Since day One.
As its a trendy map i played on it like thousands of other players and now i finally dont have it as my most played map.
I dont belong to the 80 % mass who has "Strike at Karkand" as most played map in their stats with 121212 hours.
And i know that we have players who really like to play on other maps or some who dont even play Karkand if possible.
This is not against the players who play Karkand all the time. The list just shows the players who enjoy other maps outside Karkand.

The list got unique players with maps what are not called a "Strike to anywhere"
Yes if you run trugh you can also see that the 2nd most played map is Wake Island 2007

I will make and update a list with all the players who dont belong to the karkand mass.So please post your nickname and your most played map so i will add you !

These people got Karkand again as their most played map


1. venom6 - Ghost Town
2. ..teddy..jimmy - Wake Island 2007
3. david363 - Wake Island 2007
4. Anfidurl - Warlord - New map: Strike at Karkand
5. imdead - Warlord
6. Doggehspike - Warlord
7. Polux - Sharqi Peninsula - New map: Strike at Karkand
8. cheshiremoe - Wake Island 2007
9. Teamsreth - Sharqi Peninsula
10. wilber69 - Surge
11. Mr.Maverick.MDK - Wake Island 2007
12. fullysick_meboy - Wake Island 2007
13. Scratch[USA] - Ghost Town
14. Col.Vind - Warlord
15. sn00ze24 - Road to Jalalabad
16. .:ah1z:.cobra|iC - Gulf of Oman
17. recoil.30 - Sharqi Peninsula
18. Ganko_06 - Dalian Plant
19. haffeysucks - Wake Island 2007
20. King_County_Downy - Sharqi Peninsula - New map: Strike at Karkand
21. (T)eflon(S)hadow - Dragon Valley
22. xconrob - Gulf of Oman - New map: Strike at Karkand
23. SargeV1.4 - Kubra Dam - New map: Strike at Karkand
24. Iron_Sentinel - Sharqi Peninsula
25. renejak - Mashtuur City
26. CrazeD - Gulf of Oman - New map: Strike at Karkand
27. eagles1106 - Wake Island 2007
28. I.M.I Militant - Wake Island 2007
29. ShadowFoX - The Iron Gator
30. lxcpikiman - Gulf of Oman - New map: Strike at Karkand
31. ironchef1 - Road to Jalalabad
32. EricTViking - Dragon Valley
33. Paco_the_Insane - Warlord
34. shlodd - Ghost Town
35. SilentscoutIX - Wake Island 2007
36. APortillo - Ghost Town
37. explosivo - Wake Island 2007 - New map: Strike at Karkand
38. Zoton - Sharqi Peninsula
39. Reciprocity - Wake Island 2007
40. Snipa Fox - Sharqi Peninsula
41. Coalesce - Mashtuur City
42. cohen1976 - Dragon Valley
43. Tyferra - Sharqi Peninsula
44. {spark}.0001 - Sharqi Peninsula
45. Zeppo_Johnson - Iron Gator
46. The_Outsider38 - Wake Island 2007
47. raidensen - Wake Island 2007
48. adv3rsary - Dragon Valley
49. s()mtingWong - Warlord
50. Buffnuggles - Dragon Valley - New map: Strike at Karkand
51. zeidmaan - Road to Jalalabad
52. Jemme101 - Dragon Valley
53. DesertFox423 - Ghost Town
54. Cbass - Kubra Dam
55. Sambuccashake - Mashtuur City - New map: Strike at Karkand
56. Tro0per - Sharqi Peninsula
57. roshambo14 - Sharqi Peninsula
58. elite.mafia - Kubra Dam
59. Naughty_Om - Wake Island 2007
60. Des.Kmal - Warlord - New map: Strike at Karkand
61. Phrozenbot_2.0 - Great Wall
62. JaggedPanther - The Iron Gator
63. LiquidSnake(fin) - Road To Jalalabad
64. stkhoplite - Wake Island 2007
65. chittydog - Kubra Dam
66. NooBesT[FiN] - Ghost Town
67. justice - Gulf of Oman - New map: Strike at Karkand
68. Sinn_Ah_Taggh - Dalian Plant
69. DerGraueWolf - Warlord
70. SFCCDailey - Warlord
71. $nake$hiT99 - Iron Gator
72. pyscofrawg - Wake Island 2007
73. Mad Ad - Wake Island 2007
74. Flakturnal - Gulf of Oman
75. liquidat0r - Wake Island 2007
76. gene_pool - Sharqi Penin
77. kriz77 - Sharqi Peninsula
78. MrBondt008 - Wake Island 2007
79. Bungalow_BiII - Sharqi Peninsula
80. hordi74 - Wake Island 2007 - New map: Strike at Karkand
81. M.Bell - Wake Island 2007
82. 1NfE5T - Wake Island 2007
83. B-Killed81 - Ghost Town
84. Ace_DP(HUN) - Wake Island 2007
85. WeDeVeO - Sharqi Peninsula
86. dani.p90 - Warlord
87. ScottyD23 - Sharqi Peninsula
88. movado - Wake Island 2007
89. sgt.slyolddog - Wake Island 2007
90. spaitzo - Dalian Plant
91. Sgt.solo - Wake Island 2007
92. xconrob - Gulf of Oman - New map: Strike at Karkand
93. S0LiTUD3 - Wake Island 2007
94. Baron_von_Kondas - Warlord
95. GATOR591957 - Sharqi Peninsula
96. BRETT_93_EX - Dragon Valley
97. ROTOFOO - The Iron Gator
98. Ki][mE - Wake Island 2007
99. Siciliano732 - Wake Island 2007
100. J][gga - Sharqi - Sharqi Peninsula
101. |oWs| Impaqt - Ghost Town
102. REDRAGON12345 - The Iron Gator
103. FoShizzle - Warlord - New map: Ghost Town
104. -EcS-Blade - Wake Island 2007
105. jamesbell - Wake Island 2007
106. MO0SE_KNUCKLE - Mass Destruction
107. DeepSkysUrGe - Sharqi Peninsula
108. Boostin2.4inside - Operation Clean Sweep
109. BrOk_MoRdU - Warlord
