'twice cooked beef!'
in a nutshell: because we need the practice.

we're not being eaten by bigger animals with bigger teeth anymore. if we didn't fight each other, we'd have nothing to make us improve our ability to kill and defend ourselves.

we'll need that ability one day to fight for the existence of the human race, when we do come into contact with something that can eat us in the future. remember, it's the threat of death that drives evolution. paradoxically, life couldn't exist if things didn't kill each other. so, what we're really doing when we're fighting amongst ourselves is sharpening our claws, training to become better at war.
Member 5307
sad but i find your theory quite sound.

nat geo or discovery?
Yes! We MUST have war to prepare for the aliens! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo on that bandwagon!!!! "give war a chance, E.T. is coming... and he is going to EAT us!" now that is a slogan I can attach myself to! please, please sticky this thread moderators... this is my new religion.

unfortunately, when captain evolution calls our number chances are it won't be because something is going to eat us, and chances are no weapons, vehicles, or special forces units will be able to prevent it either.

regardless... this is brilliant. I support you now Bush, I didn't before, but now I get you man, you're just getting us ready for the aliens.

must... stop.... sarcasm... overload....

Last edited by dshak (2005-12-12 02:44:16)

'twice cooked beef!'
yeah, i like talking about humans being eaten, if you haven't noticed. it really gets people's attention.
if that doesnt get attention your fancy aqua text is sure to turn heads

war is great for diplomacy .. look at iran the ayatollah saw sadaam in that spiderhole and said i dont want to get my ninja gear all dirty .. you can check my nukes
+383|6975|The Netherlands
I also beleave in life outside of our planet. We got 10 planets in our solarsystem, we allready found life on 2 of them.  On our own planet of course and i ve heard bacteria have been found on mars and the moon but the moon doesnt count since its no planet. So its only logical if there's life on at least 20% of the planets in this solarsystem, there are millions of other solarsystems, intelligent life can also be found outside of our own solarsystem.

Chances of that life finding a way to travel millions of lightyears over here must be allmost 0 if u ask me, since space seem to be quite a big place so finding us is like finding a needle in a very, very, very big haystack. And even if they manage to get here, who said they are all evil? Maybe they also play videogames like us or maybe they look like very beautiful girls with large boobs and are all wearing tiny spacebikini's. Anything is possible

Last edited by General-Echo (2005-12-12 06:49:37)

Personally, in the future I feel it will be US that plays the roll of the big, bad, alien invader.  Hell, I started writing a book and producing a videogame about that but then I realized it wouldn't maybe I shuold work on that again...
there hasn't been any bacteria found on the moon. or mars. you "heard" wrong. The greatest threat to mankind is one of three things... climate shift, impact from a foriegn object, and mankind itself.

sadly, little green men are very, very, very, very, very far down the list.

Last edited by dshak (2005-12-12 15:38:24)

Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

dshak wrote:

there hasn't been any bacteria found on the moon. or mars. you "heard" wrong. The greatest threat to mankind is one of three things... climate shift, impact from a foriegn object, and mankind itself.

sadly, little green men are very, very, very, very, very far down the list.
id rank those from most threatening to least:

1) Mankind
2) Impact
3) Climate

for all of yall evolution is what created life from nothing people, we have survived through many ice ages before so Im not terribly worries about that one.

The big meteor fucked up the dinosaurs pretty well, so yeah I think we should worry about that one

Us, well, we consider turning our own planet into a small sun if only temporarily just because one group doesnt like another group's freedom or lack thereof

cant we all just hold hands and hug the man-eating aliens when they do come?
'twice cooked beef!'

dshak wrote:

unfortunately, when captain evolution calls our number chances are it won't be because something is going to eat us, and chances are no weapons, vehicles, or special forces units will be able to prevent it either.
how can you possible know what 'captain evolution' has in store for us? statements like this are completely unsupported by evidence. unlike the rest of you, i don't presume to know what the biggest threat to humanity is. you're predicting the future. on what basis can you make these claims?

i advocate war because it lets us prepare for one more possible scenario. we can't prepare for everything, but we definitely can maximise the number of things we do prapare for.
Actually, discovering intelligent life elsewhere in the universe would be one of the best things that could happen to this planet.  Two of the constants in human nature is the necessity to side yourself against 'something' and also to side yourself with those who are also against that 'thing'.  You see this with small things such as two sports fans uniting at a game when they've never met, to larger separations such as political parties, races, and religions.

