
j5f5ff wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

Points to remember:

1. It's impossible to be racist against someone because of their religion. A religion is an ideology and one cannot be racist against an ideology. Anyone from any racial group can be a Muslim. All they have to do is to say the Shehada (the Islamic declaration of faith).

how about  fucking bigot?
A bigot is one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

So if I were indeed a bigot I would be overly biased against Hindus, Jews, Chinese and upper class people. However I am not, because I am not a bigot. I am only biased against Islam, as I am able to see the danger it poses not only to democracy and the rule of law, but to humanity in general.

I suspect that you used the word bigot without knowing or understanding it's actual meaning.

mafia996630 wrote:

STop speaking words out of context u fukin dick.
Learn to spell you inbred little twerp. I am not speaking out of context. The "context argument" is a common one which Muslims use to try and discredit their opponents. It does not work on me.

mafia996630 wrote:

u would be in your grave if that was ture.
I WILL be in my grave if I and others allow Islam to become dominant on my continent. That is why I am fighting now, so that my future children might not have to.

mafia996630 wrote:

other then that go attack your local mosque and other places of worship u dont like, just wait ant see wot happens.   
I will go to prison, and I don't want that to happen.

mafia996630 wrote:

there is a difference between understanding and reading ANY book .
I would hazard a guess and say that I understand the Qu'ran even more than you do, if your dreadful use of grammar and punctuation is any indication of your mental abilities.

mafia996630 wrote:

I GONE KILL U. (believe me? ),
No, because you are issuing an idle threat on an internet forum. You do not know my name or where I live.

mafia996630 wrote:

by the way the jews were killed BY NON-muslims, remember hitler ? o shit let invade germany!.
We did invade Germany, or have you never read a history book?

mafia996630 wrote:

"   3. A Muslim's loyalty is to his "din" (pronounced "deen" it is Arabic for "way of life", ie Islam) first and to his country last. "

Wot would u choose? would u save the queen or one of your popes ??
There is only one Pope at any one time. I would save the Queen over the Pope, because as a British subject my duty is to defend my head of state.
Xanthpi, common sense has no place here. Please abandon all use of it. You have been warned....

Good points, and written with a level head without resorting to caveman-like hurling of insults. I sir, salute you. You are one of a select few who actually think before you start clacking away.
+3|7036|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
So what is it that your fighting for? Whats so bad with Islam and good about any other religion? Where is this invasion? Who is being invaded? Have you been hurt by The Profet or what? What the heck is so wrong with people having other cultures? Immigrant immigrant but not ignorant.
+32|7017|Wherever the F**k i feel like

Krappyappy wrote:

i'm a mexican born half-chinese half-black muslim. i'm here to impregnate your redneck daughter and steal your job mowing lawns for $2 an hour.

what are you going to do about it? cry?
cock my shotgun and aim......
+3|7036|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)

Lib-Sl@yer wrote:

Krappyappy wrote:

i'm a mexican born half-chinese half-black muslim. i'm here to impregnate your redneck daughter and steal your job mowing lawns for $2 an hour.

what are you going to do about it? cry?
cock my shotgun and aim......
And hopefully blow your own brains (what left there is) out?
I'm an immigrant in the US!!!
And it pisses me off when other immigrants don't make the effort of learning the language or adapt to the culture of the country they move into.
I can't blame the US or UK for growing tired of lazy-pansy-ass immigrants who expect the country they move in to do things for them like (taking the drivers license test in your home country language) WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT!!! You don't speak English... NO FUKING DRIVERS LICENSE!!!  (Yes... if you include yourself in this group, you are a shame for the rest of us immigrants)
Be grateful you are in a country that is probably better than yours and learn the freaking language and adapt to the culture.
The rest are lazy excuses.

It goes both ways. If you come to Spain I expect you to learn Spanish and adapt to our culture.
Witch means: Enjoy the beach, learn how to drink wine from different shaped bottles and party all the time!!! ;-)


xanthpi wrote:

j5f5ff wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

Points to remember:

1. It's impossible to be racist against someone because of their religion. A religion is an ideology and one cannot be racist against an ideology. Anyone from any racial group can be a Muslim. All they have to do is to say the Shehada (the Islamic declaration of faith).

how about  fucking bigot?
A bigot is one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

So if I were indeed a bigot I would be overly biased against Hindus, Jews, Chinese and upper class people. However I am not, because I am not a bigot. I am only biased against Islam, as I am able to see the danger it poses not only to democracy and the rule of law, but to humanity in general.

