Oh so now your 100% white yet you dont want to be white even though you are? are you fucking reading the shit your typing? and right now your just "guaging" stupidity. and way to spell shining dumb shit. if your gonna emphasize spelling like a fucking pussy at others watch yours as well. And how the fuck is a battlefield 2 forum a "major way to gauge a person's intelligence"?
+3|7039|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
Ok Xanthpi, you're writing alot of shit and I'm getting really pissed, ALL religions change, you really think they won't even talk to me if they were "true" muslims? That's so much BS! You don't belive that the Holy Books change? Do we all follow our religion to the dot? I say we don't look at these things said in the Bible: In 2:nd moses 21:7 it is said that I can sell my daughter as a slave. Totally ok with the Bible. 3:rd moses 21:20 says that I can own male and female slaves. Totally OK. 2:nd moses 35:2 says that if someone works a at Sunday they should be slain. In 3:rd moses it claims that I can't approch an altar becuse of my bad eyes. In 3:rd moses 11:7-8 says I can't touch a dead pig, or even be near it, I would not be a true beliver. 3:rd moses 19:19 says that if a farmer grows two diffrent crops in the same soil he should be killed. If I were clothes made from two diffrent materials I should be killed.


prettybird wrote:

Oh so now your 100% white yet you dont want to be white even though you are? are you fucking reading the shit your typing? and right now your just "guaging" stupidity. and way to spell shining dumb shit. if your gonna emphasize spelling like a fucking pussy at others watch yours as well. And how the fuck is a battlefield 2 forum a "major way to gauge a person's intelligence"?
I was having a boring day until this. I thank you for the entertainment. Some quick points before I depart to a different thread.

1. I changed my spelling of the aforementioned word.
2. Once again you spelled the same word differently.
3. By not wanting to be lumped in with the other whites, I merely stress that I appreciate my unique cultural background, and don't want it lumped in with every other Europeans.
4. A forum, be it thisor any other, offers only one way to communicate. Typing. The way you spell, compose sentences, paragraphs, etc.... are indicative of how you communicate with others. Being born in this country and still writing the way you do is an affront to our educational system.

As per my previous posts, I bow humbly before your ever preesnt superior intellect.

p.s.: please continue to post, you are making my day brighter everytime I read one of your burning missives.

Nehil wrote:

Do you really think that would happen if muslims were a majority in the US? As far as I know religion doesn't have any influence on laws. Sure some may say they are but sometimes even religion has some good morale.

xanthpi wrote:

[It's getting boring again]. Ok, yes it would. This is what happened wherever Muslim took power. If Muslims because the majority in Sweden it would happen there too.
Islamic states obey Islamic law. Islam is not just a religion, it is an entire way of life which governs everything.
You say that Islamic states obey Islamic law, that is false xanthpi. Sharia Laws are the laws that govern everything and only a handful of Islamic states actually follow them to the letter (Sudan, Libya, some states in Nigeria and Afghanistan). During the Colonial era, Christians nations sent missionaries with armies to all corners of the globe hellbent on christianizing the entire world. Wherever these armies landed they forced christianity onto the local populations and did so often in a very brutal manner. The bible has passages that condone slavery and set laws on how it is to be carried out (Leviticus 25:44-46,  Exodus 21:2-6) and a few passages on sex slaves (Exodus 21:7-11) and that its ok to kill them(Exodus 21:20-21).

I dont consider myself a religious person but Im baptized and I did go to sunday school. I certainly dont want to be labeled as a (sarcastic)colonial-christian-bible-pushing-slave-runner(sarcastic) because of the fact that I went to sunday school.

Nehil wrote:

Do all muslims become terrorists becuse some did? Why don't we kill all men, all the terrorist were men! Don't you see the obvious!? There are idiots in all religions, remember North Ireland and the IRA?

xanthpi wrote:

[Geting very boring now]. Not all terrorists are Muslims. Almost all terrorists are Muslim. Your statement "Why don't we kill all men, all the terrorist were men!" is idiotic, and you knew it was when you wrote it. The IRA were not religious terrorists.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but of the terrorists that active today most of them are indeed Muslim. It is not a pleasant fact for the muslims that find acts of terror just as apalling as anybody else. It sure puts a log on the fire for the extremists and bigots that use it to generalize about an entire people. The fundamentalists see secular muslims as enemies just as they see non muslims as enemies, since the secular muslim opposes the fundamentalist. The IRA were not religious terrorists. They didnt have religion as a sole reason for waging their war I agree with Xanthpa on that one.

