So today I decided to go to the bf2s us server to see how things were. What I found was this: SAS team getting utterly raped. The server placed me on spetznaz, which is fine with me, so i proceeded to make my contribution to the round. I start out on foot, as assault, take one of the bases by our uncap, then move to the SAS base with the apache. I kill some people, take the apache, and then proceed to fly around killing things. The sas can barely get out of their uncap because all of our armor is sitting on their bridge and in part because i fly by and blow up their motionless tank, apc, or AA as i make my rounds. About half of my kills were from strafing the water bases, and half from strafing the uncap.

Then I got tempbanned i think by "storm"-something (because he was the only [bf2s] person that was actually playing. But for all i know it was somebody else). Anyway, they had warned me a bunch of times "no camping the uncap." however i ignord these ignorant warnings because i was not camping at all, but instead flying the entire map killing everything and preventing them from taking our flags. I just dont see how the idiot admin that temp banned me can expect me to play any differently from the way i did. Was i supposed to just ditch the chopper? Crash it? Shoot poorly during my strafes so as not to kill them? Just land by our uncap and wait for them to have flags? I could understand them telling the tanks and apcs to get out of the main -- but what on earth is wrong with me killing people in the chopper? This game is about instant action. When i spawn, i just go to where the kills are and get them. Its not my fault that they couldnt keep any of the flags, and i was clearly one of the very last peple on my team to even attack the uncap because i was busy securing all the bases first.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with winning so completely that the other team cant even keep flags. How can bf2s admins be so inexperienced with bf2 to not know that with a good team this scenario is unavoidable.

by the way i was kicked while in first place with 22 kills and zero deaths. Basically i think u have a noob admin that kicks people when they start dominating. Its so obvious why this server is usually empty. i think somebody needs to lose admin status over this kind of stuff. If u want a server going, you need dedicated players stopping by. Anybody that is dedicated is also probably good and would never want to come back to a server that harshly limits ones performance with girly overzealous admins.

You're more l33t than everyone else. Everyone else sucks. Go play somewhere else. Happy?
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
If only the EU server ran Ghost Town.. Anyway I agree with you..
Kanye North

k30dxedle wrote:

You're more l33t than everyone else. Everyone else sucks. Go play somewhere else. Happy?
BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6697|Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hmm, all I remember is the tens of warning flashing across the top of the screen, which by your own admittance, you ignored. So what do you expect, you were given more than your fair share of warnings. If you don't agree with the rules go find somewhere else to play where they allow camping of the mains. I don't even remember you getting kicked anyways.

Last edited by SilentscoutIX (2006-11-10 12:51:16)


Kanye North wrote:

k30dxedle wrote:

You're more l33t than everyone else. Everyone else sucks. Go play somewhere else. Happy?
this really wasn't the point of my post. my point was that servers with admins that kick so reflexively and for such dubious and debatable reasons ruin servers and prevent communities from forming around them. BF2s is the best community for bf2 outside of the game, but with admins behaving childishly, the bf2s community is ruined in-game. And I have never posted on a website to complain about admin abuse. I would gladly just play somewhere else. The only reason why I am posting here is to tell the forum community that's servers are suffering due to poor admin(s).

SilentscoutIX wrote:

Hmm, all I remember is the tens of warning flashing across the top of the screen, which by your own admittance, you ignored. So what do you expect, you were given more than your fair share of warnings. If you don't agree with the rules go find somewhere else to play where they allow camping of the mains. I don't even remember you getting kicked anyways.
Heres the issue pal. The warnings said stop camping. But I was by no definition "camping." There CERTAINLY were campers on our team, but i was simply flying from target to target like a good pilot does. It makes no sense to blame me for their base being camped when i was the only MOBILE player on our team getting kills. I even captured flags FFS! Don't bother defending this move silentscout (even though i bet you were the one that temp banned me, anyway). All you have even said in defense is that its ok that i was tempbanned because i was given a warning.  Would it be chill if the next time you were in a server i start flashing warnings: "WARNING SilentScout STOP BEING A DOUCHE OR BE KICKED!!!!" and then tempbanned you? Im sure it wouldnt because that isnt a legit reason to give warnings or to ban. Basically thats all that happened to me. I show up, have a decent round, and some jealous little bitch warns me and tempbans me because they assume no legit player could out-perform them while obeying rules. He probably just looked at my score and started spamming warnings. That is admin abuse and it is against the ROE. If you don't like BF2's ROE go play another game.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2006-11-10 13:16:41)

Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6906|Michigan, USA
Simple as this, its their server not yours, they can kick for anything they want to.  Yes, its unfair, well guess what? Life aint fair.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
Simple - servers have rules; they pay for it; many people dont read them - but in reality rules make a server dysfunctional - thats why Team America servers are popular because we have no rules - just dont bring the b.s. hax.