I suspect that you used the word bigot without knowing or understanding it's actual meaning.
Definitions of Bigot on the Web:

  A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

  Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning. The Poor and welfare Beneficiaries         often targets of bigots. When alive John Keats was dismised by critics as a "piss-a-bed Cockney scribbler", he is now considered one of the greatest poets who ever lived. Eugenics was a 19th and early 20th century movement aimed at purifying the human race by weeding out undesirable people. ...


and it does still fit your definition.  your "own group, religion, race, or politics" just descriminates against one group exclusivly.   

you seem like a reasonable person.  how is it that you come to the conclusion that it's the group and not the individual?

Nehil wrote:

So what is it that your fighting for? Whats so bad with Islam and good about any other religion? Where is this invasion? Who is being invaded? Have you been hurt by The Profet or what? What the heck is so wrong with people having other cultures? Immigrant immigrant but not ignorant.
You summed up exactly why we are losing this war. There are many Westerners like you who are simply just not clever enough or who do not care enough to be able to play their part in this fight. Or, who hate capitalism so much that they are willing to support their own enemies.

What are we fighting for?

We are fighting for the right to choose how we live, whether or not we listen to music, what clothes we wear. We are fighting for the right not to pay the Jizzya Tax (a tax levied by Muslims onto Christians and Jews designed to humiliate them), the right not to be raped (it is legal for Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women under certain circumstances), the right to choose our religion or lack of one (in Islam, there is only Islam. Atheists, Hindus, Pagans, Buddhists, etc are all killed), the right to do what we damn well please (as long as it does not hurt others) without fear of death/ torture/ rape/ enslavement.

Whats so bad with Islam and good about any other religion?

You really ought to be able to answer this one yourself with your general knowledge. Did Hindus fly planes into the WTC and Pentagon? Was it Buddhists who beheaded the three girls in Indonesia for going to church? What about the London Tube bombings - I bet you think it was those pesky Presbyterians who committed that one! All religions are false, but since the ones mentioned above do not avocate the murder of people who are not members of them, they can be tolerated. The whole point of Islam is to conquer the world. If you don't want to be killed/ raped/ enslaved then you must fight it.

Where is this invasion?

Are you blind? You are Swedish, right? Can you tell me exactly why the majority of the city of Malmo is a no-go area for Swedish people, why even the police are too scared to act? Can you tell me how the people who imposed that situation on Malmo got there? Did they parachute out of the sky with guns or was it perhaps due to uncontrolled immigration?

Who is being invaded?

Stupid question. You know perfectly well.

Have you been hurt by The Profet or what?

Yes. Part of my city is now a no-go area because of his teachings. Years ago, I was attacked by three Muslims who informed me during the attack that they were attacking me because I was not a Muslim and I was walking through an area which "belonged" to Muslims (Islam teaches that once an area has been onwed by a Muslim it must remain Muslim forever).
I have two lovely little nephews who are innocent of any wrongdoing, but there are several hundred million people in the world who wish to do them harm simply because they are not Muslim. What kind of man would I be if I didn't do my bit to protect my nephews?

What the heck is so wrong with people having other cultures?

Well, if that culture does not threaten me, my family, friends or country then there's nothing wrong with them having another culture. On the other hand, if a bunch of people follow a book which tells them to rape/ enslave/ forcibly convert/ kill my people, I will fight them. And so should you. Unless of course you are Muslim yourself, in which case it must make you very angry that a poor, sub-human non-Muslim "kafir" like me has taken the time to find out about the death-cult you call a religion. That's one less infidel who can have the wool pulled over their eyes!

Immigrant immigrant but not ignorant.

Meaningless statement.

j5f5ff wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

j5f5ff wrote:

how about  fucking bigot?
A bigot is one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

So if I were indeed a bigot I would be overly biased against Hindus, Jews, Chinese and upper class people. However I am not, because I am not a bigot. I am only biased against Islam, as I am able to see the danger it poses not only to democracy and the rule of law, but to humanity in general.

