Cool member
Right this is what i am thinking just now.

I started playing with the EU regulars a while ago now, and when i started playing I would never go squad leader because i thought i should really prove myself first before creating a squad and then ordering around my fellow players.

Now it seems that a lot of my fellow BF2s regulars see me as a bit of a Squad Leader, which i am very proud of, so thanks for the support.

However, at times I feel that i am not in the right frame of mind to lead the squad because of my attack minded playing (in this frame of mind i am more likely to lead my squad into the battle and get myself killed).
So it would be nice for other regulars could create squads and become the squad leader so i can go and get myself killed without having to worry about people spawning on me.

So heres the thing, i thought it would be a good idea to create a new topic so people can talk about leading the [BF2s] squads into battle. I know a lot of newer members have joined us, and straight away they form squads and want the older regulars to join. This is not a bad thing, but do you really have what it takes to lead the squads?

Who is interested in at times becoming a squad leader?
Support fanatic :-)

Have been on many occasions and will be again, seems like Hellhead has resigned for the time being as Squadleader of 2nd Squad ?

You do a fine job Dude but i get your drift - me at least have been getting used to Goldman and Hellhead forming squads rather quickly but they are not always online and we should have some runners up .....

Eckzack have formed squads several times and not to forget the infamous Superfly Squad

Although on TS we should agree on who will be squadleader between the rounds rather than when they have started to save precious time in the beginning of a map.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Well, the main reason I resigned, was the lack of teamwork I complained about allready in another thread.
But after a night like today I get my trust back and I had a lot of fun leading a squad into battle.

To the other "new" guys, who might think about squadleading :

The three essential things :

1. Read, understand and follow the squadleader creed in the wiki section.
2. Use teamspeak as much as possible. A silent squadleader is as good as none.
3. You don´t get as much points and scores as a normal squad member, because one of the main reasons of your excistance is being a spawnpoint for the squad, aka playing an inactive and just supportive role for the squad. If you don´t feel comfortable about that, leave it to somebody else. A squad leader rushing into battle and dying all the time is as good as none.
Support fanatic :-)

HellHead wrote:

A squad leader rushing into battle and dying all the time is as good as none.[/b]
With me as a medic on his tail there is nothing to worry about, just ask Goldman cause he tends to die a lot
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Yap, that´s true.
But having such a "personal and professional squadleader reviver", like you are one( ) is not always a given, so staying back is probably still the better way...

Last edited by HellHead (2006-08-31 00:36:26)


I sometimes make a squad, but usually I wait a few minutes first. So when I make a squad it means that 75% of the bf2s guys are in the heli or the jet. No matter how hard I try then, it's hard to get some teamwork.

Also knowing that I have to shut up at 22.30 on teamspeak and that I die a lot and usually appear on the front line, I consider myself a better member than leader.

I have had a few rounds where people praised me for my SL skills but still...

And I agree that a SL has to stay behind, yet I get annoyed if I have 3 snipers in my squad and no medic.
No matter how good a SL is, he has to have a decent team to make the squad work. You probably say now: you have to ask them to take the kits, but you can't ask it every time someone dies. If you die because of a tank and you notice lack of AT in the squad, spawn as AT, if you have no clue but notice no or only 1 medic in the squad, spawn as a medic.

So I prefer to be a member, but if I notice no squads, I'll try to take up the responsibility.
---hates you
+1,137|7076|Hell, p.o box 666

Good points fellas

As you all know I´m squadleader of 1st squad whenever Lt. Goldman isnt online. I enjoyed it very much, but nowadays I rather join as a squadmember only, because it seems like the newer members dont follow orders, dont respawn on SL etc. I´ve recognized that there are several BF2s squad when I´m joining the server, but the squadleader dont do what they are supposed to do.

Think of the creed, follow the creed, before you open up a squad!

So this is: if Goldman isnt online, I will join only squads of theDude5b, HellHead or some members I´ve played with before.
Cool member
I think it would be a good idea to decided over teamspeak who will become squad leader in the next round so that only one squad is formed and then everyone can join that.

I want, however, to still see more people take up the SL role. So Hellhead, you need to start leading again! Slayer you also, and varegg you do a good job when SL, so why not do it more. De Jappe, I understand that after a certain time you can not talk on TS, so would be a wise idea for you not to form a squad after this time because communication is a very important part of the SL role.

