
chuyskywalker wrote:

Xiver wrote:

The Standing / Crouching / Prone deviation modifiers for the sniper rifles are wrong.  They are listed as -/-/- which would be 1/1/1 by default.  According to Objects_server.zip Objects_server\Weapons\Handheld\USSNI_M95_Barret\ussni_m95_barret.tweak :
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModStand 2
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModCrouch 1.5
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModLie 0.8

2/1.5/0.8 should replace -/-/-

It is the same for all of the sniper rifles in the game.
Thanks, adding this to the wiki.
Since the Standing / Crouching / Prone are different you might want to remove the text from the sniper rifle page:

It’s also important to note that firing a zoomed sniper rifle while standing or kneeling is no less accurate than being prone. While it’s usually best to remain prone to avoid being spotted and present a more difficult target, it is good to know that a standing zoomed shot has just as much chance of hitting as a prone one, which can be important in some situations.
Camp Freddie
Reposting a message from another thread, I hope you don't mind:

The UBAR link and Wiki are pretty good, but they don't include the v1.12 updates to some of the old weapons (like the G36C nerf, or the new stance modifiers for sniper rifles).
I made an excel spreadheet of the new values, which you can find here:


I hope you find it helpful.  Obviously I would welcome the UBAR admins to use any of this data to update their Wiki.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7079|AUS, Canberra

Camp Freddie wrote:

Reposting a message from another thread, I hope you don't mind:

The UBAR link and Wiki are pretty good, but they don't include the v1.12 updates to some of the old weapons (like the G36C nerf, or the new stance modifiers for sniper rifles).
I made an excel spreadheet of the new values, which you can find here:


I hope you find it helpful.  Obviously I would welcome the UBAR admins to use any of this data to update their Wiki.
good work, i havnt got excel but iv posted this in the wiki forum so maybe chuy will have a look and make some changes when wakes up from  stacking zzzz's
don't be angry but I think UBAR is wrong...
A few days ago my friend became "Master Sergeant" although he had all necessary
Basic Badges for the "First Seargent" before he had 20000 Points...
I think that it is necessary to have also Basic Badges from SF now...
Can you help me ?????
My friend's stats http://bf2s.com/player/Hyper-Woozie/

Nemesis_2905 wrote:

don't be angry but I think UBAR is wrong...
A few days ago my friend became "Master Sergeant" although he had all necessary
Basic Badges for the "First Seargent" before he had 20000 Points...
I think that it is necessary to have also Basic Badges from SF now...
Can you help me ?????
My friend's stats http://bf2s.com/player/Hyper-Woozie/
Doesn't look like the reqs indicate that at all, actually. And since you can get BF2 awards in SF, there's no reason for them to force SF awards as reqs for rank (not to mention that users without SF then wouldn't be able to rank...)

I can't explain why he didn't get first sargeant, actually -- as far as I see he should have.
Oh, I've just seen that "TheFaust" wrote something on this topic...

TheFaust wrote:

We might get a rank Promotion in the next patch...  See the answer I received from EA on this.

Response (GM Wolf) 10/30/2005 02:16 PM 

Thank you for taking the time to contact us about ranking problems with First Sergeant in Battlefield 2.  We want to let our players know that DICE is aware of the issue and may be addressing this in a future patch. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to award this rank but we are hoping that a retroactive fix in the future may correct this error in the ranking system. I’m afraid we have no ETA on this currently and apologize for the trouble.

Thank you for writing us,

EA Wolf

Player Relations

Electronic Arts
Is it true that I won't become "First Sergeant" if I'll make 350 points ....
That would be cruel...
And what's about this "future patch"?? Will I then become "First Sergeant" ????

Last edited by Nemesis_2905 (2005-12-11 10:36:08)

+3,135|7046|The Hague, Netherlands

99% you will be become first sergeant i think, i dont no nothing off this problem i had al my basic badges that i needed for first sergeant and became first sergeant.

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2005-12-11 13:32:50)

Code poet
+1|7053|Branson, MO, USA
I can't seem to get the Basic Command badge or Staff Officer ribbon

I think my best round of Command (at least the best one I can prove with a screenshot ) is 62. I have no proof that I've ever spent 28 mins as Commander, but I don't see how I couldn't have... And I should still have the Basic Command badge.

