oberst_enzian wrote:
i took away what you wrote because it kept giving me a syntax error and trying to find it was making my eyes bleed
Interesting. First of all, capitalism is an economic system not a form of government. Free market capitalism is ideal to protect individual rights and freedoms moreso than it would be in a communist state where just about every product and service is controlled by the state.
Secondly, human nature can be indeed be seen as objective because while the more complex facets are, as you said, reflections on my relations with others, the core principles are undeniable. Self preservation and the continuation of the species is hard wired into every human being ever born, even if their rational or emotional choices allow them to ignore those instincts.
Yes, we are sentient but regardless of how evolved or enlightened we may become we will still remain animals. I think I understand what you're saying though I don't see how my arguments are mutually exclusive. Maybe I'm just not getting that part of your point.
The very definition of anarchism is a lack of organization and structure. Those small individual communities you mentioned are called towns. Back in the day they were tribes but forms of governments like that simply can't exist in an isolationist fashion while at the same time actively advancing human productivity and improving our quality of life. Without centralized structure we would all still be using carts and buggies, plowing our individual fields, or maybe not even doing that and just wandering as nomads. To be honest maybe that's best for humanity; a few anthropologists have suggested that the worst thing to ever happen to our species was the development of agriculture because it forced people to stay in one spot. This facet of ancient life is what in turn led to the creation of larger governments and to where we are today. I guess it depends on one's idea of what's good for society...
Also, capitalism doesn't lend to the exploitation of the people unless they allow it to. People continually bitch and moan about how terrible WalMart is for buying Chinese goods and treating their employees like crap
but people still shop there. The only ones to blame are the people that are supporting their actions with their money. WalMart has yet to force anyone to shop there, but human nature, the desire to increase reward while reducing effort (something inherent to all living creatures and exemplified by us in terms of wanting to get more bang for our buck) is what allows companies like this to do what they do. In a truly free market the only exploitation of the people will occur only when the people allow it to happen.
Also, what's happening now in Iraq is not democracy being forced upon people. The majority of the people there
want democracy; it was the dictatorship that was responsible for the slaughter of innocents. The majority of the people are now free to make their own choices as to how they would like to be ruled. People who don't want the democracy are only killed because the only way they're fighting the democracy is by trying to murder those who would prefer to be free. I just happen to believe that personal freedom and liberty is something that all humans are inherently born with, something that comes with that aforementioned sentience and when that is removed from people they deserve the chance to get it back. The people who would take it from them have given up their own right.
How do you figure that? Socialism requires that my hard earned money be used to support someone that doesn't work as hard. Socialism removes incentive for actual improvements and quality work because people will get paid the same. Socialism takes away part of my freedoms by assuming that part of what I have accomplished is obligated to someone else.
But that doesn't mean socialism is pure democracy; socialist parties have forced themselves into power before and thus democratic governments are not required for socialist economies. Capitalism is not intended to benefit the minority, it's intended to give
everyone the exact same opportunities. If people who claw their way to the top are allowed to exploit that it's the fault of the people who do the exploiting and the fault of the people who allow it to happen but the concept of free market is intended to be the most beneficial for the entire populace.
Democracy, nor the concept of representative republic, is also not designed to benefit the small minority. Again, it gives everyone an equal chance and equal voice because the whole basis behind it is that in those systems the governments are run by the people, sometimes directly, sometimes not, but still are controlled by the people. The fact that dingbats in this country have failed to give enough of a shit to vote for others is not a problem with the system, as it's worked wonderfully before, it's a problem with the people.
While both forms are still hampered by the faults of human beings and thus neither can truly be perfect, democracy, unlike communism, has actually worked in the past and in the present has a better chance of benefiting more people. The bottom line remains that communism strips freedoms by taking the effort from hard working people and giving it to those who can't or won't produce as much. That final form y'all mentioned, the anarchy, is detrimental to the advancement of the human race.
That's just my opinion, though. I just see personal liberty coupled with personal responsibility to be more important than anything else in the world.