Nehil wrote:

I presume you have watched a program on FOX about the situation in Malmo, in Rosengard. A place that has about 99% immigrant population. Sorry but what was said about it is not all true. There is crime and more then normally of it. But they didn't tell you why, you just assumed that it was becuse of the fact that all immigrants are criminals. Trust me, that place is not a warzone. In fact I'd say its more friendly then any other. Its a big family. You'd have to come over here and see it. Belive me I lived there some years ago but we moved out to become more integrated.

xanthpi wrote:

I don't get FOX where I live. You're lying. You know full well that what I said about parts of Malmo is true. Why oh why do people try and defend the people who would kill them given half the chance?
I saw that news special on FOX as well, Im Swedish (living in Southern Sweden) and I pass by that neighborhood ever now and then and I find it odd that fox would portray that area as a total warzone where the police are afraid to do anything. That is just ridiculously untrue. I have to support Nehil in this point, Xanthpi. What he is saying is true, not that I agree with everything that he says and I can see that he has a picture of the riots in Gothenburg. I dont believe that violence is a viable political instrument either, but what Nehil is saying about Malmo is true.

Nehil wrote:

Don't judge all muslims becuse of that please. Did you know what happend during crusades? The christians slaughterd all muslims, even civilians. When the muslims took it back they killed the soldiers who resisted and let the civilians go home.

xanthpi wrote:

What the hell have the crusades got to do with the content of the Qu'ran and Hadiths?
The content of the Qu'ran and Hadiths have some very shocking things written in them, sadly there are people that follow them to the letter. There are imams that misinterpret the writings in the Qu'ran and Hadiths to their advantage. The bible has shocking things written in it too and there are a fair share of people that misinterpret the bible as well. Two wrongs certainly dont make a right, but I wouldnt judge too harshly.

Nehil wrote:

Belive me, I have alot of muslim friends none of them have threaten me or my family or anyone, nor have the raped me. Nor do they try to convert me. In fact they don't even make me celebrate their holidays. But wait, aren't we doing that now? Also I am a roman catholic.

xanthpi wrote:

No, you do not have lots of Muslim friends. In Islam, it is illegal to make friends with a Jew or Christian. The friends who you call Muslim are most probably only pseudo-Muslim.
You say its illegal for a muslim to make friends with a Jew or Christian?! I need to know where you found that quote, if it is truly taken out of the Qu'ran then it would refute your entire argument that Muslims follow everything that is written in the Qur'an and Hadith because even the most extreme fundamentalist muslims have had a friend that wasnt muslim.

It is true that some very extreme interpretations of the Qu'ran are preached and taught but to say that all muslims believe it and follow it and are out to "murder and/or rape you" is just an oversimplification and an unfair generalization. You claim not to be prejudiced against others and I believe that you arent but why do muslims deserve this unfair generalization that you spare the other races, peoples and religions?
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7060|Toronto, ON

Time for the lightning round to shut everyone up:

Hi, America = Spanish/English/Indian descent.  So in fact, YOU should be speaking Spanish, English and Native, if you can't... Get the hell out of our country.  Patriotic my ass.

Hi, Capitalism works only when there are poorer nations to do hard labour for it.  The only true economic model?  There IS no working economic model.  The closest labour intensive thing that capitalists would ever do is serving burgers/fries and STILL complain.  That's capitalism for you.  I very much prefer the socialist model of government.

Hi, Christians have murdered more people in history than Muslims (In fact, Christians rank as the TOP mass murdering religion in HISTORY).  Satisfied? Not yet?

Hi, Christianity/Islam are based off of Pagan myths.  GG, you just spent your life worshipping a stone with pictures of animals on it.  Fucking BWNED.  Now go kill yourselves for wasting your life.

The only TRUE religion/teaching?  Buddhism, since it's the only one which has verifiable historical characters as well as being morally correct.

