortar will do a LITTLE damage.. but by the time they're firing off their third barrage, they're a smouldering wreckage and an extra few points for you.

APC's EMP cannon is the most dangerous thing about them. This will fully disable your walker except for the guns and rockets.. so if you're facing your target then you're fine!!
You are especially vulnerable when you cant see around you... A wiseass recon could be trying to RDX your legs without you knowing!!

The best thing to do is activate your shields and cycle to external view (default "C" key) until you hear your walker powering up again.. this way you're protected from most damage and can see if theres a smartass trying to take you out.

It takes around 6 missiles from the walker to take out an APC.

Battlewalkers vs. Tanks

The next on the difficulty list is the Tank.
A8 Tiger
This tank is the lesser of the two when it comes to easiness of destruction.
It handles in the same way as an APC: forwards and backwards.. with a moveable turret.. except this one can do MASSIVE damage to you..
The best advice is to do the "two steps forward and two steps back" shuffle in the walker.. this will make you more difficult to hit..
If you do it correctly, you shouldn't require to use your sheild when moving.
To attack the tank: first wait until it has fired a shot (and hopefully missed) then stop moving, fire off 4 missiles, raise your shields and start moving again!
Rinse and repeat.
You win.

T32 Nekomata
This one has the potential to fuck you up. Plain and simple.
The fact that this tank isn't restrained to one axis of movement means it has an advantage over you from the start.
This is where it becomes a bit of luck mixed with some skill.
Hopefully you'll have your APC partner with you. If not.. a support kit with EMP grenades will be a great help.
The cannon on the Nekomata is fixed to the forward direction of the vehicle.. meaning:
If you aint in front then you aint in danger.
Have your team EMP the tank and attempt to get behind it. If you can, then 4 missiles to the arse should take it out.
If not then raise your shields and dance. Remember that the rear of your vehicle is a weakspot and should NEVER be facing the tanks line of sight.
Mix and match the two techniques here and you should come out on top!

[note = not sure if the AA EMP on the secondary seat of the walker will disable a vehicle, can someone confirm?]

Battlewalkers vs. FAVs

These nippy little buggers can be a pain in the arse.
Although they can do no direct damage to you, they can be laden with RDX and boosted into you from quite a distance.. Theres really not much you can do if this happens except crouch (default "Z" key) and activate your shields and hope for the best!
If you're trying to catch one getting past you that's not as volatile as nitroglycerine in a washing machine then try your best to block its path and aim directly in the windows with the cannons and spray like hell!
Missiles very rarely hit a moving FAV.

Battlewalkers vs. Battlewalkers

This is the tough one.. they'll be doing to you what you're doing to them (unless they've not read this guide then it should be fairly simple..)
If you're at long range then you must compensate for the spread of the missiles..  they tend to flare out the further away they are..
Keep mobile.. this is your best defense..
Stop, up your shield, and fire your missiles, move. lots.
Don't bother wasting the cannons.. you need them for if the driver bails..
If you can get a teammate to EMP the walker.. then the battle should be over in seconds..
If not.. then be prepared for a standoff..

Battlewalkers vs. Gunships

Hop in the secondary seat for a second.. it's a whole new world isn't it!
You have a fast firing AA cannon and 2 homing EMP missiles.
Problem: the AA gun overheats too quickly.
Solution: Fire only when you KNOW you're gonna hit. and fire in short bursts to prevent overheat.
If you're soloing a battlewalker then you must be VERY coordinated in your timings.
Deploy countermeasures if you're being fired at, switch to AA seat and try to get a lock with the EMP.
if one hits: the gunship continues in its current direction, unable to change for approximately 3 seconds.
if BOTH hit: then gunship will fall towards the ground in a wonderful display of the earths gravity.

WARNING!! watch out for people who think they're "leet" and get in and move your mech, refuse to get out and walk the thing three metres into a motion mine/ditch and bail.

Battlewalkers vs. Dropships

Point, Click, Win.

Battlewalkers vs. Titan

Don't even bother.


Okay.. we've reached the halfway point. It's almost time for infantry tactics.




Battlewalkers vs Infantry.
Now this is what battlewalkers are made for..
Anti-Infantry combat.
The main cannon is one of the most powerful weapons in the game..
Don't even bother using the missiles against infantry.. it doesn't do much damage..

The premise of anti infantry is simple:
Point, click, rack up points, win.

This is mainly a defense section.

EMP Grenades.
If you're unlucky to be caught in an EMP grenade shower then you should try and locate where they're being thrown from as soon as possible.. It usually means that a recon or Engineer is coming up FAST to deal you little bundles of "justice".
The best thing to do is raise the shields and external view to see if you can locate them that way, if not.. then you must rely on your teammates to take the guy out.. there's simply not enough time to turn the turret by the time the next EMP nade drops.

Motion Mines
These are the bane of any walkers existance.. Even the warning sound is enough to drive you fucking crazy..

