+124|6730|My room
The Comprehensive Knifing Guide-T1g3r217:

I.    Intro
   a.    The ideal kit
II.    The stealthy kill
   a.    Main victims
   b.    Who to avoid
III.    The knife fight
   a.    Against knives
   b.    Against guns
     i.    Pistols
     ii.    Machine guns
     iii.    Shotguns
   c.    Main victims
IV.    When faced with a compromising situation
V.     “Exploiting” squad members
VI.    Defending with knives
VII.    Conclusion

I.    Intro:

The next time you enter a game, pay attention to the “person_one [weapon] person_two screen. Check to see how many times the [weapon] is [knife]. The knife is the ultimate form of humiliation in BF2. Being knifed means that you didn’t watch your back and were stupid enough to stay in one place doing nothing. It also means you don’t listen carefully. However, the tactics in this guide will help you nail the most alert person even when they are using machine guns on you. Now, your knifing average per game might be 1, if that. With practice, and the tactics in this guide, it can be increased to as much as four or five. NOTE: Always aim for the head (the top of the scalp) when knifing. This will be discussed in 3bi.

                  a.  The ideal kit
                  As a knifer, most of your encounters in the field will be at close range. Therefore, you will need the ideal close range weapon: the shotgun. The problem is, there are only two kits in the game with the ability to use shotguns: Engineers and ATs (Anti-Tankers). My personal choice would be engy, only because I have the MK3A1 Jackhammer, and a full auto shotgun (such as the Jackhammer) really helps in a firefight. However, the USMC and PLA pump-shots are highly effective as well. The S12K (MEC Engy gun) is a weaker Jackhammer, so I wouldn’t recommend it. The DAO-12 (depending on your clicking speed) can be as useful, if not more useful, than the MK3A1 simply because of its increased ammo capacity. I would pick between the pump-shots, the Jackhammer, and the DAO, depending on what your personal preference in guns is (high rate of fire, large amount of ammo, or one-hit kills).

II.    The stealthy kill:

The stealthy kill is for those people who love being Spec. Ops and blowing up commander assets, or for snipers. These are the two roles that require the most stealth, and therefore, are the perfect candidates for the stealth attack. The most important thing to remember is to pull your knife out IMMEDIATELY after sighting your target. I cannot tell you how many knifings I have foiled (or how many times I have been foiled while knifing) when I (or the enemy) hears the knife being unsheathed. It’s (the sound is) unique and unmistakable, and usually results in a headshot or two being inflicted. Pull it out immediately after sighting the target, and follow quietly. When you get close enough to the victim, aim for the head and click (for flair, jump in front of the poor guy and knife him). If you miss (and hopefully you didn’t miss when you jumped in front of him), go prone and Knife his legs. That way, even if he looks around after hearing the slash, he won’t see you on the ground until it’s too late (if you cannot knife his legs, I suggest you quit BF2 and do something productive with your life ). The engy has a huge advantage over assault, support, and AT classes: a long sprint. Before you stalk your victim, wait until he/she stops sprinting. That gives you a nice bunch of time to catch up.

               a.   Main victims:

There are five main victims when utilizing the stealthy kill. The first is the Spec. Ops using C4s on assets (However it is the most challenging). Nothing’s more insulting to a stealth class than either being noticed, or being out-stealthed (I should know, I used to love Spec. Ops. I still do, but I love my L85 more). Get behind him while he’s blowing up commander assets, and when he does his fancy run/jump back, greet him with steel. Even if he sees you, it’ll be too late for him to pull out his carbine and go full auto on you. He might get a pistol shot in, but that’s it.
The second victim is the AT reloading his SRAW/Eryx/RPG 7. Usually, all the AT is focusing on is the tank he/she is trying to kill. So, while they are inserting their rocket into launcher, insert some steel into their body. It takes time to pull out a weapon, and by the time they realize they’re dead, you will (hopefully) be far away (and not tea-bagging them).
The third victim is the Engy laying down AT Mines. This is slightly easier than the other two, because the Engy is looking down the whole time. Even if you jump in front of him, he’ll only see your feet. Be quick though, or you might find yourself the recipient of a shotgun blast. There is one hard part when knifing the engy: Laying AT Mines does not take much time (there are only five; count), so be quick with your knifing when messing with this guy.
The next easiest guy is the sniper focusing on someone other than you. Occasionally, there will be a cheeky sniper who thinks he can sneak into your base and snipe your team. Well, prove the guy wrong by knifing him. This requires you either be patient and smart or exploit a squad member (see VI.). When the sniper is looking into his scope from his hiding place, sneak behind him, go prone next to him, look at his head, and knife. That’s how to humiliate him. To just kill him, run up to him, go prone behind him, and knife his feet.
Finally, we have the last victim: the reloading guy who’s ducking for cover. This is simple; wait until you see a gun fight, go behind the enemy, wait until you hear less gunshots, run up to the guy before your teammate gets him, and knife him. For added emphasis, type out “your_name [Pwned] his_name” to the guy (Obviously, you want to switch “your_name” with your nickname and “his_name” with the opponent’s nickname. Leave [Pwned] as it is).
You’ll notice that I didn’t list idlers or commanders as victims. I skipped these for two reasons: Idlers aren’t very common. Even if there is one on your server, you probably won’t be able to find him, as he’ll probably be playing as the gunner of an APC (any smart guy would. Right?). Also, commanders are in short supply; one per game, and it’s pretty hard to find the one person who’s staying still and dropping arty on you since they’re usually in the thick of the other team’s fortifications.

                 b.  Whom to avoid:

There really aren’t too many people to avoid in the stealthy kills section. Obviously, avoid snipers laying claymores, because you usually die before you get to the snipers. Avoid Engies laying their last mine (I repeat, count; they only have five). Avoid ATs who just took out a tank; they’ll immediately switch to their gun, and DAO shells to the face can seriously harm your soldier. And you obviously want to avoid people shooting at you…unless you’re aiming to be good at knife fights. If that’s the case, read on.

III.     The Knife Fight:

     What is a knife fight? People will tell you different definitions. Here’s my definition: any time when you are using a knife and your opponent knows it, is looking at you, and is attacking back. Got it memorized (little KH2 for you)? Good. However, there is a winning strategy to this, and, if you’re still here, I’ll tell it to you.

a.     Against knives:
     This is usually what happens when you rush up to a sniper, they try to pull out their pistol, hit the wrong button, and pull out their knife. Congratulations! You just got involved in a knife fight. Now, what do you do to survive? Some people jump, dive and lunge at the guy’s feet. Others circle-strafe, weaving in and out, waiting for the moment to move in for the kill. I will combine both of these strategies. First, you strafe in and out, faking the victim out with lunges that nearly hit (if they do hit, you saved yourself some time). Then, when the victim cracks under stress and attacks, or when you think the moment is right, go prone, and knife. It’s ok if you miss, because even if you miss, you have a second to recover; move around on the ground, get up, and, when the opponent goes prone to knife you, jump, crouch, look down, and knife. Lather, rinse, repeat from the beginning. Usually, at most, you have to repeat twice before the fight ends. Beware of eager ambushers (or teammates), who will either gun you or the opponent down. For further humiliation, they might want to knife the person they are aiming for. Remember, teamkilling is against the way of a knifer (with “occasional” *coughtktheidiotpersonwhostoppedyourknifefightcough* lapses).

b.   Against guns:

     This is for the knifing elite. For those who can kill a guy or two in a knife-knife fight without wasting a minute, for people who can stealth-kill stealth-killers. If you fit the criteria above, this is for you. This section will teach you all you need to know in order to survive against pistols, machine guns, and shotguns (Yes, shotguns) while you are wielding the humble knife. Continue on to the first of your trials on your way to becoming a true knifer.

i.     Pistols:

A knife-pistol fight occurs when you fail to stealth kill a sniper and they successfully pull out their pistol (or when you fail to stealth kill any other kit, and they hit the wrong button). Pistols are the easiest guns to beat in a knife fight. They’re like shotguns except they only shoot one shell. They have a relatively slow rate of fire. The biggest danger of a pistol is its accuracy. In the right hands, the pistol can shoot down a knifer before he even lunges once. The trick to this is to kill the pistoler while he reloads. To do this, move erratically. Change direction, jump, go prone, even fake lunge to get him on a frenzy (you need to be able to move fast for that, though). While the person is reloading, he or she is liable to switch weapons. That will delay them more than the reload would, giving you ample time to aim and kill. “But what if they are n00bs and bunny hop?” you ask. The answer is simple. When a person bunny hops, they are basically jumping while circle-strafing. A jump will still leave their legs (or feet depending on your resolution) in your screen. If you were aiming for the head, like you should have been, you will hit their feet, making the victim do a cool flip in the air when you knife them (I love doing that, and you will, too).

ii.    Machine guns:
In the last section, we discussed what you should do when faced with a knife-pistol fight. A knife-mg (short for machine gun if you didn’t figure that out) fight is what occurs when you fail to pull off a stealth kill on a medic, support, spec-ops, or non-DAOing AT, and they successfully pull out their mg. The trick to beating these is the same as beating the pistol: wait until they reload. In fact, usually, when faced with a reload, the person in question will pull out their pistol (or knife), giving you the advantage. The hard part here is surviving until they reload. An mg is a fast shooting pistol, but it is way more damaging. Therefore, you need to move, and stay farther away from the guy. You will need to survive from between 30 (most of the mgs)-50 (the P90) bullets. Keep a fair distance away from these people. In fact, stay far away until they run out of ammo. Or, with nimble keystrokes, weave between the bullets, making them bunny hop, and deal with them as discussed above.
Dealing with burst shots is a lot easier, since they have to keep clicking, and they have to track you faster. You can stay closer to the enemy (Usually a med using the G36E) this time and then use the steps listed above.

iii.    Shotguns:

Shotguns: A knifer’s worst enemy. They are more effective at close range than the average knifer. Of course, by now, you are much more than the average knifer. There are huge differences between the three types of shotguns (pump-shot, full auto, and semi-auto). Pump-shot are probably the most deadly, simply because they kill in a hit at the ranges you will dealing with. The trick when dealing with these beasts (check the kill screen to see who uses them) is to peep around the corner wait until the guy sees you, and jump back around the corner (stay back a little). DO NOT GO PRONE (yet). Wait until you hear the approaching footsteps, and get your finger on the “Prone” button. As soon as you see the Engy put a foot around the corner, go prone, and start lunging. Usually, you hit him before he checks down. If you are ever caught by a pump-shottie in plain ground, jump back until you hear (or feel) the shot. Then, sprint up and lunge for your life! If you do this fast enough, he will have his finger on the button when you knife him. All in a day’s work. Now for the Semi-Autos.
The only Semi-Auto shotgun in the game is the DAO-12. however, it is deadly, due to its (relatively) huge ammo capacity. Dodging all twelve shots at close-to-point-blank range is never (repeat after me: NEVER) an option. To win this, you will need to lead the guy on a chase. Stay in his vicinity, but hide behind boxes, jump around corners. Turn it into a game of hide-and-seek. (city maps are the best for this) When the AT comes near your hiding place, run like the dickens (little old English for you…I think). However, after frustrating the opponent about six times, pull a feint move, and instead of hiding, run in a circle behind the opponent, and knife him. You should easily be able to out run an AT if you’re playing Engy.
Now for the easiest shotgun to outfight: the full auto. Right now, you’re probably thinking “WTF? Full auto should be the hardest to fight since it’s a shotgun that fires like a machine gun!” That is true, young knifer, but a since it has all the strengths of mgs/shotties, it has all of their weaknesses. An mg’s weakness is fast movement, while a shotgun’s weakness is range. Therefore, to conquer these guns, you need to keep a distance away (5-10m) from the opponent, and sprint while circle-strafing. Since full-auto shotguns have almost no ammo in their clips, it shouldn’t take too long until the hapless engy’s reloading. Now, he has three options: 1) stay still and get slaughtered, 2) bunny hop like an idiot until he’s done reloading, and 3) pull out his pistol/knife and start a fight that you know how to deal with. Either way, you should get a kill. If the engy sees you first, go do a roll, get up, and strafe a half-circle. By then, he should be out of ammo and have the same three choices above. KILL!!!!!!