I suspect that you used the word bigot without knowing or understanding it's actual meaning.
Definitions of Bigot on the Web:

  A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

  Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning. The Poor and welfare Beneficiaries         often targets of bigots. When alive John Keats was dismised by critics as a "piss-a-bed Cockney scribbler", he is now considered one of the greatest poets who ever lived. Eugenics was a 19th and early 20th century movement aimed at purifying the human race by weeding out undesirable people. ...


and it does still fit your definition.  your "own group, religion, race, or politics" just descriminates against one group exclusivly.   

you seem like a reasonable person.  how is it that you come to the conclusion that it's the group and not the individual?
By your reasoning, me being anti-paedophile would also make me a bigot, right?

Like I've already said, if I was indeed a bigot I would be anti - everything-which-was-not-like-me, which I'm not. I am just anti-Islam. Bigotry is something which is irrational. Being anti-Islam is not irrational. In fact it is vital for the future survival of Europe and the relative peace we have created here for ourselves.

Have you seen Star Trek? Are you aware of the Borg? Islam is very similar to the system which the Borg use. Unlike in liberal democracies, Islam places very little importance on the individual. The Islamic terrorists we read of every day on the news are not necessarily bad people - they do what they do because they have a very strong belief in their religious teachings, so if the teachings tell them to "slay the unbeliever wherever you find them" (Qu'ran, Sura 9:5) then that is what they do. Since they believe that their teachings are the word of god, how can those teachings be wrong or bad in their eyes, since in Islam one is not allowed to think for oneself?

Winston Churchill's observations on Islam hit the nail on the head. It will answer your question if you read it all:

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine (slave), must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities — but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."


I'm an immigrant in the US!!!
And it pisses me off when other immigrants don't make the effort of learning the language or adapt to the culture of the country they move into.
I can't blame the US or UK for growing tired of lazy-pansy-ass immigrants who expect the country they move in to do things for them like (taking the drivers license test in your home country language) WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT!!! You don't speak English... NO FUKING DRIVERS LICENSE!!!  (Yes... if you include yourself in this group, you are a shame for the rest of us immigrants)
Be grateful you are in a country that is probably better than yours and learn the freaking language and adapt to the culture.
The rest are lazy excuses.

It goes both ways. If you come to Spain I expect you to learn Spanish and adapt to our culture.
Witch means: Enjoy the beach, learn how to drink wine from different shaped bottles and party all the time!!! ;-)
It's attitudes like yours which have made America great.

xanthpi wrote:

By your reasoning, me being anti-paedophile would also make me a bigot, right?
as would be being anti-bigot.

did churchill have much interaction with the average muslim, the average educated muslim, or any muslim other than the ones in power?   and do you seriously believe that they're the same now as 60 years ago?

if we looked at the percentage of (what i'll call) criminally inclined (based on western ideals) muslims as compared to the law abiding variety.  do you honestly think that the muslin percentage is higher than everyone else?

  And it's totally implausible to think that we could ever sign a treaty with the klingons!
'twice cooked beef!'

Lib-Sl@yer wrote:

Krappyappy wrote:

i'm a mexican born half-chinese half-black muslim. i'm here to impregnate your redneck daughter and steal your job mowing lawns for $2 an hour.

what are you going to do about it? cry?
cock my shotgun and aim......
please, don't make me laugh. we mexican-chinese-black people can breed so fast, you won't have nearly enough ammunition to kill us all. you can kill me but my brother luis will be right there to pick up my lawnmower.

j5f5ff wrote:

did churchill have much interaction with the average muslim, the average educated muslim, or any muslim other than the ones in power?
Yes. The experience was gained during old colonial time. He had extensive contact with all "types" of Muslim. I would have thought that this was clear from his statement "Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities".

j5f5ff wrote:

and do you seriously believe that they're the same now as 60 years ago?
He met them around one hundred years ago, actually. In terms of 60 years ago, Muslims now are more devoted to their religion than they were then. The "Islamic resurgence" began in earnest in the 1960s.

j5f5ff wrote:

if we looked at the percentage of (what i'll call) criminally inclined (based on western ideals) muslims as compared to the law abiding variety.  do you honestly think that the muslin percentage is higher than everyone else?
Well, we must compare Islamic values with Western post - Judeo-Christian values. Western values have been proven by experiment to work, which is why we have kept them. Western values have changed hugely over the last 2000 years.
Islamic values have not changed alot over the period since it's invention. Since Islam is based on the Qu'ran, and the Qu'ran has changed little (Muslims would argue never, incorrectly), since it was made up, Islamic values have stayed fairly static.