110. turkeybacon - Sharqi Peninsula
111. Drunk_Musketeer - Warlord
112. kiteboarderni - Dalian Plant
113. Tetrino - Wake Island 2007
114. E7IX3R - Wake Island 2007
115. senor_fulff - Wake Island 2007
116. Penetrator - Warlord
117. White-Fusion - Sharqi Peninsula
118. [d@@b] davblos - Wake Island 2007
119. silo1180 - Warlord
120. Nessie09 - Wake Island 2007
121. Thump-GoA- - Warlord
122. [R.D]ProblemsSolver - Sharqi Peninsula
123. commissargizz - Ghost Town
124. Linus - Wake Island 2007
125. wilber69 - Surge
126. survivor(NOR) - Wake Island 2007
127. RTHKI - Wake Island 2007
128. elmo1337 - Wake Island 2007
129. explosivo -  Wake Island 2007
130. MagikTrik - Warlord
131. DankmanHightimes - The Iron Gator
132. leetkyle - Wake Island 2007
133. le_psychopathe - Wake Island 2007
134. turkey_bacon420 - Dragon Valley
135. {BMF}*Frank_The_Tank - Ghost Town
136. Adams_BJ - Sharqi Peninsula
137. FeNriS_GrEyClaW - Sharqi Peninsula
138. hero20in - Mashtuur City
139. T0rr3nt - Wake Island 2007
140. LolSauce - Road to Jalalabad
141. Mouse315 - Wake Island 2007
142. TrollmeaT - Ghost Town
143. rustynails06 - Ghost Town
144. LividBovine - Wake Island 2007
145. Bratwurstschnecke  - Warlord
146. wedge3382 - Gulf of Oman
147. Nd4Spdr - Dalian Plant
148. Mr.CobraKai - Gulf of Oman
149. Dressed In Decay - Sharqi Peninsula
150. churnedfortaste - Wake Island 2007
151. Shogun.Babalu - Sharqi Peninsula
152. Darkavian000 -  Ghost Town
153. Executiator - Sharqi Peninsula
154. VicktorVauhn - Dalian Plant
155. ProRacerNorm - Kubra Dam
156. MorbiD.ShoT - Wake Island 2007
157. d.cripz - Wake Island 2007
158. Thr1lls33k4 - Wake Island 2007
159. <<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven - Wake Island 2007
160. Crimson_Grunt - Warlord
161. uscm}Jyden - Dragon Valley
162. Heavy_Guns_91 - Sharqi Peninsula
163. Shadowwarrior18d - Warlord
164. Ronball9 - Warlord
165. robthemadman - Mashtuur City
166. DonFck - Gulf of Oman
167. JeSTeR_Player1 - Dalian Plant
168. [22nd]luke_gent - Wake Island 2007
169. Mazerali62 - Ghost Town
170. FrankieSpankie3388 - Sharqi Peninsula
171. HSG - Wake Island 2007
172. Phatso3 - Sharqi Peninsula
173. SilentAndy - The Iron Gator
174. 00.Terror.00 - Gulf of Oman
175. SgtHeihn - Warlord
176. Flecco - Wake Island 2007
178. The_Jester - Ghost Town
179. K3rT6699 - Road To Jalalabad
180. VspyVspy - Wake Island 2007
181. SamFisher199 - Wake Island 2007
182. joker8baller - Wake Island 2007
183. Axon - Wake Island 2007
184. =Karma-Kills= - Gulf of Oman
185. nukchebi0 - Dragon Valley
186. Chaosdragon001 - Wake Island 2007
187. FlamingPhenix - Wake Island 2007
188. [-DER-]Omega - Wake Island 2007
189. evilcartman99 - Wake Island
190. Yaocelotl - Road to Jalalabad
191. OMN_Major_Brain - Ghost Town
192. XxOiLsP1lLxX - Gulf of Oman
193. Sub-Zero79 - Warlord
194. Hacial - Wake Island 2007
195. KILLSWITCH - Ghost Town
196. fadedsteve - Warlord
197. [GID}Mad-Ox - Wake Island 2007
198. 1NV4d3RZ1M69 - Sharqi Peninsula
199. popnfresh4 - Warlord
200. falafelENi2 - Road to Jalalabad
201. TigerXtrm - Wake Island 2007
202. =.FFP.=Seeks - Sharqi Peninsula
203. jsruck24 - Ghost Town
204. bob-brainiac - Mashtuur City
205. AnEnlargedLiver  - Wake Island 2007
206. syntaxmax642 - Warlord
207. aLi3nZ - Road to Jalalabad
208. commandochristian - Sharqi Peninsula
209. Naughty_Om - Wake Island 2007
210. String3R - Wake Island 2007
211. AdamBenson - Gulf of Oman
212. T.Pike - Warlord
213. Canadian_Sniper_X - Gulf of Oman
214. [ISF] GeT-TwisTeD - Wake Island 2007
215. Ultrafunkula - Wake Island 2007
216. G13|DooM - Zatar Wetlands
217. maniacmattie - Wake Island 2007
218. Belldawg - Wake Island 2007
219. Sabr1y0 - Dragon Valley
220. iMPaCT.uK - Sharqi Peninsula
221. Soldier-Of-Wasteland - Wake Island 2007
222. T.Pike - Warlord
223. ANewGirl - Wake Island 2007
224. howdoulikemen0w - Wake Island 2007
225. Gooners - Road to Jalalabad
226. Adamshannon8 - Kubra Dam
227. bakinacake - Wake Island 2007
228. GGF0RCE - Ghost Town
229. t0mhank5 - Mashtuur City
230. TravisC555 - Wake Island 2007
231. nonexistentusmc - Wake Island 2007
232. Phil-12-12 - Wake Island 2007
233. mtb0minime - Daqing Oilfields
234. Nordemus - Wake Island 2007
235. JAyThaRevo - Wake Island 2007
236. Metal-Eater-GR - Road to Jalalabad
237. [FIN]Dami3n - Wake Island 2007
238. mosquito76 - Warlord
239. Casartelli - Warlord - New map: Strike at Karkand
240. ShadowWarrior18D - Warlord
241. iamamuts - Road to Jalalabad
242. =ST6= sewermasta324 - Wake Island 2007
243. Runs_with_Sciss0rs - Wake Island 2007
244. [AH1z]PJ - Dalian Plant
245. globefish23 - Great Wall
246. Tr0n. - Gulf of Oman
247. FredieDuckie - Gulf of Oman
248. F1NSwat - Warlord
249. CC-Marley - Operation Clean Sweep
250. Perv3rt - Dragon Valley