Bwned (like all the people I've met in BF2).  Now go do your homework juniors.

K gg bye.
Alpha as fuck.

Erkut.hv wrote:

prettybird wrote:

Oh so now your 100% white yet you dont want to be white even though you are? are you fucking reading the shit your typing? and right now your just "guaging" stupidity. and way to spell shining dumb shit. if your gonna emphasize spelling like a fucking pussy at others watch yours as well. And how the fuck is a battlefield 2 forum a "major way to gauge a person's intelligence"?
I was having a boring day until this. I thank you for the entertainment. Some quick points before I depart to a different thread.

1. I changed my spelling of the aforementioned word.
2. Once again you spelled the same word differently.
3. By not wanting to be lumped in with the other whites, I merely stress that I appreciate my unique cultural background, and don't want it lumped in with every other Europeans.
4. A forum, be it thisor any other, offers only one way to communicate. Typing. The way you spell, compose sentences, paragraphs, etc.... are indicative of how you communicate with others. Being born in this country and still writing the way you do is an affront to our educational system.

As per my previous posts, I bow humbly before your ever preesnt superior intellect.

p.s.: please continue to post, you are making my day brighter everytime I read one of your burning missives.
Again, spell right you dumb shit (its spelled present). And how the fuck was i including you in with every other european in the first post? all i said was how ironic i found how RACIST WHITE PEOPLE are hypocrites because mexicans are immigrants yet americans ancestors r immigrants as well. and whatever dude, im not a pussy like you all worried about my spelling and shit. your parents i assume are mexican since you mentioned something about border jumping and fixing papers, yet they raised a pussy of a child as yourself. "oh prettybird, dont curse cause cursing is only for ignorant icky people". your just a fucking pussy acting like a bitch in a forum. i could use flambuoyant words if i wanted too but i could care less cause im not a feminine faggot like you who cares about what others think of my word choice or the way i spell on forums.
is it not funny that muslimes hate jews but islam comes from christanity and jewism you dont know how many things are the same. islam came 200 or 300 years after.

Last edited by stef (2005-12-20 13:32:47)


prettybird wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

prettybird wrote:

Oh so now your 100% white yet you dont want to be white even though you are? are you fucking reading the shit your typing? and right now your just "guaging" stupidity. and way to spell shining dumb shit. if your gonna emphasize spelling like a fucking pussy at others watch yours as well. And how the fuck is a battlefield 2 forum a "major way to gauge a person's intelligence"?
I was having a boring day until this. I thank you for the entertainment. Some quick points before I depart to a different thread.

1. I changed my spelling of the aforementioned word.
2. Once again you spelled the same word differently.
3. By not wanting to be lumped in with the other whites, I merely stress that I appreciate my unique cultural background, and don't want it lumped in with every other Europeans.
4. A forum, be it thisor any other, offers only one way to communicate. Typing. The way you spell, compose sentences, paragraphs, etc.... are indicative of how you communicate with others. Being born in this country and still writing the way you do is an affront to our educational system.

As per my previous posts, I bow humbly before your ever preesnt superior intellect.

p.s.: please continue to post, you are making my day brighter everytime I read one of your burning missives.
Again, spell right you dumb shit (its spelled present). And how the fuck was i including you in with every other european in the first post? all i said was how ironic i found how RACIST WHITE PEOPLE are hypocrites because mexicans are immigrants yet americans ancestors r immigrants as well. and whatever dude, im not a pussy like you all worried about my spelling and shit. your parents i assume are mexican since you mentioned something about border jumping and fixing papers, yet they raised a pussy of a child as yourself. "oh prettybird, dont curse cause cursing is only for ignorant icky people". your just a fucking pussy acting like a bitch in a forum. i could use flambuoyant words if i wanted too but i could care less cause im not a feminine faggot like you who cares about what others think of my word choice or the way i spell on forums.
Uh... okay. Prettybird. Let me get this straight. People who are careful about how they pick and choose their words are somehow less manly than someone who can spew curse words at the drop of a hat? I'm just trying to carry on a rational dialogue, citing my points, and offering counters to what you say. I have no problem with swearing at all. However, when you look at the majority of your posts today, you seem to talk alot, but not really say anything.