So anyone who wants to become the SL should be active on TeamSpeak before, otherwise the squad is already at a disadvantage.

and what hell(paper)head has said:

The three essential things :

1. Read, understand and follow the squadleader creed in the wiki section.
2. Use teamspeak as much as possible. A silent squadleader is as good as none.
3. You don´t get as much points and scores as a normal squad member, because one of the main reasons of your excistance is being a spawnpoint for the squad, aka playing an inactive and just supportive role for the squad. If you don´t feel comfortable about that, leave it to somebody else. A squad leader rushing into battle and dying all the time is as good as none.

I can be squad leader sometime. I have days were I am a good squad leader and days were I suck. You do need to be in a different frame of mind to be SL. I instinctively run onto flags to cap. A SL should stay back and hide.
Upside Down Space Cockroach
+150|7109|out of orbit
i`m a bad squad leader... 
always in the middle of the battle with my back towards the enemy
and when it comes to planes...meh.. u know...

don`t make me sl by leaving and rejoining squad (as happened often)...

beside our regular sl (always a pleasure) i would like to have Chris aka k30 back as a squad leader,he really does a good job on that...
hope he finishes his B52 ride on alamain soon

+3,135|7057|The Hague, Netherlands

I've been SL sometimes for you guys. Dunno how you'll liked it. I've been SL all the time in my clan -=>cSc<=-
Support fanatic :-)

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

I've been SL sometimes for you guys. Dunno how you'll liked it. I've been SL all the time in my clan -=>cSc<=-
Always thought you where a good Squadleader Eva .... and commander
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|7164|Germany / Saxony
If nobody is there to build a BF2s-squad, I make my own... It´s mostly called "DIEALOT"...
Because I´m a bad SL, and I fail at ordering commander-assets and mostly at only staying alive...
I play my style of the "assault-medic".
So pls: We need some good SL´s, that understand the SL´s role... (not like me )

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

well, I have been SL at times, when I wasn't lpaying with goldman or he didn't want to. It fits my generally defensive style of play ( I consider defense to be very important ). I have no problems with playing SL again, if one should be needed.

But I agree that those in TS and on one team should agree on a SL, mainly because everyone has kit preferences / Vehicle preferences for each map. On any given airmap, our flyboys definitely should not be SL's, including whoever is piloting a chopper. I hate to play in a squad where the SL has that little red thing around him, indicating that we can't spawn on him.
Also, SL's shouldn't play in Tanks. Those attract too much attention from the enemy, and once someone is in the second seat, the SL spawnpoint is gone.

Preferably, SL's should be on foot or in light transport, APC if possible. Medic is best, engineer if you have armor support and enough infantry to protect against small arms fire. Keep a low profile and concentrate on keeping your Squad alive and following your commander's orders. On some maps, it can be a thankless job, staying a couple of meters behind your squad, throwing med packs down and shouting orders, but it is an important one. If you happen to have a second medic in the Squad ( likely on infantry maps like Mashtuur, Sharqui and Karkand ) you may play a litle more offensive.
But keep in mind, nothing is worse for your Squad's survival than a dead SL. No supplies, no Arty, no UAV, no vehicle drop.

I cherish the teamply aspect of BF2, and therefore I'l happily play in a squad or lead one, but only if the squad memebrs know their role and actually follow orders.
teh m0nsta

B.Schuss wrote:

On any given airmap, our flyboys definitely should not be SL's, including whoever is piloting a chopper.
Sure thing....
I often open, like other flyguys too, "BF2s Air" squads, which are mostly for the sense to give the commander a orderable Air attack.

I will overview this and look for further opportunities to improve the squad.
This means:
- closed squad
- invite only
- if you join the squad, you better be in the air or are abvious going to (waiting for a plane), or AA operators
- dedicated AntiAir players in those rounds are also welcome to support the back of the pilots.
- if i didn't invite you, pls ask to get invited
  no offence but many times people join the air squads and go out on the battlefield as grunts
- chpper pilots should reopen a closed squad with their gunners to ensure their safety for beeing also accessible since most attacks are different to plane attacks and a Chopper SL needs also to be a spawn point for the gunner .

Last edited by bmb|danCer (2006-08-31 11:22:16)

Cool member
I think most of the longer serving regulars are pretty good at forming air squads and ground squads and knowing that they should only join the air squad if they are in the air and vice versa.

