I don't see a problem with the mentally handicapped.  Usually they are supported by a family, they cost society nothing so it doesn't matter if they don't 'contribute' anything to society and more importantly, they are someones children!.
What do you contribute?
Look at criminals, repeat offenders, drug dealers, rapists, child abusers, thieves etc. They cost society a fortune, destroy peoples lives and are never mentally handicapped.

I know who'd I'd rather have in my neighborhood.

Some of them are still able to perform certain tasks for businesses, and thus society.

Deadman wrote:

I don't see a problem with the mentally handicapped.  Usually they are supported by a family, they cost society nothing so it doesn't matter if they don't 'contribute' anything to society and more importantly, they are someones children!.
What do you contribute?
Look at criminals, repeat offenders, drug dealers, rapists, child abusers, thieves etc. They cost society a fortune, destroy peoples lives and are never mentally handicapped.

I know who'd I'd rather have in my neighborhood.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6891|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
My fiancee works 12 hour shifts looking after 2 patients in their own residential home with severe disabilities, both are mentally handicapped.  Both are early 20's, one male one female, both have the mental ages of babies between 6 and 18 months.  The male probably has on ave 120 fits a day, the girl not so much.  My fiancee is one of the most lazy bitches I have ever met, in recent years changing jobs like I change my pants.  She must get great sence of achivement looking after these two "kids" including me she has another 4 at home.  Ive never known her to be so happy in her work, I can only imagine as to what these patients give back.

Ive had a short experience with them myself but get to listen to fiancee's experiences nightly.  From what I gather the two patients have all the sences that we do but the problem lies mostly with communication.  There emotions are like ours, they laugh, they cry.  The know happiness and very little anguish.  Unfortunatly they probably won't live for another 5 years as there illness's are that severe.

A new patient is to arrive soon, she is 18, she was ok until she was 5, she choked on something and the oxygen was cut off to the brain.  The reason these patients are in this home (which is in the middle of your average street) is the parents are now struggling to cope.  The goverment here wont fnd the parents at home anymore as the patients are 18, the goverment reckon they can get a job.  Thats the short of it, a offical will come out take a quick look and say "they cant work" and tick the relevant box.  Then what happens is they go to a home which is 95% payed for by the goverment, who take the money off us.

Today my finacee is taking them swimming and then to touch therapy.  To the two patients it will seem like christmas again, something so small and so little meaning so much.


Some of the things said above is shocking and to even start a thread on the subject in the 1st place is sick enough. 

Who the fuck do you think you are to ask what someone brings to society?  Who the fuck made you so special?  Who the fuck gave you the given right to ask it?  The bollocks excuse you give as to why you asked it is utter rubbish?  Am I right in thinking it was you who was here the other week saying "how shit life was, sob sob sob, I won't be here much longer sob sob sob".  Well I hope my little insight into what life is like for severley handicapped people makes you think about how hard times are for you.

Your a lucky bastard, we all are.  Don't talk about something so sensative and expect comments back with no emotion.

I don't post in this section much if at all and I know why now.  You have caused offence.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6844|Los Angeles, California, US.

^AgentHawk wrote:

Your a retard you sensless bastard!


But seriously, "retards" get away with everything. I have a kid at school who is retarded and at one time in his life, 7th grade, he CHASED AFTER ONE OF MY FRIENDS WITH AN EXACT-O KNIFE in art class AND NOTHING HAPPENED WITH HIM BUT A SMALL TAP ON THE WRIST! No suspension or anything, detension, nothing! All my friend asked for was one of those fancy crayons. This kid has been in numorus fights and the other kid always gets suspended.

Iam glad you brought this up because TODAY, in 11th grade...yes he is still in school...he flipped out and threw a chair at someone because they told him he was last chair and he had to move over TWO FUCKING SEATS! He stormed off crying and just stayed in the little office separating two class rooms the whole time and just sat there picking his fucking nose! The teacher did nothing because he is afarad of what the school board will do to him if he punishes this fucking mainiac!

Me and my two buddies are waiting for a chance to fucking level this kid! Every day we look for a chance to deck him. I don't care if we get expelled! We have been dealing with him for 6 LONG FUCKING YEARS. This year we have had it, if so much as touches us a little we will level him out!


To answere your question: NO FUCKING WAY!
Agent, You may be the first person I say this to, But, I want you to Fuck Off and Go To Hell....

Last edited by DaReJa (2006-10-17 01:54:11)

Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Friendly fire isn't
I find this whole thread distasteful and offensive. 

I have been working with young people with learning disabilities for over fifteen years and currently manage a residential special school.  The term 'retarded' went out with the Ark and has not been used for years.  I have seen young people with severe difficulties progress, learn new skills and in some cases eventually get employment, thus contributing to society.

They have a disability which may mean that they may have difficulty learning, not that they can't learn.  As for debates on sterilisation etc, what gives you the right to pass such comments. 

