anyone know some good programs to create music in? like bf2 remix by reksider? help would be appreciated
bf2 remix by reksider, link?
There are chip ones to by so don´t download a program who liter wont work.....
Are we talking legal or illegal?
If you are talking composing, then Sibelius would be the best program.
I'm not sure what you can use to mix music...
I'm not sure what you can use to mix music...
for adding music to video i'd use sony vegas, and for the actual music making there are various programs depending on what your trying to do musically, for what u want, use fruity loops, and acid or sound forge to cut yor samples
Last edited by teh_slackerer (2006-08-28 23:36:09) ... retard.Fancy_Pollux wrote:
do you mean recording? if so, you want pro tools. if you want midi sequencing that's super easy, fruity loops is good. if you want midi sequencing with better sounds and more power (at the cost of being a bit harder to work with) you want reason. if you just want to take existing mp3s or wav files and mess with those, sound forge or cool edit pro are good. like above, if you want to put video with audio and you don't have access to a mac, you want vegas. if you do have a mac, get final cut pro. and if you're serious about audio, get a mac.
Hey!, We eat Froot Loops in down under!
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
FRUITYLOOPS is the don.
end of discussion.
end of discussion.
fruity loops kick ass
yah, I had fruity loops 3.4 or what ever the version was it was ok. If you want to compile hour long cd's then I would recommend acid pro (for 1 track cd's) you can edit songs but it is a shitty way to do it. Try it out you might like it.
Audacity, it's free and legal
ejay's quite good
I use Reason. Imaginative wiring FTW!
Recycle to slice loops from the original track into REX files (variable tempo loops).
Or Reason+Rewire enabled host (e.g. Cubase, Sonar, ProTools) if you want some live recording.
None of it's cheap though.. start with basic edition Fruity Loops and work up if music is for you.
Recycle to slice loops from the original track into REX files (variable tempo loops).
Or Reason+Rewire enabled host (e.g. Cubase, Sonar, ProTools) if you want some live recording.
None of it's cheap though.. start with basic edition Fruity Loops and work up if music is for you.
Sibelius is very good, let's you write them, then you can use iTunes to convert them to mp3 if you wish. Other notation software includes Overture and Finale, one of them is free I think. Garageband is also very good, but only if you have a Mac.
I use Virtual DJ...