The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

PspRpg-7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Nobody has to contribute anything to society. Fullstop. What's your point?
What? Are you the grammar partrol? I know I don't have the best grammar, and I'll admit that. So, will you admit to being a douchebag? Fullstop. What's your point?

1927 wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I posted when I went to sleep, and once again a tad later, now it's in the morning. And I'm about to sleep again.
Look forward to hearing a constructive responce when you awake.  Sleep tight hope nothing goes wrong as you sleep and you wake up as you went to sleep.  Accidents do happen in your sleep and it would be a shame if some tragic accident happened to you which resulted in you getting the "Psp death penalty" because now you may require to rely on others for the rest of your life.

Don't take anything in this life for granted, appricate what you have and ffs dont belive "that'll never happen to me".  The people who belive that often find it happens to them.
@1927: If you actually read the first post, you'd of known that I wasn't for killing them at birth, or anything of the sort, I asked for your opinion on the subject. But, meh, "Internats: Serious Business"
I apolagise for misreading your words or opinion. Forgive me.  I have re-read your post and Im now under the impression that you DO NOT want them killed.  On second thoughts, no im not,  Infact, you haven't stated which side of the fence you sit on, some here say yes, the majority clearly say a big fat NO.

Could you be so kind to give us your opinion as you asked the question in the first place.

I have quadruple posted (for want of a better word) as Im not so good at posting as others, but it easier for individuals to reply, I only say this as you have asked above if somebody wouldn't do it...eh?

Im sorry but I don't understand what "meh, "Internats: Serious Business" means.  At a guess I'd say your suggesting the internet is too serious? If so, I'll give my opinion on that, 1. This isn't the joke section. 2. People get taken to court now for slander over the internet as it can harm someones reputation.  So we might see it as an innocent jokey, you can say what you like and get away with it thing, but the law dosen't.  LOL I may be way off the mark here in guessing what you men't.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Sorry for taking the board space up with my replies, this post isn't a reply to any individual so like the others above Im afraid Ive given it it's own box.

I reckon the word "Retard" means different things between USA and UK.

People here describing their experiences of Retards talk about how an individual gets away with all kinds of things at school.  The retards I though PSP was on about were mentally handicapped.  I have referd to people who don't go to school, they don't have a special school.  They require severe special help to help them with there disabilties.  They can't talk, walk, feed them selves, control their bowel movements, they don't even know what christmas is for eg.

Can I make the suggestion to anybody here who belives they drain society or don't give anything back to go and spend perhaps a weeks work experience with some disabled people, children or youngsters especially.  It will change your opinions and change you as a person, I guarantee.  The change will be for the better.  That can be used as one example to show they do give back, not that they have to.

I can tell here who are mostly parents as their views share mine.  Imagine having a baby born with difficulties knowing it wont live to 25 and thus not having children itself.

Admin or Mod's forgive me for all the board space but I genuinely am learning with forum posting.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6983|Canberra, AUS
Holy. Fuck.

I think I shall go throw up now. Seriously. People.

There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for this fucking viewpoint that you can fucking kill people on the basis that they are 'not contributing to society'.

There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for wanting to beat up or do whatever to a fucking child with a mental disorder until you have been in their position - or understood what they are suffering from and WHY they did it.

Encouraging darwinism is OK IN PRINCIPLE.

I cannot summon any more words to express my anger.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

motherdear wrote:

i never wanted to be extreme or anything, i'm just saying that if we should abort kids and babies that are sevely mentally ill/handicapped then there must be some rules for it right?. i also said that i was open for suggestions and constructive info and that the rules ain't perfect and that they can be improved a lot and i know that but i wanted to start out somewhere.

by the way twiistaaa the germans could kill thousands of people without bothering and so can we I think it was wrong of the germans and that it was horrible what they did but people can get used to the thought of the babies being "terminated" but the ethic at the moment dosen't allow that so people feel discusted at the mere thought of it and i can understand them but i got another opinion. if the ss doctors could kill the jews without giving a damn then we can kill babies to the difference is that we would have a good reason for it and they hadn't.