Judging by some of the posts that have been made in this thread, there is a case that with hindsight, some posters parents should have been sterilised before their offspring had the chance to give their stereotyped and ill informed views.

Any society can be measured by how it treats those that are less fortunate than themselves.  Some of the people on this forum obviously live or belong in a 1930's fascist state.
Knifey McStabstab
Don't lock my topic!

Deadman wrote:

I don't see a problem with the mentally handicapped.  Usually they are supported by a family, they cost society nothing so it doesn't matter if they don't 'contribute' anything to society and more importantly, they are someones children!.
What do you contribute?
Look at criminals, repeat offenders, drug dealers, rapists, child abusers, thieves etc. They cost society a fortune, destroy peoples lives and are never mentally handicapped.

I know who'd I'd rather have in my neighborhood.
I almost completely agree with you. Why do you draw the line at retards, who may not contribute to society, but at least they don't detract like so many other people? BUT, at least in the US educational system, "special needs" programs are payed for almost entirely by the tax payers and all of that goes to educating some people that are severely retarded and will in all honesty go to waste. Why? While on the other end, the special needs of the advanced children, the one's that will contribute greatly, are almost completely ignored and just lumped in with the general population.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Well. First my background; I've known 6 mentally handicapped people in my life, one of which is my cousin.

I don't mean to be ignorant or anything, but unless they can contribute in some way to the society, or don't drag others down by demanding help, and can take care of themselves... or they can live up to the standards of others (by that I mean be, for lack of a better word, be 'cured') and not carry their load, then they shouldn't be around.

Evolution. Natural selection.

Mankind, with its gadgets and gizmos and technology have tried to avoid evolution. By simply 'alleviating' problems, we'll never permanently get rid of anything. Blind people should go, deaf may stay. Reason? Blind people cannot be made to see (at least not yet, if they can, fine) and they slow progress of others and cannot carry their own weight. Deaf people have hearing aids, so they can live a normal life with little penalty to themselves and others.

Sorry, but that's the way I see it.
Obviously, as a whole they cant contribute as much on average as the average person.

That said, they can contribute something.  And some of the worlds brainiest people are autistic...forces the brain to use different parts for different tasks, so they can sometimes come up with stuff that would take "normal" people years.

And, if someone in your family was handicapped, would you think differently?  (nobody in mine is, for the record)
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6763|Doncaster, UK
I have to admit I'm offended by this post.

Who are we to judge other people?

You're talking about abortions so that people with birth defects aren't born. Where do you draw the line?

Three generations of one part of my family have a genetic defect that leaves them susceptible to an aniarism. They have all suffered, they all work and contribute to the society as a whole. Should they have been aborted. Should the 1st generation have been "banned" from reproducing?

This entire conversation smacks of the philosophy of a certain Austrian dictator from WWII. Blond hair and blue eyes anyone?

Imagine someone telling Stephen Hawking's mother, "I'm sorry Mrs. Hawking but we have detected a genetic abnormality in your foetus. It could develop Motor Neuron Disease, we'll have to abort the pregnancy."
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6939|Sydney, Australia

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

I have to admit I'm offended by this post.
QFE. Many of these posts do not show much intelligence.

I'll post more tomorrow, it is too late for me.

The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6891|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Now, I'm not saying to "KILLEM ALL" I'm just simply asking your opinions on the matter. But seriously, DO NOT say "OMG DON'T KILL THEM RETARDS ARE PEOPLE TOO"
Seriously. Discuss (Without emotion)
Wow, I totally forgot to tell you what to discuss. /fail.
Here: What do they contribute to the society?
If you were genuinely serious about this perhaps you would of been back to answer us or any of the comments made since your post was created.

Forgive me if your the other end of the world and its the middle of the night or whatever.
+4|6890|Los Angeles, KALIFoooNIaaa
They are a drain to society...... well depending what you call mentally disabled there are many categories some do contribute but then others well..... im just saying euthanasia is the bestr way to go.. that my opinion deal with it
The Lizzard
I just want to clear up my viewpoint:

I am not advocating harming people with disabilities.  Nor am I advocating, necessarily, abortion of foeti with deficiencies apparent (nor do I oppose it).  That is to say, I do not believe there should be any additional laws regarding it other than ensuring parents have full information regardless of their initial choice.

However I do feel that, given the amount of money that is spent attempting to combat diseases of all sorts, and the cost of care for disabled people, I feel that there should be some thought given to encouraging people with highly inheritable diseases to adopt or not have children.  I do not advocate an laws in relation to this, however.  In essence what I am saying is that society should look at encouraging voluntary, low grade eugenics, without ostracizing those unwilling to submit.

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

This entire conversation smacks of the philosophy of a certain Austrian dictator from WWII. Blond hair and blue eyes anyone?
He also advocated combatting evil.  Do you disagree with that sentiment?