The fact that you have to swear as much as you do shows an inability to form complete thoughts or come up with resonable counter-arguments. Since inteligence wise you have nothing to fall back on, you resort to malicious writing. Then you assume that because I do not engage in the same type of tactics, that I am somehow less masculine.

Keep 'em coming Bird.

prettybird wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

prettybird wrote:

Oh so now your 100% white yet you dont want to be white even though you are? are you fucking reading the shit your typing? and right now your just "guaging" stupidity. and way to spell shining dumb shit. if your gonna emphasize spelling like a fucking pussy at others watch yours as well. And how the fuck is a battlefield 2 forum a "major way to gauge a person's intelligence"?
I was having a boring day until this. I thank you for the entertainment. Some quick points before I depart to a different thread.

1. I changed my spelling of the aforementioned word.
2. Once again you spelled the same word differently.
3. By not wanting to be lumped in with the other whites, I merely stress that I appreciate my unique cultural background, and don't want it lumped in with every other Europeans.
4. A forum, be it thisor any other, offers only one way to communicate. Typing. The way you spell, compose sentences, paragraphs, etc.... are indicative of how you communicate with others. Being born in this country and still writing the way you do is an affront to our educational system.

As per my previous posts, I bow humbly before your ever preesnt superior intellect.

p.s.: please continue to post, you are making my day brighter everytime I read one of your burning missives.
Again, spell right you dumb shit (its spelled present). And how the fuck was i including you in with every other european in the first post? all i said was how ironic i found how RACIST WHITE PEOPLE are hypocrites because mexicans are immigrants yet americans ancestors r immigrants as well. and whatever dude, im not a pussy like you all worried about my spelling and shit. your parents i assume are mexican since you mentioned something about border jumping and fixing papers, yet they raised a pussy of a child as yourself. "oh prettybird, dont curse cause cursing is only for ignorant icky people". your just a fucking pussy acting like a bitch in a forum. i could use flambuoyant words if i wanted too but i could care less cause im not a feminine faggot like you who cares about what others think of my word choice or the way i spell on forums.
im just gonna quote my earlier statement cause you didnt answer any of it...fucken pussy. oh and im sorry, are my words too much for you? oh and let me ask you something, are both your parents men cause your acting like a faggot.

Last edited by prettybird (2005-12-20 13:40:01)

cant you guys not just stop hating one and other and prettybird i dont think its good to write those words in here.
+3|7039|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)

stef wrote:

is it not funny that muslimes hate jews but islam comes from christanity and jewism you dont know how many things are the same. islam came 200 or 300 years after.
Islam does not come from chistianity, who the hell told you that?

stef wrote:

cant you guys not just stop hating one and other and prettybird i dont think its good to write those words in here.
i dont care what you think. call the internet police or something or email them or whatever.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7060|Toronto, ON

Nyte wrote:


Time for the lightning round to shut everyone up:

Hi, America = Spanish/English/Indian descent.  So in fact, YOU should be speaking Spanish, English and Native, if you can't... Get the hell out of our country.  Patriotic my ass.

Hi, Capitalism works only when there are poorer nations to do hard labour for it.  The only true economic model?  There IS no working economic model.  The closest labour intensive thing that capitalists would ever do is serving burgers/fries and STILL complain.  That's capitalism for you.  I very much prefer the socialist model of government.

Hi, Christians have murdered more people in history than Muslims (In fact, Christians rank as the TOP mass murdering religion in HISTORY).  Satisfied? Not yet?

Hi, Christianity/Islam are based off of Pagan myths.  GG, you just spent your life worshipping a stone with pictures of animals on it.  Fucking BWNED.  Now go kill yourselves for wasting your life.

The only TRUE religion/teaching?  Buddhism, since it's the only one which has verifiable historical characters as well as being morally correct.

Bwned (like all the people I've met in BF2).  Now go do your homework juniors.

K gg bye.
Do I have to 'Yawn' again for you fools?
Alpha as fuck.
well if a religion is there and then there comes another religion and those religions looks nearly the same wont you say that the other religion comes from the first one. ofcourse its not completely the same but many people says that and i agree with them not anymore to talk about.

prettybird wrote:

prettybird wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

I was having a boring day until this. I thank you for the entertainment. Some quick points before I depart to a different thread.

