The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Very interesting ! Good find !
M24 Abuser
+99|6811|Valley of the Dragons
What Sarge says. I still lead my targets on my favorite servers without any problem of making kills.

reefl3x wrote:

ANother thing that really gets me is the TV missles.
I'm pretty good with them, but its annoying that the only good hitboxes seem to be the tail, belly and nose..

If you aim for the cockpit or middle of the body it'll normally go right through.

But in single player this problem is non-existent so perhaps its a server issue. But in TWL 2v2 chopper matches or just general public servers it can be annoying.
The reason that doesn't happen in SP, is because there is no ping lag on SP.
It is the most annoying thing in the game... This issue isn't only connected to infantry... Many many times i have shot passing by buggy with shell - only the explosion. Nothing more. For example, today i managed to hit F-35 passing by on the airfield and only saw the explosion.

But now i know - i have to shoot behind them.

Last edited by INDREKK367 (2006-10-28 11:56:47)

There is a fix for this Patton.  depending on what ping you run while on the server.  if you have a 30 ping the game has a server to client lag correction programmed into it.  Default it is setup at 100ms ping.  The default latency and setting can be found in the file stated below.  the setting posted here is what they can be chaged to.  example  SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.030000 is for 30 ms ping default its .100000.  if you running a low ping (especially a 1-10 ping you suffer the most and you thought that was awesome) 

check this out

Alright according to forums this command changes the time between the communication of the server and you

SettingsManager.floatset GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.04

typing this in the console would mean you have a ping of 35 to 40ms

SettingsManager.boolSet GSClPunkBuster 1
SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.030000
SettingsManager.boolSet GSExtrapolateFrame 1
SettingsManager.U32Set GSExtrapolationTime 100
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 100
SettingsManager.U32Set GSPerfLogAtPlayerCount 30
SettingsManager.boolSet GSShowNetGraph 0
SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseObjectCache 1

The file is in your: Gamedir\mods\bf2\settings\usersettings.con
The file is in your: Gamedir\mods\bf2pro\settings\usersettings.con

In that above you will notice that the compensation command is in the file, the value you typed in the game, is saved to this file when you quit the game...
maybe should you edit the file before going in the server to make sure its working right, but im not sure.. you do the testing..


Alright, for the next 3 commands below the compensation one, it works the hitbox or something, the first of the 3 was set to 0, so you enable this.., the second of the 3 was set to 1200 by default... you change that timing to the lowest.. 100..., for the 3rd one i think it was set to 600 by default, and i changed it to 100 too.

All i can tell you from the activation of this and the 2 commands changes, is that i felt playing with 10ms in a server with 100ms.

you got nothing to lose to play with these settings, make a backup of your USERSETTINGS.CON in case you cant remember the default settings.

Not punkbuster banned, doesnt seem to be illegal to touch this. so enjoy

Last edited by saitek-x52-pilot (2006-10-28 12:05:27)

Former Karkand Addict
+32|6894|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
I find the hit detection depends on the server.  For example I was playing on LegionatWar Armored Fury server, and it took so many bullets for each person to kill each other because the bullets would hit like in the video or they would not register at all, so sniper and pump shotguns were useless.  The hit detection was so bad that I would be behind an object and would die from a shot.  Eventually I quit and left to a near by server in Quebec and the hit detection was right on.  It really depends on the server and ping.
+1,153|6941|Washington, DC

If every server ran on the highest end Opterons on Fedora Core 4 with 4GB of RAM and SCSI RAID 0 drives (Seagate Cheetahs), and only one instance (server) running per server box, the hit detection would probably be fine.
Fantasma Parastasie

Hurricane wrote:

If every server ran on the highest end Opterons on Fedora Core 4 with 4GB of RAM and SCSI RAID 0 drives (Seagate Cheetahs), and only one instance (server) running per server box, the hit detection would probably be fine.
no wai
DICE/EA spokesman
ronin - December 10 th is coming.. you should get the Nobel prize for this.. or at least a Pulitzer.. from now on, I shall refer to this as "the aiming-gate incident"!
+3,611|6932|London, England
I find it hardest to kill still targets. I mean you can't do anything except shoot at them, no compensating for lag or anything. Just hit and see whether it registers, it does about 60% of the time i guess. Now that is fucked.
I have no trouble leading or directly hitting my targets.

