+72|7041|Indianapolis, IN
actually the thing with walmart is not what you are making it out to be.  Walmart came out with a statement just recently that said their employees could say whatever they felt comfortable with at this time of the year, whether it be Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.  Although, Target has repeatedly said that their employees must not say Merry Christmas because that implies a religion.  Target also doesnt let the bell ringers outside their stores.
+27|7090|Atlanta, GA USA

Sturmvogel wrote:

FYI There is no mention of a "Christmas Tree" in the Bible or anywhere else in the Christian faith. Its just a hold over from the Pagan traditions of Yule.
Gee, I didn't know that, Sturmvogel.  Thanks for enlightening me.  I don't think a lot of people really practice the Christian part of Christmas anymore, anyway, me included.  Its an excuse to get together with family and exchange presents.  I was talking to a friend of mine from UAE yesterday.  He said in Dubai Christmas is huge and a lot of people celebrate it, but not because it is a "Christian Holiday".  Even if you do look at it strictly as a Christian holiday, this country is still Christian by a vast majority, so I don't think removing references to Christmas from store decorations, etc. would make much difference.  And I'm not just talking about what stores are doing.  My example was about a school that had a giving tree.  I'm talking about how cities, towns, etc.  They are not going to make any more money from removing Christmas from the town displays.  To me, its just another example of Political Correctnes gone awry.

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-12-09 14:55:52)

Horseman 77
try and take down a Manorah on public property
just nothing
And here I thought this thread was about Christmas 1914
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|7060|United States
This stuff pisses me off to NO END as you will see...

Heres my two cents...

Alrighty, first off, the Christmas thing.  I think that it's completly stupid how 'Merry Christmas' is now 'Happy Holidays'.  What the hell is wrong with 'Merry Christmas'?  What part of that phrase do people find offensive?  Is it the 'Merry' or 'Christmas'?  Ok, now, WHO CARES.  Same thing with the case about having the phrase 'Under God' taken out of the Pledge of Allegence. WHO CARES.  If you don't like that phrase, DON'T SAY IT THEN.  Don't need to start a whole court case about it. Ok, so your some person and don't like saying it.  FUCK YOU, GET THE FUCK OVER IT.  This pisses me off absolutly to NO END (As you can kinda see).  It's you fucking assholes who are idiots (Who sue McDonalds because you spilled coffee all over your clumsy ass and got burned, and say, "OoOoOo, the coffee isn't supposed to be that hot) who are just idiots.  Why does it bother you SO FUCKING MUCH?  Back to Christmas...  So, we can celebrate Hallawe'en, with Satan and Dracula, but God forbid Chrstmas, Jesus and Santa.  Lets call Hallowe'en "Informal exchange of sugary ingestible items by children dressed in coverings of unusual fashion". No? didn't think so.  Because 'Merry Christmas' is bad to say.  Ok, speration of Church and State. Haha, riiiiight.  Did you know that a marble statue with the 10 commandments is outside the Supreme court?  Did you know that on the top of the Washington monument, there are two words engraved in Latin (Can't remember the two words), but it means, 'Under God'?  What seperation?  The whole United States of America was created upon religious beliefs.

In short, if your one of those people who are agrivated by 'Under God' or 'Merry Christmas', please, shut the hell up.
I've said what I had to say, let the bashing begin.

Last edited by Bert10099 (2005-12-09 16:22:09)

just nothing

Bert10099 wrote:

This stuff pisses me off to NO END as you will see...

Heres my two cents...