Screenshot of 62 command pts and no awards

There's been several other occasions lately that I've scored over 50, and a few more that were over 40... Does it just suck to be me?
Pew Pew!
+216|7156|San Francisco

Sahasrahla wrote:

I can't seem to get the Basic Command badge or Staff Officer ribbon

I think my best round of Command (at least the best one I can prove with a screenshot ) is 62. I have no proof that I've ever spent 28 mins as Commander, but I don't see how I couldn't have... And I should still have the Basic Command badge.

Screenshot of 62 command pts and no awards

There's been several other occasions lately that I've scored over 50, and a few more that were over 40... Does it just suck to be me?
Unfortunately that screenshot proves that your best commander round is actually 31 points. The requirement is command points in a round before the x2 if you win.
Code poet
+1|7053|Branson, MO, USA

tF-voodoochild wrote:

Unfortunately that screenshot proves that your best commander round is actually 31 points. The requirement is command points in a round before the x2 if you win.
Wait a minute, that 62 is already the 2x number?! Are you sure...?

Edit: I suppose I should have asked: "Can anybody else confirm this?!" because you probably wouldn't have posted it if you weren't sure

Last edited by Sahasrahla (2005-12-11 15:53:34)

+0|7038|im from idaho but liven in MD
also if you are looking for play time as a particular person that requires a time limit in a round i sugges big map , with no time limit , that has less then 32 players. THats how i always get my stuff
+0|7038|im from idaho but liven in MD
I have seen mixed reviews and do not know what to beliave on the war college ribbon. ubar says that you have to have a win to loss ratio 3 or better has anyone ever gotten the ribbon with there death more then what there kills are with the win loss ration 3 . Other websites have a kill to death ration on the ribbon . Just looking for the imput on it
Pew Pew!
+216|7156|San Francisco

Sahasrahla wrote:

tF-voodoochild wrote:

Unfortunately that screenshot proves that your best commander round is actually 31 points. The requirement is command points in a round before the x2 if you win.
Wait a minute, that 62 is already the 2x number?! Are you sure...?

Edit: I suppose I should have asked: "Can anybody else confirm this?!" because you probably wouldn't have posted it if you weren't sure
Yes, that score is already multiplied. Next time you are commander check the top of your command screen before the round ends, it will display your current command score.

aib73412 wrote:

I have seen mixed reviews and do not know what to beliave on the war college ribbon. ubar says that you have to have a win to loss ratio 3 or better has anyone ever gotten the ribbon with there death more then what there kills are with the win loss ration 3 . Other websites have a kill to death ration on the ribbon . Just looking for the imput on it
If you can re-write that in something that I can decypher then I might be able to help you...
Saharlasarlarsa: Yes, I confirm that your screenshot is after the 2x bonus. Your actual score is at the top of your commander screen like voodoo said or in the list when you press TAB.

Code poet
+1|7053|Branson, MO, USA
Well I'll be damned, thanks guys
Corrosion Inhibitor
Mid-East Service Ribbon and the other service ribbion.

Im almost positive that all u have to do to get these ribbons is play once as lonewolf, as squad member, squad leader, commander in those 2 theaters.

Im still testing it though. just though i would pass the info on if u want to test it. I have them both on 2 names and they both came around 25 hrs of total play. im gonna make another 1 tommarow and play in those spacific map types and test it.

The problem with testing this is the rank pull on commander. If someone has thier own server they could kick the person who is the commander and take it for them selves, it may be rude but its the only way to test it.

If its true i wonder if u can get them just playing 1 map just start as commander then go to lonewolf and so on.

it problly does have an hour requirement though. probally like 5 on each.

Last edited by IBKCKNURASS (2005-12-13 02:26:03)

+0|7019|Melbourne, Australia
Great site fellas

Couple of points for some of the medals:
technical support - can also use tear gas as support
grapping hook and zip line - must use different buildings each time to get the medals
+-1|7151|Indiana, US
Here's another "UBAR is almost certainly correct, but EA/DICE are messed up in the head" situation.

I was looking at the requirements for the new Special Forces "special service" medals (the Navy Seal Special Service Medal, for example) and was totally floored at the requirements for each of these.  For those of you who haven't looked, to get a "special service" medal, you must play in that team, or army, for 4,500 hours - for each team's medal!!!

