+63|6847|USA, Conn.
I've seen many threads regarding problems that people have encountered during or before/after game play.

The purpose of this thread is to help you with problems related to points, unlocks and stat updates

**This will not talk about lag, crashes nor VOIP problems because they have already been covered!

"Top 10 tweaks for lag reduction"-   http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=22556

"Crash to desktop fix here"- http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=28412

"VOIP - Pic Tutorial How To Fix It.. "-   http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=22556

The above are by, badhq

Unlocks problem:    

     Say you unlock a gun or 2. You finish up the game because Bf2 usual takes about a game to update. You start the game and your unlocks aren't there.. What happened? Did someone steal them? NO..  Mean while,  Bf2 skipped the unlocks and kind of forgot about them until next update (next game). To fix this, you can play a game and let it update or log out and wait about 2-3 minutes and log back in again and they should be there. Or, try going back to your stats and seeing if it says: "You have been promoted, select 1/2 guns to unlock". This is because there are scanners on Bf2, sometimes there is something blocking the unlocks/stats you just got. So it skips it or takes awhile to update these..

Unlocks problem #2:

     You get on Bf2, everything is cool, you go to check your stats you got last night and there still bad ass.
You go to select a server and its loading... "Verifying client data"... DONE! You get on and your guns aren't there.. Did someone steal them again? NO..  Its Bf2, leave the game/server and log out. Wait 2-3 minutes and log back in and either try that server again or try another one. Your unlocks should be there. If not post here along with the any more problems your having.

**NOTE- You must have unlocks!

Stats and Award updates

     You just get like a score of 150 points on a game or jet whoring on wake! Its your bedtime (7:35 pm) and you go to check how many points to go till ranking.. But your points you just got aren't there.. Someone steal them AGAIN? Jeezz.. NO. Either Bf2 didn't update or you had a connection problem at the end of game and sometimes that screws things up ALOT.. So hopping its the first one your log out and back in.. They are there! Congrats! If its #2 that sucks, go jet whore tomarrow and get the 150 back!


Bf2 glitches and bugs.

     Ok, if you are done playing a game or just logged in and you want to check your stats. You get to the stats page and there are HUGE numbers there. What happened? Its ok, it's Bf2 not you.

So, the fixes. Restart your computer, log back in and see if they are there. If they are there then go ahead, you have to check your Bf2 files and move the "Bf2 files" to your desktop. Now reload the game and see if they are still there. If they are still there its a matter of waiting untill the stats server is back up. Or, if your awards aren't updating: sometimes when you get an award they say you got it, but you go to Bf2 and its not there. Well, the cause is sometimes there will be a connection problem or get kicked or banned right before the game ends. There is a time frame where if this happens any awards/ points you got will be lost for a long time period or just lost forever. This means, yes, go get your award again.

     Your true Bf2 player-


**I had all of these problems, I have the worst luck and comp.. GOOD LUCK

Last edited by .:[Sk@erbo]:. (2006-07-19 09:08:16)

+63|6847|USA, Conn.
Any help to you? It should i did all of these my self.
The Forum Alien
+89|7125|The planet Tophet
well look i repair a bunch of stuff and the points just dont show up in game
Judge Death
About every 4 or 5 times i play AF i get the message to buy AF . so i repatch and then i can play is this normal how can i fix it so i dont have to keep  patching

Last edited by GAIKIWARRIOR (2006-07-18 19:11:15)

Unintentionally Verbose

*TS*tphai wrote:

well look i repair a bunch of stuff and the points just dont show up in game
Either you were commanding, in which event they don't count (But you can still get the badges).

Or, you were repairing things that don't get you repair points. A vehicle with noone in it? No repair points for you.
The Forum Alien
+89|7125|The planet Tophet
oh so thats my problem someone has to be in it? oh alright  and yeah i did do the comander thing before but i kinda figured it out

thanks a bunch and well thanks

AKA: badhq
+937|6951|Derby, England

.:[Sk@erbo]:. wrote:

OK, ive seen many threads of problems that ppl are encountering during or before/after game play. This thread will help you with points, unlocks and updating them..

Stats and Award updates

     You just get like a score of 150 pts on a game or jet whoring on wake! Its your bedtime (7:35 pm) and you go to check how many pts to go till ranking.. But your pts you just got arnt there.. Someone steal them AGAIN? Cheeesss.. NO. Either Bf2 didnt update or you had a connection problem at the end of game and soemtimes that screws things up ALOT.. So hopping its the forst one your log out and back in.. They are there! Congrarz! If its #2 that sucks, go jet whore tummaro and get the 150 back!