1. I changed my spelling of the aforementioned word.
2. Once again you spelled the same word differently.
3. By not wanting to be lumped in with the other whites, I merely stress that I appreciate my unique cultural background, and don't want it lumped in with every other Europeans.
4. A forum, be it thisor any other, offers only one way to communicate. Typing. The way you spell, compose sentences, paragraphs, etc.... are indicative of how you communicate with others. Being born in this country and still writing the way you do is an affront to our educational system.

As per my previous posts, I bow humbly before your ever preesnt superior intellect.

p.s.: please continue to post, you are making my day brighter everytime I read one of your burning missives.
Again, spell right you dumb shit (its spelled present). And how the fuck was i including you in with every other european in the first post? all i said was how ironic i found how RACIST WHITE PEOPLE are hypocrites because mexicans are immigrants yet americans ancestors r immigrants as well. and whatever dude, im not a pussy like you all worried about my spelling and shit. your parents i assume are mexican since you mentioned something about border jumping and fixing papers, yet they raised a pussy of a child as yourself. "oh prettybird, dont curse cause cursing is only for ignorant icky people". your just a fucking pussy acting like a bitch in a forum. i could use flambuoyant words if i wanted too but i could care less cause im not a feminine faggot like you who cares about what others think of my word choice or the way i spell on forums.
im just gonna quote my earlier statement cause you didnt answer any of it...fucken pussy. oh and im sorry, are my words too much for you? oh and let me ask you something, are both your parents men cause your acting like a faggot.
Bullet format this time

*I got from your first question that any "white" person who complained about the ever growing influx of illegal immigrants was a racist.

*Your words are anything but too much.

*How does one act like a faggot? Describe, anywhere in my posts, where it would lead you to assume anything about my personal life. Sounds to me like you are a bigot, and a semi-retarded one at that.

*The word Faggot coming from someone with the name Prettybird, can never, and will never, be taken seriously.

I give the floor to you sir.
nyte buddism is a good religion and i respect but i wont call it a religion its more a way of life. buddha was a prince that came outside of his castle and helped a needy poor man end of story. buddism has not got any god they only worship buddha which does not have any powers as Jesus had.
+32|7021|Wherever the F**k i feel like

Nehil wrote:

stef wrote:

is it not funny that muslimes hate jews but islam comes from christanity and jewism you dont know how many things are the same. islam came 200 or 300 years after.
Islam does not come from chistianity, who the hell told you that?
Wrong agian. Muhammad was inspired by the cristians that came to the middle east for trade. i.e. the holy roman empire.

Nehil wrote:

Ok Xanthpi, you're writing alot of shit and I'm getting really pissed, ALL religions change, you really think they won't even talk to me if they were "true" muslims? That's so much BS! You don't belive that the Holy Books change? Do we all follow our religion to the dot? I say we don't look at these things said in the Bible: In 2:nd moses 21:7 it is said that I can sell my daughter as a slave. Totally ok with the Bible. 3:rd moses 21:20 says that I can own male and female slaves. Totally OK. 2:nd moses 35:2 says that if someone works a at Sunday they should be slain. In 3:rd moses it claims that I can't approch an altar becuse of my bad eyes. In 3:rd moses 11:7-8 says I can't touch a dead pig, or even be near it, I would not be a true beliver. 3:rd moses 19:19 says that if a farmer grows two diffrent crops in the same soil he should be killed. If I were clothes made from two diffrent materials I should be killed.

Oh god here we go again.

A Muslim cannot be friends with a Jew or Christian because amongst other things the Qu'ran says "take not the Jews and Christians as friends and helpers for they are friends and helpers to each other". It doesn't mean they can't talk to you. It just means they can't be friends with you. If a Muslim disagrees with what the Qu'ran says then they are not a Muslim. It's as simple as that.

The Bible vs Qu'ran thing doesn't work because Christianity went through the reformation whereas Islam didn't, etc, etc, etc.