i know this sounded babaric but i don't know any other way of saying it since it's such a hard subject, hitler was very wrong indeed in killing the jews and other people and it was horribly that he did it but it just shows that people can actually kill a baby with their bare hands (not that it should be done like that) but it is possibel after getting used to the thought.

by the way sorry if you guys felt i stepped over the line but it is my opinion and i don't want to get flamed by it i'm okay with critics but no need to blame me for the end of the world here.
ok, now im not worried about your basis or reason for believing what you believe so im not going to have a go at that anyway.

but as it stands i still fail to see how a severly handicapped person is going to reproduce in the first place? it would suck to be them, it'd be hard on the parents (if these abnormalities "can" be detected early on it is their choice to keep or lose it, but it still shouldnt be mandatory) and the gov't may have to help in payments or something. but theres no real impact on anyone so why is this even an issue?
+4|6980|Los Angeles, KALIFoooNIaaa

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

how many of you have actually seen somebody lose their life in front of you before you could go on about "killing retards"  I consider myself extremely pragmatic, but this is really just sick thought. 

Hitler wanted to "euthanise" retards too...
i seen lots of people die in my field...  that why i have my point of view of euthanasia.  i dont believe that we should euthanize every mentally disabled person, but there lies the problem who get to choose who lives and who dies... what type of mentally disabled are we talking about? A people with Downs? cerebral palsy? Alzheimer's? dementia? then u got the psychiatric problems, they are too considered "mentally disabled"  bipolar, schizophrenic, etc etc.

my believe in euthanasia deal with the well being of a pt, have any one dealt with a disabled person?? a bed ridden pt?  well i have...  its  not living, your connected to tubes  you got your feeding tube, endo tracheal tube, folley tube, shit tube, then you got the constant medical problems. pneumonia, MRSA, bed sores seizures the list goes on and on...   granted this is the most severe of mentally disabled pts.
remember Shivo?? man people that is not living when religion get mixed with emotions everything get cloudy....

i for one dont believe in religion, i think its used to control men and used by hypocrites... (another subject for another time) i see the cold hard facts. dealing with a mentally disabled person it hard not just for the family but for society.its a MAJOR drain to society.  the decision to euthanize a family member should be the decision of the family.... not a government.

to 1937 or whatever i dont have kids but does that make me less of a person to make a decision?? if i do have kids and for what ever reason my child has a dibilitating disease, accident, stroke.. whatever and there is no point of living... i will sign a Do not resuscitate(DNR), pull the plug, i will let my child family member who ever die with there own dignity, i would like that to happen to me.. i rather die in the presence of my family in my house not in a cold hospital with strangers..  I'm not going to let my child suffer thru life and nor i would like that for myself... i dont believe in "miracles" thats for ignorant people...

so that why i believe in euthanizing certain people..... its better for the patient... put your self in that situation, being mentally disable, would you still want to live? my decision well you know it already...

ps Hitler was a smart man and a great speaker.....  just with a fucked up mentality
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6857|Southeastern USA
wow, i missed a few posts, some people are actually taking up the genetic cleansing?
evry1s saying i ave adhd but i dont fink i have :S
at school i have to be in this stupid class where i miss hlf my lessons its gai
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6857|Southeastern USA
I weened my self from ritolan, and am trying my best to combat such things without artificial help, but I know how it is, it's like your watching life through a TV and someone else has the remote, changing the channels every 5 seconds, so i guess you and i get euthanized together

let's make it a party like the sims death parties!!!

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-18 10:55:29)


kr@cker wrote:

wow, i missed a few posts, some people are actually taking up the genetic cleansing?
Anywhere else this might surprise me, but on this forum? It's the norm, sadly.
+276|6963|United States of America

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Now, I'm not saying to "KILLEM ALL" I'm just simply asking your opinions on the matter. But seriously, DO NOT say "OMG DON'T KILL THEM RETARDS ARE PEOPLE TOO"
Seriously. Discuss (Without emotion)
Wow, I totally forgot to tell you what to discuss. /fail.
Here: What do they contribute to the society?
Are you suggesting we kill ALL liberals.

I say no, leave CameronPoe alone.  Besides they are fun to watch working at Mcdonalds.