c.    Main Victims:

EVERYONE!!!oneoneone11111elevenonehundredeleven!! That’s right: EvErYoNe. You know all of the kit’s weaknesses, so no go out and exploit them. Humiliate everyone that you see. With practice, you should be able to get a gold star on knifing ALONE! Imagine the look on everyone’s faces after you inflict your bladed PWNAGE on everyone on the other team in the server. After you finish the round, you can relax in your chair and laugh at everyone. That, my friend, is the true prize in knifing.

IV.    When faced with a “compromising” situation:

The thing that should be going through your mind right now is “What exactly is a ‘compromising situation.’” Good question. A compromising situation is defined as a situation when you really want to pull out your gun and open fire on the enemy because he’s owned you in previous rounds. Well, here’s my question: Wouldn’t it be more satisfying to knife him? It tells him how stupid he is. Bullets can be used at any range, but knifing someone…that is absolute humiliation. Remember, there is no further humiliation than being sneaked up on and knifed.
However, if someone has a bead on you and you see them, and the distance between you two is too great for you to cover before you die, by all means, pull out your gun and open fire. Your life is more important than knifing. You can knife the guy later. Also, keeping in touch with your gun skills is important (like any of you would only use knives...you’d have to be crazier than me!).

V.    “Exploiting” squad members:

As a knifer, you are, by default, a lone wolf. However, it is nice to have a squad member near you to help you in those tricky situations. For example, you see a sniper run around the corner, but you’re not sure if there’s a claymore there, and you don’t want to risk your life. What do you do? Sneak around and risk being seen by the eager Assault guy? Or call for a squad member to help you.
The ideal candidate for this job is the lowest rank on the team (or a guy who’s at least three ranks lower than you). These guys don’t realize the importance of the squad, and usually just play lone wolf. Invite one of these guys to your squad, and tell him to check around the corner (usually, you don’t need to tell them). If there was a claymore there, it sucks to be him, but you get two points. If there isn’t but there is a sniper ready to knife, he has a chance, but if he does, you get two points, and proof that he sucks at knifing. If there is no claymore, and the sniper is focusing on a target other than than your squadmate, your squadmate got a kill and two points. Either way, your squad is two points higher. Squadmates also engage in firefights quite often. If the fire fight is taking forever, and you have the urge to knife a guy, sneak around the guy, and attempt to stealth kill him. If he sees you, your squad member should gun him down with ease since there’s no pressure on him.
Squadmembers also are great for baiting out campers. If the camper dies, congrats to your squadmate. If your squadmate dies, avenge him by knifing the camper. If you need more incentive, you get two points for it . If you can save your squadmate, you are fast, efficient, and deadly with the knife, and you understood the point of this guide.
“Exploiting” is in quotes for a reason; it isn’t really costing your mate anything. He has the chance to get two points if he is smart enough to throw grenades, or if he is a good gunner. It’s not so much exploiting as it is exploring.

VI.    Defending with knives:

There is only one kit to be when defending with knives: sniper. Snipers can hide in shadows, grass, and bushes, giving them a huge advantage when defending. To be a useful defender when using knives, you need to know all the common spots enemies hide when capturing the flag. Simply go to a covered area nearby the spot, and stay still. Then, wait for the lone capper to show up and hide in the spot. While prone, slowly CRAWL towards him. When you get close enough, knife the n0ob.
One of the main tricks here is to switch spots. Keep moving so that every possible capping place is covered. Also, move away from the area so that you can see if someone is actually attempting to capture the flag and is hindered by you. Move slowly around the area, sniffing the person out. DO NOT BE DISCOVERED! If you are, you are essentially dead. Sneak around to where you suspect the person is hiding, and wait until the guy gets a neutralize point (or until he first starts looking around), and knife him. If all goes as planned, you get two points for the kill, and two points for the capture. If all doesn’t go as planned, you get two points for the kill, and one extra point for flag defend. It still leads up to more than two points.
Defending when knifing is very tricky. You need to be very alert, and know every potential place an enemy can be. After identifying the enemy’s location, you need to be super careful when taking him out. If he sees you, switch to grenade and throw it. Your life is your first priority.

