The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Time to abandon the sinking ship...

from : Captain-a, Dancer, HellHead

To make it short and painless :

As of today, some members of this community decided to pack their bags and hit the road, leaving the BF2s community behind and trying to find another way to get the fun back in the game, that this forum is circling around, and not providing for us anymore.

This decision was not made in short thoughtless moment or is somehow related to B.Schuss decision to have a break, but is more the conclusion of a long process of discussing the recent happenings occuring here over a longer period of time.

And for us it won´t be just a break, it will be a definite ending.

To be a bit more specific :

1. The community itself...
When we started out with the EU community, we were a bunch of more or less mature guys who wanted to get away from the unorganized chaos on the public servers, with the will to have some good times together, but never with the strict rules of a clanish organization.
Open for everybody to join. That was a mistake.
Taking a look in the rear view mirror shows us, that an open community for a computer game is just not working the way we planned it. Too many different people, too many different priorities and ways of approaching the game and game-play itself.
The spirit that we tried to establish is just fading away, leaving us with more and more unsatisfied game rounds every night when being around the EU server.
Especially some of the newer members gave us a big headache with their behaviour on both the forum and the server.
What started with some guys looking for some normal game play fun ended in a big pile of people with all the worldly problems that come with it.
And as soon as it came to the point, when some of the guys were bashing other guys behind their back, we decided to set an ending point to our membership.

2. The admin section : Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Even though that doesn´t really belong in the public section, it is worth mentioning some things without going into detail to keep up the privacy of the admin chatter section.
As more and more new admins joined and old ones got "promoted", the story went a bit out of hand. With over ten guys nearly having a different opinion on every little story lead to long worthless dicussions.
Another problem here was the diversity of approaching the admin job itself. For some of us it is a hobby, for some it means their life and some just didn´t really care at all. That is just a bad base for a working admin community.

Todays old vs.young game will be our last "official" night with the [BF2s] tag and the responsibilities that go along with it.
Even though this event is a good idea to maybe try a new start for the EU community, our plan of leaving was made long before, and we are using it now to say "Goodbye" in a decent and honorable way, while we are doing what we liked the most during the last couple of months.
But after tonight we will lay down all of our official and inofficial duties, and try a new and fresh start that is maybe a bit more fitting to our way of playing this game.

Despite all the bad things, that make us leaving, we would like to thank all the guys whom we shared a lot of good times with.
We are not setting up an individual list here to prevent somebody from being sad of not being mentioned.
The once who deserve a smile and a big manly hand shake know, who they are.
Nevertheless, their are two persons around here, that deserve a special mentioning :

B.Schuss, thanks for the good work and for the passion to keep the wild bunch together. You made this whole thing here possible. I hope everythings works out for you in the future.
Lt.Goldman, thanks for the countless hours of playing with you. You showed us the real way how this game is supposed to be played. Thanks also for your awesome work for the community with your sigs, patches and wiki part.

To sum it up, we are leaving this community with a laughing and a crying eye. A lot of our heartblood and work is flowing through all those multiple threads, topics and posts on the forum, especially the EU section, together with the countless hours we spent on the EU server, filling it up and doing our admin job during the last few month, but on the other hand it gives us a good feeling to leave all this crap behind, that sneaked in latley and was going to destroy our work.
And so we are leaving before it is too late.
We want to look back in a good way, with a smile on our face, not to some smoking remains that once represented the BF2s EU community and that we were a part of.

For the once of you who still want to share some fun hours with us, like in the good old times : You guys know, where to find us.
For the once who we started to dislike : Don´t expect any courtesy  anymore, that we were holding up since we were on the forum and acted with the purpose of keeping the peace. The "being nice" times are over. The second you will cross our path again and piss us off, we will let you know for sure.

Goodbye from

Tony (HellHead)
Chris (Dancer)
Stefan (Captain-a)
teh m0nsta
The TS2 channel will remain open for BF2s as long there will be no complains about it.
If so, it will be closed in no time.
Upside Down Space Cockroach
+150|7109|out of orbit

gonna edit later when i got it.

+3,135|7057|The Hague, Netherlands

Never knew it was this serious, (probably because, I didn't had that much time to be here.)

Was Fun playing with you all , on TS etc, probably gonna play also in the future....if I'm not one of the "hated" people tho.

Lets make it an Great event tonight

Take care, Hellhead, Dancer and Captain

I could not care less

I fully understand your decision,and I which you all good luck in the future.
I will miss you guys.
*got a tear in my eye*
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

*salutes silently*
Bad at BF:BC2
+109|6992|The Real World

Thanks for all your effort in the past and good luck in the future.
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|7107|Hanging onto the UAV
Well, good luck with everything else. Hope you find what you're looking for in BF2 
+383|7039|The Netherlands
I understand this decision. It has been a pleasure playing with you guys in the past months. Also much thanks for all that you ve done for our server.

I ll look you guys up for some good teamwork in the near future if thats okay. Take care.
Bye.Good Luck.
+183|6933|Newcastle UK
I really hope it wasnt me who pushed you to this as im sort a new here. I hope it wasnt as when i played with you i really enjoyed it.

You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.

Ok guys, I hope you find the fun. Had many great games with you all, hopefully won't be the last. Just when captain was becoming my now chopper Nemesis. Dancer I'll miss our air battles and Hellhead ill miss your squad leadership......... perhaps you guys should start a clan, that way you have more control over who joins your community.................whatever you do, remember to.............................Enjoy!!
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|7164|Germany / Saxony
It´s a pain in the ass to see you go. I had some good games with you, but not to many, because I´m one of the newer members. (In case, I´m one of the newer people that is pissing you off, then let me know the reason why.
If I´m not, then ignore this sentence...)
I can fully understand your decision and I know how you feel now. I was leaving several clans / communities in the past for the same reasons myself...
So I wish you good luck and lots of fun in the future, also when your "goodbye" is hard to take for us.
I´m sure, that we will miss you nice guys...