As far as contributing to society, well they got Bill Clinton elected.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6753|The Land of Scott Walker

Major_Spittle wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Now, I'm not saying to "KILLEM ALL" I'm just simply asking your opinions on the matter. But seriously, DO NOT say "OMG DON'T KILL THEM RETARDS ARE PEOPLE TOO"
Seriously. Discuss (Without emotion)
Wow, I totally forgot to tell you what to discuss. /fail.
Here: What do they contribute to the society?
Are you suggesting we kill ALL liberals.

I say no, leave CameronPoe alone.  Besides they are fun to watch working at Mcdonalds.

As far as contributing to society, well they got Bill Clinton elected.
+1 for the sheer entertainment value
+302|7044|Salt Lake City

Major_Spittle wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Now, I'm not saying to "KILLEM ALL" I'm just simply asking your opinions on the matter. But seriously, DO NOT say "OMG DON'T KILL THEM RETARDS ARE PEOPLE TOO"
Seriously. Discuss (Without emotion)
Wow, I totally forgot to tell you what to discuss. /fail.
Here: What do they contribute to the society?
Are you suggesting we kill ALL liberals.

I say no, leave CameronPoe alone.  Besides they are fun to watch working at Mcdonalds.

As far as contributing to society, well they got Bill Clinton elected.
No need to worry about it.  The neo-cons are going to wind up killing everyone.
O Canada
+1,596|6713|North Carolina

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Now, I'm not saying to "KILLEM ALL" I'm just simply asking your opinions on the matter. But seriously, DO NOT say "OMG DON'T KILL THEM RETARDS ARE PEOPLE TOO"
Seriously. Discuss (Without emotion)
Wow, I totally forgot to tell you what to discuss. /fail.
Here: What do they contribute to the society?
Are you suggesting we kill ALL liberals.

I say no, leave CameronPoe alone.  Besides they are fun to watch working at Mcdonalds.

As far as contributing to society, well they got Bill Clinton elected.
No need to worry about it.  The neo-cons are going to wind up killing everyone.
Good rebuttal...  Although the military industrial complex has infected both sides, not just Major Spittle.

1927 wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Nobody has to contribute anything to society. Fullstop. What's your point?
What? Are you the grammar partrol? I know I don't have the best grammar, and I'll admit that. So, will you admit to being a douchebag? Fullstop. What's your point?

1927 wrote:

Look forward to hearing a constructive responce when you awake.  Sleep tight hope nothing goes wrong as you sleep and you wake up as you went to sleep.  Accidents do happen in your sleep and it would be a shame if some tragic accident happened to you which resulted in you getting the "Psp death penalty" because now you may require to rely on others for the rest of your life.

Don't take anything in this life for granted, appricate what you have and ffs dont belive "that'll never happen to me".  The people who belive that often find it happens to them.
@1927: If you actually read the first post, you'd of known that I wasn't for killing them at birth, or anything of the sort, I asked for your opinion on the subject. But, meh, "Internats: Serious Business"
I apolagise for misreading your words or opinion. Forgive me.  I have re-read your post and Im now under the impression that you DO NOT want them killed.  On second thoughts, no im not,  Infact, you haven't stated which side of the fence you sit on, some here say yes, the majority clearly say a big fat NO.

Could you be so kind to give us your opinion as you asked the question in the first place.

I have quadruple posted (for want of a better word) as Im not so good at posting as others, but it easier for individuals to reply, I only say this as you have asked above if somebody wouldn't do it...eh?

