People... are you having trouble (in particular random CTDs) while many other ppls not?

Well, try to follow this guide to reduce the possibility it is because how you administrate your PC!

First step - General hardware\software check and optimization:
- Download Prime95:
After having downloaded it, start it, under "OPTIONS" you will find "TORTURE TEST", there are 4, the most important are "In-place Large FFTs" and "Blend" (see the description and you will understand why). You will need time to be sure your PC is stable (12 houres EACH is reccomended, so run it during the night, 2 night for the two tests then). If your PC manages to pass both In-place and Blend for 12 houres each it is stable!

- Download Diskeeper (trial):
After having downloaded it, install it of course but BEFORE RUNNING IT THERE IS SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW:
The optimal PAGING FILE SIZE is 1,5 times your sytem RAM (if you have 1GB\1024MB, your optimal paging file should be 1,5GB\1536MB and so on), because it is used not just when you have no free RAM but also as a mirror of your RAM to refresh its content faster, so it has to be at least the size of your RAM to get best perf..
If it is not set like that go to your "System Proprieties" (right click on your "System Resources") --> "Avanced" --> "Settings" (the first) and set MAX and MIN to the right size.

Another important thing to know is that when you are running your SO (Windows) System files, in-use files and paging file CANNOT be defragmented, so my advice is BEFORE RUNNING DISKEEPER WINDOWS DEFRAGMENTATION, RUN DISKEEPER BOOT-TIME DEFRAGMENTATION --> you will find it under "Set it and Forget it" (left menu), tick "put all folders togheter", "run checkdisk before", "defragment the paging file", "defragment the Master File Table" (all of these tick are very important). On next manual reboot Diskeeper will RUN a BOOT-TIME defragmentation of the volume you have set it to.
After this (DOS based, but which have defragmented also your system and paging file), it is reccomended to do also the Diskeeper standard defragmentation.
THING TO NOTE: It is really important for the paging file to be contiguous (you can see it in yellow through Diskeeper) to make the dialogue between it and your system RAM easier, BOOT-TIME defragmentation should have already make it contiguous (that's why it is important).
Run it once a week or every 15 days to keep your HDs quite in order!

- Execute msconfig (Start --> Execute --> msconfig --> ENTER)
Now go to the "Start" page and make sure you are not running useless application.

Second step - Make a fresh installation of your Battlefield 2:
- It is not so easy to do as it seems, in particular if you have several expansions, in fact they require newer patches to be installed. My advice is: install your vanilla BF2 (+SF if you have it), then put Patch 1.41 FULL, install your (other) Expansions AND THEN REPUT your 1.41 FULL (very very important). It is the faster way to make a fresh installation of BF2 + expansions.

- My second advice is that you DELETE the Battlefield 2 FOLDER in \Documents\ (OR IF YOU DON'T WANT AT LEAST THE CACHE --> all the folders in \Documents\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\cache), don't worry about it, you have just to remember your password to get your profile back. The only bad thing about it is that you have to hear again all the Voice Help, but don't worry, I will paste a gift for you:

GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_KIT_MEDIC_NAMETAG_indicatorBar"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_zoomAltFire"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_GAMEPLAY_climbLadder"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_callMedicWhenManDown"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_KITTAB_pickArmyAndKit"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_GAMEPLAY_captureFlag"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_COMMOROSE_specificSpotted"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_spawnOnSL"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_KIT_MEDIC_inVehicle"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_JET_PILOT_CONTROLS_toggleWeaponsShortcut"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SQUAD_squadJoined"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_APC_DRIVER_CONTROLS_fireSecondaryWeapon"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_KITTAB_useUnlock"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_SQUADTAB_joinSquad"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_fireLeftMouse"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_CONTROLS_exitVehicle"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_changeWeapon"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_zoomMap"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_HEALBAG_GENERAL_holdHealBagToHealLocally"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "medikit"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_sprint"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "ushgr_m67"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "USRIF_M24"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_STATIONARY_CONTROLS_enterStationaryWeapon"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_APC_PASSENGER_CONTROLS_firePassengerWeapon"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WORLD_PLAYER_ARTILLERY_friendly"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_parachute"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_COMMOROSE_slcommoRoseAvailable"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SQUAD_LEADER_mainMapRightMouseMenu"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_TANK_TURRET_CONTROLS_duckInTurret"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "DuckInTurret"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_moveMouseToLook"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_GENERAL_CONTROLS_enterVehicle"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_spawnScreen"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEPAON_HANDHELD_GENERAL_reloadWeapon"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_PILOT_CONTROLS_deployFlares"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_KIT_ENGINEER_inVehicle"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_ATMINE_vehicles"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_KIT_ENGINEER_NAMETAG_indicatorBar"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WORLD_PLAYER_RADAR_enemy"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_TANK_DRIVER_CONTROLS_smoke"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WORLD_PLAYER_ARTILLERY_enemy"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_AA_DRIVER_CONTROLS_fireSecondaryWeapon"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_STATIONARY_AT_CONTROLS_guideMissile"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_C4_CONTROLS_switchToDetonator"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "c4_explosives"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_GAMEPLAY_exitToCapture"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_largeMap"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_JET_LOWAMMO_flyOverFriendlyAirField"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_JET_LOWHEALTH_useFriendlyRepairStation"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_radioMessages"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_LMG_GENERAL_watchTempGauge"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_KIT_SUPPORT_NAMETAG_indicatorBar"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SQUAD_squadCreated"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_JET_GUNNER_CONTROLS_switchToLaserMissiles"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_STATIONARY_AA_CONTROLS_lockOnTone"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WORLD_PLAYER_UAV_TRAILER_friendly"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_COMMOROSE_slCommoRoseFirstUse"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_KITTAB_trySquads"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_crouch"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_lieDown"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_moveForwardsBackwards"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_F35_PILOT_CONTROLS_engageHoverEngines"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "air_f35b"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_KITTAB_pickSpawnPoint"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_MENU_CONTROLS_scoreBoard"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_SQUADTAB_createSquad"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "gbrif_l96a1"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_PASSENGER_CONTROLS_switchToGuidedMissiles"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "switchToGuidedMissiles"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WORLD_PLAYER_RADAR_friendly"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_strafeLeftRight"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_PLAYER_CONTROLS_jump"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_SPAWNSCREEN_SQUADTAB_applyCommander"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "RURIF_AK101"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_CLAYMORE_GENERAL_mineHasDirectionalBlast"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "usmin_claymore"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_LOWHEALTH_useFriendlyRepairStation"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_WRENCH_fixStuff"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_commanderApply"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WORLD_PLAYER_UAV_TRAILER_enemy"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_KIT_SUPPORT_inVehicle"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_AMMOBAG_CONTROLS_throwAmmoBagDown"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "ammokit"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_WEAPON_HANDHELD_GHOOK_CONTROLS_useGrapplingHookUp"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_SQUADLIST_clickSquadList"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_MINIMAP_description"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_UAVplaced"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_SATELLITESCAN_description"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_ARTILLERY_description"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_SUPPLIES_description"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_SQUADLIST_commoMenu"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_MAP_FILTERS"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_artilleryFired"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_artilleryDamaged"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_placeUAV"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_MAP_SATELLITEVIEW_moveKeys"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_placeSupplies"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_placeArtillery"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_UAV_description"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_uavDamaged"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_radarDamaged"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_MAP_REQUESTS_received"
GeneralSettings.setPlayedVOHelp "HUD_HELP_COMMANDER_SQUADLIST_orderIcon"
You have just to put this quote in your \Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0001\General.con file at the beginning before running BF2 and you won't hear any help.

- My third advice is to upgrade all your system drivers before running BF2.

Third step - Play:
- Just play and have fun and if you still have CTDs, then spam EA\DICE contacts because it is not your fault!!!

I hope this guide will help someone... I tried to be as clear as possible... don't worry if you think these things are too difficult for you, just follow the steps and you will realize they are not!!!

Last edited by ThePunisher_ITA_ (2008-09-13 02:26:20)

+47|6784|Hong Kong
Sticky/Featured posts, and i wodda given u karama if i could.

JaMrulezass wrote:

Sticky/Featured posts, and i wodda given u karama if i could.
High Spirit
+5|6891|Canada, Eh?
Also, please make sure your system is free from Adware/Spyware/Viruses.
+45|6904|Bristol, UK
I was under the impression that it was a good idea to turn your paging file off.