Sure sometimes i get the "hit" puff of smoke but no damage bullshit, but for the most part i have no problem hitting my targets.
Missing, Presumed Dead

I assume this is the same with Choppers then? At least 5 times today, Ive put a TV missile through the enemy choppers cockpit (i saw the missile go through the helmet of the pilot ffs) and it didnt kill it, not even touch it.
Really frustrating, since I am better with TV's than the main cannon Although, that is the Apache which seems pretty weak when gunning.
But as far as Infantry goes, I have no problem hitting people. Only ones who are running side to side if I am directly parallel to them does it pose a problem.

Well leading head shots will be a lot easier from now on. +1 for you bucko.

So... fancy doing the same test for 2142? Be interesting to see if the issue carried over.
I dont have that problem.. Whats is your ping on that server????????????????
+51|6874|I'm a Viking....Norway
That is exactly why U need aimbot, 1 shot 1 kill J/K noticed this alot when sniping....
Its not a product of people's imagination the hitreg is a bit screwy sometimes. You can definitely notice this when attempting to knife someone and all you get is the puff of smoke...considering its close quarters and you can't exactly count in recoil and what not.

Some kind of clarification from DICE would be nice though.
+519|6932|Gold coast, Aus.

fierce wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Do you realize i dident make that video, i foudn it somewhere. This is why i hardly ever post here anymore, because of fucking idiots like fierce. Go choke on your own dick.

gene_pool wrote:

Watch the video. K now go die.
After watching the movie i came to the conclusion that the guy who made the movie got a shitty aim, no clue about BF2 and the server got one of the worst hitdetections out there. A server restart or getting a good server and not using a C64 for Bf2 should do the job.

And to Patton, gene_pool & J][gga: Insulting others is the way to go especially if you're not able to discuss and just one unmature kiddie.

Get some skillz newbs.
how can he not have a good aim? sure his mouse may be a bit sketchy but he was still hitting the guy full on with the shotty and he didnt die til he aimed BEHIND him.

Really, go die.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7077|Cambridge (UK)

Fen321 wrote:

Some kind of clarification from DICE would be nice though.
Some kind of anything from Dice would be nice - unfortunately they all have EA gags sown over their mouths...

(oh, and excelent music on that vid - metallica rule)

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2006-10-28 18:24:53)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7032|Sydney, Australia
Lay off Patton guys, he is just the messenger with the video.

I might try that compensation trick... hopefully it'll make CQC somewhat better than crap.


.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

now if something lse in this game needs to be fixed in a patch, it is this....

Edited by Zimmer92, remember "[youtube}" code tags please...
interesting vid, specialy the shotgun part from close range, no wonder they never die when i shoot lol!

+1 for the song
+44|6987|West Point, NY
Now someone re-create this vid on a LAN and see if the prob still exists.  That'l really prove if it's the game or the connection.
M24 Abuser
+99|6811|Valley of the Dragons

T4rd wrote:

Now someone re-create this vid on a LAN and see if the prob still exists.  That'l really prove if it's the game or the connection.
Ill bet 10 karma on it being a shitty connection
IMO its even worse in 1.4 then it was in 1.3. So frustrating to see guys prone and have 3 or 4 people shooting the hell out of them and them take no damage.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7077|Cambridge (UK)
Even if it is a shitty connection, it's still a problem with the game - the code should compensate - it knows your ping - it could be written in such a way that it compensates. The hitbox lagging behind the visible mesh is just shitty coding.
fuck it
Ha, that happens even when the target isn't moving at all.

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