Im sorry but I don't understand what "meh, "Internats: Serious Business" means.  At a guess I'd say your suggesting the internet is too serious? If so, I'll give my opinion on that, 1. This isn't the joke section. 2. People get taken to court now for slander over the internet as it can harm someones reputation.  So we might see it as an innocent jokey, you can say what you like and get away with it thing, but the law dosen't.  LOL I may be way off the mark here in guessing what you men't.
My thoughts are that the mentally challenged shouldn't be killed, there's someone on the planet does love them (I realize I'm putting emotions into this) I heard that Golden Corral allows a home for the disabled to come in and clean up. Thus making them feel wanted, and contributing to society
Internats: Serious Business is somewhat sarcastic. I don't really know how you'd go about defining it.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6857|Southeastern USA
they are widely employed at my Air Force base as well (snickers ensue), some mute, some physically disabled, all at a lower than average mental developement, well except the blind dude (a Goodwill program, usually just housekeeping duties, but a job and they earn their keep nonetheless). it's loads of fun to have to walk through the hallway where the snackbar employing the blind guy is (not really a mental handicap i know, but still the same program), while carrying a 14 foot tall ladder, oh and the coke machines and all are so loud he can hardly hear me. basically we trade me nearly missing jousting his head with the ladder one week for him tripping me with the cane the next week.

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-18 16:08:14)

+1,153|6938|Washington, DC

Too many quote pyramids after page 4 so i'd just like to say:

If natural selection is still doing its job, would the mentally handicapped not eventually taper off?
has joined the GOP
hey now, i'm technically mentally handicapped, lets not jump the gun here. i frown on most of  the people at my school because they're just fucking stupid, too. i have straight As, i'm taking four AP classes, etc, etc. basically, my message is this: CLARIFY!

for example: a kid with downs has a misdeveloped brain and will not meet the intellegence standards, while a kid with cystic fibrosis has nerve damage, even though its all good up top.

A kid with something like ADHD (a mental handicap too), will be for the most part 100 percent normal but still be handicapped because they just cant stay focused, which can often make them ashamed.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6857|Southeastern USA

Hurricane wrote:

Too many quote pyramids after page 4 so i'd just like to say:

If natural selection is still doing its job, would the mentally handicapped not eventually taper off?
that's what i was saying, we've reached the point in modern medicine where we can completely fuck up the survival of the fittest, everyone can survive no matter how underdeveloped/sick/corrupt at the DNA level they are, but we don't have the technology to repair/eliminate the problems that weaken the gene pool
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6857|Southeastern USA

Ender2309 wrote:

hey now, i'm technically mentally handicapped
that's going to come back to haunt you
+149|6856|USA bitches!
Dig a pit, start a huge fire, drop them all in... problems solved.
The Lizzard

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

It's all dependent on the majority perspective. If I decide that the French are evil and I go around killing as many French as I can manage I daresay the majority will look upon my actions as being wrong.
But do you disagree with the statement?

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

How do you define "100% efficiency"? I'm typing on a keyboard to answer your questions but I know people who can type a lot faster than I am. We're the same species so I must be anywhere near their efficiency. Should I be killed?

Should the losing team in any sport be killed because they haven't operated at 100% efficiency for a human being?
Is there someone who could do their job better that is not currently otherwise occupied?  In the case of the disabled, yes, there is, the world is in an overpopulation crisis.

Ender2309 wrote:

A kid with something like ADHD (a mental handicap too)
The medical community can't even agree that ADHD is an illness, much less a handicap.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-10-19 07:34:29)

Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6794|"Near Det.", MI

1927 wrote:

^AgentHawk wrote:

1927 wrote:

Who the fuck gave you the given right to ask?
My own free will. The American Constitution.

Who the fuck gave you the given right to tell anyone they can't ask that question?

Listen; name calling is for school playground, serious debate's arn't.

Now which one do you want? Playground or would you like to be accepted by myself and others as an adult?

Free will, or as I put it Free Speech dosen't give you the right to ask sensitive questions which will cause offence.  Freedom of speech here in the Uk isn't what it used to be.

I dare you to ask the same questions asked in the original post substatuting Retards for a particular race.  Say it here in the Uk and you'll be put into jail, it's 2006 now.

Its not just my opinion Mr Hawk that the author shouldn't of asked the question, Im not the only one saying, "who the fuck are you to ask"?

I will only accept what you have said above to be true if you can perhaps copy n paste me something out of the American Consitution saying "you may ask any question regardless of any offence due to be caused" or words to that effect.

I won't end my reply to you with a petty name call as so happens here time after time.  However, I do look forwrd to a mature reply off you.






The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

^AgentHawk wrote:

1927 wrote:

^AgentHawk wrote:

My own free will. The American Constitution.