Alrighty, first off, the Christmas thing.  I think that it's completly stupid how 'Merry Christmas' is now 'Happy Holidays'.  What the hell is wrong with 'Merry Christmas'?  What part of that phrase do people find offensive?  Is it the 'Merry' or 'Christmas'?  Ok, now, WHO CARES.  Same thing with the case about having the phrase 'Under God' taken out of the Pledge of Allegence. WHO CARES.  If you don't like that phrase, DON'T SAY IT THEN.  Don't need to start a whole court case about it. Ok, so your an Atheist and don't like saying it.  FUCK YOU, GET THE FUCK OVER IT.  This pisses me off absolutly to NO END (As you can kinda see).  It's you fucking assholes who are idiots (Who sue McDonalds because you spilled coffee all over your clumsy ass and got burned, and say, "OoOoOo, the coffee isn't supposed to be that hot) who are just idiots.  Why does it bother you SO FUCKING MUCH?  Back to Christmas...  So, we can celebrate Hallawe'en, with Satan and Dracula, but God forbid Chrstmas, Jesus and Santa.  Lets call Hallowe'en "Informal exchange of sugary ingestible items by children dressed in coverings of unusual fashion". No? didn't think so.  Because 'Merry Christmas' is bad to say.  Ok, speration of Church and State. Haha, riiiiight.  Did you know that a marble statue with the 10 commandments is outside the Supreme court?  Did you know that on the top of the Washington monument, there are two words engraved in Latin (Can't remember the two words), but it means, 'Under God'?  What seperation?  The whole United States of America was created upon religious beliefs.

In short, if your one of those people who are agrivated by 'Under God' or 'Merry Christmas', please, by all means, go fuck yourself.

I've said what I had to say, let the bashing begin.
I'd appreciate you not generalizing all atheists in the way you just have. I happen to be atheist, but that doesn't mean I don't celebrate Christmas. In fact, I still wish everyone a Merry Christmas, because I respect other's opinions about religion.
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|7060|United States
Oh I didn't mean to generalize Atheists as the ones who cause problems. Let me change that.  Just lost it while ranting on and on...

Sorry if my posts offends anyone.

Merry Christmas to all.

Last edited by Bert10099 (2005-12-09 16:26:09)

Look here.  People on both sides should calm down!!!!  The Christians complaining about the "War on Religion"-The First Amendment specifically allows freedom of worship (so long as it's not a cult, discounting those with dozens of highly-paid trial lawyers like Scientology who will sue your ass to hell if you complain about them, even though it is plainly a dangerous, harmful cult which is solely about producing money for the top guy).  Also, you're acting as though Christianity has sole right to the U.S, and getting too riled up about it.  As for the far left-STOP with the fricking FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS!  You're ruining this country, it's judicial system, and keeping judges from doing things they should like frying psycho serial mass murderers.  The vast majority of constitutional cases right now are nitty-gritty things which should be handled through ordinary laws.

My own opintion-so long as nothing is overly or overtly disriminating against any religion, and is paid for with private money, it's OK.  Also, government buildings should not be too decorated in religious symobls, and it should not make it feel as though some religion dominates it.  Finally-the Christams tree is a pagan symbol, Santa a secular children's myth, and lights a simple tradition in some countries, so the vast majority of those lawsuits aren't even towards anything which is actually religious in nature.
The Last Man Standing
It happens everywhere, in the UK especially where I live around my Hometown.  In another 7 years the growing non-christian population will be double that of the towns original population.  Although I think its good, as it has brought no end of benefits and new experiences to the town. 
However, I do like to draw the line somewhere, and I find it annoying that people will be offended if we say 'Christmas Lights' , instead we are now told to call them winter lights.
I find it a little saddening that some parts of my culture are repressed (only in a sense or a feeling) but I dont find it a problem to change things if it doesnt end up offending people.

Merry Christmas all.

Last edited by Paladus902 (2005-12-09 16:47:54)

Mass Media Casualty

It's the PCs, they're fucking us all up. Soon everyone will be so neutral that you won't be able to say "Hi" with out offending someone.
"We say "Gutentag" in my culture, can't you be sensitive to that you bastard?"
"Well, sorry, I didn't know."
"Well why can't you ask?"
"Okay, lets start over, Do you speak German?"
"Sprechen sie Deutsch you insensitive asshole!"

Just a joke.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+27|7090|Atlanta, GA USA

Tyferra wrote:

It's the PCs, they're fucking us all up. Soon everyone will be so neutral that you won't be able to say "Hi" with out offending someone.
"We say "Gutentag" in my culture, can't you be sensitive to that you bastard?"
"Well, sorry, I didn't know."
"Well why can't you ask?"
"Okay, lets start over, Do you speak German?"
"Sprechen sie Deutsch you insensitive asshole!"