You'll have crybabies in every server, just have to deal with it, even one of our own is a puss- hates getting owned...well its part of the game, and the name of the game is fun.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

Marinejuana wrote:

The sas can barely get out of their uncap because all of our armor is sitting on their bridge and in part because i fly by and blow up their motionless tank, apc, or AA as i make my rounds. About half of my kills were from strafing the water bases, and half from strafing the uncap.
I was not playing, but observing the game action via the God-view.  Contrary to your statement, I observed you attacking the uncap, swinging around attacking again, and then swinging around at least a third time.   The armor couldn't even get out of their shelter before you took them out.  In my judgement, this was excessive.  Each time I observed this I sent out warnings.

Marinejuana wrote:

Anyway, they had warned me a bunch of times "no camping the uncap." however i ignord these ignorant warnings because i was not camping at all, but instead flying the entire map killing everything and preventing them from taking our flags. I just dont see how the idiot admin that temp banned me can expect me to play any differently from the way i did.  ....  basically i think u have a noob admin that kicks people when they start dominating.
I was the "idiot" admin ... or the "noob" admin who kicked you.

This was not a reflexive kick.  The rule about excessive raping is flashed on the screen every 80 seconds, and because it is somewhat vague I gave you 7 ... let me repeat this ... SEVEN warnings, but you would not change your tactics of excessively attacking in the uncap ... so, I gave you a 1 minute temp kick (and it even nicely said "please rejoin us").

I don't know what else to say ....
Attacking uncaps is allowed. I wasn't there so I can't say exactly why you were kicked. We do try to keep attacking the uncaps at a minimum, though. ie: no armor in uncaps, attacking uncaps when the team has no other flags. I attack uncaps in the chopper but only when they have no other flags and even then I generally shoot 8 rockets while flying through then I leave.

I don't even see you on the banlist so it looks like you should be good to play. Maybe the attacking of the uncap just got to the point where it just wasn't "fair" to the other team. Like I said, attacking uncaps is okay, but when it gets to a certain point we'll ask people to lay off.  It depends on the situation and when the admin that's on feels like it's just too much.

I can see that you were warned seven times starting at 3.12:38 until 3.15:57. That's a ton of chances to stop or cut down severely on what you were doing.

Also, the [bf2s] tag does not mean someone is an admin. The tag is free for anybody that is a part of the community to use.

OrangeHound wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

The sas can barely get out of their uncap because all of our armor is sitting on their bridge and in part because i fly by and blow up their motionless tank, apc, or AA as i make my rounds. About half of my kills were from strafing the water bases, and half from strafing the uncap.

Anyway, they had warned me a bunch of times "no camping the uncap." however i ignord these ignorant warnings because i was not camping at all, but instead flying the entire map killing everything and preventing them from taking our flags. I just dont see how the idiot admin that temp banned me can expect me to play any differently from the way i did.  ....  basically i think u have a noob admin that kicks people when they start dominating.
I was the "idiot" admin ... or the "noob" admin who kicked you.  I was not playing, but observing the game action via the God-view.  Contrary to your statement, I observed you attacking the uncap, swinging around attacking again, and then swinging around at least a third time.   In my judgement, this was excessive.  Each time I observed this I sent out warnings.

This was not a reflexive kick.  You received 8 warnings but would not change your tactics of excessively attacking in the uncap ... so, I gave you a 1 minute temp kick.

I don't know what else to say ....
what else to say? maybe u should say sorry? or that you are gonna resign as admin for a while until you figure out exactly how bf2 works?