Who the fuck gave you the given right to tell anyone they can't ask that question?

Listen; name calling is for school playground, serious debate's arn't.

Now which one do you want? Playground or would you like to be accepted by myself and others as an adult?

Free will, or as I put it Free Speech dosen't give you the right to ask sensitive questions which will cause offence.  Freedom of speech here in the Uk isn't what it used to be.

I dare you to ask the same questions asked in the original post substatuting Retards for a particular race.  Say it here in the Uk and you'll be put into jail, it's 2006 now.

Its not just my opinion Mr Hawk that the author shouldn't of asked the question, Im not the only one saying, "who the fuck are you to ask"?

I will only accept what you have said above to be true if you can perhaps copy n paste me something out of the American Consitution saying "you may ask any question regardless of any offence due to be caused" or words to that effect.

I won't end my reply to you with a petty name call as so happens here time after time.  However, I do look forwrd to a mature reply off you.






Nice pictures, what purpose do they serve? Are they the american constitution?  It just seems to me like quotes from American Presidents or simular high ranking officals.

I may have over looked it but if it is the constitution that appears on rocks, I still cant see "you may ask questions regardless of any offence caused".

Please appricate Im UK, always have been and have little knowledge on our history regardless of USA's.

Please can you explain to me in your reply the purpose of the pictures? And help me understand them.  To me it shows perhaps how passionate you americans are, rightly so.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Psp - Forgive me for not replying sooner, at the moment I only have access at the weekends to get online (I havent even played BF2 since Sept 12th).

I'd say that instead of just "someone" loves them, every parent of a disabled child/adult loves their off-spring.  Im not sure what Golen Corrall is or does but the people I refer to earlier in this thread have no knowledge about being wanted.  I have mentioned about perhaps there is a break down in communication here with us both having a different view of "mentally Handicapped and Retardness".  The people I know don't even know their parents for eg, or there care workers. Perhaps 10% of them do.

They are early 20's with a mental age of between 6-18 months old.  Can you picture that? It's truley tragic.

I can't put a naughty teenager in the same bracket as someone who is Mentally Handicapped, to me mentally handicapped says what it does.  A naughty teenager who gets away with it Knows ther are naughty and knows they get away with it.  Thats not being handicapped.

If we go back to the original question " What do they contribute to society" I'd say a naughty child at least gives someone else a job.  They contribute in other ways to which is open to debate and opinion.  My way of dealing with a naughty child (if thats what is ment by being a retard) would be with a firm hand yet showing them they can achive something if they wont to.  I'd give them the same love as anyone else if they wanted to correct themselves.  You cant help people who don't want to help themselves.  For eg, you can't help a smoker quit who dosen't want to.

I now know that you don't have the view that for eg, A Down Syndrom child should be killed because they don't contribute, which is where I made the mistake before.

Other people have replied with suggestions like "chuck them in a hole and set them on fire for eg" (words to that effect) but their opinion means nothing to me and certanly don't warrant the respect of a reply off me.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

Zapata1982 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

how many of you have actually seen somebody lose their life in front of you before you could go on about "killing retards"  I consider myself extremely pragmatic, but this is really just sick thought. 

Hitler wanted to "euthanise" retards too...
i seen lots of people die in my field...  that why i have my point of view of euthanasia.  i dont believe that we should euthanize every mentally disabled person, but there lies the problem who get to choose who lives and who dies... what type of mentally disabled are we talking about? A people with Downs? cerebral palsy? Alzheimer's? dementia? then u got the psychiatric problems, they are too considered "mentally disabled"  bipolar, schizophrenic, etc etc.

my believe in euthanasia deal with the well being of a pt, have any one dealt with a disabled person?? a bed ridden pt?  well i have...  its  not living, your connected to tubes  you got your feeding tube, endo tracheal tube, folley tube, shit tube, then you got the constant medical problems. pneumonia, MRSA, bed sores seizures the list goes on and on...   granted this is the most severe of mentally disabled pts.
remember Shivo?? man people that is not living when religion get mixed with emotions everything get cloudy....