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-10-17 05:42:49)

The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6891|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

Zapata1982 wrote:

They are a drain to society...... well depending what you call mentally disabled there are many categories some do contribute but then others well..... im just saying euthanasia is the bestr way to go.. that my opinion deal with it
Out of interest.

Your not a parent yourself are you?
Donny the retard had an 8 pound water head.
He stood Five foot three and he said to me

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6662|The Land of Scott Walker
Personally, this whole thread sickens me.  Who are we to determine who is contributing enough to keep living?  We’re actually expending mental energy on considering killing people who we think don’t deserve to share the oxygen on earth?!?!?  Seriously, WTH?? This same mindset brought about abortion (killing babies) and will also bring about euthanasia (killing of elderly).  And it is all wrapped in the guise of the "good of society".  What a load of crap.   

I have a question: Do any of you in favor of eliminating "retarded" people have children of your own?  Maybe you'd think twice about allowing the killing of an infant or a person with a disability if you've had the wonderful experience of looking into the eyes of your own newborn.  If you do have children and still support these kinds of policies, you have a heart of stone.  Period.   

We do NOT have accurate technology to determine what kind of deformities and disorders a baby will have.  The docs thought my son could possibly have Down's before he was born, guess what?  He was PERFECTLY normal!!!  Under your idea, my wife could've chosen to kill him in utero because of a doctor's GUESS.  We need to stop playing around with human life like we know so much.  Even if we have the technology that theoretically could determine these disorders, the infant does not deserve to die.  Sure, they’ll need help through their lives, but they are no less human than you or I.  Wake up people.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6662|The Land of Scott Walker

^AgentHawk wrote:

It was my first clue when he attacked me in 6th grade. My mom works with retards and says he has a form a autism that effects emotions and makes them grow exponentially ie he fells the slightest anger he will chase my friend around with a very sharp knife in art class
Put yourself in this guy's shoes. Then come back and tell me he should be killed.   My sister worked with kids with autism in the past.  With the right help, many of them adjust very well.  I think your classmate should be in a specialized class, not in with the general student population.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6767|Southeastern USA
to cailuc, 1927, and others

i know exactly what you're saying, and normally that's the same way I feel, I just removed all emotion from my first post as a social "what if", i find most all instances of abortion abhorrent, especially the "partial birth" method (look it up and find a diagram, c'mon, why not go ahead and deliver the baby, then kill it) and the others questionable at best

i have to give props for this still being open, this is what DST is for

1927 wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Now, I'm not saying to "KILLEM ALL" I'm just simply asking your opinions on the matter. But seriously, DO NOT say "OMG DON'T KILL THEM RETARDS ARE PEOPLE TOO"
Seriously. Discuss (Without emotion)
Wow, I totally forgot to tell you what to discuss. /fail.
Here: What do they contribute to the society?
If you were genuinely serious about this perhaps you would of been back to answer us or any of the comments made since your post was created.

Forgive me if your the other end of the world and its the middle of the night or whatever.
I posted when I went to sleep, and once again a tad later, now it's in the morning. And I'm about to sleep again.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6763|Doncaster, UK

Bubbalo wrote:

I just want to clear up my viewpoint:

I am not advocating harming people with disabilities.  Nor am I advocating, necessarily, abortion of foeti with deficiencies apparent (nor do I oppose it).  That is to say, I do not believe there should be any additional laws regarding it other than ensuring parents have full information regardless of their initial choice.

However I do feel that, given the amount of money that is spent attempting to combat diseases of all sorts, and the cost of care for disabled people, I feel that there should be some thought given to encouraging people with highly inheritable diseases to adopt or not have children.  I do not advocate an laws in relation to this, however.  In essence what I am saying is that society should look at encouraging voluntary, low grade eugenics, without ostracizing those unwilling to submit.

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

This entire conversation smacks of the philosophy of a certain Austrian dictator from WWII. Blond hair and blue eyes anyone?
He also advocated combatting evil.  Do you disagree with that sentiment?
The atrocities committed by the government under Hitler, with his knowledge, disagree with whatever twisted philosophies he might have had of combatting evil. Does it make it right to advocate combatting evil when your perception of what is evil is completley off the rails?

I H8 U all. DIAF

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6759|Texas - Bigger than France

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Now, I'm not saying to "KILLEM ALL" I'm just simply asking your opinions on the matter. But seriously, DO NOT say "OMG DON'T KILL THEM RETARDS ARE PEOPLE TOO"
Seriously. Discuss (Without emotion)
Wow, I totally forgot to tell you what to discuss. /fail.
Here: What do they contribute to the society?
Wow, take it easy Reggie White.

This is a lot like saying your grandparents should be killed because they do not contribute to society.

"I work with retards!"
+226|6960|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
As far as contributing have you ever seen the special olypics? That is by far one of the most entertaining sporting events ever and I'm not looking at it in a making fun. I"m actually looking at it as pure entertainment, it's just fun in it's purest form.

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