                                                                                       -> UPDATED

Last edited by venom6 (2008-05-27 14:26:48)

there's a badge in the post
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|7047|Comber, Northern Ireland
yea mine is wake island, tank goodness, and my fav vehicle has changed to avaitor recently, so i am no longer an armour whore

That and $1.60 will buy you a cup of coffee.

I'm just bitter because it will dingy yellow and dirty streets forever and ever on bf2 profile.

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-11-01 10:38:23)

Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6901|Lexington, Kentucky
My fave: Warlord.
Though I got all my time in before people started abusing the Palace. Which is why I haven't played it in a while.

Time: 109:22:42 | Win: 133 | Loss: 133 | Ratio: 1.0000 | B.R. 182
Death StatPadder
+228|7077|Human Meat Shield
Warlord is my fav.
H@x ?? No, just skill baby !
+73|6955|I smell corners
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
Wake Island,  I am trying to change that since the map is so un-balanced.

Last edited by cheshiremoe (2006-11-01 11:15:56)

Complete Tanker
Wake for me
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

fullysick_meboy- Wake Island
Ghost Town
SAS as most played Army

Last edited by Scratch[USA] (2006-11-01 11:41:44)

the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
sgt.sonner(aka Col.Vind)- Warlord..
+557|7041|Oslo, Norway
Jheez Chrizt!
+31|6857|Mjölby, Sweden
sn00ze24 - Wake Island 2007
And btw, not as J-10 whore... Ground Pound ftw
Well, I'm going to play on 24/7 sharqi servers till sharqi's my favorite map... brb.
+72|6710|United States
gulf of man...


recoil.30 (alternate account) - Sharqi Peninsula
Laughter with an S
+167|6953|Camoran's Paradise

Add me, Wake.

Death to Karkand.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
sign me up like you said you would in PM

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7137|Grapevine, TX
Isle of Wake is my most played, but I'm playing on a Dragon Valley Server exclusively. So it will change in about 75 hours,

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