i for one dont believe in religion, i think its used to control men and used by hypocrites... (another subject for another time) i see the cold hard facts. dealing with a mentally disabled person it hard not just for the family but for society.its a MAJOR drain to society.  the decision to euthanize a family member should be the decision of the family.... not a government.

to 1937 or whatever i dont have kids but does that make me less of a person to make a decision?? if i do have kids and for what ever reason my child has a dibilitating disease, accident, stroke.. whatever and there is no point of living... i will sign a Do not resuscitate(DNR), pull the plug, i will let my child family member who ever die with there own dignity, i would like that to happen to me.. i rather die in the presence of my family in my house not in a cold hospital with strangers..  I'm not going to let my child suffer thru life and nor i would like that for myself... i dont believe in "miracles" thats for ignorant people...

so that why i believe in euthanizing certain people..... its better for the patient... put your self in that situation, being mentally disable, would you still want to live? my decision well you know it already...

ps Hitler was a smart man and a great speaker.....  just with a fucked up mentality
Zap - I forgive you for not getting my name right, I often don't want to open a new window just to get the name right of the person who created the thread if it isn't on screen at the time, but I have learned to as you hold more cred or respect if you do.

Allow me to answer some questions.

I DO do belive that if you are a parent your decision making is altered, your not just thinking for yourself now, you have different priorities, you have morals to pass on now.  I wasn't planning to have a child when it happened, it was quick, we found out that there was problems, abortion didn't even enter my head.  My daughter is living proof (imo) of miricales, I prayed for her to survive her birth/operation, my prayers were answered, but just like you, I'm not religious.  I'll go one step further, I HATE RELIGION.  To me it has caused more wars than anything else.  Hold on, "my daughters a miricale" "I prayed for her", how contradicting, don't you think?  Well when your in the posistion I was in, thats what you will do, anything.  If I was a wolrd leading surgeon, I would of preformed the operation myself, but Im not.  I wasn't allowed to watch, help or anything, understandbly so.  Its the only thing I could do to help, both myself, Gf and newborn.  I saw my daughter get resucitated and this was when she was on the mend, I also stopped the medics from doing the same to my Nan, but she had lived her life.

I kissed my Mum goodnight last year, I respected her wishes and she wasn't resucitated either, she was mid 50's.  All her family were around her I knew the moment she went, 1. I was grateful she was MY mum and not the next persons and just as much, 2. I was there.  I couldn't stop her die'ing but at least I was with her.  She should of died in Germany but somehow she made it home on a private flight, when the genarotor broke down so her breathing pipe stopped, but again, a miricale (imo) kept her alive so she could be with myself and my family when she left.

Ive mentioned how my Gf cares for severly disabled people, through this I have first hand knowledge of what goes on.  Im not going to mention exactly, thankfully you already have but these people I know are real and it's wrong for me to talk in detail about them.  They may seem a drain but I know 20 people are employed to look after them, not at the same time but in shifts.  Im not sure what the wages accumilate to of the helpers, but without them knowing the patients have given 20 people a job, 20 familys less to claim on the social services, 20 people who are very happy in their job, 20 people with a focus on life, helping others.  My gf works 12 hour shifts doing the hardest work I have ever seen her do, we see less of each other and yet she has never been so happy.  Jokingly you may add thats cos I'm a shit Bf, but the truth is it's the sence of achivement of making these unfortunate people happy.  My daughter loves going there to see them after school and they love seeing her, yet they are just as you quoted and very handicapped.  They don't even know their own parents who visit every other day.

I'll finish off by saying my Daughter does suffer everyday, its not a big suffer and when stood in school line she looks exactly the same as the next child, but we know what she has to go through.  I may never become a Grandad and while that bothers me a bit. It's out-weighed by the gratitude I have to the medics who saved her and have corrected 99% of her problems.  Ive seen babies die in SCBU and that was far worse than watching Mum die, I truly belive Im one lucky fucker.  On paper she isn't perfect but to me is is.  I could never contemplate switching that machine off, never.  I hope myself and everyone else here never have to face that awful decision, you can't judge yourself in that posistion until you have to face it.

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