     Your true Bf2 player-


+1 plz?   

**I had all of these problems, I have the worst luck and comp.. GOOD LUCK
This could be reason why the rank, medals , or points are not showing up. here it is

Problem - My Stats are all messed up! - Example http://www.geocities.com/paulcarr011/stats.JPG
Cause - Usually just a glitch in Battlefield 2
Fix - Restart Battlefield 2, this usually fixes this problem, if not move your Battlefield 2 folder from my documents and put it on your desktop. Reload Battlefield 2, retrieve your account and see if your stats are now correct.
If not, it may be a matter of waiting a while as the stats server may be down.

Problem - I earned x points or badges, they not showing in BFHQ
Cause - Lag, server failed to report them, slow updates
Fix - There is no fix, you basically have to wait. If you have not received the missing stats within one week then the server you played on failed to report them to EA and hence you will not get them, an annoying issue indeed but the situation has improved vastly since the release of Battlefield 2.

Problem - I got my missing medals, but i have not been promoted
Cause - Many
Fix - The ranks in Battlefield 2 are not progress as it has been put. You earn your rank based on your points and medals at that time, you will then only next be promoted when you reach the next point bracket. For example, if you are a Master Sergeant and earn the missing awards required for First Sergeant, upon getting them you will not be promoted. The next promotion would be at Master Gunnery Sergeant (50,000 points), but if you have the needed badges you would be Sergeant Major. For more information on Ranks visit - Ubar Ranks at BF2S http://ubar.bf2s.com/ranks.php

you can add that anbove

Peace Boris
+63|6847|USA, Conn.
Gaik.. if your still there, you have to make your game spy account the same as your battlefield 2 account. Then it should work, if not call EA, i had the same problem.
+63|6847|USA, Conn.

badhq wrote:

.:[Sk@erbo]:. wrote:

OK, ive seen many threads of problems that ppl are encountering during or before/after game play. This thread will help you with points, unlocks and updating them..

Stats and Award updates

     You just get like a score of 150 pts on a game or jet whoring on wake! Its your bedtime (7:35 pm) and you go to check how many pts to go till ranking.. But your pts you just got arnt there.. Someone steal them AGAIN? Cheeesss.. NO. Either Bf2 didnt update or you had a connection problem at the end of game and soemtimes that screws things up ALOT.. So hopping its the forst one your log out and back in.. They are there! Congrarz! If its #2 that sucks, go jet whore tummaro and get the 150 back!


     Your true Bf2 player-


+1 plz?   

**I had all of these problems, I have the worst luck and comp.. GOOD LUCK
This could be reason why the rank, medals , or points are not showing up. here it is

Problem - My Stats are all messed up! - Example http://www.geocities.com/paulcarr011/stats.JPG
Cause - Usually just a glitch in Battlefield 2
Fix - Restart Battlefield 2, this usually fixes this problem, if not move your Battlefield 2 folder from my documents and put it on your desktop. Reload Battlefield 2, retrieve your account and see if your stats are now correct.
If not, it may be a matter of waiting a while as the stats server may be down.

Problem - I earned x points or badges, they not showing in BFHQ
Cause - Lag, server failed to report them, slow updates
Fix - There is no fix, you basically have to wait. If you have not received the missing stats within one week then the server you played on failed to report them to EA and hence you will not get them, an annoying issue indeed but the situation has improved vastly since the release of Battlefield 2.

Problem - I got my missing medals, but i have not been promoted
Cause - Many
Fix - The ranks in Battlefield 2 are not progress as it has been put. You earn your rank based on your points and medals at that time, you will then only next be promoted when you reach the next point bracket. For example, if you are a Master Sergeant and earn the missing awards required for First Sergeant, upon getting them you will not be promoted. The next promotion would be at Master Gunnery Sergeant (50,000 points), but if you have the needed badges you would be Sergeant Major. For more information on Ranks visit - Ubar Ranks at BF2S http://ubar.bf2s.com/ranks.php