If life elsewhere is discovered, you will see world peace virtually overnight as the large differences such as race/religion will seem feeble when faced with something not human.  I also believe it'll be probably the only way to truly achieve world peace.

This of course all goes down the tubes if the aliens are hostile, more advanced than us, and want to eat us
We already kicked the Neandertalers asses. Bring it on Captain Evolution! We'll nuke, gas and holocaust the shit out the fucking alien bitches!

Okay sorry, i know i need to be serious in here. Would you please go to an sudanese, chechen or iraqi village and explain your theory to them. They might not have got it yet. Maybe they will stop complaining then and the UN will finally come to the conclusion that development aid is contra-productive.

Mass Media Casualty

We need war to stem the growing Human population. That's my view.
[Blinking eyes thing]
war doesn't stem population growth issues, not even close, at least not modern wars...

simply put, we're too good at it now and not enough people die. you decide if thats a good thing or a bad thing. The exception to this would be nuclear war, which is why I list mankind itself as one of the three major threats. also, you can predict the future with reasonable accuracy simply by looking at evolutionary history. prehistoric man (and I'm refering to the extinct species, so don't come back at me with "no, they evolved into us"... there were plenty that DIDN'T) wasn't killed off by invading aliens, neither were the dinosaurs.

There have been many, many, many, many species that have come and gone to my knowledge not one has been killed off by alien invaders.

lets be serious here, if only for a minute. please.

Last edited by dshak (2005-12-12 17:09:28)

'twice cooked beef!'
ok, let's be clear.

never in my original post did i mention anything about aliens.

yes, there have been many species that have gone extinct. some from environmental catastrophe, and just as many from predation and evlutionary competition.

are we so advanced as to be above evolution? i certainly don't think so. whether our future nemisis comes from this planet or another is irrelevant. we will still have to fight them off.

and to prepare for that possibility, we need to keep practicing war.

so..... you were saying we need to be ready for when the Great White Shark learns to walk on land? Anyone remember the old SNL skit? well, in that case.... haha, I don't mean to be an ass, its just this theory really doesn't hold much water. To suggest war serves any purpose other than the inherent corruption of our species I think borders on the absurd. we're a terrible, selfish, self righteous species and probably the only mammal in the world that doesn't instinctively form a balance with nature.  While a person is smart, people are stupid, and power corrupts. war is nothing more than the human race at its worst. you aren't going to change my position on that anymore than I'm going to change yours.

Last edited by dshak (2005-12-12 18:01:15)

'twice cooked beef!'
your sarcasm doesn't make your post more convincing. anyway, calm down there cowboy, this is rational debate. no one is hoping to change anyone's mind, we're all just bored and this is a good way to flex mental muscles.

first of all, despite what the peacenik hippies say, war isn't a human thing. it's a fact of life for all living things, plant, animal, and bacteria. to say that war is the human race at its worst is absurd - there could be no human race without war. it was war that drove us to excel, to invent, to use our brains and evolve into what we are today. without war and the threat of death, life would not have evolved at all. it might have stayed at the most basic proto-cell level, because those ancient organisms had no need to make themselves better.

yes, we are a terrible, selfish species. so are all other living things. what exactly are you implying, that we don't deserve to live because of our selfishness? well, i'm human and proud of it, and i am willing to do anything to ensure the survival of my species.

wasps produce four or five larval queens per generation, but only one lives on the become queen. the strongest one kills her sisters to eliminate future competition. can we really stand up to that kind of evolution in the long term? can you be so sure that sharks won't indeed walk on land one day? the very uncertainty of the future means we should be as prepared as possible.

your philosophy lacks coherence. from what i can see it's a jumble of cynicism and half-notions about human nature. so your solution is what, to do nothing? to continue as we are? stagnation is the same thing as giving up in a race. and don't kid yourself, it is a race. except the losers don't go home crying to mother, they go extinct.
I made a little research on AIDS vs. world hunger. It's not very accurate, please don't blame.

AIDS: Theres is about 40 bn people currently infected with AIDS at the moment. Thats roughly 0.8% of the world population. Numbers are rising extremely. As probably 95% of the infected people don't have access to medicin they are all going to be dead within, let's say 8 years.  I think that is the average incubation time for AIDS. That's 5 bn dead a year, ~15000 daily. The numbers are rising increasingly, in 10 yrs there will be a lot more people suffering from this Virus.

Hunger: 19% of the world population is suffering from hunger (this includes malnutrition). 100k people starve everyday. BUT this number is falling there are less people dieing from hunger every year.

