max wrote:
for every state its differnent but here in switzerland, sexual acts (anything from "playing doctor" upwards) is allowed at any age as long as the 2 (or more theoretically) people are no more than 3 years apart in age (i.e. 10 & 13, 11 & 12 & 14, 15 & 18, ... would be ok, but 10 & 14 would not be) or from 16 onwards anything is ok (i.e. 16 & 100 is ok). now giving someone money for sexual acts (= prostetution) is something differnt, and the person needs to be at least 18. if you meet your partner over the internet that does not change anything. if you exchange pics/videos/whatever the same principles apply although there are loopholes so illegal stuff becomes legal.
the same regulation applies for germany as well as most of europe.
where you are living of course everything might be (and probabely is) of course differentely managed, so you will either have to ask someone who will know these things or download the criminal code and look through it.
EDIT: BTW: i am a law student, thats why i know the regulation for europe (and because a few years ago it was in important question for me)
As you say... It's different for various contries. Here (denmark) it's both parties have to be 15. If either or both are less than 15 it's below the age of "consensus", and the PARENTS of either child can have the other charged with a crime (assuming it's the other who initiated the contact).
For the US, some states have differing opinions on the matter (age). In general, very few states seem to enforce the age limit if both parties are under aged. Take a look at the amount of "teen moms" in the US... Many as young as 12 or 13 at the time of their pregnancy. You dont hear about them going to jail for having sex. However, in general it's highly recommended to wait untill you are both of consenting age before having sex, not just for the sake of the law, but because if something goes wrong and somone gets pregnant, a 15 year old has some serious problems taking care of a child, or starting a family. It's a bitch if the age is 18 and you're 15, that's just a damned long time to wait. However, once YOU are of consenting age, make DAMNED sure she is also. I cannot count the number of hits you get in a law library on cases of that nature. And take my word for it. You CANT just have sex the day before one of you turn 18, then wait 5-6-8-10 months for the other to turn 18 before having it again... I mean.. LEAGALLY you can... But physically you dont want to wait that long. And besides, the first time is damned ackward and is best quickly forgotten and replaced by memories of the second or third time when you get your act together and start doing it "right".
As for "soliciting", this seems to only apply where money or favors are exchanged for sex. In general sex for money is illegal in the US. Many parts of Europe and Asia will accept prostitution as long as the prositute is of legal age. In some countries there are also some limitations/rules to ensure that the woman isn't FORCED to sell sex or otherwise is a part of a slavery operation.
So in answer to the original question. You CAN have sex with your girlfriend. But dont tell anyone about it. And make DAMNED sure to use protection. As long as noone is the wiser, it's like drinking a beer. Sure it's illigal, but hey.. everyone's gotta try that eventually....
BUT, if you're talking about sex for money, dont go there. You run a LOT of risks, and someone you met online can be a total bitch, liar, insane person, murdering psycho or even worse. Make DAMNED sure you know the someone well before starting any kind of relationship with someone you met online.
And no... I'm not a law student.. But I've dated a lot of them, even some American ones (none from Texas though)