Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7064|Houston, TX
So the news has in it that there are racial riots in the Down Under.  Any of our forum friends caught in it?
(Caringbah and Cronulla)  Hope you guys are alright over there.

Any updates from closer than stateside news and AP releases?
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7090|AUS, Canberra

Kung Jew wrote:

So the news has in it that there are racial riots in the Down Under.  Any of our forum friends caught in it?
(Caringbah and Cronulla)  Hope you guys are alright over there.

Any updates from closer than stateside news and AP releases?
well im in canberra but i have heaps of mates in syd.

my old boss is lebonese and alot of my mates are and i think its stupid whats going on.

it started from a life gaurd getting beat up in cronulla by a gang of middle eastern youths.
now what happened next is thousands of (true blue) aussies converged on this part of south sydney on sunday and just drank like fish and beat up anyone they could find that was arab looking.
so that night 50 car loads of arab youths went on a rampage with baseball bats!!smashing cars and what not.

now let me just say that west syd has thousands of arab people that would casue absolute chaos down in cronulla if this to much out of hand.
worst part is most people here over that age of 30 with an arab background were born here so they are no less aussie than myself.

arab people have a hard enough time here as it is since 9/11 and this is just making it worse.

visit this link fo rmore info http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/ … 03072.html

Last edited by the_heart_attack (2005-12-12 08:19:01)

Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7064|Houston, TX
Sucks man.  Keep safe over there.  Keep me posted with updates please.  Hope you and yours stay safe.

+8|7073|Battlefield in australia
i live in australia and it has hit the fan big time....

why dont all those racial hating dick heads get onto BF2 and play til their heart is content...

hell, with BF2:SF you can kill all the people you want from MANY different nations and recieve no jail time.

make love people not war!!!!!!!

and kill or the BF2 enemies you want, but keep it in cyber space, not in real life. 

+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
Im in Brisbane australia, and from what i see, i hate those arab fuckers...... you gotta understand the racial tension that the world is coming under now (and since 9/11)(bali)..... they bring on them selfs, they started it and by god we will fucking finish it.... i admit im racist (but ill give people a chance, if they are good people then im not racist against them, but if they are gang raping, donkey fucking, backwards dickheads, then fuck em)

Racism has been around since the dawn of time, south africa has suffered it (apartheid), America (kkk)(slavery),WW2 under nazi germany and the killing of the jews, even back in the day of the crusades, racial tensions has been around since the dawn of time, and will remain to the end of time.

Australia is a beautiful country, the best in the world in my opinion, i say those arabs have come here to get away from war in their homelands, or oppession or famine, or for what ever reason they want to say...

If ya dont like it here and dont like the way we are (FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG), cause like me alot of (true blue) aussies are sick of the shit that these people have brought to our lands.

our cities, our jobs are being taken by immagrants, melbourne for example has the largest greek community outside of greece, whole suburbs of sydney are run by lebs, and gooks, melbournes population is made up by 40% of gooks, we won the war, but are being invaded from the inside out, breed out if ya like, and theres only one thing we can do (GET RID OF THEM ALL).

enough said ya get the picture (let the flaming begin)  (VOTE 1 FOR ME FOR PM)


Last edited by philbymaris (2005-12-15 22:50:03)

+0|7027|taree aus
are you near ipswich?
+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
nah man, south brissy, why???
iam in wollongong just sth of the shit and it is starting to get pretty bad,the cops are blocking off beaches etc and the weather here is hot
i hope it doesnt escalate any more but i think we have just seen the start
which is a pity considering australia was built on multiculturism
+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
It was built on whites only, its just the pussy fucks in parliament have opened up the doors for everyone of any colour to enter...... multiculturalism DOESNT work, different people, different ways of living, different religious backgrounds and at the end of the day different attitudes.... we are living in a dream thinking that it would work.... and this is just the start of a shit fight that could last a life time...

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7090|AUS, Canberra

philbymaris wrote:

It was built on whites only, its just the pussy fucks in parliament have opened up the doors for everyone of any colour to enter...... multiculturalism DOESNT work, different people, different ways of living, different religious backgrounds and at the end of the day different attitudes.... we are living in a dream thinking that it would work.... and this is just the start of a shit fight that could last a life time...

i must admit i voted for pualine hanson.....only for her gun laws (i love guns)
+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
hahahahahaha so did i, i dissagreed with alot of her views, but the lady had some great ideas.... and now more so than then those ideas would be coming into good practice...