To a Westerner, it would be wrong to rape a non-Western woman, not because a religious book says it is wrong, but because we know it is wrong by experiment. Our society would not function if we went around raping women.
To a Muslim, it is not wrong to rape a non-Muslim woman (under certain conditions) because Allah actually says it is ok, and Muhammad himself raped women. So, if a Muslim's own morality told them it was wrong to rape a non-Muslim woman, there would be a conflict between that person's morality and the instructions in the Qu'ran. Depending on how religious that Muslim was would dictate whether he chose to obey his own values or those of the Qu'ran.
In terms of what Islamic culture allows, compared to what Western culture allows, Islam is an inferior culture. As is evidenced by the state of Islamic countries today.

j5f5ff wrote:

And it's totally implausible to think that we could ever sign a treaty with the klingons!
Nor the Borg. For the Borg it was all or nothing - either they assimilate the outsiders or they die trying. Same with Islam. In fact, in Islam there is no concept of a treaty, only what's called a "hudna", which means a temporary truce designed so that it can be broken once the Muslims have gotten the upper hand. So for instance if we were at war with Iran and we signed what we thought was a peace treaty, the Iranian side would break the treaty once our guard was down. This is what Muhammad did, so this is what Muslims must do too.
I am Sikh , a small religon from india. The last 2 generations of my family imigrated to canada a long while ago. And well we have over the years i no this mite come as a shock or sound really fucking screwed. But i really dont no wether im christian or sikh my family celebrates both religons and we go to both churches.

So anyways,

I am sikh which means i am brown yes thats right. ANd anyone you talk to in my family infact at afamily dinner where most of my family is if u utter the word "muslim" u will start a never ending conversation about them. some ppl will say "they are the scum of the earth" "theyneed to be put on ships and sunk" and i respect those opinions and from my experiences i have been backstabbed, ratted out, cheated by only Yes u guessed it muslim people. I am very racist i want them to leave our god damm country... Like why cant they just sit themselves in the middle east... And heres a little history lesson...

A.D. 1000's-1700-s the Mogul empire ( muslim enforced ) empire ruled india and most of the asia... If you were not muslim and you were a male over 18 ur head would be chopped right off...if u were a lady over 18 u wud be raped over and over again b4 u died of pain... now if u were a child u wud be cut up into tiny pieces and they wud string ur body pieces and put ur dead pieces on ur mothers neck. If u did not join Islam... Hell if u read the kuran it says that "It is no sin to kill a non muslim" and a summary of onepart is that yes it is a type of manifest destiny muslims want total control they want to be in power and they want u to be muslim at the end of the day all they will do is fucking convert you.  And if u say times have changed so have people...no they have not maybe there ways of converting have gottena little different but the same phsyco blood flows in there viens. Could you tell me why you are letting in muslim people into our country who have sworn to the kuran to pitch into the jihad and either convert all to islam or kill them... Tell me what kind of fucking phsyco ass shit is that...

w/e agree or dont agree i dont give a fuck at the end of the day they are total bullshitters and need to be shot in the head. I dont like them and i do not trust them going to the same school as my children.AS i do not want my child coming home and one day saying "daddy im gonna become muslim" i swear i will give up my life rather than convert I swear it.
I'll take two
+132|7090|Perth, Western Australia

xanthpi wrote:

We are fighting for the right to choose how we live, whether or not we listen to music, what clothes we wear. We are fighting for the right not to pay the Jizzya Tax (a tax levied by Muslims onto Christians and Jews designed to humiliate them), the right not to be raped (it is legal for Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women under certain circumstances), the right to choose our religion or lack of one (in Islam, there is only Islam. Atheists, Hindus, Pagans, Buddhists, etc are all killed), the right to do what we damn well please (as long as it does not hurt others) without fear of death/ torture/ rape/ enslavement.
Right, it may say that in that in the Qur'an, but how many Muslims do you know of that actually practise that? In the Catholic Bible there are chapters which say that "A son may be stoned to death by his father and his uncles if he becomes a drunk", passages stating that it is a womans fault if she is raped and does not call out for help unless she is in the barren wilderness, and a passage saying that a woman may be stoned to death by her own father, or husband, if she is not found to be "clean (a virgin)" when she is married. It also says that if you are to have a wet dream you must spend the whole of the dy after outside your house/town as a purification process. Come on, how many of the guys here have had wet dreams and then spent the rest of the next day outside waiting to become pure again? If I had to guess I would say none.