VII.    Conclusion:

Congratulations, reader! You read nine pages (or, at least, you were SUPPOSED to) of type. If you made it all the way through the guide, and practiced the skills (not for long…it’s easy to get the knack of knifing), you should be able to get a gold star by knifing (I did...sadly, it’s my only one). If you ever find yourself dying right before you slash, imagine the guy slamming his super-expensive gaming knife on the table and smashing it…that usually is enough to motivate you. In the end, I’d like to conclude with the most important rule of the knifer: Your life before the enemy’s.
The Power of Two
+188|6803|Sydney, Australia
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
SpawnoftheMist's guide to knifing.

press 1.
Me Gusta Karma Mucho
+49|6854|Leftern America
too long
+124|6730|My room
No, organized

You read the table of contents and go to the section that interests you...if nothing interests you, then you don't belong here. It's that simple!
Joined BF2s in November 2005
+133|7032|Doncaster, England
I don't belong here....

+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
my guide is better.
Joined BF2s in November 2005
+133|7032|Doncaster, England

spawnofthemist wrote:

my guide is better.
+124|6730|My room

spawnofthemist wrote:

my guide is better.
No, yours is simpler. Mine is the same thing except more detailed and it requires a brain (and a sense of humor) to read!
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
and some coffee. because i fell asleep during the first paragraph.

why do you really need a guide for something so simple?
comprehensive indeed.
What? no section on knifing APCs, planes, artillery shells and trees?
+124|6730|My room

spawnofthemist wrote:

and some coffee. because i fell asleep during the first paragraph.

why do you really need a guide for something so simple?
So that you don't look like a fool when the other guy turns around and guns you down
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
1, move mouse, click.

maybe you look like a fool.. but it never happens to me.
STFU, My guide will pwn yours

Study Kendo and Ninjitsu for 7 years, then come back. You will know how to knife people properly.
+124|6730|My room

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

STFU, My guide will pwn yours

Study Kendo and Ninjitsu for 7 years, then come back. You will know how to knife people properly.
Um, yeah, reality check: THIS IS A GAME!!!

Plus, weren't you one of the people I knifed; you were blowing the US commander assets in Karkand, and you "ran into" my knife.
+4|6829|outside your window

spawnofthemist wrote:

SpawnoftheMist's guide to knifing.

press 1.
thats the way, keep it simple
+1,230|7151|Alberta, Canada

spawnofthemist wrote:

and some coffee. because i fell asleep during the first paragraph.

why do you really need a guide for something so simple?
Because there's 80 million kids whining about not being able to get their 'Knife Badge.'
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

ryan_14 wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

and some coffee. because i fell asleep during the first paragraph.

why do you really need a guide for something so simple?
Because there's 80 million kids whining about not being able to get their 'Knife Badge.'
they should uninstall the game.

hayesjam wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

SpawnoftheMist's guide to knifing.

press 1.
thats the way, keep it simple
i had my own parody topic. but zimmer deleted it
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6899|Your attic

T1g3r217 wrote:

Lots of stuff I didn't read
Wow you must be very very bored, or very very dull, I'm not sure which yet.
+124|6730|My room

Towelly wrote:

T1g3r217 wrote:

Lots of stuff I didn't read
Wow you must be very very bored, or very very dull, I'm not sure which yet.
Or I just have too much time on my hands. Same diff.
+31|6997|Phoenix, AZ
you need to be over 10 to post on these forums. so all a yall get back to watching teletubbies...
+1,352|6801|N. Ireland
i still need my damned basic
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

ilyandor wrote:

you need to be over 10 to post on these forums. so all a yall get back to watching teletubbies...
my favourite is Dipsy.
+124|6730|My room

spawnofthemist wrote:

ilyandor wrote:

you need to be over 10 to post on these forums. so all a yall get back to watching teletubbies...
my favourite is Dipsy.
+45|6893|Bristol, UK
Good guide, and interesting reading, nice one.

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