Just a joke.
But with a grain of truth...   PC bullshit is going to ruin all western countries

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-12-09 18:16:35)

+1|7049|79605, TX

Tyferra wrote:

It's the PCs, they're fucking us all up. Soon everyone will be so neutral that you won't be able to say "Hi" with out offending someone.
"We say "Gutentag" in my culture, can't you be sensitive to that you bastard?"
"Well, sorry, I didn't know."
"Well why can't you ask?"
"Okay, lets start over, Do you speak German?"
"Sprechen sie Deutsch you insensitive asshole!"

Just a joke.
LOL! where are all the good satirists...good one..

look i'm not religous, but i do celebrate christmas. we don't even pray when we sit down and eat for christmas dinner. fuck it, we're hungry. but it is rediculous, because christmas is cool. ^_^

Last edited by S4INT05 (2005-12-10 03:42:36)

Ach du Sheisse!!!!
OOOOOOHHHH!!!!  "It's PC bullshit!!! SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT DOWN!"  Please...
All I'm sayin' is that with these wintertime greetings, either say them all, or say nothing...
Those people offended by "Happy Holidays" are HUGE assholes...  "OH MY GOD!!!!  'Happy Holidays'?  FUCK YOU, IT'S 'MERRY CHRISTMAS', DUMBASS!!!!!"  Accept it or ignore it, dumbasses...
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Observe Ramadan (at the proper time)
And a Happy New Year...
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7163|Bryan/College Station, TX
By and by Holiday is simply a morphed word from the original saying of "Holy day"
Simply put Happy Holidays in a way is saying Happy Holy Days. So basically Holy is still implied.

As for Christmas, I prefer Yule. Of course after doing much research on the invent of Christmas... I would suggest looking into "Mithras" as a possible figure where the ball got rolling.

Also the reason I use "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" is simply because I respect many cultures and their various special holy days during this time of year. I also like to include New Years into the mix so by saying "Happy Holidays" I imply all sorts of special days for all sorts of different cultures. I like that.

Besides why is this such a conflicting subject? Either way I say it I'm still wishing good upon you and not cursing your existance. Isn't that what counts?

Cheers and Happy Holidays.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
'twice cooked beef!'
it's those damned neo-con radio talk show hosts. can't drive for two miles without hearing them whining on the AM about how the liberals are waging war on christmas simply because the don't say the word every five minutes. in typical rush limbaugh fashion they've turned what is essentially a trivial issue of wording into some kind of culture war to inflame and divide the general population. they love to make people feel like they're being attacked - in this case, their traditions are being subverted by unholy pagans from mexico who want to turn christmas into the festival of night time border crossings. it adds to the general atmosphere of fear that makes people vote conservative.
Ach du Sheisse!!!!
Yup, I respect all with "Happy Holidays"... The ONLY time I expect to hear "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hanukkah" or what-have-you, is in PRIVATE, publicly I don't accept specific holiday greetings, unless you include them all...
i agree 100% even the i am Sikh( a small indian religon) i live in Toronto ontario. And u still dont see "merry christmas" newhere and its like u said "happy holidays" even though im sikh im one of the few who still celebrate easter and christmas. And frankly im sick of the fact that other religons are going fucking crazy with their groups trying to stop it from being a federal holiday...sure we r a little more multicultural than we were b4 but the majority of the population celebrates are u gonna make the majority or the minority happy? take your pick.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7036|Riva, MD
Why does everyone give a fuck, we christians and Catholics should be allowed to publicly express our religion just like everyone else.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7036|Riva, MD

Bert10099 wrote:

This stuff pisses me off to NO END as you will see...

Heres my two cents...