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7090|AUS, Canberra

philbymaris wrote:

hahahahahaha so did i, i dissagreed with alot of her views, but the lady had some great ideas.... and now more so than then those ideas would be coming into good practice...

yeh she was a fucking nightmare but she rocked too!!!!
+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
PLEASE EXPLAIN...... hahaha enough bout that pauline Hanson, lets get back to the current topic at hand.... more views are needed here
I can understand you australians....
About racism. im myself would consider as a racist but not as an extreme one.
I mean lets look what is going on the world.

1. Riots in Australia (started by arabs who beat up lifeguards.) [MAN LIFEGUARDS TOO FUCK THEY ARE HERE TO SAVE OUR LIFES!!!!]
2.Riots in France (for about a 2 weeks arabs and africans where burning cars and many other things)[f.e hospitals, kindergardens schools..... man u stupid fucks burning down hospitals!!!! next lifesaving thing, and SCHOOLS!!{well i dont like school at all } but than those people who burn those thinks are pissed of that there is no chance of an good education in their city!!!
3.Comments of then Iran Head Ahmadinezad (dont know how to write him say Israel should be ereased from the Map or Europe espacailly germany and austria should give israel a place for a new country.!!!
i mean wtf are this for comments if this isnt racist then i dont know, but the worst thing is that 75% of the iranian people support Ahamdinezad still after this comments....
Well so really FUCK OFF people from arabcountries i mean they are as racistic as us and they are unable to fit and kind of country/community the live in!

im myself and pole born in austria, but my parents who moved in here had also a very bad time!
i mean my father finished law at university and my mom finished medicine before they came to austria!
and what where they able to do here !! Fucking yes my father was able to get a job as a taxi driver and my mom become a houswife! i mean that isnt really fair but my parents had to accept this because they flew from poland where it was really bad to the time they left!
But they fit into the country community, he have a lot friends and i like it here( well thinking what my parents finished at university i could have heaven on earth but fuck it..... life is as it is)

what i want to say is that arabs complain about everything and dont want to fit into our communitys.
they want a job with a high salary and if not fuck it... lets complain burn cars, schools, etc to show the country that they dont care about us...!!! MAN THEY DO BUT YOU DONT CARE ABOUT IT!!!!
+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
nice one, you gave the topic some more view points, on an international level.... arabs of the world learn to conform or at least respect others in their own fucking countries, pretty soon if it goes on, The hammer of god will smite you dirty fuckers off the face of the planet, Good payback i think, NUKE MECCA, NUKE MECCA, NUKE MECCA..... on thier annual pilgramage, hahahaha that will teach em.

+0|7144|darwin australia
basically the people of cronulla were sick and tired of getting harrased/intimidated, their families getting beaten up,daughters/sisters/wives geting raped by a bunch of losers who are only tough when there is a group of them, so they decided to make a stand. it was supposed to be a peaceful protest but alcohol and a few right wing extremists turned it into a mob and thats when all the shit hit the fan. the only good thing that has happened is that finally our piss weak government is doing something about it

and philby as much as nuking mecca sounds like a good idea(shit i'de like to push the launch button myself sometimes) that would only make things 1000 times worse, because all of the moderate muslim countries would go apeshit and there would be know way we could control that

remember the largest islamic nation is our closest neighbour(indonesia)and nuking them is out of the question because i live to close for that shit to happen (only a 1-2 hr flight from darwin)
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|7089|New York
if indonesia attacks australia, you KNOW the U.S. is gunna come and help you guys. you guys helped us in iraq, so you know we gotta pay back the favor.

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

if indonesia attacks australia, you KNOW the U.S. is gunna come and help you guys. you guys helped us in iraq, so you know we gotta pay back the favor.
thanks mate dont forget the first gulf war and vietnam and ww2........the only way they could invade is in tourist groups
+2|7090|Netherlands, The - Rotterdam

philbymaris wrote:

i admit im racist (but ill give people a chance, if they are good people then im not racist against them, but if they are gang raping, donkey fucking, backwards dickheads, then fuck em)
then dont call yourself a racist but a normal person ... I dont like gang raping, donkey fucking, backwards dickheads too, just like you

philbymaris wrote:

If ya dont like it here and dont like the way we are (FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG), cause like me alot of (true blue) aussies are sick of the shit that these people have brought to our lands.
whaha white racist outside of western europe are even more stupid ... talking about THEIR COUNTRY ... that they took by force ... geez
+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
Did you know in indonesia, the men (14 to 15 years old) get round up and sent off to military school, to learn how to shoot and the rest of it, they get to keep their issued rifle at the end of it to........ and also indonesia is the most densely populated place on earth, 250 million people living on a bunch of little islands, they see us aussies with a large country and fuck all people in it to defend..... they will come.... they always try to smuggle people in.

i know that muslim inself is meant to be a "peacefull" religion, and its the extremists that are doing this... but seriously is where are our extreamist catholics or christians cant they blow up a whole heap of shit in the name of our god.

NUKE MECCA-----NUKE MECCA, problem solved

Philbymaris are you a moron?  Because you come across as a moron.  I am from Melbourne, where apparently the population as you so elegantly put it is 40% gook.  That could not be further from the truth, the Asian population in some suburbs might be that high, but across the whole of Melbourne it wouldn't even be close.  And since when are people of Asian (or any other) backgrounds not Australian.  I have heaps of friends of Asian background that were born in Australia, do they have to go home as well?  And if so where do they go? And if that is the case do i have to go too even though my mum is fifth generation Australian? And what about you? 
If I had it my way the only people I would be sending away from Australia are the violent and stupid people like you.  And by the way the religion is Islam, the people who practise it are Muslims.
+0|7055|Brissvegas AUST
mate it is..... have a look at the census... then get back to me, obviously where you live doesnt have many gooks,

Asians, Arabs they are as bad as each other.... and i think you are the moron, accually sticking up for these people, fucking hell grow a brain..... our forefathers fought against these cunts in ww2, korea, veitnam, what would they think after hearing about what this government has brought into our country, fuck would you like to be talking japanese for ya main language??

For you information, my family had the first white free children in australia so my hertitage goes alot futher than yours, and if ya dont believe me,ive got the documents to prove it.....

no shit that islam is the religion, but i refer to it as muslim, just is christian religous followers are called christians is just easier....

so before slaming people in future get ya facts straight, if ya cant do that...dont bother even trying cause youll just get flamed.

Alright genius you help me work it out then.

Birthplace (top 4):
Australia: 65.7%
UK: 4.7%
Italy: 2.4%
Vietnam: 1.7%
So when you add Australia and the UK together we get 70.4%.  That only leaves 29.6% left.  So even if all of the remaining people were of Asian origin that doesn't give you the 40% you mentioned before.  And because countries like the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, etc aren't included you aren't even going to get close.

Ok then lets try Ancestry, because maybe you think people of Asian origin even though they are born here aren't actually Australian.
Ancestry (top 3):
Australian: 28.7%
English: 27.8%
Irish: 9.6%
Because there is no Asian country mentioned in the top 3 we will add them all together to get: 66.1%.  Again even if all the remaining people are of Asian origin it still won't add to 40%, it will be 33.9%.  But don't forget the other those pesky European countries that we haven't included like the Netherlands, etc. Again you won't even get close. 

All of this can be found at: http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/4079a1bbd2a04b80ca256b9d00208f92/0f0a516f6bfc8b62ca256bbf00005433!OpenDocument
It is the ABS's page on Melbourne.

So it looks like my facts are pretty solid mate, maybe it is you who should get their facts straight.  So please inform me of where you got your facts from, as I would love to have a look at them.

And by the way our forefathers also fought against the Germans, twice if i remember correctly.  Do we kick them out too?  And how do we go about working this system out?  Do we only kick out people from countries we fought against that were the aggressors, like Germany and Japan?  Or do we also kick people out who are from countries that we attacked like Vietnam?  Or do we just kick out everyone we have ever fought against?  Please enlighten me!!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

philbymaris: If there's one thing I can't stand its racism. Cut yourself after you slash a person of Arab descent. I don't think the blood that bleeds from either one of your veins would differ very much.

Before I jump in headfirst into this debate I'll just sit back and watch for awhile. And the Crusades did NOT start because of racism. Neither the 1st, nor the 2nd or even the Children's Crusade were because of racism. So get your facts straight.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Man I'm just being neutral at my school.
At my school, a lebo burnt another kids hair with a can of lynx and a lighter.
But you see the Aussies hassling him, telling him he stink, go eat another kebab etc.

Im just staying out of it but I still reckon its all nuts


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