This is one thing that we have got the hang of! further more we usualy say on TS that we need a ground squad and only people on the ground should join it.

Dancer i would like to see my fellow scottish brother form squads more! (this means you if you didnt get what i meant)

can we have a list of names of some of the newer members who would like to be squad leaders in the game while being active on teamspeak with us?
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|7164|Germany / Saxony

theDude5B wrote:

can we have a list of names of some of the newer members who would like to be squad leaders in the game while being active on teamspeak with us?
If there is no other option available, there always will be my "DIEALOT"-squad...
Because I hate being lone-wolf or in a squad with random n00bs...
When I´m playing on the EU-server then I´m mostly on TS (but I don´t talk to much senseless stuff ).
My squad is always open for every BF2s-guy, but as posted above:
Joining my squad is nearly committed suicide, if you can´t follow me blind without orders...
In my squad there are no internal orders given by myself (only by commander which I accepted), just look on the minimap and stick to your SL (me).
The main-tactic of my squad is mosty: Go to a location where the enemy is concentrated and kill as much as possible (to provide ticket-loss) Easy as Dell Erm, yeh..
I had some good teamwork going on sometimes with my kind of squad.
Bronco and Varegg out of many other are two of the members which I remember quickly, who were in my squad and we got some stuff together.
So my squad will always be an option, if there is no other opportunity, yayz...

Sorry, I´m very hard drunk and I had a strange mood to write some senseless stuff...

Last edited by Eckzack (2006-08-31 13:44:48)

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
teh m0nsta

theDude5B wrote:

Dancer i would like to see my fellow scottish brother form squads more! (this means you if you didnt get what i meant)
Yeah, i got it. My name is in the front of the sentence.

But for "getting what you are saying" one question:

Shall i be more often SL or shall i form squads more often?

I am SL sometimes, but I prefer to be lead rather than lead. However, if there are not many regulars on, and no squads going I start one up, and invite the players I know. Perhaps I could recieve the title of Substitute Squad Leader?
Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK

ghettoperson wrote:

I am SL sometimes, but I prefer to be lead rather than lead. However, if there are not many regulars on, and no squads going I start one up, and invite the players I know. Perhaps I could recieve the title of Substitute Squad Leader?
"Ditto" as they say.
Cool member
Right i want to see Ghetto, Fld_Mrsl_Arts and Knightnufer on the server tonight taking it in turns to be the squad leader! I think you guys should get some practice because us older guys are not going to be around for ever, esecially with us all having birthdays soon and feeling older.

So Ghetto, Fld, nufer - get yours butts on the server tonight!

I prefer to take point and be first in to battle in the squad. But not the squad leader. I use the Scar-L which is and excellent long and short range gun. A squad on foot generally moves in a line towards their destination. Fanning out slightly when engaging. The way I see it the line should be made up as follows:

1st. Anyone but the squad leader. Point man Kit Must have a good long range gun and grenades to throw and clear. The point man should always spot the enemy before opening fire on them first.
2nd. Kit should be Support or AT. To throw in grenades to clear a flag/area or take out any Armour.
3rd. Should be Squad leader sniper/medic/support/AT kit.
4th. Should be Medic. kept far enough back from the initial fire fights to survive & revive downed squad members.
5th & 6th can be what ever kit is required. When the squad stops to engage or cap, the two rear guys would be covering the flanks and the rear.

If the squad is made up of 6 men. It would be useful if someone had the role of secondary leader, so they can split the squad to attack flags that need an assault from two directions. Like Hill top, Mansur.

Not squad leader related but more how the squad leader should fit into his squad. Too often I see the squad leader charge into battle first with the medic so far behind he is either to late or killed by the time he reaches him.

Last edited by JahManRed (2006-09-06 08:23:22)


theDude5B wrote:

Right i want to see Ghetto, Fld_Mrsl_Arts and Knightnufer on the server tonight taking it in turns to be the squad leader! I think you guys should get some practice because us older guys are not going to be around for ever, esecially with us all having birthdays soon and feeling older.

So Ghetto, Fld, nufer - get yours butts on the server tonight!
Right ho! Will try to get on, providing that the parental unit does not force me to work the whole evening. Should be able to get on for an hour or so though.

Ok, never mind. Chances of me getting on look slim. Damn essays...
Served and Out
+642|6880|Southampton, UK

I'm going on server now , looks like your noth though dude?!?!

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