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...

Jord, you can use PM's for that, so don't even try to derail this thread.

Dancer, Hellhead and Captain, I don't know what to say. When I joined the BF2s eu server for the first time, you three, together with a few other regulars really made the love of this game come back. A lot of teamwork, tactics, playing the game as it should be. I'm a newer member than you guys, yet I feel sad to see you guys go. You guys are a big part of the bf2s eu spirit, and it's sad to see such value fade away.

But I understand and accept your decision. Just know that you'll be missed!

Take care and I hope to see you around someday!
soup fly mod

Superfly's Response

As far as I am concerned I am not accepting your goodbye.  Instead let us call it an Au Revoir.  The door is open for you guys to come back when you have sufficiently missed us!  Until that day, it has been a pleasure to serve with you and Dude/I will visit you guys in Cologne when we go to Germany!
Support fanatic :-)

Damn it !

Well, been sehr nice to play with you three guys amongst the others of course , and its a sad day when so many that shaped this community to what it has become decides to leave, a sad day indeed .....

I wish you the best for the future and hope to cross your path`s again, it`s been a privilege to serve with you !

Viel spass
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+263|6842|North Norway

aww...always sad when great people in a great community leave
It was fun playing with all of you, good luck
Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK


Sad to see you go.
The Last Black Winegum
Mmmm! Winegums
+52|6925|Lancashire, UK
OMG!  No!   I had to mentally check it wasn't April-Fool's day for a second there!

What a shock!   It is a sad day indeed when we are to loose 3 of our Core-Members...

Don't really know what to say.... apart from it's been great fun playing with you guys,    and you all made me feel so Welcome when I first joined this community ... I sincerely hope that maybe .. in time you will all return to us!!!      

---hates you
+1,137|7076|Hell, p.o box 666

My dear friends Tony, Christian and Stefan,

we´ve talked alot about this before and I saw this coming sooner or later. This is a hard hammer strike. I´ll miss you guys!

I remember when I joined the BF2s EU server the first times with some of my clanmates, not wearing the tag. It was a round on Dragon valley and a guy called HellHead had a squad. I joined him and played with him, chatted with him. We´ve had a good round. My clanmates left and I decided to stick with this guy. We talked about music and stuff ingame chat and I decided to join the teamspeak channel of bmb|clan to talk with this guy. I played five hours on this evening, all with Hellhead on my side, good teamwork, tons of beers and some cool conversations.

I will never forgett our little fryday night fights brother.

On the other day I was flying in a J10 and wondered about a excelent F35-pilot called bmb|dancer, he managed to shoot me down more than once and we had some great dogfights up in the air. I joined ts² again, and talked to him. Next round we decided to ride a bomber together. Thanks for piloting/gunning the hell out of our enemies

I will never forgett the flying nightmares and the ban of us after the second teamkill row.

There was another dusty day on Karkand, once again and as the round started I opened up a squad with some regulars, there was a new face, a staff serg. called captain[a] and we told him to join us in teamspeak. It was like "Hiiiiiiiii, capdän here!" and we played some very good rounds with tons of teamwork and I remember captain revived me a lot while we were attacking the train accident. This guy asked me in the forums to help him with his aviatorbadge and I remember us flying the SU on Oman. Further, Captain[a] became the right hand of Goldman designing the wiki section of the BF2s EU. And he did a god damn great job.

I will never forgett those dusty rounds on Karkand and I want to show you all my respect for your work on the wikisite.

With this goodbye, three of the main characters of the good old days are leaving our little community. Brothers, you did a good job starting the server, admining the server and enforcing for what we stand Teamwork and hell yeah, you will be missed.

It was a pleasure to meet you guys, I hope we´ll see each other again on the server and even in RL. I wish you all the best!

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

well, what can I say. although I knew it was going to happen, it's still sad to see you go.

Thank you all for your dedication to this community and the hard work and time you have put into it. I can't thank you enough for that. I am sure your passion for the game is alive and well and as has been said before, the door is always open for you guys, if you ever want to come back.

I agree that the community has changed somewhat over the last weeks/months, but that is a totally natural thing, and perfectly normal given our "open" approach. When you are open for anybody, that's exactly what happens. New people come in, and with every new "member", the group changes a little bit.

To me, the important thing is that the community stays true to its principles and follows the guidelines we have established for us. If we can make that happen, we will survive, whatever the circumstances.

Tony, Stef, Christian, good luck with whatever you want to do now, and I am sure we will meet again.

Sad to see you guys go even though I didn't know you as well as I would have liked to. I'm new here too but I hope my actions haven't offended you in anyway. Had few good rounds on server and so on... Anyways good luck with everything you are going to do in the future.
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

Goodbye guys! It's sad to see you go

I've had a lot of great games with you, and I hope you'll stop by the server sometimes to play with us

https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico

Guys, I'm really sorry to see you all go. In my relatively short time as a BF2s regular I've had some great times playing with you all. Good luck with whatever else you go on to do, and I hope you find what you're looking for in the game. I hope that this is just a 'later' rather than a permanant goodbye, as I'd like to get a few more rounds in with you guys now and again. I kinda understand how you feel, having gone through similar things with clans.

The only thing I regret is not being able to make the Young Vs Old match, so that I could have one last game with you and the tags on.


Sad to see you go guys. You were great. Hope we cross paths again, and farewell.


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