you can add that anbove

Peace Boris
OK great problems and fixs- +1
+2|6837|United States of America
Wow thanks
+15|6967|Apeldoorn, Holland
Yesterday i've been playing SF. I played 1 round Mass & 1 Warlord. At Mass i received a Good Conduct medal (last received 31-08-06 it says), but there are only 5 points counted. Check my history to see it. So i got a Good Conduct Medal with 5 points! Pfff...not possible man, you need 26 kills & no teamkills! Further i had to have a gold or silver medal which i certainly earned, cause i kept looking how many points the commander had, so i had to take some more flags to get the goldie. I did finish the rounds!! The server didn't crash, maybe it crashed later in the evening after i left. Could that be the problem? Or is it possible to get just a part of your stats....
+4|6769|Lakemoor, IL
I am posting my second post about my sound this is sooooooooo frigin anoying everytime I load the game up whether it be poe, anything attributed to bf2. My sound mutes then I have to go back to desktop and unmute it. can anyone help?
+4|6769|Lakemoor, IL
I found way faster Download check it out finished in ten minutes if you agree send some Karma this way.
http://www.fangaming.com/download.php?f … gameid=120
i have 22,000 points global score, am master sargeant, character name is pinkspadge (pid 60007591)....and yet i have only received as unlocks the G3, L85A1, G3GE and M95 and DAO-12 ...what has gone wrong?   
And how can i gain the unlocks that should be due to me?


Necroposting alert!

Oh! Hi!
Welcome to the forums! Use the Search-feature to find your answer.

I checked your unlocks, everything seems to be in order.. If you want more unlocks, play SF for a while with that player profile.

Last edited by DonFck (2006-11-06 02:22:31)

I need around tree fiddy.
i have read your posts and checked the nature of my problem - nothing to do with playing on unranked servers or server glitches....have gone through a number of promotions  and have receiver only 6 unlocks total(G3, L85A1, G3G3, PKM, M95, DAO-12)...others  on same rank have a full 6 more unlocks.....where did my unlocks go?...and how do i restore them?....can EA games rectify this problem?

BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6707|Vancouver, BC, Canada
In order to get the other six you must play a game of special forces (BF2's expansion) on that account. Following successfully doing this you will have access to six new unlocks. That or you can just tk every person you see with one of the other unlocks thus saving yourself fourty dollars.
Thanks Silent!....so i have to play just one(1) game online of BF2 special forces to the have access to the other 6 unlocks?....is this correct?

Thanks for the neat idea of TK'ing everyone to save $40.....but, if i can avoid doing things on the cheap, i will!

Really appreciate your help!

thanks,   pinkspadgeman
the "Commander"
+102|6842|the Netherlands
The Forum Alien
+89|7125|The planet Tophet
Hi there guys!
I just downloaded the BF2 1.41 patch, and ran the patch succesfully.
However! - When i logged into my account server it displayed a message
"This server does not support unoffical changes, please revert back to your earlier offical version of BF2"
I was able t connect to server games...but as soon as i clicked "Start Now" to enter the server after it had loaded and synchronised - it kicked me back to the BF2 Mulitiplayer server page stating that the server did not supprt the changes in my version, please revert...etc

Whats going on?  Any ideas to fix?

Would appreciate your help!
+21|6681|None ya

*TS*tphai wrote:

umm what? im confused on what your asking/
uuuhhh well since he got it ingame, I think he means it missing from his stat board.
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6690|Pittsburgh, PA USA
I had an ugly problem with BF2 CTD after the splash screen. Spent 1 hour on the phone with EA (which was useless of course) & did 2 complete reformats only to find out that System Mechanic 7 was the problem. For some reason if I install that program I can't start BF2.
Not asking for help, just writing it down so maybe someone sees it.
Wiki Contributor

Hi all, I really do not know what it is ...but it seems as soon as I go prone against an apponent at close range, my support weapons (RPK,PKM etc) seem to cut out as I fire, instead of firing continously it will fire 3 shots and cut out and so on. I really need to reslove this as I cannot go in close anaingst an apponent.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

vanmani wrote:

*TS*tphai wrote:

well look i repair a bunch of stuff and the points just dont show up in game
Either you were commanding, in which event they don't count (But you can still get the badges).

Or, you were repairing things that don't get you repair points. A vehicle with noone in it? No repair points for you.
Or he is repairing enemy assets LOLOLOL

The only empty vehicle/station you get points for repairing is an ESSEX gun.

As for repairing as commander, it is true you don't get the points directly but you do get credit towards badges, ribbon and medals.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

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