I do not wish to sound like a bible basher, and I am not really a practising Catholic, and I have not been to Church in two years. All of the above knowledge is left over from when I was reading the Bible in Relgious Education classes when I used to go to a Catholic School.

For anyone wishing to check the verasity of these claims all of these passages can be found in Corinthians, but I cant give exact  numerical details because I cant find the token bible that is somewhere in my house.

My point is that every religion has its obscure and out dated laws. How many Muslims does anyone know that actually support any of these, and before someone says it please don't say something to the effect of "I saw this guy on the news once", because I am talking everyday Muslims, people that you know, not the local extremist that the news station has decided to put on a current affairs show.

Lets just hypothesise for a moment, lets say that America was a mostly Muslim country, and some of you wanted to move there. Do you think it would be fair if you were told "Well, you seem like a normal person, and your details check out, but sorry, we're going to have to send you back to the country you are trying to leave because it says in your bible that you can stone your own son if he is drunk, and that you can kill your own daughter if she is not a virgin at marriage".

Now, all of you trying to say that they are taking over, you should look at these statistics:

Percentage of Americans that are Muslim: 0.6%
(sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographi … ffiliation)

Percentage of Engilsh people who are Muslim: 3.1%
(sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_England)

I am fully for any Muslim who wishes to use these laws as a defense for his actions, for example rape and assault, to be deported or out in prison, but don't take your rage out on the rest of the Muslim/other ethnic minority poplulation.

I do believe in the "If they want to come to our country then they have to live by our rules" mentality, and please do punish anyone who does not, but please do not take it out on the rest of the people in that person's religious/ethnic background

Last edited by SharkyMcshark (2005-12-19 18:48:17)

And omfg where i live... in my childrens class photos all 3 of em only have 1-3 white kids about 3-7 black kids and the rest of them are muslim we are fucking overflowing with them...just bomb the middle east and this crap
+32|7017|Wherever the F**k i feel like


I'm an immigrant in the US!!!
And it pisses me off when other immigrants don't make the effort of learning the language or adapt to the culture of the country they move into.
I can't blame the US or UK for growing tired of lazy-pansy-ass immigrants who expect the country they move in to do things for them like (taking the drivers license test in your home country language) WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT!!! You don't speak English... NO FUKING DRIVERS LICENSE!!!  (Yes... if you include yourself in this group, you are a shame for the rest of us immigrants)
Be grateful you are in a country that is probably better than yours and learn the freaking language and adapt to the culture.
The rest are lazy excuses.

It goes both ways. If you come to Spain I expect you to learn Spanish and adapt to our culture.
Witch means: Enjoy the beach, learn how to drink wine from different shaped bottles and party all the time!!! ;-)

I like the way you think
I'll take two
+132|7090|Perth, Western Australia

Game* wrote:

And omfg where i live... in my childrens class photos all 3 of em only have 1-3 white kids about 3-7 black kids and the rest of them are muslim we are fucking overflowing with them...just bomb the middle east and this crap
So what your saying is that the non white people scare you and that there should a limit as to how many black and Muslim kids are in each school?

[sarcastic]that makes a lot of sense. Great cause for bombing them. Because those muslim kids you know, real perverts, they will warp your childrens mind and eat their flesh!![/sarcastic]

You realise this is what the extremist Muslims say about white people in their countries. Are you an extremist?
+27|7076|Atlanta, GA USA
I have nothing against people who legally immigrate to my country, as long as they make an effort to speak English.  It really irritates me when people move to a country and make no effort to fit in.  I lived in Germany for three years, and, even though we knew we'd be moving back to the States, my family made an effort to learn German.  As a child, it was a lot easier for me, but my dad learned enough German to be able to get by.  As long as you make an effort, I will try my damnedest to communicate with you, but don't expect me to learn Spanish (or any other language) to speak you you in my country.
Illegal immigration is a totally different situation.  I don't care how bad it is in your country.  If you entered my country illegally, get the fuck out!

xanthpi wrote:

To a Westerner, it would be wrong to rape a non-Western woman, not because a religious book says it is wrong, but because we know it is wrong by experiment. Our society would not function if we went around raping women.
To a Muslim, it is not wrong to rape a non-Muslim woman (under certain conditions) because Allah actually says it is ok, and Muhammad himself raped women. So, if a Muslim's own morality told them it was wrong to rape a non-Muslim woman, there would be a conflict between that person's morality and the instructions in the Qu'ran. Depending on how religious that Muslim was would dictate whether he chose to obey his own values or those of the Qu'ran.
In terms of what Islamic culture allows, compared to what Western culture allows, Islam is an inferior culture. As is evidenced by the state of Islamic countries today.