Alrighty, first off, the Christmas thing.  I think that it's completly stupid how 'Merry Christmas' is now 'Happy Holidays'.  What the hell is wrong with 'Merry Christmas'?  What part of that phrase do people find offensive?  Is it the 'Merry' or 'Christmas'?  Ok, now, WHO CARES.  Same thing with the case about having the phrase 'Under God' taken out of the Pledge of Allegence. WHO CARES.  If you don't like that phrase, DON'T SAY IT THEN.  Don't need to start a whole court case about it. Ok, so your some person and don't like saying it.  FUCK YOU, GET THE FUCK OVER IT.  This pisses me off absolutly to NO END (As you can kinda see).  It's you fucking assholes who are idiots (Who sue McDonalds because you spilled coffee all over your clumsy ass and got burned, and say, "OoOoOo, the coffee isn't supposed to be that hot) who are just idiots.  Why does it bother you SO FUCKING MUCH?  Back to Christmas...  So, we can celebrate Hallawe'en, with Satan and Dracula, but God forbid Chrstmas, Jesus and Santa.  Lets call Hallowe'en "Informal exchange of sugary ingestible items by children dressed in coverings of unusual fashion". No? didn't think so.  Because 'Merry Christmas' is bad to say.  Ok, speration of Church and State. Haha, riiiiight.  Did you know that a marble statue with the 10 commandments is outside the Supreme court?  Did you know that on the top of the Washington monument, there are two words engraved in Latin (Can't remember the two words), but it means, 'Under God'?  What seperation?  The whole United States of America was created upon religious beliefs.

In short, if your one of those people who are agrivated by 'Under God' or 'Merry Christmas', please, shut the hell up.
I've said what I had to say, let the bashing begin.
I 200% agree!
Ach du Sheisse!!!!

_j5689_ wrote:

Why does everyone give a fuck, we christians and Catholics should be allowed to publicly express our religion just like everyone else.
I didn't know Jews and Muslims express their religions publicly...
Base Rapist
Its also pretty well known that Jesus was born in the spring, otherwise the shepherds wouldn't have been tending to their flock in the fields as the stories go in the bible when Mary goes to the inn...

so Christmas is more of a Pagan holiday, of course Christians these days are more pagan than anything really, hell bent on their rituals.

Last edited by freebirdpat (2005-12-11 09:57:32)

Horseman 77

Jeckelcopy wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Why does everyone give a fuck, we christians and Catholics should be allowed to publicly express our religion just like everyone else.
I didn't know Jews and Muslims express their religions publicly...
Jews do, muslims hide
+27|7090|Atlanta, GA USA

Krappyappy wrote:

it's those damned neo-con radio talk show hosts. can't drive for two miles without hearing them whining on the AM about how the liberals are waging war on christmas simply because the don't say the word every five minutes. in typical rush limbaugh fashion they've turned what is essentially a trivial issue of wording into some kind of culture war to inflame and divide the general population. they love to make people feel like they're being attacked - in this case, their traditions are being subverted by unholy pagans from mexico who want to turn christmas into the festival of night time border crossings. it adds to the general atmosphere of fear that makes people vote conservative.
It's not just about whether you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays".  Its about us losing our culture because of PC bullshit.  Any and all references to Christmas are being removed from any public display, whether it be a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Christmas carols, the words Merry Christmas, Nativity Scenes, etc.  Basically, the majority has to suffer because the PC police are afraid to offend a small minority.
To me, this sums it up quite nicely: Caution language.
And its not just Christmas thats being screwed either...

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-12-11 14:36:06)

Ach du Sheisse!!!!

atlvolunteer wrote:

Krappyappy wrote:

it's those damned neo-con radio talk show hosts. can't drive for two miles without hearing them whining on the AM about how the liberals are waging war on christmas simply because the don't say the word every five minutes. in typical rush limbaugh fashion they've turned what is essentially a trivial issue of wording into some kind of culture war to inflame and divide the general population. they love to make people feel like they're being attacked - in this case, their traditions are being subverted by unholy pagans from mexico who want to turn christmas into the festival of night time border crossings. it adds to the general atmosphere of fear that makes people vote conservative.
It's not just about whether you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays".  Its about us losing our culture because of PC bullshit.  Any and all references to Christmas are being removed from any public display, whether it be a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Christmas carols, the words Merry Christmas, Nativity Scenes, etc.  Basically, the majority has to suffer because the PC police are afraid to offend a small minority.
To me, this sums it up quite nicely: Caution language.
And its not just Christmas thats being screwed either...
Well, I say that yes, the majority of people celebrate Christmas, but keep the religion out of publics way; Santa and the Christmas tree are just traditions, they weren't origional since the beginning of Christianity, it's only a couple hundred years old (the traditions)

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