So what you are saying is that your policy is to reflexively warn and (thoughfully?) tempban choppers that attack the uncap more than 3 times in a row when there is nothing else for them to do? I could have actually camped by sitting out of range and launching TVs but i didnt do that.  i just flew around diving at things with rockets and dodging their AA. I killed people on the water bases as well, but they barely even spawned there (even though they had the option to do so) so i frequently killed multiple people at their main base before returning to the water bases where about 2 of them spawned throughout the round. This is logical and ultimately unavoidable bf2 strategy.

And did you also ban our armor (and entire team) as they sat on the bridge? I doubt it. When in reality it was this obstacle that was actually preventing them from leaving. You understood that right? You know bf2 don't you? The chopper that tears through every little while doesnt keep the entire  team from sneaking out. The camping tanks do that. But just listen to you. You were in "god view" watching with your wise official admin eye and seeing how what i was doing was getting lots of kills without me dying. And you decided this chopper strategy was "base camping" even though I was over their base for probably less than 5% of the total time i was playing before tempban.

Let people play the game, nobody needs you sitting there watching and deciding whether or not somebody is playing "excessively." You should just apologize for your ignorant move as admin today. People like you bring down the level of play found in pub bf2 servers by disrupting the natural dynamic with rules that demand certain people simply not play for long tracts of time so that the other team can catch up. catch up? in a competitive game? maybe if this was a game about socialism...

cablecopulate wrote:

Attacking uncaps is allowed. I wasn't there so I can't say exactly why you were kicked. We do try to keep attacking the uncaps at a minimum, though. ie: no armor in uncaps, attacking uncaps when the team has no other flags. I attack uncaps in the chopper but only when they have no other flags and even then I generally shoot 8 rockets while flying through then I leave.

I don't even see you on the banlist so it looks like you should be good to play. Maybe the attacking of the uncap just got to the point where it just wasn't "fair" to the other team. Like I said, attacking uncaps is okay, but when it gets to a certain point we'll ask people to lay off.  It depends on the situation and when the admin that's on feels like it's just too much.

I can see that you were warned seven times starting at 3.12:38 until 3.15:57. That's a ton of chances to stop or cut down severely on what you were doing.

Also, the [bf2s] tag does not mean someone is an admin. The tag is free for anybody that is a part of the community to use.
They had other flags. I remember someone on our team even teasing them saying ~~"so holding the water bases is going to be your strategy this round?"

I know I'm not on the banlist, it was obviously a temp ban. I don't even care if I'm "good to play." What I'm saying is that the admin was being dumb to the extent that I wouldn't want to play. And since I am a member of the community I wanted to share that opinion with you all, because I know this behavior ruins servers for a lot of people and none of the members of this community want their names associated with amateur moves like orangehound's today.

I saw all the warnings and know I had the opportunity to "stop." I am saying I did nothing wrong and had no idea what "stopping" even meant other than to stop playing bf2 altogether. And since I was flying I didn't bother mentioning to the admin that the warnings were idiotic and needed to stop. When I was ultimately kicked, which I expected, I was annoyed, but I was glad to not be playing on a server with the dumb admin anymore. I continue to be annoyed because the server i dont want to play on is called US.

I would also like to apologize to all the good admins that I have probably offended. This is soley directed at OrangeHound now that I know it was him. I regret using admins (plural) in the title of this thread.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

Marinejuana wrote:

what else to say? maybe u should say sorry? or that you are gonna resign as admin for a while until you figure out exactly how bf2 works?
I apologize for not being more clear with you on the warnings.  I am also sorry that a 60-second kick has apparently gotten you upset ... the point of the kick was because there was no reaction to the warnings.  That's all.

Marinejuana wrote:

Let people play the game, nobody needs you sitting there watching and deciding whether or not somebody is playing "excessively." You should just apologize for your ignorant move as admin today.
However, I will not apologize for supervising the server, or making judgements.  This server has very liberal rules ... you can spawnrape a little, curse most any word you can think of, ram, and even act like a tard for a while. 

But, if you don't want admins on a server who make kick/ban/warning judgements, then go to a server that doesn't have admins.

OrangeHound wrote:

I apologize for not being more clear with you on the warnings.
I guess you just don't get it do you....

You warned and kicked for a dumb reason.

Maybe you are a good admin at other times but during my presence you are 0/1.

It shouldnt be my job to plead a case to some kid like you while I am playing a game. You should just learn how bf2 works.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2006-11-10 13:59:00)

Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

Marinejuana wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

I apologize for not being more clear with you on the warnings.
I guess you just don't get it do you....
No, I believe I understand your all your points ...