The reason why Islam has not, and cannot, change is because Islam is believed by Muslims to be the word of god (and therefore perfect) whereas the Bible is believed by Christians to simply be inspired by god but from the minds of man (and therefore fallible and open to interpretation). Pointing out all of the crap things in Christianity doesn't magically make Islam good. Since Islam is the word of god it cannot be changed because god cannot be wrong. So in Islam, the testament of a woman WILL ALWAYS be half that of a man, slavery WILL ALWAYS be allowed, hating infidels WILL ALWAYS be compulsory. Why? Because Allah says so and Allah is never wrong.

Thats why Islam is a problem not only for Muslims but for the whole world - Muslims will never take man's word over Allah's word.

Why don't you go and learn about Islam.
Read the Qu'ran, read the Hadiths, read what ex-Muslims have to say. And read my previous posts, because the answers to your questions are already contained within them.
Prettybird is from the movie dumb and dumber(the little blind kid scene when hes petting the dead bird). well reread my fucking post b4 u call me ignorant and racist and all that other shit u dumb bitch. yea your acting like a faggot being all wordy and complaining about words you fucken pussy. if it damages your fragile little mind so much, skip the curse words you fucken pussy. and again, its a fucking forum, i could care less about my name or what words i choose. you talk about getting chinese poon but the only way pussy is assosciated with you is yourself for being a pussy. oh forums are a great way to "guage your intelligence". To who bitch? stef over here or nehil? like they give a fuck besides you you little bitch.

dan500 wrote:

If your talking about UK and muslimes..

Send them back, i dont want them in my country, coming over here, demanding there mosuque be bult, i cant stand them, every f*cking road you turn down you see them, and they say they want England to be a Muslime country, i would rather hang myself than be one. Its about time we closed our doors on them.

You wonder why people are racist, most people think the same, but wont say..
YEA MAN u tell em

Nyte wrote:


Time for the lightning round to shut everyone up:

Hi, America = Spanish/English/Indian descent.  So in fact, YOU should be speaking Spanish, English and Native, if you can't... Get the hell out of our country.  Patriotic my ass.
How about the french canadians?

Nyte wrote:

Hi, Capitalism works only when there are poorer nations to do hard labour for it.  The only true economic model?  There IS no working economic model.  The closest labour intensive thing that capitalists would ever do is serving burgers/fries and STILL complain.  That's capitalism for you.  I very much prefer the socialist model of government.
Youre entitled to a political view Nyte, though we arent discussing economic models in this thread. Nor are we discussing what political model is correct or not.

Nyte wrote:

Hi, Christians have murdered more people in history than Muslims (In fact, Christians rank as the TOP mass murdering religion in HISTORY).  Satisfied? Not yet?
This is, sadly, true.

Nyte wrote:

Hi, Christianity/Islam are based off of Pagan myths.  GG, you just spent your life worshipping a stone with pictures of animals on it.  Fucking BWNED.  Now go kill yourselves for wasting your life.

The only TRUE religion/teaching?  Buddhism, since it's the only one which has verifiable historical characters as well as being morally correct.
In Canada you are allowed to follow any religion the same goes for Sweden, Im glad that I have the right to follow any religion that I want to and not be judged for it.

Oh and by the way Sweden will whoop Canada at Hockey

prettybird wrote:

fucking bitch faggot fucken pussy fucken pussy fucking pussy pussy bitch fuck bitch.
Spoken like a true champ. Do you still not see how every time you type, you look like a retard?
hmm inspired. you call it inspiration why should you get insprired by a relion to make a new one and you just gotha admit that so many things are the same and so does my muslime friends also say. to take some the relation between god and satan read the bible or something damn that relationship is weird nobody really knows where satan came from and then he became a angle lucky him and satan is a hebraric word and means gods opponent is that not funny once they were friends now enemys. but really i should not talk about these things if i am not 100% right.

Erkut.hv wrote:

prettybird wrote:

fucking bitch faggot fucken pussy fucken pussy fucking pussy pussy bitch fuck bitch.
Spoken like a true champ. Do you still not see how every time you type, you look like a retard?
do you not see how much of a bitch u look like? were did u grow up? boysville you pussy?
damn this is enough now you guys are gonna stfu and stop fighting grow up and stay to the subject somehow

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