oh,  so that's why all of our prisons are bursting with rapist muslims...  I'm not convinced ... but if you've found a reason to hate someone you've never met or seen, be my guest.
+69|7013|th3 unkn0wn

Nehil wrote:

So what is it that your fighting for? Whats so bad with Islam and good about any other religion? Where is this invasion? Who is being invaded? Have you been hurt by The Profet or what? What the heck is so wrong with people having other cultures? Immigrant immigrant but not ignorant.
I don't think you know anything about Islam. The Muslims condition their children to follow the same religion. Their kids aren't given the right to choose wot religion they'd like to believe in/follow. How would you like it if you had a Muslim partner and s/he imposed his/her religion on your children because that is wot her religion dictates?

I ought to know cos I am living in East London at the moment - been stuck here for the past 5yrs - and it just doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel like the London I knew back when I wos a child. There are less and less English people around these days. London is no longer wot it used to be. If someone wos to say we're being invaded I'd probably nod in agreement.

Instead there are foreigners everywhere, especially people from Bangladesh living off Social Welfare, claiming unemployment benefit and renting out council flats that they have applied for WHILE they live over at their parents AND this is a widespread habit of the Bengalis. Not a one off example.

Wot pisses me off is the fact that more and more foreigners - not just Bangladeshis - are being allowed to enter the UK and they barely speak a word of English. Even the English pensioners are pissed off with these foreigners standing in the post office to leech off social security. They (the Bengalis) even have the nerve to barge ahead of the queue and mumble when told off cos they'd too thick to understand basic manners.

They bring a culture with them which does make things interesting and enriching but they also bring with them a whole lot of crap like the habit to spit in the street. Imagine yourself waiting at a bus stop only to notice 3 Bengali teenage kids spitting gobs of phlegm on the pavement as if it's a normal ritual of theirs. They also stink (apparently having a bath is a weekly thing for them) and there are times when I'm glad I don't have to use public transport.

Another thing is some (not all) of these nationalities (the backward ones)/relgion followers (Islam in particular) have a habit of having at least 4-5 children so it's no wonder that us Brits are scared/worried of the fact that one day we may well lose control of the country to so-called "harmless invaders".

I don't mind mosques BUT when their religion is always "recruiting" more and more people while conditioning their offspring from young I have every right to feel worried and pissed off at the way the society in London is turning out. Half of the time I meet someone who's a Muslim they ALWAYS have to make a suggestion about me converting to their reiligion. In my entire life I've yet to meet someone of another religion other than Islam suggesting I convert to their religion.

As for the religion debate has anyone noticed that all the acts of terrorism: The bombing in London earlier this year, Sept 11th, etc have all been as a result of Islamic teaching (which, it has to be noted, twisted by fanatics). The question here is has anyone seen any acts of violence conducted on the general public by any other religion like Christianity for example???

I may sound like a racist BUT when you've experienced it you'd begin to think differently about immigrants. They bring their cultures and REFUSE to blend in with the rest of the English society. They create communities of their own where they mingle in their own language so they don't need to mix with the rest of us. In the end it just results in social disharmony and I for one know that we are NOT to blame for this phenomenon.

Rant over
+69|7013|th3 unkn0wn

dan500 wrote:

If your talking about UK and muslimes..

Send them back, i dont want them in my country, coming over here, demanding there mosuque be bult, i cant stand them, every f*cking road you turn down you see them, and they say they want England to be a Muslime country, i would rather hang myself than be one. Its about time we closed our doors on them.

You wonder why people are racist, most people think the same, but wont say..
Hear hear

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

The question here is has anyone seen any acts of violence conducted on the general public by any other religion like Christianity for example???
IRA (catholic) and UDF (Prodistant(sp?)
Member 5307

[DDS]Monkey_boy wrote:

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

The question here is has anyone seen any acts of violence conducted on the general public by any other religion like Christianity for example???
IRA (catholic) and UDF (Prodistant(sp?)
Tamils vs Singhalese (correct spelling?) in Sri Lanka?
ETA in Spain?

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