ok someone else can give defense, heres the prosecution
* Arrest of hundreds of Iraqi Islamic activists and the execution of five religious leaders in 1974 as chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council.
* The execution of 21 Ba’ath Party leaders in 1979 in Iraq.
* Unprovoked attack on Iran in 1980.
* The arrest, torture, and execution of Ayatollah Mohamad baqir Al Sadr and his sister Amina Al in 1980.
* During the Iran-Iraq war Hussein used chemical weapons and summarily executed thousands of Iranian prisoners of war.
* The arrest of 90 members of the Al Hakim family and the execution of 16 members of that family in 1983.
* During the Anfal campaign Hussein used chemical weapons on Kurdish cities including Halabja in 1988, in which as many as 5,000 people were killed, mostly civilians.
* 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
* Forced deportation of Kurdish and Turkomen families to southern Iraq displacing of 900,000.
* Entire populations of Marsh Arab and Shi'a Arab villages have been forcibly expelled. Government forces have burned their houses and fields, and demolished houses with bulldozers. Thousands of civilians were summarily executed.
* Assassination of opposition figures outside Iraq such Hardan Al Tikriti, former Defense Minister, in Kuwait in 1973; Haj Sahal Al Salman in UAE in 1981; Sami Mahdi and Ni'ma Mohamad in Pakistan in 1987; Sayed Mahdi Al Hakim in Sudan in 1988; and Shaikh Talib Al Suhail in Lebanon in 1994.
we could get into what good old Uday and Qusay did, such as Uday's time on the olympic committee and such, but then again Uday had some convictions at least when he killed his fathers lover lol he plus he did call his two private jets nipple one and nipple two lol
But as to the topic, I try to follow the circus as much as possible but with the hoohaa thats going on its slow and sporadic at best, I hope the charges stick and more follow, wouldnt have suprised me if he had got imunity is some never heard of place, which has happened an awful lot. At least IRAQ got him and he has to pay for his crimes. As capital punishment is more widely accepted in Mid East then it should be fitting for this long over due tyrant to be dispersed with as seen fit by the Iraqi people. But if/when He is beheaded/shot what does that say, we all (or some) wanna be friends, but at least things are moving relativly quick compared to the joke otherwise known as the Hague in the Netherlands Its a real shame the way its panning out cos this will have no positive affect on the situation in Iraq, they really should of forseen the effects removal was gonna cause.
Bit off topic sorry, but did he pose a threat to US/UK ect cos mastermind behind 9/11 was in Bosnia in early 90's and STILL there are growing radical factions in Bosnia, maybe if us/uk thought about bigger picture then hmm, see so many posts about war on terror an such where it start what going on ect, but that another thread.
Kappyyappy, see what your sayin m8 about other regimes, Putin, Russian pres is a sly creeping git with his more and more state control, North Korea same as, China with its one baby rule even have to pay the privalige to drive there lol, then theres the right honorable Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe plus the all the shit from neighbouring countries of Iraq, lol that would take up some bandwidth
Last edited by pacman VKC (2005-12-11 18:30:50)