Now, this seemed rediculous to me, so I did some simple analysis on this requirement just to gain some perspective.

Let's consider someone who has absolutely no life, is independently wealthy and can play for 40 hours a week, with play always devoted to a single team (Seals only, for example).  So, we divide the 4500 hour requirement by 40 hours per week, and we get 112.5 weeks.  This means that it would take even some total loser making it his full time job to play as a Seal for 112.5 weeks, or 2.2 YEARS, to earn this one badge.  Rinse and repeat for the other 5 "special service" badges.

Are there going to be anyone even playing BF2 two years from now, let alone anyone playing exclusively a single team full time for that period.  I really hope they meant to make it 450 hours, and that some coder at EA/DICE just made a very bad typo; as it stands, these badges are a joke.

Slugga[TeamATi] wrote:

Great site fellas

Couple of points for some of the medals:
technical support - can also use tear gas as support
grapping hook and zip line - must use different buildings each time to get the medals
nope....for the zip you can hit the same building, floor, roof, whatever (you don't even have to use it just deploy it), and I have confirmed it is 3500 uses for the vet badge (what a waste of time to confirm)

Now the tactical is another issue, I have been keeping track (for conformation purposes) last night I threw 1150 teargas nades (and before that I think I used around 1000 more, I just didn't "count" them), and I didn't get the vet badge, so there is something else involved on this one....if you know please tell me.
Code poet
+1|7053|Branson, MO, USA

aib73412 wrote:

also if you are looking for play time as a particular person that requires a time limit in a round i sugges big map , with no time limit , that has less then 32 players. THats how i always get my stuff
And your advice is awesome... It was a long battle on 64-player Mashtuur City with only like 12 people in the server. It must have taken an hour and a half for this one battle because we kept capping flags back and forth, but I finally got my Basic Command badge.

But a new problem arises: I got it at 38pts, not 40 like Ubar suggests. I actually ended up with 79 pts at the end of the round due to the 2x, which is still below the 80 minimum (as it would be if 40[x2] were the requirement). Unfortunately I didn't get a screenshot of that final score, but you can see the enemy team only has 6 tickets left in my screenshot, so it shouldn't be unfathomable...
You probably got a team damage or suicide somewhere that gave you a -2.

Code poet
+1|7053|Branson, MO, USA

midgetspy wrote:

You probably got a team damage or suicide somewhere that gave you a -2.

Erm, yeah that sounds logical. Thanks.

otorhinorrhea wrote:

Slugga[TeamATi] wrote:

Great site fellas

Couple of points for some of the medals:
technical support - can also use tear gas as support
grapping hook and zip line - must use different buildings each time to get the medals
nope....for the zip you can hit the same building, floor, roof, whatever (you don't even have to use it just deploy it), and I have confirmed it is 3500 uses for the vet badge (what a waste of time to confirm)

Now the tactical is another issue, I have been keeping track (for conformation purposes) last night I threw 1150 teargas nades (and before that I think I used around 1000 more, I just didn't "count" them), and I didn't get the vet badge, so there is something else involved on this one....if you know please tell me.
Where does how many zip lines, flashbangs and hooks thrown show up on your profile??

SDMF1 wrote:

otorhinorrhea wrote:

Slugga[TeamATi] wrote:

Great site fellas

Couple of points for some of the medals:
technical support - can also use tear gas as support
grapping hook and zip line - must use different buildings each time to get the medals
nope....for the zip you can hit the same building, floor, roof, whatever (you don't even have to use it just deploy it), and I have confirmed it is 3500 uses for the vet badge (what a waste of time to confirm)

Now the tactical is another issue, I have been keeping track (for conformation purposes) last night I threw 1150 teargas nades (and before that I think I used around 1000 more, I just didn't "count" them), and I didn't get the vet badge, so there is something else involved on this one....if you know please tell me.
Where does how many zip lines, flashbangs and hooks thrown show up on your profile??
It doesn't you just have to keep track some how.....no fun at all
Spawns in front of rockets and bullets
one thing i think you should add to the wiki:

if you're on top of a building, stand near the edge and tap the right click button with the grappling hook.  this will basically drop the hook at your feet, and allow you to climb down the building on the rope.

not sure that's really useful, seeing as you can just parachute it, but who knows?

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