Delphy wrote:

I was under the impression that it was a good idea to turn your paging file off.
Wrong one .
+45|6904|Bristol, UK
Are you sure? Isn't it faster without it, as HDs are slow compared to RAM.

Delphy wrote:

I was under the impression that it was a good idea to turn your paging file off.
Whoever told you that needs a new brain.

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Delphy wrote:

I was under the impression that it was a good idea to turn your paging file off.
Whoever told you that needs a new brain.
Cleaning out a bit of pr0n and defraggin is also handy.

I would add to that, in lieu of msconfig, using AutoRuns (, its free and no install required and goes into greater detail into all the aspects of start up. It also has a feature to google an item,  you don't know.

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-09-07 06:13:23)


Dodoextinct wrote:

Cleaning out a bit of pr0n and defraggin is also handy.
Have you read the first post? I don't think so lol!
A Wolf Among Lambs
Also make sure to check what other software you're also running in the background while playing. Things like antivirus and firewalls in particular. If you're encountering problems these may be the cause.

Last edited by EarlOfBronze (2006-09-07 07:26:49)

I want karama:(
---hates you
+1,137|7076|Hell, p.o box 666

yeah, good post italian stalion I´ll stick this one!

fon|sl4y3r wrote:

yeah, good post italian stalion I´ll stick this one!
Nice! Thanks!
+385|6810|Northern California
- Download Diskeeper (trial):
After having downloaded it, install it of course but BEFORE RUNNING IT THERE IS SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW:
The optimal PAGING FILE SIZE is 1,5 times your sytem RAM (if you have 1GB\1024MB, your optimal paging file should be 1,5GB\1536MB and so on), because it is used not just when you have no free RAM but also as a mirror of your RAM to refresh its content faster, so it has to be at least the size of your RAM to get best perf..
If it is not set like that go to your "System Proprieties" (right click on your "System Resources") --> "Avanced" --> "Settings" (the first) and set MAX and MIN to the right size.

Another important thing to know is that when you are running your SO (Windows) System files, in-use files and paging file CANNOT be defragmented, so my advice is BEFORE RUNNING DISKEEPER WINDOWS DEFRAGMENTATION, RUN DISKEEPER BOOT-TIME DEFRAGMENTATION --> you will find it under "Set it and Forget it" (left menu), tick "put all folders togheter", "run checkdisk before", "defragment the paging file", "defragment the Master File Table"
I'd just add that the versio of Disk Defragmenter native to Windows XP and 2000 is by Diskeeper.  But downloading this software may offer other options as mentioned above.  Good tip on the BOOT TIME DEFRAG to reorder the system files.

Another thing someone mentioned on this forum once that will improve stability is something called FSAUTO.  It was intended as a memory optimizer/defragmenter to be used with flight simulator games.  And it's application also optimizes memory for any game, including BF2.  So google fsauto and see what you can get.  it's an application that closes unneeded services running in the background, then it defrags your memory, then auto-launches your BF2 executable.  When you're done playing, it restarts the services.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-09-07 09:44:36)

just get the patch from fileplanet

voidphantom wrote:

just get the patch from fileplanet
If just there was still -1...


JaMrulezass wrote:

Sticky/Featured posts, and i wodda given u karama if i could.
Thanks for the support! I am in standing!!!
Auch! Double post!

Last edited by ThePunisher_ITA_ (2006-09-07 16:12:51)

[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

Delphy wrote:

Are you sure? Isn't it faster without it, as HDs are slow compared to RAM.
my informations are: in times of having 2 gig ram, you don´t need to have so much virtual memory.

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

Delphy wrote:

Are you sure? Isn't it faster without it, as HDs are slow compared to RAM.
my informations are: in times of having 2 gig ram, you don´t need to have so much virtual memory.
And you are totally wrong (I explained why man).

Last edited by ThePunisher_ITA_ (2006-09-09 10:13:43)

+3,611|6940|London, England
I don't really understand the 2nd paragraph under "SOFTWARE" in your guide. Can you rephrase it or something?

Great guide though.

Mekstizzle wrote:

I don't really understand the 2nd paragraph under "SOFTWARE" in your guide. Can you rephrase it or something?

Great guide though.
... Could you please select just some sentences (the points you can't understand most)?

Last edited by ThePunisher_ITA_ (2006-09-14 13:49:05)

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