For the time being the winner is hunger, but AIDS is definitely gaining on hunger.

Kappyappy, is this still training or maybe something we need to take serious? Too bad you can't nuke hunger or AIDS, eh?

But! Krappyappy, maybe this is something you want the world to be prepared for:
The Holocaust from 1939-1945 lead to approx. 5,5 bn dead. Obtained documents read that Heinrich Himmler planned the death of 11 bn, a goal he probably would have achieved in less than 12 years.
If we have aliens attacking us and start a planned genocide of the world population in the same manner as the SS organisation in the Third Reich did, we need to defeat them within 12 years or we are all going to be dead. Man, we NEED to be prepared, no doubt... where's my gun?

Krappyappy wrote:

can you be so sure that sharks won't indeed walk on land one day? the very uncertainty of the future means we should be as prepared as possible.
Sure! Lucky us. We already got rid of them before they learned to walk... So let's continue the sparring...
'twice cooked beef!'

Saegeblitz wrote:

But! Krappyappy, maybe this is something you want the world to be prepared for:
The Holocaust from 1939-1945 lead to approx. 5,5 bn dead. Obtained documents read that Heinrich Himmler planned the death of 11 bn, a goal he probably would have achieved in less than 12 years.
does 'bn' stand for 'billion?' because there aren't that many jews to kill. ww2 didn't even kill off 100 million, and that's really overestimating it. not to mention the current population is only 6-odd billion. where was himmler going to find all those extra people to stick in his gas chambers?

in any case i don't understand what it is you're saying. AIDS? hunger? holocaust? nukes? none of it makes any sense.

Last edited by Krappyappy (2005-12-12 18:37:56)

You are right Darwin, i meant million. I am not a native english speaker. Let's try this...

Krappyappy wrote:

to say that war is the human race at its worst is absurd - there could be no human race without war. it was war that drove us to excel, to invent, to use our brains and evolve into what we are today.
Hm, I'd rather say it was the thumb.

Krappyappy wrote:

without war and the threat of death, life would not have evolved at all. it might have stayed at the most basic proto-cell level, because those ancient organisms had no need to make themselves better.
Bacteria and plants don't have brains. I guess you agree with me when i say that you need at least a brain to make war.

Krappyappy wrote:

yes, we are a terrible, selfish species. so are all other living things. what exactly are you implying, that we don't deserve to live because of our selfishness? well, i'm human and proud of it, and i am willing to do anything to ensure the survival of my species.
War is actualy not ensuring the survival of humans.

Krappyappy wrote:

wasps produce four or five larval queens per generation, but only one lives on the become queen. the strongest one kills her sisters to eliminate future competition.
Erm, i wouldn't want my kids to kill each other. So are you comparing presidents, kings, prime-ministers to wasp-queens here? I don't get it...

Krappyappy wrote:

can we really stand up to that kind of evolution in the long term? can you be so sure that sharks won't indeed walk on land one day? the very uncertainty of the future means we should be as prepared as possible.
Like I said, I don't believe in a planet-of-the-aps-scenario. Or terminator or whatver...
So in your opinion we shoud be worried when the apes start seriously killing each other? Because they might be stronger that the hippie-ass humans soon?

Krappyappy wrote:

...stagnation is the same thing as giving up in a race. and don't kid yourself, it is a race. except the losers don't go home crying to mother, they go extinct.
Well, surviving a nuclear war or genocide or even a firefight for example isn't really a matter of genes...

Last edited by Saegeblitz (2005-12-12 19:16:02)

'twice cooked beef!'
i don't know if your interpretation of this discussion has been altered by your language barrier. we don't need to actively train for walking sharks or whatever else. we just have to keep fighting wars to practice killing stuff.

i'm not afraid to die. even though i think i'd be more useful as a scientist than a soldier, if i had to, i would do it.
Member 5307
nobody knows if they are afraid to die or not till they are actually in the face of it.
the meekest of mice could be the bravest of men and vice versa when faced with death.
i would like to think that when faced with death i would take it by the horns of the bull but ya never know, i could be instead be cowering in some corner pissing my pants.

sorry,its just my opinion, but i never believe anyone who says that they are not afraid to die. no offence meant.
'twice cooked beef!'
i don't mean that i would just sit there and say 'oh well' and give up. i would fight for my survival, that's what us animals do. i mean i'm not afraid of the prospect of dying, we all have to go eventually.
Still, surviving an air raid isnt really a matter of genes...

Last edited by Saegeblitz (2005-12-12 19:17:56)

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