Color Code
Btw, the code isn't like in BF2... They have changed it..
It will be the same in the orignal BF2142 when its coming out, so you can just insert it there when you have it..
Edit**** Color Code ****Edit
Ok, first you have to find your Localization folder, same as before. (Battlefield 2142 (Demo)\mods\bf2142\Localization)
Open the "strings.csv" file (you can use Notepad or what ever you like, as long as you can open that file and see the text. I use Excel becouse of the setup it is in the file)
Search for the old stuff.. e.g: §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§1#WEAPON#§0] #PLAYERNAME2#
Now, you can't just add this line §C1001 anymore... They have changed the color code there...
Its now |C1001 insted of §C1001
Say that you want to change the WEAPON text to orange (again)
Just change the §1 and §0 to |C1001, and it will look like this: §0#PLAYERNAME1# [|C1001#WEAPON#|C1001] #PLAYERNAME2#
You will now have the ornage color...
Here are 2 SS
Here is the one with the BF2 code:

And here is the BF2142 code:
Btw, the code isn't like in BF2... They have changed it..
It will be the same in the orignal BF2142 when its coming out, so you can just insert it there when you have it..
Edit**** Color Code ****Edit
Ok, first you have to find your Localization folder, same as before. (Battlefield 2142 (Demo)\mods\bf2142\Localization)
Open the "strings.csv" file (you can use Notepad or what ever you like, as long as you can open that file and see the text. I use Excel becouse of the setup it is in the file)
Search for the old stuff.. e.g: §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§1#WEAPON#§0] #PLAYERNAME2#
Now, you can't just add this line §C1001 anymore... They have changed the color code there...
Its now |C1001 insted of §C1001
Say that you want to change the WEAPON text to orange (again)
Just change the §1 and §0 to |C1001, and it will look like this: §0#PLAYERNAME1# [|C1001#WEAPON#|C1001] #PLAYERNAME2#
You will now have the ornage color...
Here are 2 SS
Here is the one with the BF2 code:

And here is the BF2142 code:

Last edited by SAF.Phaxe (2006-10-10 10:02:43)