Marinejuana wrote:

You warned and kicked for a dumb reason.

Maybe you are a good admin at other times but during my presence you are 0/1.
Meh ... I'm just an unappreciated admin, not perfect by any stretch ... I'll have my good days and my bad (just ask Kmal). 

Marinejuana wrote:

It shouldnt be my job to plead a case to some kid like you while I am playing a game. You should just learn how bf2 works.
Kid? I wish ...
+3,135|7048|The Hague, Netherlands

OrangeHound wrote:

But, if you don't want admins on a server who make kick/ban/warning judgements, then go to a server that doesn't have admins.
back to i-life

Marinejuana wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

I apologize for not being more clear with you on the warnings.
I guess you just don't get it do you....

You warned and kicked for a dumb reason.

Maybe you are a good admin at other times but during my presence you are 0/1.

It shouldnt be my job to plead a case to some kid like you while I am playing a game. You should just learn how bf2 works.
hey calm down, admit that admin was right... if you are 11 and cant read or follow rules, it is your problem!

and US server isnt empty at all. Maybe it was more often empty when it ran vanilla, but with SF maps it is almost full.

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

But, if you don't want admins on a server who make kick/ban/warning judgements, then go to a server that doesn't have admins.
fine, i let that misinterpretation of my words slip by but i will address it if you guys are going to quote his misinterpretation. Rules are good. No hacking. No camping spawns in a main when there are no other bases. no stats padding. If you actually thought I meant admins shouldnt enforce these rules then wow. What I am saying is that I dont want admins on the server that just sit there screwing up the game by imposing their random expectations on it. I was never saying at all that I don't want admins -- my god. I was saying I don't want BAD admins that dont understand the rules. Now orangehound, just get on with apologizing and familiarizing yourself with bf2. This is such a simple matter. Orangehound made a dumb move, and I am letting know about it in hopes that it contributes to better a server in the future. Any of you that want me to shutup should just hope that i do so when orangehound decides to do a better job as admin.

OrangeHound wrote:

No, I believe I understand your all your points ...
I don't even think you understand English at this point.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2006-11-10 14:19:40)

Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

Marinejuana wrote:

Now orangehound, just get on with apologizing and familiarizing yourself with bf2. This is such a simple matter. Orangehound made a dumb move, and I am letting know about it in hopes that it contributes to better a server in the future. Any of you that want me to shutup should just hope that i do so when orangehound decides to do a better job as admin.

I think you need an attitude change. Insulting the admins will get you nowhere. I might have even backed you up on this except for when you start childishly calling names. If you don't heed warnings, you'll be kicked/banned everytime. Play by the rules or play somewhere else.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

OrangeHound wrote:


OrangeHound wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

Now orangehound, just get on with apologizing and familiarizing yourself with bf2. This is such a simple matter. Orangehound made a dumb move, and I am letting know about it in hopes that it contributes to better a server in the future. Any of you that want me to shutup should just hope that i do so when orangehound decides to do a better job as admin.
OrangeHound is a good admin, he kicks justly...Most of the time, from what you've told me (I wasn't actually there) that the opposing team had other flags to spawn on, and should have done so. But chose not to when he was camping their main. But I also heard that he wasn't camping the entire time, but was capping flags, and every now and then entering the main.

Don't make me drive down the street and kick your pompous ass.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
You're arguing every point while ignoring the fact you were given multiple warnings to stop doing something, which by your own statement you just ignored. If he had just kicked you without a warning, then you'd have a valid argument. I might not have kicked you for whatever you did, but he was there and warned. If you keep doing it knowing you don't agree, then you have three choices: stop, find a new server, or accept the kicking and move on. I think with all the warnings you lose the right to complain when the admin takes action.

As for your earlier post saying: "I am saying I did nothing wrong and had no idea what "stopping" even meant other than to stop playing bf2 altogether." You knew perfectly clear what was meant. Direct copy and paste from the log (repeated multiple times):

Server Say: WARNING!!! ยต Marinejuana for camping in Main Base (uncappable) .... in and out of Main Base please.

For the record, I probably wouldn't have kicked you so just say bygones and join up sometime when I'm there.
ps: save all the drama for your baby mamas.

It's just a game.

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