As the name "motion mine" suggests, these move when you move, so if you trigger the alarm then stay fucking still! Make sure the area is clear, get out and defuse them.. it's the only way to survive.. as the shields don't seem to work against these engineering beauties..

There's not much else to it really.. Keep mobile to make it more difficult to hit you with AV rounds.
And whenver you hear a long lock on tone.. then up your shields.. intermittant tones are probably someone aiming at something else but unknowingly catching you in their sights.

And remember, supply crates are your best friends on the battlefield.

Hope this helps a lot of you. I need some challenge in the walkers!

Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-11-21 10:05:50)

+85|6863|An Hour North of Indy
yay! i can go and effectively prawn noobles now?

Edit: grammar

Last edited by >LOD<Dougalachi (2006-11-21 07:02:52)

+1,716|7040|St. Andrews / Oslo

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

No one ever reads stickys

(C) Spawnofthemist

Last edited by Jenspm (2006-11-21 07:02:08)
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Jenspm wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

No one ever reads stickys

(C) Spawnofthemist
even though i did say it myself.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6945|Wigan. Manchester. England.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

+1,716|7040|St. Andrews / Oslo

Move it to Techniques, Strategies and Guides and it will be read.

You forgot the most usefull and least known tip.
BATTLEWALKERS are not Tanks and they can go where tanks and APCs cant.  They can walk up the hills, over small opstacles etc. Most people stick to the streets with them. Shame.....
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

zeidmaan wrote:

You forgot the most usefull and least known tip.
BATTLEWALKERS are not Tanks and they can go where tanks and APCs cant.  They can walk up the hills, over small opstacles etc. Most people stick to the streets with them. Shame.....
no i didnt.
nice job... but i didnt learn that much.... but it informes the rest of the noobs...
+416|6803|United States

spawnofthemist wrote:

And remember, supply crates are your best friends on the battlefield.
I thought you werent gonna mention supply crates for a minute.

hate to say it but good job spawnofthemist
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

JohnLeavitt wrote:

nice job... but i learned a lot.... thanks for the guide +1
+7|7024|MoVal, Southern California
Good job, spawnofthemist. Battlewalkers will tear anything up if you know how to use them intelligently and tactically. I haven't used a walker in quite a while, except last night when i gunned down a few gunships in the AA seat. Other than that, i've been destroying quite a few with my pilum.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6899|Your attic
I suppose I should +1 you, good guide, hopefully some people will become less blue thanks this.

Oh and stickiness should be applied to this thread.
+1,716|7040|St. Andrews / Oslo

Towelly wrote:

Oh and stickiness should be applied to this thread.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6899|Your attic

Jenspm wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Oh and stickiness should be applied to this thread.
It's just going to get moved to the Techniques and Strategy Guides section that no-one ever reads, so it might as well be a sticky in there.
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
nah it better not be moved there.. like you said.. no one reads that section..

and no one reads stickies..

we can see this from the "EA Server Maintenance - Tuesdays" thread..
and what did we get this morning?

+1,716|7040|St. Andrews / Oslo

spawnofthemist wrote:

nah it better not be moved there.. like you said.. no one reads that section..

and no one reads stickies..

we can see this from the "EA Server Maintenance - Tuesdays" thread..
and what did we get this morning?

Everyone on this forum is ghey lol wtf.

Back to the topic, Walkers are suprisingly difficult to hit with tank shells, they aren't as big as you think they are on first impression, especially if you are aiming for the ass.

I'm not sure if they are so fantastically anti-infantry as you state, it is quite difficult to kill running victims. The best way I find is to aim at the floor, not at the infantry, but in front of them in their path. But that goes for any vehicle/gun.
Good but there is more...

I always stick my PDS-1 to my Walker or my Tank. You can see from further to which side the other is facing and you adapt your approach based on that.

You always want to attack from the back or the side and PDS-1 helps to see that before you are facing them, makes it harder for the enemy to run away and to aim at you when you are moving.

When I'm stuck to face the Tank, I run after them, the closer you are from the Tank the easier they are to get and the harder it is from them.  I'll take the first hit to make them happy and give them hope I'll keep a good rythm on the cannon and you can do so without having to over heat. I had 2 tanks getting at it against me once, and I got them both.

Walker are hard to bring down so you can take a few hits, use your shield only if neccessary and since you should be an engi when you drive them, once you clear up the area from tanks, go for a safe place and repair.....

Last edited by Buzerk1 (2006-11-21 11:08:29)

nice idea with the PDS-1 dude +1 for you....
spawnofthemist being helpful? do my eyes decieve me?

God I hate it when you have kids (or grown kids for that matter) shooting birds in the game while you try to get into a good position.
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
Yeah, people who shoot the AA gun at the ground usually experience high ping on the -=AN=- server.

liquidat0r wrote:

spawnofthemist being helpful? do my eyes decieve me?

Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-11-21 14:32:43)


spawnofthemist wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

spawnofthemist being helpful? do my eyes decieve me?
Thought not. Nice post.

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